Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Sita and Rama prostrates at the lotus feet of Devi Kausalya and receive her blessings to leave to forest


Chapter – 68– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Sita and Rama prostrates at the lotus feet of Devi Kausalya and receive her blessings to leave to forest


Devi Sita sobbed “Oh! Prabho, my heart did not grieve on listening to your advice, and the news of separation from my beloved Lord did not take away my Prana, I am still alive and unfortunate, after bearing the news of separation from my Lord.” Thus, Devi Sita overwhelmed with grief, became inconsolable. Lord of Raghu understood, the mere words of separation are unbearable to Devi Sita, hence if she was advised to stay in the palace would bring another disaster, she may not survive in his absence. The merciful Lord of the solar race comforted saying “Oh! Sumukhi, Oh! Priye, kindly gave up your grief and accompany me to the woods. Do not waste your time, get ready to leave to forest immediately.” Devi Sita regained her cheerfulness, the couple prostrated before the lotus feet of Devi Kausalya who spoke affectionate words “Oh! Dear children, return safely after completing fourteen years of life in the woods, return safely to the Kingdom and remove the distress of the people of Ayodhya, do not forget to think about your heartless mother who is grieving at the separation from her dear children. Oh! Almighty Lord, will this unfortunate tide disappear from Ayodhya? Will I have the opportunity to witness the beautiful pair before my eyes? Oh! Dear son, I shall wait for the auspicious hours of your return from the woods, like the Chathaka bird yearns to taste the droplets of water from the star Swathi.”


Yeseau Bachana Kadora Suni Jau Na Hridhau Bilagana | Thau Prabhu Bishama Biyoga  Dhukha Sahihahi Pavara Prana ||

Asa Kahi Siya Bikala Bhayi Bhari | Bachana Biyogu Na Saki Sambhari || Dhekhi Dhasa Raghupathi Jiya Jani | Hadi Rakhe Nahi  Rakhihi Prana || Kaheau Kripala Bhanukulanatha | Parihari Sochu Chalahu Bana Satha || Nahi  Bishadha  Kara Avasaru Aaju |  Begi  Karahu Bana Gavana Samaju || Kahi Priya  Bachana Priya  Samujjayi | Lage Mathu Padha  Asisha Payi || Begi Praja Dhukha Metab Aayi | Janani Nidura  Bisari Jani Jayi || Phirihi Dhasa Bidhi Bahuri Ki Mori | Dhekhiau Nayana Manohara Jori || Sudhina Sudhari Thatha Kab Hoyihi | Janani Jiatha Badhanabidhu Joyihi ||

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