Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Sumithra advises Lakshman to accompany Rama and Devi Sita to woods


Chapter – 74– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Sumithra advises Lakshman to accompany Rama and Devi Sita to woods


Devi Sumithra painfully remembered the beauty, amiability, and noble disposition of Rama and Sita, and the love of the King for the couple, she could not bear the sorrow, bet her head and shed tears of grief, she understood the wickedness of Devi Kaikeyi who destroyed the happiness of all. Devi Sumithra who is pious and virtuous regained her normal self, remembered that it is not the moment to shed tears, she spoke gentle words “Oh! Thatha, my dear child, Rama who nurtured you with affection is your father and Vidhehanandhini is your mother. Rama is the sun to the race of Raghu's, he is the delight of the Raghu clan, Ayodhya is the Kingdom of Rama. Oh! My dear son, if Rama and Sita proceeding to wood, you have no obligation to Ayodhya in their absence. Oh! Son, preceptor, brother, deities, father, and mother should be served sincerely, Rama is supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, hence he is dearer as life. Rama is most venerable, and inseparable from Jeevathma, he is dearer to us. Oh! My child, always remember my words and accompany Rama and Devi Janaki to woods, it will provide the fruitfulness of your life.”

Samujji Sumithra Rama Siya Roopu Suseelu Subhau | Nripa Sanehu Lakhi Dhuneau Siru Papini Dheenha Kudhau ||

Dheeraju Dhareau Kuavasara Jani | Sahaja Suhridha Boli Mridhu Bani || Thatha Thumhari  Mathu Baidhehi | Pitha Ramu Sab Bhanthi Sanehi || Avadha Thaha Jaha Rama Nivasu | Thahayi Dhivasu Jaha Bhanu Prakasu || Jau Pai Siyaramu Bana Jahi | Avadha Thumhara  Kaju Kacchu Nahi || Guru Pithu Mathu Bandhu Sura Sayi | Seyiahi Sakala Prana Ki Nayi || Ramu  Pranapriya  Jeevana Ji Ke | Swaratha Rahitha Sakha  Sabahi Ke || Poojaneeya Priya Parama Jaha The | Sab Maniahi Rama Ke Nathe|| Asa Jiya Jani Sanga  Bana Jahu | Lehu Thatha Jagajeevana Lahu ||

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