Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Lakshman meets Devi Sumithra and informs the exile of Rama from the Kingdom of Ayodhya

Chapter – 73– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Lakshman meets Devi Sumithra and informs the exile of Rama from the Kingdom of Ayodhya


The Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra who is Kripasindhu/ocean of mercy was highly pleased with the devotion and pure love of Lakshman, raised him from the floor, and embraced him tightly, forgot all those wisdom before the affection of his younger brother. Soon Prabhu Sri Ramachandra advised Lakshman “Oh! Thatha, Go and get permission from your mother, and join with us to leave to woods immediately.” After listening to sweet like nectar words of Lord of Raghu, Lakshmana rejoiced at heart, forgot all those anxiousness, and felt he has achieved the highest of the fortune to follow Rama to woods. Lakshman joyfully rushed to meet his mother Devi Sumithra, like the blind person regained the eyesight. He enthusiastically prostrated at the lotus feet of Devi Sumithra, while his mind was already with Prabhu Sri Ramachandra and Devi Janaki.  Devi Sumithra enquired the reason for his gloominess, Lakshman described all that happened with Rama and Devi Sita, which was horrifying news to Devi Sumithra, like the doe caught in the wildfire. Lakshman was failed to speak anything before Devi Sumithra who was already besieged with sorrow, doubted his mother may disagree with his plans to follow Rama and Devi Janaki out of her affection, Lakshman felt nervous, and sincerely prayed at heart “Oh! Almighty Lord, will my mother allow me to accompany Prabhu Sri Ram and Devi Sita to the woods?”

Karunasindhu Subandhu Ke Suni Mridhu BachanaBineetha | Samujjaye Ura Layi Prabhu Jani Saneha Sabheetha ||

Magahu Bidha Mathu  Sana Jayi | Aavahu Begi  Chalahu Bana Bhayi || Mudhitha Bhaye Suni Raghubara  Bani | Bhayau Laba Bada Gayi Badi Hani || Harashitha Hridhaya Mathu Pahiaye | Manahu Andha  Phiri Lochana Paye || Jayi Janani Paga Nayau Matha | Manu Raghunandhana Janaki Satha || Pooche  Mathu Malina  Man Dhekhi | Lakhana Kahi Sab Katha  Biseshi || Gayi Sahami Suni Bachana  Kadora | Mrigi Dhekhi Dhava Janu  Chahuaura || Lakhana Lakheau Bha Aanaratha Aaju | Yehi Saneha Basa  Karab  Akaju || Magatha  Bidha  Sabhaya Sakuchahi | Jayi Sanga Bidhi Kahihi Ki Nahi ||

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