Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Sita requests Rama not to leave her in the palace


Chapter – 66– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Sita requests Rama not to leave her in the palace 


Devi Sita spoke fervently “Oh! Prabho, the birds and animals in the forest would be my relatives, the woods, bark, and trees would be a spotless robe for me, and finally, the hut where I live with my beloved Lord would be comfortable as the abode of deities to me. The Vanadeva and Vanadevatha would take care of me as Father-in-law and Mother-in-law, and the god and goddess in the woods would protect us like their relatives, the tender leaves and grass would provide the comfort of cushions as long as I am with the company of my beloved Lord. The fruits and rooted vegetables in the forest would make a lavish meal for us, the mountains and the lush land would provide the luxuries of hundreds of palaces of Ayodhya to me. Oh! Prabho, the practice of contemplation at your lotus feet would make me delightful as the female Chakravaha during the daylight. Oh! Prabho, you have mentioned the difficulties and hardships involved in the life of woods, but none of them would match with the pangs of separation from my beloved Lord. Oh! Kripanidhan, kindly note my sincere requests, you are the ocean of mercy, Oh! Lord of Raghu who is the precious jewel adorned on the crown, kindly allow me to follow you, do not leave me behind. Oh! Prabho, I shall refrain from giving long lectures knowing that you are kind and compassionate to Jeeva, and you are attainable with pure love and devotion.”

Khaga Mriga  Parijana Nagaru  Banu Balakala Bimala Dhukoola | Natha Satha Surasadhana Sama Paranasala Sukhamoola ||

Bandhebi Banadeva  Udhara | Karihahi Sasu Sasura Sama Sara || Kusa Kisalaya Sathari Suhayi | Prabhu Saga Manju Manoja Thurayi || Kandhamoola  Phala Amia  Aharu | Avadha  Saudha Satha Sarisa Paharu || Cchinu Cchinu Prabhu Padhakamala Biloki | Rahahau Mudhitha Dhivasa Jimi Koki || Bana Dhukha Natha Kahe Bahuthere | Bhaya Bishadha Parithapa Dhanere || Prabu Biyoga Lavalesa  Samana| Sab Mili Hohi Na Kripanidhana || Asa Jiya  Jani Sujana Siromani | Leyia Sanga Mohi Cchadia Jani || Binathi Bahuth Karau Ka Swami | Karunamaya Ura  Antharjami ||


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