Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Sage Vashishta details about the Jeeva who should be deserved to grieve

Chapter – 165 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Sage Vashishta details about the Jeeva who should be deserved to grieve


Sage Vashishta spoke softly to Bharatha “Oh! Dear son, fate is formidable, grief and sorrow, gain and loss, union and separation, life and death, fame and ill reputation are unavoidable, and everything is under the control of fate. Oh! Dear child, at this point of time, we can’t blame anyone or get angry at anyone is worthless. Oh! Son, King Dhasharatha does not deserve to grieve in his life. The Jeeva who is deserved to be grieved is 1) Bhramin who is ignorant of Veda and Vedic rites, and have no faith in Lord Hari or Lord Hara, and Jeeva who does not follow his duties and responsibilities, and engages in pleasing sense and chasing after material welfare  2) The King who has no knowledge of Rajadharma/political science, and the King who does not care for his subjects or Kingdom 3) The Vaishya who is immensely rich, but unwilling to give away wealth for charities, or performance of devotion to Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu  4) The Shudra who is disrespectful towards Bhramins, and wicked, proud of his knowledge, and loved to be praised by everyone 5) The woman who is untruthful to her wedded husband, crooked and quarrelsome,  and follows life at her own will and finally 6) The disciple who does not follow the orders of his preceptor, disrespectful to preceptor and engages in unpromising deeds.”

Sunahu Bharatha  Bhavi Prabhala Bilakhi Kaheau Muninatha | Hani Labhu Jeevanu Maranu Jasu Upajasu Bidhi Hatha||

Asa  Bichari  Kehi Dheyiya Dhosu | Byaraththa Kahi Par Keejia Rosu || Thatha Bicharu Karahu Mana Mahi | Socha Jogu Dhasharathu Nripu Nahi || Sochia  Bipra  Jo Bedha Biheena | Thaji Nija Dharama  Bishaya Layaleena || Sochia  Nripathi Jo Neethi Na Jana| Jehi Na  Praja Priya  Prana Samana || Sochiya Bayasu Kripana Dhanavanu | Jo Na  Athithi Siva Bhagathi Sujanu || Sochia Sudhru Bipra  Avamani | Mukhar  Manapriya Gyana Gumani || Sochia  Puni Pathi Banchaka Nari | Kutila  Kalahapriya  Icchadhari || Sochia  Batu Nicha Brathu Pariharayi | Jo Nahi Guru Aayasu Anusarayi ||

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