Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Kaikeyi’s heated argument with the King Dhasharatha


Chapter – 30– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Kaikeyi’s heated argument with the King Dhasharatha


King Dhasharatha wept bitterly “An inauspicious incident has occurred at the propitious hour, I have trusted a woman and thereby doomed to darkness, I was a Sadhaka who was striving hard to achieve the fruit of my Yoga, the fruit of self-realization.” Devi Kaikeyi fumed watching the pathetic state of the King, “Oh! Rajan, Is Bharatha not your son? Have you accepted me as your queen for money? If my words are too sharp as powerful arrows to your ears, why did not give serious thought before declaring your wish to perform the coronation of Rama as the King of Ayodhya? You can either accept my proposal or reject it, but remember that you belong to the illustrious clan of Raghu’s who never fails to keep up their promises. Oh! Rajan, you can refuse the boons promised to me several years ago, and proceed with your decision in the assembly. You have promised to give me boons, thinking that I would ask for a handful of parched grains. I shall bring to your notice the righteous deeds of that illustrious Dhadhichi, King Sibi, and Bali for their sacrifices, generosity, and truthfulness, to keep up their promises. The noble King Sibi was tested by Lord Agni and Lord Indra who were disguised as pigeon and hawk respectively. The pigeon took shelter on the lap of the King, as a true Kshatriya the King was not willing to give away the prey to hawk. On the other hand, the hawk insisted the King give his prey or give King’s flesh weighing the same as the pigeon, otherwise, it would die out of starvation.  King chopped off the muscular part of the body and kept on the weighing scale, alas! the process continued, added his flesh on the scale, the flesh couldn’t match the weight of the pigeon, finally, King Sibi prepared to sieve off his head was intervened by Lord Agni and Indra. Lord Indra battled against the demon Vrathrasura, the battle continued for several years, Indra approached Lord Vishnu and sought shelter.  Lord Vishnu advised Lord Indra to approach the illustrious Sage Dhadhichi who was taking penance in the Naimisharanya and appeal for his bone to kill the demon. Sage Dhadhichi graciously left his mortal coil for Indra, and the artisan of deities Vishwakarma carved a powerful weapon that resembled lightning out of the bone of Sage Dhadhichi, later Indra killed the demon with the weapon/Vajrayudha. The demon King Bali conquered the three worlds, the deities lost their glories and abode, the mother of deities Devi Adhithi grieved over her children’s pitiful state. She appealed to Lord Vishnu who was granted a boon to be born as her son. Devi Adhiti undertook severe austerities of Payovratha and Lord Vishnu was born as Dwarf/Vamana to Devi Adhithi and Sage Kashyapa, approached Bali in the Yajja arena, who was willing to offer anything for the Bhramachari, was asked for three strides of land and measured the whole Universe.” In this way, Devi Kaikeyi continued to pour the malicious words like the salt added to the wounds.


Kavane Avasara  Ka  Bhayau Gayau Nari  Biswasa | Joga Sidhdhi Phala Samaya Jimi Jathihi Abidhdhya Nasa ||

 Yehi Bidhi Rau Manahi Man Jjankha | Dhekhi Kubhanthi Kumathi Mana Makha || Bharathu Ki Raura  Pootha Na  Hohi | Anehu Mola  Besahi Ki Mohi || Jo Suni Saru Asa  Laga Thumhare | Kahe Na  Bolahu Bachanu Sambhare || Dhehu Utharu Anu Karahu Ki Nahi | Sathyasandha Thumha Raghukula Mahi || Dhena Kahehu Ab Jani Baru Dhehu | Thajahu Sathya Jaga  Upajasu Lehu || Sathya Sarahi Kahehu Baru Dhena | Janehu Leyihi Magi  Chabena || Sibi Dhadheechi Bali Jo Kacchu Bhasha | Thanu Dhanu ThajeauBachana Panu Rakha || Athi Katu Bachana Kahathi Kaikeyi | Manahu Lona  Jare  ParaDheyi ||

Monday, July 26, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Kaikeyi asks for two boons to King Dhasharatha and the grief of the King


Chapter – 29– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Kaikeyi asks for two boons to King Dhasharatha and the grief of the King


The King’s desire to crown Rama as the King of Ayodhya, represents the beautiful grove that provides shelter to lovely birds appear as joy, Devi Kaikeyi resembled the Bhila woman who is all prepared to hunt down the birds with the shot of sharp arrows, with her merciless words. Devi Kaikeyi gracefully moved towards the King and spoke “Oh! Beloved Lord, I have to ask for a boon that pleases my heart, hence I would ask for the crowning ceremony of Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya, kindly promise me that you would provide me that boon. Oh! Lord, I may ask for the second boon with folded hands, kindly accomplish my wish, let Rama live in the woods for fourteen years, as a hermit completely disconnected from the world.” The King was shocked at the gentle words of Devi Kaikeyi, he could not utter a word out of grief, like the Chakravaha in agony felt the touch of moonlight. He turned pale, as if struck by the lightning, closed his eyes tightly, shriveled in extreme pain, murmured “My long-cherished wish was about to fulfill, the celestial tree of desire with fully blossomed flowers was about to bear fruits were thrashed by an untamed elephant resembled Kaikeyi, she has set fire to the happiness of the subjects of Ayodhya, and brought everlasting misery to the Kingdom.”

Bhoopa Manoratha Subhaga Banu Sukha Subihanga Samaju | Bhillini Jimi Cchadana Chahathi Bachanu Bhayankaru Baju ||

Sunahu Pranapriya Bhavath Ji Ka | Dhehu Yek Bara Bharathahi Teeka || Magau Dhoosara Bara Kara Jori | Puravahu Natha Manoratha Mori || Thapasa Vesha Biseshi Udhasi | Chaudhaha Barasi Ramu Banabasi || Suni Mridhu Bachana Bhoopa Hiya Soku | Sasi Kara Chooath Bikala Jimi Koku || Gayau Mahima Nahi Kacchu Kahi Ava | Janu Sachana Bana Jjapateau Lava || Bibarana Bhayau Nipata Narapalu | Dhamini Haneau Manahu Tharu Thalu || Mathe Hath Moodhi Dhoau Lochana | Thanu Dhari Sochu Laga Janu Sochana|| Mora Manorathu Suratharu Phoola | Pharatha Karini Jimi Hatheau Samoola || Avadha Ujari Keenhi Kaikeyi | Dheenhasi  Achala Bipathi Kai Neyi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Kaikeyi reminds the King about the boons promised several years ago


Chapter – 28– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Kaikeyi reminds the King about the boons promised several years ago


Devi Kaikeyi began to speak in an affectionate tone “ Oh! Rajan, kindly do not prompt me to ask for boons, you won’t give anything. You have promised me to give a couple of boons several years ago, yet I am doubtful whether you could keep up your promise.” King Dasaratha smiled at her innocently and said “Oh! Dear, I have understood the whole thing now. You are tricky, fond of acting angry, in fact, you have kept the boons in reserve, you haven’t asked about it. Honestly, I have completely forgotten about my promise to you, as usual. Oh! Devi, do not blame me for that, you can ask for the boons now. It has been the regular practice among the race of Raghu’s that they never fail to keep up their promises, if it needs, they willingly sacrifice their lives to keep up the promises. Oh! Devi, multitudes of sins cannot match a lie, as millions of tiny Gunja seeds cannot be compared with the mountains.  The Veda and scriptures, Manusmrithi emphasizes that truthfulness is the root of all virtues, I have sworn the above in the name of Rama, the Lord of Raghu who is the embodiment of beauty, truthfulness, kindness, and virtues.” Devi Kaikeyi smiled at heart thinking that her conversation with the King is moving in the right direction as she was desired, she has opened up the subject matter at a convenient moment.

Magu Magu Pai Kahahu Piya Kabahu Na Dhehu Na Lehu| Dhena  Kahehu Baradhana Dhuyi Theau Pavath Sandhehu ||

Janeau Maramu Rau Hasi Kahayi | Thumhahi Kohab Paramapriya Ahayi || Yathi Rakhi Na Magihu Kau | Bisari Gayau Mohi Bhora Subhau || Jootehu Hamahi Dhoshu Jani Dhehu | Dhuyi Kai Chari Magi  Maku Lehu || Raghukula Reethi Sadha  Chaliayi | Prana Jahu Baru Bachanu Na Jayi || Nahi Asathya Sama Pathaka Punja | Giri Sama Hohi Ki Kotika Gunja || Sathyamoola Sab Sukritha Suhaye | Sukritha Saneha Avadhi Raghurayi || Bath Dudayi Kumathi Hasi Boli | Kumatha Kubihaga  Kulaha Janu  Kholi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Devi Kaikeyi prepares for a pleasant conversation with the King


Chapter – 27– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Devi Kaikeyi prepares for a pleasant conversation with the King


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Devi Kaikeyi after listening to the sweet words of the King rose from the floor, smiled vindictively, and began to decorate her body with various ornaments as if the lioness prepares to pounce at the deer. King mistook her actions, approached her passionately, and addressed her in great enthusiasm “Oh! Beloved one, we have achieved the fruitfulness of our lives, the subjects of the Kingdom are rejoicing at the upcoming coronation ceremony of Rama as the King of Ayodhya, the kingdom is all prepared for the grand festivals and ceremonies are yet to perform. Oh! Sulochani, I have decided to perform the crowning ceremony of Rama tomorrow, so do not wait too long, get yourself ready with exquisite ornaments and garments.” The sweet words of King ripped apart the heart of Devi Kaikeyi as if the ripened fruit get split open at the soft touch. Soon, she covered the hurt with a dramatic smile on her face, as if the wife of a thief does not show her grief watching her husband undergo punishments. Alas! the king was not able to trace the reaction of Queen Kaikeyi who was already persuaded by her tutor, the wicked hunch-back famous for her crookedness. Even though the King was extremely wise and intelligent in statesmanship, was ignorant in recognizing the heart of a woman, which resembles an unfathomable ocean. Devi Kaikeyi put a false smile on her face and approached the King with a graceful movement."


Yaha Suni  Managuni Sapatha Badi Bihasi Udi Mathimandh | Bhooshana Sajathi Biloki Mrigu Manahu Kirathini Phandh ||

Puni Kaha Rau  Suhridha Jiya Jani | Prema Pulaki Mridhumanjula Bani || Bhamini Bhayau Thora Manabhava| Ghar Ghar  Nagara Anandha Badhava || Ramahi Dheau Kali  Jubaraju| Sajahi Sulochani  Mangala Saju || Dhalaki Udeau Suni Hridhayau Kadoru | Janu  Chuyi Gayau Paka Barathoru || Yesiau Peera Bihasi Thehi Goyi | Chora Chori Jimi  Pragati Na Royi || Lakhahi Na  Bhoopa Kapata Chathurayi | Koti Kutila  Mani  Guru Padayi || Jadhdhyapi Neethi Nipuna  Naranahu | Naricharitha  Jalanidhi Avagahu || Kapata Sanehu Badayi Bahori | Boli Bihasi Nayana  Muhu Mori ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Dhasharatha pacifies Devi Kaikeyi


Chapter – 26– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Dhasharatha pacifies Devi Kaikeyi


King Dhasharatha touched her and spoke in a soft tone “Oh! Bhamini, what’s that so upsetting to you?” Devi Kaikeyi throw his hand, and glanced at him in a rage, she hissed like a serpent, she has two boons in her heart which was waiting to spell, and these two boons resembled the fangs of the venomous serpent. Unfortunately, King Dhasharatha mistook all her reactions as a part of the amorous sport. King Dhasharatha approached her with sweet words “Oh! Sulochani ! Oh! Sweet tongued lady! Oh! Sumukhi/beautiful faced one, Oh! Gajagamini/lady who has the gait of a female elephant, tell me what’s that bothering you? Oh! Priye/Dear one, who did cause harm to you? Whoever dared to hurt you must be waiting for their fate to get their head sieved off. Oh! Dear one, kindly tell me which pauper should be announced as the King, or which King should be exiled from the Kingdom? I am well capable to punish the person who hurt you so badly, even if it was immortal/deities. Where is your enemy? Oh! Pranapriye, you know me very well, Oh! Priye, your beautiful face is fascinating like the autumn full moon, I am that Chakora bird yearningly looking at you. Oh! Beloved one, my subjects, my family, and whatever I possess such as my sons, and my life are at your disposal. Oh! Priye, I feel guilty to swear upon Rama, hence ask for whatever pleases in your mind, I shall fulfill all your desires, adore your beautiful limbs with lots of exquisite pieces of jewelry. Oh! Pranapriye, kindly take notice of auspicious and inauspicious hours, and give up the dirty faded clothes from your body at once.”


Kehi Hethu Rani Risani Parasath Pani  Pathihi Nevarayi | Manahu Sarosha Bhuanga Bhamini Bishama Bhanthi Niharayi || Dhoau Basana Rasana Dhasana Bara Marama Daharu Dhekhayi | Tulasi Nripathi Bhavathabyatha Basa Kama Kauthuka  Lekhai ||

Bara Bara  Kaha Rau Sumukhi Sulochani Pikabachani | Karana Mohi  Sunau Gajagamini Nijakopa Kara ||

Anahitha Thora Priya Keha Keenha | Kehi  Dhuyi Sira Kehi Jamu Chaha Leenha || Kahu Kehi Rankahi Karau Naresu | Kahu  Kehi Nripahi Nikasau Dhesu || Sakau Thora Ari  Amarau Mari | Kaha Keeta Bapure Nara Nari || Janasi  Mora  Subhau Baroru | Manu Thava  Aanana Chandha Chakoru || Priyaprana Sutha Sarabasu More | Parijana Praja Sakala Basa Thore || Jau  Kacchu Kahau Kapatu Kari Thohi | Bhamini Rama Sapatha Satha Mohi || Bihasi Magu  ManaBhavathi Batha | Bhooshana Sajahi Manohara  Gatha || Dhari Kudhari Samucchi Jiya Dhekhu | Begi  Priya  Pariharahi Kubeshu ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Dhasharatha visits the Kopagriha to meet Devi Kaikeyi

Chapter – 25– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Dhasharatha visits the Kopagriha to meet Devi Kaikeyi


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, it was the late evening, King Dhasharatha arrived in the chamber of Devi Kaikeyi, resembled the love personified rushing towards the callousness personified as Kaikeyi.  Soon, the King came to know that Devi Kaikeyi is in the Kopagriha, not in her chamber, he was aghast, his feet were not willing to move further out of anxiousness. King Dhasharatha whose powerful arms were sought after by the deities for protection, and whose fame is widespread among the Kings of the neighboring country was troubled to move forward noticing the anger of his consort, all that was the result of unconquerable pleasure of physical attraction to Devi Kaikeyi. Oh! Mune, it is impossible to win over the cupid arrows of Manmatha, even for the King who had won several battles, courageously stood before the spears, swords, powerful weapons resembled thunderbolts. King Dhasharatha reluctantly approached the Kopagriha, and found Devi Kaikeyi in a miserable state on the floor, she was laying on the rough and cold stone floor, her hair was disheveled, all her ornaments were battered on the floor. Her untidy and faded garment was well suited for the state of her mind, resembled the upcoming calamity in the family, revealing her impending widowhood. King Dhasharatha moved closer to her and spoke in a sweet tone “Oh! Pranapriye, why are you so angry?”

Sanjj Samaya Sanandha Nripu Gayau Kaikayi Geha | Gavanu Niduratha Nikata Kiya  Janu Dhari Dheha Saneha ||

Kopabhavana Suni Sakucheau Rau | Bhaya Basa Agahuda Parayi Na Pau || Surapathi Basayi Bahabala Jake | Narapathi Sakala Rahahi Rukha Thake || So Suni  Thiya Gayau Sukhayi | Dhekhahu Kama Prathapa Badayi || Soola Kulisa Asi Agavanihare | The  Rathinatha Sumana Sara Mare || Sabhya Naresu Priya Pahi Gayau | Dhekhi Dhasa Dhukhu Dharuna  Bhayau || Bhoomi Sayana Patu Mot Purana | Dhiye  Dari  Thana Bhooshana Nana || Kumathihi Kasi  Kubeshatha Phabi | Ana  Ahivathu Soocha Janu  Bhabi || Jayi Nikata Nripa Kaha Mridhu Bani | Pranapriya Kehi Hethu  Risani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The Kingdom of Ayodhya prepares for the grand coronation ceremony of Rama as the King of Ayodhya


Chapter – 24– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The Kingdom of Ayodhya prepares for the grand coronation ceremony of Rama as the King of Ayodhya


The men and women of the Kingdom were too busy to take notice of the impending calamities, all of them were engrossed in the preparation for the grand ceremony as in the palace. The people were entering and leaving the palace in large numbers, the joy-filled atmosphere of Ayodhya was beyond description. Rama’s childhood companions arrived in huge number to the fortress to congratulate Rama on the auspicious occasion, was received with great respect, enquired about the happiness, health, welfare of them and their families. Thus, Rama spends pleasurable time with his childhood companions, finally, they have received permission to retire while leaving the palace they converse with each other “Is there anyone amiable, affectionate, kind, and compassionate as Rama in this world? Whatever birth we may achieve due to our Karma, all that we should pray to remain a sincere servant of Sitapathi Lord Rama, let us pray to that Almighty Lord to grant us the boon to achieve Sitapathi Rama as our Lord in all our births, and the devotion and the pure love to Rama may flourish in us.” The people of Ayodhya considered themselves as fortunate to be in the Ramarajya, and wished to continue to be the servant of Rama in all their births, and prayed to Almighty. Alas! Devi Kaikeyi’s heart was completely drenched in resentment and agony. Sri Maharaj speaks ‘who is not get ruined by the association of the wicked people? Even the intellectuals lose their good sense in the association of vile.”


Pramudhitha Pura Nara Nari Sab Sajahi Sumangalachara | Yek Prabisahi Yek Nirgamahim Bheera Bhoopa Dharbar ||

Bala Sakha Suni Hiya  Harshahi | Mili Dhasa Panch Ramapahi Jahi || Prabhu Adharahi Premu Pahichani | Poochahi Kusala Khema Mridhubani || Phirahi Bhavanapriya Aayasu Payi | Karatha Parapara RamaBadayi || Ko Raghubeera Sarisa Samsara | Seelu Sanehu Nibahanihara || Jehi Jehi Joni Karama Basa Bhramahi | Thaha Thaha Esu Dheau Yaha Hamahi || Sevaka Hama Swami Siyanahu | Hoau Natha Yaha Aura Nibahu || Asa Abhilashu Nagara Sab Kahu | Kaikeyasutha Hridhaya Athi Dhahu || Ko Na  Kusangathi Payi Nasayi | Rahayi Na Neech Mathe  Chathurayi ||