Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Kausalya pacifies Bharatha with her affectionate words


Chapter – 162 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Kausalya pacifies Bharatha with her affectionate words


Devi Kausalya spoke affectionately after listening to the wise, innocent, artless words of Bharatha “Oh! My beloved son, Oh! Dear child, you have been beloved of Rama by word, mind, and deed. Oh! Child, Rama is dearer than your life for you, and the same with Rama too. Oh! Child, the moon which is famous for its cool rays may diffuse poison, and the snow famous for its chillness may emit fire, an aquatic creature may abandon water to survive, the knowledge of Athman/soul/ Oneness-in- all, may fail to remove the darkness of ignorance, in no case you would turn hostile to Rama. The people who believe that the plotting against Rama was conceived with your knowledge, won’t attain peace or happiness in their lives and not even in their dreams, finally, they will not achieve salvation from the repeated births/Samasarachakra as well.” Devi Kausalya embraced Bharatha tightly, her eyes overflown with tears, her love for Bharatha caused to trickle milk from her bosom. In this way, Bharatha and Devi Kausalya lamented each other. The preceptors Sage Vamadeva and Sage Vashishta followed by the illustrious ministers, summoned the respectable members, and Bhramins of the Kingdom. Sage Vashishta comforted Bharatha in many ways, describing various legends from scriptures and words full of wisdom appropriate to the situation.

Mathu Bharath Ke  Bachana Suni Sanche Sarala  Subhaya | Kahathi Rama Priya Thatha  Thumha Sadha Bachana Mana  Kaya ||

Rama Pranahu The Prana  Thumhare | Thumha  Raghupathihi Pranahu The Pyare || Bidhu Bisha Chavai Sravai Himu Aagi | Hoyi  Barichara Bari Biragi || Bhaye Gyanu Baru  Mitai Na  Mohu | Thumha Ramahi Prathikoola  Na Hohu | Math Thumhara  Yahu Jo  Jaga Kahahi | So Sapanehu Sukha Sugathi Na Lahahi || Asa Kahi Mathu Bharathu Hiya Laye | Thana Paya Shravahi Nayana Jala  Cchaye || Karatha Bilapa Bahuth Yahi Bhanthi | Baitehi Beethi Gayi Sab Rathi || Bamadheau Basishta Thab Aaye | Sachiva  Mahajana Sakala Bolaye || Muni Bahu Bhanthi Bharatha  Upadhese | Kahi Paramaratha Bachana  Sudhese ||

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