Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Devi Shatharoopa and Manu leaves the mortal coil and achieve the abode of Lord Indra as promised by Lord Hari


Chapter – 146– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Devi Shatharoopa and Manu leaves the mortal coil and achieve the abode of Lord Indra as promised by Lord Hari

Lord Hari spoke “Oh! Rajan, kindly take pleasure in the abode of Lord Indra for some time, and in due course of time, you will be born as King of Ayodhya/Awadha, and that moment I shall be born as your son. It is my promise to you. I will assume the form of a human, will be born as your beloved child, and conduct various amusements, that would give immense pleasure to my devotees and Mahatmas, mere listening to my various passionate sport, would protect the fortunate Jeevas, liberates them from the sufferings of the unfathomable ocean of Samsara, impurities of mind such as lust, desire, ego, pride, jealousy, and anger, finally the Garbhavasadhukham. The Prapancha is inseparable Maya of mine, she is my eternal companion, primordial energy who is the cause of the Universe and its living and non-living things, she will accompany me whenever I take incarnations and I shall fulfill all your desires as I have promised.” The supreme Lord Hari assured the couple repeatedly and disappeared from their sight. Thus, the divine couple Manu and Devi Shatharoopa continued to live in the hermitage for some time and shed their mortal coil, further they achieved the abode of Lord Indra Amaravathi, and continued to live in the heavenly abode.


Thaha Kari Bhoga  Bisala Thath Gaya Kacchu Kala Puni | Hoyihahu Avadha Bhuala Thab Mei Hob Thumhara Sutha ||


Icchamaya Narabesha Savare | Hoyihau Pragat Niketha Thumhare || Amsanha Sahitha Dheha Dhari Thatha | Karihau Charitha Bhagath Sukhadhatha || Je Suni Sadhar Nara Badbhagi | Bhava  Tharihahi Mamatha Madha Thyagi || Adhisakthi Jehi Jaga Upajaya | Soau Avatharihi Mori Yaha Maya || Puraub Mei Abilasha  Thumhara | Sathya Sathya Pan Sathya Hamara || PUni PUni Asa Kahi Kripanidhana | Anthardhana Bhaye Bhagavana || Dhampathi Ura Dhari Bhagatha Kripala | Thehi Ashrama Nivase Kacchu Kala || Samaya Payi Thanu Thaji Anayasa | Jayi Keenha Amaravathi Basa ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Devi Shatharoopa and Manu’s requests for Ananyabhakthi at the lotus feet of Lord Hari


Chapter – 145– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Devi Shatharoopa and Manu’s requests for Ananyabhakthi at the lotus feet of Lord Hari


Devi Shatharoopa with folded hands prayed to Lord Hari “Oh! Prabho, kindly shower your compassionate grace of us, and firm devotion/Ananyabhakthi at your lotus feet which is the ultimate objective of the Jeeva, let the wisdom and knowledge do not leave us in any circumstances, and let us remain devoted to your lotus feet at all times.” Lord Hari was highly pleased listening to the words full of wisdom and pure love, gently replied “Oh! Mother, I have granted all those boons you have cherished, and all that desired by you. The Viveka/wisdom and knowledge will not leave you under any circumstances.” Raja Manu bowed at the feet of Hari, took hold of his feet, and spoke in tears “Oh! Prabho, I have an earnest appeal to you, I should have intense love and attachment to my son, let it be my foolishness or ignorance, I want a unique relationship to be shared with my son, that should be full of love and devotion, as the serpent cannot live without the precious gem on its forehead, and the fishes cannot leave without water. Oh! Prabho, kindly provide me the boon that I can’t live without my son who is Paramathma Parambhramam personified.” Raja Manu prostrated before the lotus feet of Lord Hari, and took hold of his feet firmly, shed tears of joy and love. The merciful Lord Hari took Devi Shatharoopa and Manu in his hand and advised “All your wishes would get fulfilled, kindly leave the dense forest and live in the abode of Lord Indra for some time and enjoy all the heavenly pleasures.”


Soyi  Sukha Soyi Gathi Soyi Bhagathi Soyi Nija CharanaSanehu | Soyi Bibeka Soyi Rahani Prabhu Hamahi Kripakari Dhehu ||

Suni Mridhu Gooda Ruchira Bara Rachana | Kripasindhu Bole  Mridhu Bachana|| Jo Kacchu Ruchi Thumhare  Man Mahi | Mei  So Dheenha Sab  Samsaya  Nahi || Mathu Bibeka Alaukika  There | Kabahu Na Mitihi  Anugraha Mere || Bandhi Charana Manu Kaheau Bahori | Avara Yek Binathi Prabhu Mori || Sutha Bishayika  Thava Padharathi Hoau | Mohi Bada Mooda Kahai Kin Koau || Mani Binu  Phani Jimi  Jala Binu Meena | Mama Jeevan Thimi Thumhahi Adheena || Asa Baru Magi Charana Gahi Raheau | Yevamasthu Karunanidhi Kaheau || Ab Thumha Mama Anusasan Mani | Basahu Jayi Surapathi Rajadhani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Devi Shatharoopa and Munu receives a unique and marvelous boon from Lord Hari


Chapter – 144– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Devi Shatharoopa and Munu receives a unique and marvelous boon from Lord Hari


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the supreme Lord who is Dhani/ symbolize affluence, Shiromani/ precious gem, gracious, noble, Kripanidhi/merciful, repeatedly asked the divine couple Raja Manu and Devi Shatharoopa to reveal their desire, finally, they have appealed to Lord Hari about their wish to achieve a son who has possessed the beauty and virtues of Lord Hari. The compassionate Lord listening to the word of pure love, and wisdom, began to speak “Let it be. I shall be born as your son as you have desired, and I will find my female energy in due course of time.” Lord Hari bow before Devi Shatharoopa who was standing with folded hands, eyes full of love, drenched in tears, and spoke “Oh! Devi, kindly asks for a boon, what would you like to have as a boon from me?” Devi Shatharoopa spoke “Oh! Prabho, I have nothing else to ask as a boon, I have already achieved the most promising boon which was pronounced by the clever king, my consort. Oh! Prabho, I have no words to describe your mercy, you are most promising to your devotees, Oh! Prabho, you are the Lord of the Universe, and Lord of Lords, you are beloved of Lord Bhrama, Lord Rudra, and deities. You are Antharyami, all-pervasive supreme Bramham resides as a soul in the Jeeva, you are the knower of all. Oh! Prabho, you are the protector of devotees who has taken shelter at your lotus feet, you are the provider of welfare and happiness to them.”


Dhani Siromani Kripanidhi Natha Kahau Sathibhau | Chahau Thumhahi Samana Sutha Prabhu  San Kavana Dhurau||

Dhekhi Preethi Suni Bachana Amole | Yevamasthu Karunanidhi Bole ||
Aapu Sarisa Khojau Kaha Jayi | Nripa Thava  Thanaya Hob Mei  Aayi || Satharoopahi Biloki Kar Jore| Dhebi Magu Baru Jo Ruchi There || Jo Baru Natha Chathura Nripa Maga| Soyi Kripala Mohi Athi Priya Laga || Prabhu Paranthu Sudi Hothi Didayi | Jadhapi Bhagath Hitha Thumhahi Sohayi || Thumha Bhramadhi Janaka Jaga Swami | Bhrama SakalaUra Antharjami || Asa  Samujjath Man Samsaya Hoyi | Kaha Jo Prabhu Pravana PUni Soyi || Je Nija  Bhagatha Natha Thava Ahahi | Jo Sukha Pavahi Jo  Gathi Lahahi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The pure love and devotion of Devi Shatharoopa and Manu upon supreme Lord Hari and Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi


Chapter – 143– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – The pure love and devotion of Devi Shatharoopa and Manu upon supreme Lord Hari and Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi

The supreme Lord Hari was highly pleased witnessing the pure love and devotion of the couple, Manu and Devi Shatharoopa, and instructed the couple to ask for a boon. Raja Manu with folded hands after regaining immense courage began to spoke in a soft tone “Oh! Prabho, after witnessing your marvelous form, we have left with no desires, you have already fulfilled all our desires. Yet, we have a desire lingering in our hearts, desires sprout up effortlessly in no time, but it is difficult to accomplish, hence it is good to remain undisclosed forever.  Oh! Prabho, you are merciful, and there is nothing impossible for you to grant, but the wretched situation won’t permit me to nurture my wish like the pauper gets ashamed to ask for wealth from the wish-fulfilling Kalpatharu which capable to provide all that desired in abundance, like that pauper I hardly know the glories of the supreme Lord. Oh! Prabho, you are all-pervasive supreme Bhramam, resides as a soul in the Jeeva, source of functioning of the mind, intellect, Karma, Gnanendhriyas, Ahamkara, Prana, Mamakara, etc. you are the knower of all, you are Antharyami, and fulfills all the desire of the worshiper, hence kindly fulfill my desire too.” The compassionate Lord spoke “Oh! Rajan, kindly asks for a boon, there is nothing impossible for me to grant as a boon for my devotees.”


Bole Kripanidhana PUni Athi Prasanna Mohi  Jani | Magahu Bar Joyi Bhava Man  Mahadhani Anumani ||

Suni  Prabhu Bachana Jori Juga Pani | Dhari  Dheeraju Boli Mridhu Bani || Natha Dhekhi Padhakamala Thumhare | Ab Poore Sab Kama Hamare || Yek Lalasa Badi  Ura Mahi | Sugama Agama Kahi Jathi So Nahi || Thumhahi Dheth Athi  Sugama Gosayi | Agama Laga Moha Nija  Kripanayi|| Jaya  Dharidhra  Bibudhatharu Payi | Bahu Sampathi Magath Sakuchayi || Thasu Prabhau Jana Nahi Soyi | Thatha Hridhaya Mama Samsaya Hoyi || So Thumha Janahu Antharjami | Puravahu Mora  Manoratha Swami || Sakucha  Bihayi Magu  Nripa  Mohi | More Nahi  Adheya Kacchu Thohi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Manu and Devi Shatharoopa was fascinated by the mesmerizing beauty of Lord Hari and Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi


Chapter – 142– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Manu and Devi Shatharoopa fascinated by the mesmerizing beauty of Lord Hari and Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Lord Vishnu was attired in magnificent yellow silk garment gave out the appearance of a streak of lightning, he had beautiful three folds on the stomach and the beauty of the deep navel resembled the attractive twirls in the waters of the river Yamuna. The marvelous appearance of supreme Lord Hari stolen the heart of honey bees like the Yogis, Muniganas was beyond description. Oh! Mune, on his left there was Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi, who is inseparable primeval energy of the Lord, the storehouse of virtues, beauty, wisdom, fortune, intellect, fame, affluence, and source of Universe, was beautifully stood beside him. Goddess Mahalakshmi is the essence of Sita, Bhavani, Saraswathi, there were limitless forms of her came in to display, with the mere movement of her eyebrows. Manu and Devi Shatharoopa stunned watching the magnificent form of Lord Hari and Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi, who is the ocean of beauty, they did not blink eyes for a while and avidly drinking the beauty of the Lord and his consort with their eyes, they kept yearningly looking at the magnificent form of Lord Hari with utmost reverence, their bodies raptured in extreme bliss, eyes brimming with tears, fell flatly before the lotus feet of Lord Hari, holding hands above their heads, soon the compassionate Lord Hari took hold of their hands and affectionately lifted them from the ground.”


Thaditha Binimdhaka Peetha Pata Udhara Rekha Bara Theeni | Nabhi Manohar Lethu Janu Jamuna Bhavara Cchabi  Ccheeni ||

Padha  Rajeeva Barani Nahi  Jahi | Munimana Madhupa Basahi Jenha Mahi ||Bama Bhaga Sobhathi Anukoola | Adhishakthi Cchabinidhi Jagamoola || Jasu  Amsa  Upajahi Gunakhani| Aganitha Lacchi Uma Bhramani || Bhrukuti Bilasa Jasu  Jaga Hoyi | Rama Bama Dhisi Seetha Soyi || Cchabisamudhra Hariroopa  Biloki | Yekatak Rahe Nayana Pat Roki || Chithavahi Sadhar Roopa Anoopa | Thripthi Na Manahi Manu Satharoopa || Harasha Bibasa Thana Dhasa Bhulani | Pare Dhanda Iva Gahi Padhapani || Sira Parase Prabhu Nija  Kara Kanja | Thuratha Udaye  Karunapunja ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Manu and Devi Shatharoopa envision the magnificent form of Lord Vishnu


Chapter – 141– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Manu and Devi Shatharoopa envision the magnificent form of Lord Vishnu


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the divine couple Manu and Devi Shatharoopa envisioned the marvelous form of Supreme Lord Vishnu who resembled Neelamani/blue sapphire, Neelasaroruha/blue lotus flower, Neeradharashyama /appearance of freshly formed dark clouds, spread intense luster of billions of rays. The effulgence of supreme Lord Vishnu resembled autumn full moon, the epitome of beauty, has beautiful cheeks, and chin, his conch shaped neck adorned in precious ornaments, the luscious red lips have the appearance of Jambu fruits, sparkling teeth, attractive nose, the beautiful smile on his face put the full moon into shame. His long and beautiful eyes resemble the blue lotus flower petals, the curved eyebrows have the appearance of the bow of Kamadeva, his forehead is adorned in marvelous Kumkum and sandalwood paste. He is adorned in gem decorated magnificent crown, ears adorned the Makarakundala/fish-shaped earrings, his dark, and thick curly hairs resembled swarm of bees, his chest is decorated with the precious gem Kausthuba, Vanamala/flower garlands, and the garland of precious ornaments and pearls, and the mark of Srivathsa. The Supreme Lord Vishnu has attractive physique has the gait of a lion, he has strong shoulder, broad chest adorned the sacred thread, long hands stretched up to knee resembled the trunk of an elephant, and he was wielded in bow and arrow.”


Neela  Saroruha Neelamani Neela Neeradhara Syama | Lagahi Than Sobha Nirakhi Koti Koti Sath Kama ||

Saradha Manthaka Badhana Cchabi Seeva | Charu Kapola Chibuka Dhara Greeva || Adhara Aruna Radha Sundhara Nasa | Bidhu Kara Nikara Binidhaka Hasa || Nava Ambuja Ambaka Cchabi Neeki | Chithavani Lalitha Bhavathi Ji Ki || Bhrukuti Manoja Chapap Cchabi Hari | Thilaka Lalata Patala Dhoothikari || Kundala Makara Mukuta  Sira Bhraja | Kutila  Kesa  Janu Madhupa  Samaja || Ura  SreeBathsa  Ruchira Banamala | Padhika Hara Bhooshana Manijala || Kehari Kandhara Charu Janeau | Bahu  Bhibhooshana  Sundhara  Theau || Kari Kara Sarisa Subhaga Bhujadhanda | Kati Nishanga Kara Sara Kodhanda ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Prayer of Devi Shatharoopa and Manu at the lotus feet of Lord Hari


Chapter – 140– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda – Prayer of Devi Shatharoopa and Manu at the lotus feet of Lord Hari


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “ Oh! Mune, the divine couple Manu and Devi Shatharoopa after hearing the nectar-like words of Lord Hari was heard, ran through their ears, and settled in their heart, revitalized the deteriorated bodies, soon the bodily hairs stood upright, and the sudden rush of thrill through the limbs forced them to withdraw from the deep trance, they fell flat before the marvelous appearance of Lord Hari, and Manu began to speak with tears overflowing, chocking for words of intense love “Oh! Prabho, you are wish-fulfilling divine creeper/ Kalpatharu and resembles divine cow/Kamadhenu to your devotees. Oh! Prabho, Lord Bhrama, and Lord Hara worship at your lotus feet according to the prescribed rites, and adorn their forehead with the dust particles from your feet. Oh! Prabho, worship at your lotus feet provides all the happiness and auspiciousness to devotees, Oh! Pranatharththiharin, Oh! Pranathapalaka, who is the protector of distressed soul, you are the Lord of the Universe and its living beings. Oh! Prabho, we are orphan, helpless, kindly shower your compassionate grace on us. If you are really pleased with our devotion, kindly provide us a boon, kindly reveal to us that marvelous form of supreme Bhramam which dwells in the heart of Hara, and the Muniganas who strive hard to achieve that Paramathma Parambhramam with the practice of various austerities and Tapasya, the lovely swan resides in the heart of Sage Kakabhusundi, that supreme Bramham of Nirguna and Sagunaswaroopa that was stolen our hearts. Oh! Pranarththi Mochana, that all-pervasive supreme Bramham is eulogized as ‘Nethi Nethi’ by Veda, is eternal, supreme bliss, has neither beginning nor end, free from afflictions, pure, unblemished, changeless. Oh! Prabho, kindly reveal your glorious form to us.” The humble and sweet nectar-like words of the divine couple were heard, lit extreme delight in the heart of the Supreme Lord who is a storehouse of compassion, kindness, and love. The supreme Lord Hari appeared before the divine couple Manu and Shatharoopa.


Shravana Sudha Sama Bachana Suni Pulaka Praphullitha Gath | Bole Manu Kari  Dhandavath Prema Na Hridhaya Samath ||

Sunu Sevaka Suratharu Suradhenu| Bidhi Hari Hara Bandhitha Padharenu || Sevath  Sulabha Sakalasukha Dhayaka | Pranathapala Sacharachara Nayaka|| Jau Anatha Hitha Hama Par Nehu | Thau Prasanna Hoyi Yaha Bar Dhehu || Jo  Saroopa Basa Siva  Man Mahi | Jehi Karana Muni Jathana Karahi || Jo Bhusundi Man Manasa Hamsa | Saguna Aguna Jehi Nigama Prasamsa || Dhekhahi Ham So  Roopa Bhari Lochana | Kripa Karahu Pranatharathi Mochana || Dhampathi Bachana Paramapriya Lage | Mriduala Bineetha Prema Rasa Page || Bhagath Bacchala Prabhu Kripanidhana| Biswabasa Pragate Bhagavana ||