Chapter – 278– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya
Kanda– Devi Kausalya seeks the opinion of King Janaka to send back Lakshman to
Devi Kausalya regained her courage and
spoke “Oh! Venerable queen of Mithila, you are the consort of the illustrious
Rajarishi King Janaka, who is the ocean of wisdom, hence who is competent to
advise you? Oh! Devi, kindly have a word with King Janaka during the leisure
hours and ask the King to persuade Lakshman to return to Ayodhya, and let
Bharatha follow Rama to the woods, only if the King is happy and satisfied with
the proposal of mine. Oh! Devi, I am very much concerned about Bharatha, his
love and devotion for Rama and Devi Sita is immeasurable, he has grown so
devoted and affectionate to Rama, if he stays back in Ayodhya, I fear something
untoward may happen to him.” All the queens were overwhelmed with anxiousness
listening to the affectionate and guileless speech of Devi Kausalya, the
deities showered flowers upon Devi Kausalya and praised her virtue. The
hermits, Sages, Yogis were overpowered with various emotions by listening to
the innocent, yet wise words of Devi Kausalya. All the women assembled kept
silent, Devi Sumithra noticed everyone in grief, began to speak “Oh! Devi, it
is almost an hour of the night have passed.” Devi Kausalya immediately rose
from her seat listening to the reminder of Devi Sumithra.
Kausalya Kaha Dheera Dhari Sunahu Debi
Mithilesi | Ko Bibekanidhi Ballabhahi Thumhahi Sakayi Upapdhesi ||
Rani Raya Sana Avasaru Payi | Apani Bhanthi
Kahab Samujjayi || Rakhiahi Lakhanu Bharathu Gavanahi Ban | Jau Yaha Math Manai
Maheepa Man || Thau Bhala Jathanu Karab
Subichari | More SochuBharatha Kara Bhari || Gooda Saneha Bharatha Manamahi | Rahe Neeka Mohi Lagatha Nahi ||
Lakhi Subhau Suni Sarala Subani | Sab Bhayi Magana Karuna Rasarani || Nabha
Prasoona Jjari Dhanya Dhanya Dhuni | Sithila Saneha Sidhdha Jogi Muni || Sabu
Ranivasu Bithaki Lakhi Raheau | Thab Dhari Dheera Sumithra Kaheau || Debi Danda
Juga Jamini Beethi | Ramamathu Suni Udi Sapreethi ||