Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Rama instructs Lakshman to stay in the palace and take care of the Kingdom of Ayodhya and its subjects


Chapter – 71– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Rama instructs Lakshman to stay in the palace and take care of the Kingdom of Ayodhya and its subjects


Rama spoke in a pleasing tone to Lakshman “Oh! Dear brother, always remember that whoever sincerely follows the advice of preceptor, father, mother, and Lord won’t repent in their lives, they will achieve the fruitfulness of life on the Earth. Hence, be calm and kind, whoever does not follow the words of parents and preceptor would make their life miserable on the Earth. Oh! Brother, listen to my words, serve our parents and follow the instructions of our preceptors. Bharatha and Shathrughna/Ripusudana is not in the Kingdom, our father is not doing well and grieving over my plan to proceed to the forest. If I proceed to woods with you, our Kingdom and its people, our family members, preceptors, etc. would fall into deep misery. The Kingdom of Ayodhya can’t survive without a wise ruler, therefore you have to continue to stay in the Kingdom for the welfare of all, otherwise, we shall suffer from grave sin. The King who does not take care of the people or the Kingdom would suffer hellish torture. Oh! Brother, remember my words, and make up your mind to stay in the palace.” Lakshmana could not bear the words of Rama became inconsolable, his face turned pale as if the fully blossomed lotus flower shrunken at the touch of frost.


Mathu Pitha Guru Swami Sikha Sira Dhari Karahi Subhaya | Laheau Labhu Thinha Janama Kara Natharu Janamu Jagajaya ||

Asa Jiya Jani Sunahu Sikha Bhayi | Karahu Mathu Pithu Padha Sevakayi || Bhavana Bharathu Ripusoodhanu Nahi | Rau Bridhdha Mama  Dhukhu Mana Mahi || Mei Bana Jau Thumhahi Leyi Satha | Hoyi Sabahi Bidhi Avadha Anatha || Guru Pithu Mathu Praja Parivaru | Sab Kahu Parayi Dhusaha Dhukha Bharu || Rahahu Karahu Sab Kar Parithoshu | Natharu Thatha Hoyihi Bada Dhoshu || Jasu Rajapriya Praja Dhukhari | So Nripu Avasi Naraka Adhikari || Rahahu Thatha Asi Neethi Bichari | Sunatha Lakhanu Bhaye Byakula Bhari || Siare  Bachana  Sukhi Gaye Kaise | Parasatha Thuhina  Thamarasu Jaise ||


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