Friday, October 8, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Aranya Kanda – Rama shed light on Paramarththa Thaththva – Jeevathma and Paramathma – Indestructible Purusha/Paramathma and destructible Prakrithi/material matters


Chapter – 14– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Aranya Kanda– Rama shed light on Paramarththa Thaththva – Jeevathma and Paramathma – Indestructible Purusha/Paramathma and destructible Prakrithi/material matters


Lakshman spoke fervently “Oh! Prabho, kindly describe Paramathma/supreme soul and Jeevathma/individual soul, so that I may achieve Bhakti/devotion at your lotus feet, and thereby get rid of ignorance, grief, and sufferings of worldly existence.” Rama spoke compassionately “Oh! Dear brother, Lakshman, I shall explain them briefly, listen to them carefully, Oh! Thatha, the feeling of ‘I’ ‘You’ ‘Me’ ‘Mine’, are the concepts of illusion/Maya, which is influenced by all the living beings in this Universe, none is free from my powerful Maya. Whatever is perceived by the mind, and witnessed are persuaded by Maya/illusion. Oh! Thatha, ignorance is grief, lack of spiritual wisdom, knowledge of ‘self’/self-realization/Athmavichara and God-realization/Paramarththa Thaththva, the absence of knowledge of Jeevathma is the inseparable part of that all-pervasive Bhramam/Paramathma, heaves the Jeeva into repeated cycles of births and compel to undergo sufferings and grief of worldly existence. The knowledge of self, and the all-pervasive supreme Bhramam, the three attributes known as Rajasik, Thamasik, and Sathvik controlled by the Supreme Lord, the supreme wisdom known as Paramarththa Thaththva, the knowledge of all-pervasive Bhramam/Oneness-in-all, removes the impurities of Kama/lust, Krodha/anger, Lobha/greed, Moha/desire, Madha/pride Mathshcharya/jealousy, Ahamkara/ego, Mamakara /arrogance in the Jeeva. Oh! Lakshman, whoever attained that supreme wisdom, Oneness-in-all, and the knowledge of destructible Prakrithi/material matters, money, richness, wealth, fame, etc. and the indestructible Purusha/Paramathma/supreme soul would achieve dispassion, outshines the three attributes, abandon the interest in worldly matters and attachment to material matters like a grass.”


 Eswara Jeeva Bhedha Prabhu Sakala Kahau Samujjayi | Jathe  Hoyi Charana Rathi Soka Moha Bhrama Jayi ||

Thorehi Maha Sab Kahau Bujjayi | Sunahu Thatha Mathi Mana Chitha Layi || Mei Aru Mor Thora Thai Maya | Jehi Basa Keenhe  Jeeva Nikaya || Go Gochara Jaha Lagi Man Jayi | So Sab Maya Janehu Bhayi || Thehi Kara Bhedha Sunahu Thumha Soau | Bidhdhya Apara Abidhya Dhaou || Yek Dhushta Athisaya Dhukharoopa | Ja Basa Jeeva Para Bhavakoopa || Yek Rachayi Jaga Guna Basa Jake | Prabhu Preritha Nahi Nija Bala Thake || Gyanamana Jaha Yekau Nahi | Dhekha Bhrama Samana Sab Mahi || Kahia Thatha So Parama Biragi | Thrina Sama Sidhdhi Theeni Guna Thyagi ||

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