Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Lakshman reveals his inability to follow the command of Rama in the following words ‘a Swan cannot elevate Mount Meru or Mandhara’

Chapter – 72– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Lakshman reveals his inability to follow the command of Rama in the following words ‘a Swan cannot elevate Mount Meru or Mandhara’


Lakshmana overwhelmed with various emotions, clasped the lotus feet of Prabhu Sri Rama and spoke in extreme anguish “Oh! Prabho, you are my Master, I am your servant if you abandon me, who will protect me? Oh! Prabho, you have given me nectar-like advice, but I am fainthearted to follow your instructions, hence it sounds unfeasible for me. Oh! Prabho, who are well-versed in Vedashasthra, noble souls, people of virtues and wisdom are fit to be taught those moral values. Oh! Prabho, I am a child who was nurtured by your love and care, how can a swan elevate Mount Meru or Mount Mandhara? Oh! Prabho, I know no preceptor, father, or mother, all I know is you, hence you are my Lord and Master. Oh! Prabho, all those relationships, love, affections are formed in this life is at your mercy, therefore you are the very existence of my life as declared by Veda and scriptures. Oh! Dheenabandhu, you are that supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, you are omnipresent, and knower of all, Oh! Prabho, pious deeds should be taught to people who yearn for fame, prosperity, richness, wealth, and glory. Oh! Ocean of mercy, /Kripasindhu, how could you abandon a Jeeva who is already surrendered at your lotus feet by word, mind, and deed?”


Utharu Na Avath Premabasa Gahe Charana Akulayi | Natha Dhasu Mei Swami Thuma Thajahu Tha Kaha Basayi ||

Dheenhi Mohi Sikha Neeki Gosayi | Lagi  Agama Apani Kadharayi || Narabara Dheera Dharama Dhura Dhari | Nigama Neethi Kaha The Adhikari || Mei Sisu Prabhu Saneha Prathipala | Mandharu Moru Ki Lehi Marala || Guru Pithu Mathu Na  Janau Kahu | Kahau Subhau Natha Pathiahu || Jaha Lagi Jagatha Saneha Sagayi | Preethi Pratheethi Nigama  Niju Gayi || More Sabayi Yek Thumha Swami | Dheenabandhu Ura  Antharjami || Dharama Neethi Upadhesia Thahi | Keerathi Bhoothi Sugathi Priya Jahi || Mana Krama Bachana Charana Ratha Hoyi | Kripasindhu Pariharia Ki  Soyi ||

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