Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Sumithra instructs Lakshman to serve Rama and Devi Sita in the woods by word, mind, and deed

Chapter – 75– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Sumithra instructs Lakshman to serve Rama and Devi Sita in the woods by word, mind, and deed


Devi Sumithra spoke pleasantly “Oh! Dear son, I promise you, we are fortunate, your mind is already surrendered at the lotus feet of Rama.  The fortunate are the women whose children are devoted at the lotus feet of Rama, if not, it is good to remain childless. The unfortunate is the mother who has given birth to a child hostile to Rama. Oh! Son, it is your good fortune that Rama and Devi Sita are proceeding to woods, and you are blessed with the opportunity to serve them relentlessly. The highest of the meritorious reward is devotion and pure love at the lotus feet of Rama and Sita, and you have inherited it with your piousness. Oh! Dear son, don’t give place for anger, jealousy, pride, ego, lust, and desire in your heart and serve Rama and Sita sincerely by word, mind, and deed. Oh! Dear Child, I promise you, you will be extremely delighted in the association of Rama and Sita who are your parents in the woods. Oh! Dear son, take good care of Rama and Sita in the forest and this is the only instruction I have to give you.”


Bhoori Bhaga  Bhajanu Bhayahu Mohi Sametha Bali Jau | Jau Thumhare  Mana Cchadi Cchalu Keenha Ramapadha Dau ||

Puthravathi Jubathi Jaga Soyi | Raghupathi Bhagathu Jasu  Suthu  Hoyi || Natharu Banjja Bhali Badhi Biani | Rama Bimukha Sutha The  Hitha Jani || Thumharehi Bhaga  Ramu Bana Jahi |Dhoosara Hethu Thatha Kacchu Nahi || Sakala Sukritha Kara Bada Phalu Yehu | Ramasiya Padha Sahaja Sanehu || Ragu Roshu Irsha Madhu Mohu | Jani Sapanehu Inha Ke Basa  Hohu || Sakala Prakara Bikara  Bihayi | Manakrama Bachana Karehu Sevakayi || Thumha Kahu Bana Sab Bhanthi Supasu | Sanga Pithu Mathu Ramu Siya  Jasu || Jehi Na  Ramu Bana Lahahi Kalesu | Sutha Soyi Karehu Ihahyi Upadheshu ||


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