Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Lakshman meets Rama and earnestly waits to hear the command of Lord of Raghu

Chapter – 70– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Lakshman meets Rama and earnestly waits to hear the command of Lord of Raghu


Devi Kausalya praised the virtues of Devi Sita and blessed her, and the couple prostrated at the lotus feet of Devi Kausalya repeatedly and parted their ways. Lakshmana heard the news of Rama and Devi Sita leaving to the woods,  he was devastated and puzzled, hurried to meet Rama in extreme anguish. Lakshmana prostrated at the feet of Rama, and clasped at the lotus feet with tears overflowing, he was unable to speak out of grief, quivered like a fish out of the pond. Lakshman wept at his fate “Oh! Prabho, what’s happening to us? all my happiness and fortune has come to an end, all those pieties achieved has vanished, Oh! Prabho, what shall I do? Kindly advise me, I am all prepared to follow your command, are you going to leave me in the palace or taking me to the woods?” Lakshman who was in a wretched state, folding palms together, was waiting to listen to Rama’s order with a trembling heart.  The merciful Lord Sri Ramachandra who is the essence of virtues, morality, welfare, and the ocean of love spoke in a pleasant manner “Oh! Lakshman, do not leave your good sense out of affection for me, Oh! Dear brother, be calm and considerate, the end results will be good for all.”

Seethahi Sasu Aseesa Sikha Dheenhi Aneka Prakara | Chali Nayi Padha Padhuma Siru Athi Hitha Barahi Bara ||

Samachara Jab Lacchimana Paye | Byakula Bilakha Badhana Udi Dhaye || Kampa Pulaka Thana Nayana Saneera | Gahe Charana Athi Prema  Adheera || Kahi Na Sakatha Kacchu Chithavath Dade | Meenu Dhin Janu Jala The Kade || Sochu HridhayaBidhi Ka  Honihara | Sabu Sukhu Sukrithu Sirana Hamara || Mo Kahu Kaha Kahaba Raghunatha | Rakhihahi Bhavana Ki Lehahi Satha|| Rama Biloki Bandhu Kara  Jore | Dheha Geha Sab Sana Thrinu Thore || Bole Bachanu Rama Naya Nagara | Seela Saneha Sarala Sukha Sagara || Thatha Prema  Basa Jani Kadharahu| Samujji Hridhaya Parinama Ucchahu ||


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