Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The attachment to worldly matters cause due to ignorance – The ignorance causes grief – Lakshman imparts the highest of knowledge to Guha


Chapter – 93– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The attachment to worldly matters causes due to ignorance – The ignorance causes grief – Lakshman imparts the highest of knowledge to Guha


Lakshman spoke wisely “Oh! Guha, in the dream a King becomes pauper, and a penniless becomes powerful as Indhra, as soon as they wake up from the dream, everything disappears. Likewise, the material matters, richness, wealth, money, possession, wife, family, children, relatives, companions, etc. and the Shabdha/sound, Sparsha/touch, Rasa/taste, Roopa/appearance and Gandha/smell are mere illusions.  Therefore, whatever is seen, heard, and experienced is a mere illusion, like a dream. Oh! Brother, you have to learn to put that knowledge into practice to get rid of grief, hence blaming or getting frustrated or angry is worthless. Oh! Guha, ignorance causes attachment to whatever is seen, heard, and experienced, and it causes grief in its absence, same as in the dream. It is the Yogi who is renounced soul, abandon the interest in material matters and bondage keeps awake, they are the achiever of knowledge of supreme Bhramam reside as a soul in the Jeeva, and they remain aloof from the worldly matters. The Bhramajjani/Athmajjani, who is the knower of all-pervasive supreme Bhramam resides as a soul that is pure, unblemished, free from afflictions, neither birth nor death is eternal bliss, develops the Bhakti/pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Rama. Oh! Friend, the highest of the meritorious reward is pure devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra by word, mind, and deed. Oh! Guha, the scriptures, and Veda eulogizes Rama as ‘Na: Ithi, Na: Ithi’, he is incomparable, beyond description, free from affliction and changes, pure, unblemished, neither birth nor death, and he is supreme bliss.”

Sapane Hoyi Bhikhari  Nripu Ranku Nakapathi Hoyi | Jage  Labhu Na Hani Kacchu Thimi Prapancha Jiya  Joyi ||

Asa Bichari Nahi Keejia Rosu | Kahuhi Badhi Na Dheyia  Dhosu || Moha  Nisa  Sabu Sovanihara | Dhekhia Sapana Aneka Prakara || Yehi Jaga  Jamini Jagahi Jogi | Paramarathi Prapancha Biyogi || Jania  Thabahi Jeeva Jaga Jaaga | Jab Sab Bishaya Bilasa  Biraga || Hoyi Bibeku Mohabhrama Bhaga | Thab Raghunatha Charana Anuraga || Sakha  Parama Paramarathu Yehu | Manakrama Bachana Ramapadha Nehu || Rama Bhrama Paramaratha Roopa | Abigatha Alakha  Anadhi Anoopa || Sakala Bikara  Rahitha Gathabhedha | Kahi Nitha Nethi Niroopahi Bedha ||

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