Friday, June 25, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The wedding procession halted in the magnificent shelter homes prepared for the guests


Chapter – 295– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The wedding procession halted in the magnificent shelter homes prepared for the guests


The huge wedding procession witnessed several auspicious omens on their way, as if all their desires are going to be fulfilled, and that too the supreme Lord Rama, the Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma incarnated as the son of King Dasaratha who is the essence of auspiciousness, on the occasion of the celestial marriage going to be held with the Janakanandhini who is none other than Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi the essence of wealth and affluence. King Dhasharatha and King Janaka witnessed several auspicious omens in their lives too, the wedding procession moved enthusiastically towards the city of Mithila, the air filled with the neighing of horses, trumpeting elephants, sounds of rolling of wheels on the rough pathways, the sword fight warriors, horse, chariot, and elephant fight warriors were exhibiting their skills and entertaining the rest of the people to wave off the tediousness of long journey, dancers and singers were performing their skills, while the sounds of divine musical instruments reverberating in the atmosphere. As soon as King Janaka heard the plan of grand wedding procession from the city of Ayodhya, he ordered his men to construct bridges across the rivers in the city, and several beautiful shelter homes with an abundance of food supply, clothing, marvelous guest rooms, were constructed on the way, the magnificence of the city of Mithila excelled the beauty of Amaravathi was all set to receive their guests. The people of the wedding procession took shelter in the guest rooms arranged in a stylish manner, forgot their exhaustion of long journeys took great pleasure in the extravagant meal, bedding, and clothing, and forgot the comfort of their own homes back in the city of Ayodhya.


Mangalamaya Kalyanamaya Abimatha Phala Dhathara | Janu Sab Sache  Hona Hitha Bhaye Saguna Yek Bara ||

Mangala Saguna Sugama Sab Thake | Saguna Bhrama Sundhara Sutha Jake || RamaSarisa Baru Dhulahini  Seetha | Samadhi Dhasharathu Janaku Puneetha || Suni Asa Byahu Saguna Sab Nache | Ab Keenhe Biranchi Hama Sanche || Yehi Bidhi Keenha Barath Pathana | Hatha Gaya Gajahi Hane Nisana || Aavath Jani Bhanukula Kethu | Sarithaniha Janaka Badhaye Sethu || Beech Beech Bara Basa Banaye | Surapura Sarisa Sampadha Cchaye || Asana Sayana Bara Basana Suhaye| Pavahi Sab Nija Nija Man Bhaye || Nitha  Noothana Sukha Lakhi Anukoole| Sakala Barathinha Mandhir Bhoole ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Several auspicious omens were witnessed by the people in the wedding procession


Chapter – 294– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Several auspicious omens were witnessed by the people in the wedding procession


The young and talented princes mounted on the horses made their stallion dance to the tune of kettle drums, the accomplished dancers took great pleasure in it. The marriage procession was beyond description, people could witness several auspicious omens, the blue-necked bird nibbled its grain from the left of the procession is considered as auspicious, cow and calf appeared on the right of the paddy field, mongoose witnessed by all, soft and cool breeze was  blowing towards the promising direction, Sumangali/un widowed women were seen with the pitcher on her head, holding the arm of the child walking away, and the calf was seen sucking milk from the udder of mother cow, a herd of deer appeared from nowhere to witness the wedding procession, all that was considered as auspicious omen by the people assembled, wife of Bhramin blessed the  procession, Shyama bird was seen seated on the tree  left to the procession, a villager was seen with the pitcher of curd on the head was holding a bunch of fishes on his hand, two Vedic Brahmins holding scriptures was seen walking towards the procession were considered as one of the most promising omens.


Thuraga Nachavahi Kuara Bara Akani Mridhanga Nisana | Nagara Nat Chithavahi Chakitha Dagahi Na Thala Bandhan ||

Banayi Na Baranath Bani Baratha | Hohi Saguna Sundhara Subhadhatha || Chara Chashu Bama Dhisi Leyi | Manahu Sakala Mangala Kahi Dheyi || Dhahina  Kaga Sukhetha Suhava | Nakula Dharasu Sab Kahu Pava || Sanukoola Baha Thribidhi Bayari| Saghat Sabala Aava Bara Nari || Lova Phiri Phiri Dharasu Dhekhava | Surabhi Sanmukha Sisuhi Piava || Mrigamala Phiri Dhahini Ayi | Mangala Gana Janu Dheenhi Dhekhayi || Cchemakari Kaha Chema  Biseshi | Syama  Bama Sutharu Par Dhekhi || Sanmukha Aayau Dhadhi Aru  Meena | Kara  Pusthaka Dhuyi  Bipra  Prabeena ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The journey of King Dhasharatha to the city of Mithila


Chapter – 293– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The journey of King Dhasharatha to the city of Mithila


King Dhasharatha followed Sage Vashishta and preceptors along with their wives to get into the most excellent chariots, then King occupied his seat in one of the stunning chariots along with Sage Vashishta, contemplating upon Lord Shambhu, Goddess Bhavani, and Lord Ganesha. Sage Vashishta and King Dhasharatha in the magnificent chariot resembled Sage Bhrihaspathi and Lord Indra. The initial rites and Vedic Karma were performed before the beginning of the journey, all the arrangements were made as prescribed in the Veda, the conch was blown in an auspicious moment to begin the procession, preceptors contemplated upon the supreme Lord Rama. The people of Ayodhya rejoiced, showers of flowers began, following an abundance of wishes, resembled the celestial procession. There were sounds of neighing horses, trumpeting elephants, the jingling of bells, the sounds of wheels of the chariot rolling on the beautiful well-paved pathways, there were sounds of clarinets, pipes followed with melodious songs, the stunning dancers attired in marvelous clothing danced to the tune that resembled the abode of the deities.


Thehi Ratha Ruchira Basishta Kahu Harashi Chadayi Naresu | Aapu Chadeau Syandhana Sumiri Hara Guru Gauri Ganesu ||

Sahitha Bashishta Soha Nripa Kaise | Sura Guru Sanga Purandhara Jaise || Kari Kula Reethi  Bedh Bidhi Rau | Dhekhi Sabahi Sab BhanthiBanau || Sumiri Ramu Guru Aayasu Payi | Chale Maheepathi Sankha Bajayi || Harashe Bibudha Biloki Baratha | Barashahi Sumana Sumangala Dhatha || Bhayau Kolahala Hatha  Gaya Gaje | Byoma Barath Bajane  Baje || Sura Nara  Nari Sumangala Gayi | Sarasa Raga  Bajahi Sahanayi || Ghanta Ghanti Dhuni Barani Na Jahi | Sarava Karahi Payika Phaharahi || Karahi Bidhushaka Kauthuka Nana | Hasa Kusala Kala Gana Sujana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Sumanthra brought a marvelously decorated chariot of King followed by several palanquins beautifully decorated for the Queens


Chapter – 292– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Sumanthra brought a marvelously decorated chariot of King followed by several palanquins beautifully decorated for the Queens


The people who were joined in the procession rejoiced at heart, kept moving towards the city of Mithila whispering to each other “When we get the fortune to appease our eyes witnessing Rama and Lakshman? When we get the opportunity to meet those two heroes of Raghu clan?” The elephants trumpeted, the bells tied around their neck made loud jingling noises, there were neighing of horses, and deafening noises of wheels rolling rough pathways, the sounds of kettle drums and pipes resembled thunder, no one could hear each other’s voice, still did not lose the spirit in conversing to each other. The palace of King Dhasharatha was crowded with people, pouring wishes to the King and their children, beautiful women of Ayodhya watched the huge preparation of the procession from the terrace and windows of the houses, holding Aarathi/lights and auspicious ingredients on their hands to remove the evil eyes on the King and his family, singing melodious songs, the joy instilled in the air was beyond description. Sumanthra, the chief of the minister and charioteer of the King stood ready with one of the most excellent chariots tied to high-quality breed of horses resembled the horses of Sun, for the King to be occupied, even Goddess Sarada was incompetent to describe its splendor, followed by several palanquins marvelously decorated to occupy for the Queens and their family.


Sab Ke Ura Nirbhara Harashu Pooritha Pulaka Sareera | Kabahi Dhekhibe Nayana Bhari Ramu Lakhanu Dhoau Beera ||

Garajahi Gaja Ganta Dhuni Dhora | Ratha Rava Baji Himsa  Chahu Aura || Nidhari Dhanahi Dhurmmarahi  Nisana| Nija Parayi Kachu Sunia Na Kana || Maha Bheera Bhoopathi Ke Dhvare | Raja Hoyi Jayi  Pashana Pabare || Chadi Atarinha Dhekhihi Nari | Liya Arathi Mangala Thari || Gavahi Geetha Manohara Nana | Athi Anandhu Na Jayi Bakhana || Thab Sumanthra Dhuyi Syandhana Saji | Jothe Rabi Hatha Nindhaka Baji || Dhoau Ratha Ruchira Bhoop Pahi Ane | Nahi Saradha Pahi Jahi  Bakhane || Raja Samaju Yek Ratha Saja | Dhoosara Theja Punja  Athi  Bhraja||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The huge procession of Bhoodevatha/Bhramins, Vandhigana, Suthaganas, etc. marched towards the city of Mithila


Chapter – 291– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The huge procession of Bhoodevatha/Bhramins, Vandhigana, Suthaganas, etc. marched towards the city of Mithila


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “ Oh! Bharadhwaja, the wedding procession of Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam born as the son of King Dhasharatha and Devi Kausalya, marched out of the city of Ayodhya. There were several auspicious omens that were visible, everyone rejoiced at heart, singing, dancing, reciting auspicious hymns, etc. the wedding procession kept moving forward. The elephants were decorated with ornaments, bells produced jingling noises while moving and the canopy for the passengers was beautifully decorated on the back of the elephant, was followed by several palanquins decorated with precious gems, vehicles, were occupied by the Bhoodevatha/Bhramins of huge numbers, immersed in Vedic chants. The Vandhiganas, Suthaganas, who sing the praise of the glories of the King and the illustrious clan of Raghu's were taken seats on the vehicles allotted according to their rank. The oxen, camels, mules, were loaded with food supplies for the wedding procession, ornaments, weapons, dry fruits, clothing, foods, and beverages on a large scale. In addition to it, there were millions of porters who were carrying items, several attendants of Kings were traveling on the vehicles allotted for them.”


Chadi Chadi Ratha Bahera  Nagara Lagi  Jurana Barath | Hoth Saguna Sundhara Sabahi Jo Jehi Karaja Jatha ||

Kalitha Karibaranhi Pari Ambari | Kahi Na  Jahi  Jehi Bhanthi Savari || Chale Maththa Gaja Ghanta Biraji | Manahu Subhaga Savana Dhana Raji || Bahana Apara Aneka Bidhana| Sibika Subhaga Sukhasana Jana|| Theenha Chadi Chale Biprabara Brindha| Janu Thanu Dhare Sakala Shruthi Chandha ||Magadha Sootha Bandhi Gunagayaka | Chale Jana Chadi Jo Jehi Layak || Besara Oot Brishabha Bahu Jathi | Chale Basthu Bhari Aganitha Bhanthi || Kotinha Kavari Chale Kahara | Bibidha Basthu Ko Baranai Para || Chale Sakala Sevaka Samudhayi | Nija Nija Saju Samaju Banayi ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The preparation for the grand wedding procession took place in full swing


Chapter – 290– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The preparation for the grand wedding procession took place in full swing


The arrangements for the wedding procession were taken place in full swing, there were several handsome youths attired in marvelous attire mounted on horses, followed by a huge army of warriors who are skilled in the sword fight, spear fight, chariot fight, horse fight, wrestling, etc. Thus, huge warriors armed with weapons were getting ready to follow the wedding processing outside the city. The whole city reverberated with the sounds of kettle drums, pipes, etc. The charioteers meticulously decorated their chariots with gems, flowers, banners, flags, bells, and various ornaments to give out the appearance of celestial vehicles. King Dhasharatha owned several high breed horses with magnificent looks and black ears have the speed of the wind was tied to the chariots. The marvelously decorated chariots were allotted to the preceptors, twice-born, King and his family members. Thus, all the arrangements for the transportation were made for the wedding procession, several carts filled with large stock weapons, food materials, splendid clothing, ornaments, precious gems, etc. was kept ready and duly informed the King Dasaratha.

Cchare CchabeeleCchayala Sab Sura Sujana Nabeena | Juga  Padhachara Asavara Prathi Je  Asikala Prabeena||

Bandhe Biradha Beera Rana Gade | Nikasi Bhaye Pura Bahera Dade || Pherahi Chathura Thuraga Gathi Nana | Harashahi Suni suni Panava Nisana || Ratha Sarathinha Bichithra Banaye | Dhvaja Pathaka Manibhooshana Laye|| Chavara Charu Kinkini Dhuni Karahi | Bhanu Jana Sobha Apaharahi || Savakarana Aganitha Hatha Hothe | The  Thinha Rathanha Sarathinha Jothe || Sundhara Sakala Alankritha Sohe | Jinhahi Bilokath Munimana Mohe || Je Jala Chalahi Thalahi Ki Nayi | Tapa Na Booda Bega Adhikayi || Asthra Sasthra Sabu  Saju Banayi | Rathi Sarathinha Liye Bolayi ||

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Bharatha and Shathrughna along with several handsome princes gets ready to lead the wedding procession


Chapter – 289– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Bharatha and Shathrughna along with several handsome princes gets ready to lead the wedding procession


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the marvelousness of the palace of King Dhasharatha which is the birthplace of Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam incarnated as Rama who is the Choodamani of the Raghu's clan was beyond the description of the poets. King Dhasharatha called out for Bharatha and spoke “Oh! Dear Son, keep all the horses, elephants, chariots, ready for the procession of the wedding of Rama” Bharatha and Shathrughna were thrilled to hear the instructions from their father, rushed to give orders to the stablemen, and care-takers of elephants and chariots, soon a huge line of high breed horses with great speed  of wind in different colors was set ready for the procession, chariots were stunningly decorated, elephants were decorated with gold ornaments and majestic seating arrangements/canopy was made by mahouts. The most handsome Bharatha, Shathrughna and young prince in the family dressed in marvelous clothing, adorned in armlets, Kankan, ear ornaments, crown, ornaments on the chest and neck, waist ornaments, decked in bow and arrow, etc. majestically mounted on the stunning horses that have the speed of the wind.”

Sobha Dhasharatha Bhavana Kayi Ko Kabi Baranai Par | Jaha Sakala Sura Seesa Mani Rama Leenha Avathara ||

Bhoop Bharath Puni Liye Bolaye | Hatha Gaya Svayadhana Sajahu Jayi || Chalahu Begi Raghubeera Baratha| Sunatha Pulaka Poore Dhoau Bhratha || Bharatha Sakala Sahani Bolaye | Aayasu Dheenha Mudhitha Udi Dhaye || Rachi Ruchi Jeena Thuranga Thinha Saje | Barana Barana Bar Baji  Biraje || Subhaga Sakala Sudi Chanchala Karani | Aya Iva Jaratha Dharatha Paga Dharani || Nana Jathi Na JahiBakhane| Nidhari Pavanu Janu Chahath Udane || Thinha Sab Chayala Bhaye Asavara | Bharath Sarisa Baya Rajakumara || Sab Sundhara Sab Bhooshanadhari | Kara Sara Chapa ThoonaKati Bhari ||