Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The nectar-like speeches of Rama


Chapter – 299– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The nectar-like speeches of Rama


Rama spoke passionately “Oh! Dear Bharatha, you are devoted by mind, words, and deed to me, there is no brother like you in this Universe, how can I keep silent without praising your virtues in the assembly of sages, Rishis, and noble souls? How can I recount the virtuous of my younger brother? You are incomparable and eloquent, Oh! Dear Bharatha, the illustrious clan of Surya, known for truthfulness and virtues, and our father’s fame are well known in the three worlds, you have elevated yourself to the noble status of our clan, you have thoroughly understood the seriousness of the situation, and respect for elders, preceptors, and noble souls, you have considered your foes and companions as neutral, you are well aware of the duties and responsibilities of us, and what’s advisable for you and me, and what we have to do at this critical moment. Oh! Thatha, I have utmost faith in you, still, I would like to quote something appropriate to the situation. Oh! Dear brother, we have not assigned the duties and responsibilities towards our preceptors, and subjects of our Kingdom in the absence of our father. If the sun sets before the hours of dusk, who would not suffer? In the same manner, the demise of our father the illustrious King Dhasharatha brought extreme agony and hardship to the Kingdom and its people. Fortunately, King Janaka and Sage Vashishta protected the Kingdom of Ayodhya and its people from further calamities.”


Karama Bachana Manasa Bimala Thumha Samana Thumha Thatha | Guru Samaja Laghu Bandhu Guna Kusumaya Kimi Kahi Jatha ||

Janahu Thatha Tharani Kulareethi | Sathyasandha Pithu Keerathi Preethi || Samau Samaju Laja Gurujana Ki | Udhaseena  Hitha Anahitha Mana Ki || Thumhahi Bidhitha Sabahi Kara Karamu | Aapana Mora Paramahitha Dharamu || Mohi Sab Bhanthi Bharosa Thumhara | Thadhapi Kahau Avasara Anusara || Thatha Thatha BinuBath Hamari | Kevala Gurukula Kripa Sambhari || Natharu Praja Parijana Parivaru | Hamahi Sahitha Sabu Hotha Khuaru || Jau Binu Avasara Athava Dhinesu | Jaga Kehi  Kahahu Na Hoyi Kalesu || Thasa  Uthapathu Thatha Bidhi Keenha | Muni Mithilesa Rakhi Sabu Leenha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The plight of the people in the assembly – The merit of singing in praise of devotion of Bharatha


Chapter – 298– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The plight of the people in the assembly – The merit of singing in praise of devotion of Bharatha


Bharatha’s faultless glories resembled the unblemished moon, and the creative mind of the brilliant poets was like the Chakora birds devotedly looking at the moon without blinking their eyes, waiting to consume the droplets from the Swathi star. The Vedas and scriptures were incompetent to sing in praise of Bharatha’s nobility, not to speak about the minds of the poets, hence mere singing in praise of Bharatha’s devotion and love, who wouldn’t achieve pure love, devotion, and faith at the lotus feet of Rama and Devi Sita? Is there any vile Jeeva free from devotion to Rama, even after listening to the pure love of Bharatha? The Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra perceived the mind and plight of the people, and Bharatha. The Lord of Raghu who is an ocean of mercy, love, truth, bliss, and virtue, after observing the time, place, and the situation, began to speak nectar-like compassionate words “Oh! Dear Bharatha, you are an upholder of virtues, righteousness, and you have in-depth knowledge of scriptures and Veda.”

Baratha Bimala Jasu Bimala Bidhu Sumathi Chakorakumari | Udhitha Bimala Jana Hridhaya Nabha Yekataka Rahi Nihari ||

Bharatha Subhau Na Sugama Nigamahu | Laghu Mathi Chapalatha Kabi Cchamahu || Kahatha Sunatha Sathi Bhau Bharatha Ko | Siyarama Padha Hoyi Na Ratha Ko || Sumiratha Bharathahi Premu Rama Ko | Jehi Na  Sulabhu Thehi Sarisa Bama Ko || Dhekhi Dhayala Dhasa Sabahi Ki | Rama Sujana Jani Jana Ji Ki || Dharama Dhureena Dheera Naya Nagara | Sathya Saneha Seela Sukha Sagara || Desu Kalu Lakhi Samau Samaju | Neethi Preethi Palaka Raghuraju || Bole Bachana  Bani Sarabasu Se | Hitha Parinama Sunatha Sasi Rasu Se || Thatha Bharatha Thumha Dharama Dhureena| Loka Bedha Bidha Prema Prabeena ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Lord Sri Ramachandra perceives the trick played by Lord Indra on the minds of the people


Chapter – 297– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Lord Sri Ramachandra perceives the trick played by Lord Indra on the minds of the people


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, except Bharatha, the preceptors, King Janaka, Sages, and Rishis, rest of the people of Mithila and Ayodhya were engulfed in anxiousness. The Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra who is Kripasindhu/ocean of mercy perceived the people are extremely distressed, they were suffering from the pain of separation, love, and devotion for Rama, and on the other hand, the trick played by Lord Indra. In the huge assembly, Bharatha’s pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Rama won over the ministers, preceptors, Rishis, and Sages, and King Janaka. Bharatha’s affection, nobility, amiability, virtues, were beyond words, watching the minuscule part of his love and devotion, the Rishis and Sages assembled were drenched in supreme bliss, the devotion and nobility of Bharatha have inspired the sublime thoughts in the mind of poets, how can this Tulsi describe the glory of Bharatha? even the excellent poets found it helpless to describe them all were came out as an infant’s speeches.”


Bharathu Janaku Munijana Sachiva Sadhu Sachetha Bihayi | Lagi Devamaya Sabahi Jathajogu Janu Payi ||

Kripasindhu Lakhi Loga Dhukhare | Nija Saneha Surapathi Cchala Bhare || Sabha Rau Guru Mahisura Manthri | Bharatha Bhagathi Sab Kai Mathi Janthri || Ramahi Chithavath Chithra Likhe Se | Sakuchatha Bolatha Bachana  Sikhe Se || Bharatha Preethi Nathi Binaya Badayi | Sunatha Sukhadha Baranatha Kadinayi || Jasu Biloki Bhagathi Lavalesu | Prema Magana Munigana Mithilesu || Mahima Thasu Kahai Kimi Tulasi | Bhagathi Subhaya Sumathi Hiya Hulasi || Aapu Cchotti Mahima Badi Jani | Kabikula Kani Mani Sakuchani || Kahi Na  Sakathi Guna Ruchi Adhikayi | Mathi Gathi Bala Bachana Ki Nayi ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Lord Indra plays a trick on the mind of the people of Ayodhya and Mithila


Chapter – 296– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Lord Indra plays a trick on the mind of the people of Ayodhya and Mithila


Lord of Raghu, the assemblage of sages, Rishis, preceptors, King Janaka, and the people of Mithila and Ayodhya highly praised the virtues and love of Bharatha in their heart, the deities showered flowers watching the boundless love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Ramachandra. Sage Tulsidas says the deities must have withered witnessing the love and affection of Bharatha as if the cluster of lotus flowers at the hours of dusk. Lord Indra who always looks for his own benefits, played a trick on the mind of the people of Mithila and Ayodhya, who were grieving over the separation from Rama. The Lord of deities, Lord Indra, who always loves to win over the loss of others, expresses joy over the grief of others was always been the evil example among the deities, his nature was always been malicious, doubtful, and crafty. As usual, he had conceived the plan and put the people of Mithila and Ayodhya in deep distress, they turned out doubtful and miserable about the propitiousness of the deities, but their affection for Rama did not push them into gloominess completely, soon the people were engulfed by anxiousness and fear, now all of them wanted to be in the comfort of their own homes, leaving their liking for woods. The people of Mithila and Ayodhya were equally tormented by the uncertainties of life in the forests, their minds has become vacillating like the brimming water in the pond, they did not find peace in the company of each other, or did not disclose their grief to one and another. The compassionate Lord Sri Ramachandra perceived the trick played by Indra on the mind of the people and smiled at heart.

Raghurau Sithila Saneha Sadhusamaja Muni  Mithila  Dhani | Mana Mahu Sarahath Bharatha Bhayapa Bhagathi Ki Mahima Dhani || Bharathahi Prasamsatha Bibudha Barashath Sumana Manasa Malina Se | Tulasi Bikala Sab Loga  Suni Sakuche Nisagama Nalina  Se||

Dhekhi Dhukhari Dheena Dhuhu Samaja Naranari Sab | Madhava Maha Maleena Muye Mari Mangala Chahatha ||

Kapata Kuchali Seeva Suraraju | Para Akaja Priya Apana Kaju || Kaka Samana Pakaripu Reethi | Cchali Maleena Kathahu Na Pratheethi || Prathama Kumatha Kari Kapatu Sakela | So Uchatu Sab Ke  Sira Mela || Suramaya Sab Loga  Bimohe | Ramaprema Athisaya Na Bicchohe || Bhaya Uchata Basa Mana Thira Nahi | Cchana Bana Ruchi Cchana Sadhana Sohahi || Dhubidha Manogathi Praja Dhukhari | Saritha Sindhu Sangama Janu Bari || Duchitha Kathahu Parithoshu Na Lahahi | Yek Yek Sana Maramu Na Kahahi || Lakhi Hiya Hasi Kaha Kripanidhana | Sarisa Swana Madhavana Jubanu ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha promises to serve the command of Rama in the assembly of ministers, Sages, Rishis, and preceptors


Chapter – 295– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha promises to serve the command of Rama in the assembly of ministers, Sages, Rishis, and preceptors

Bharatha spoke “Oh! Prabho, it is not wise to give long lectures before my gracious Master, kindly be pleased with us, and command us, we all are prepared to follow your orders sincerely. I shall promise on the dust particles from the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, which is the essence of virtue, truthfulness, and bliss, I shall disclose the earnest desire that I have cherished in my heart in all four states of life/sleep, dream, walk and Thureeya, it is my duty to serve my Master Lord Sri Ramachandra with honesty and affection, forgetting my own interest to achieve the Purusharththa/Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha which is the ultimate object of the worldly existence. My noble Master Lord Sri Ramachandra would not neglect the desire of his servant, in order to achieve the fruitfulness of my life.” Bharatha was overwhelmed with various emotions, tears overflowing down the cheeks, his whole limbs were quivering in excitement, in deep distress, he has fallen at the lotus feet of Lord Rama and clasped his feet, the affection of the two brothers was beyond words. Rama raised Bharatha from the ground, pacified him with kind and compassionate words, and made him seated next to him. The whole assembly of Rishis, Sages, preceptors, ministers, and the people of Ayodhya and Mithila were overpowered by love watching the noble disposition and devotion of Bharatha at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra.

Suhridha Sujana Susahibahi Bahuth Kahab Badi  Khori | Aayasu Dheyia Deva Ab Sabayi Sudhari Mori ||

Prabhupadha Padhumaparaga  Dhohayi  | Sathya Sukritha Sukha Seeva suhayi || So Kari Kahau Hiye Apane Ki | Ruchi Jagatha Sovatha Sapane Ki || Sahaja Saneha Swami Sevakayi | Swaratha  Cchala Phala Chari Bihayi || Agya  Sama Na  Susahib Seva | So Prasadhu Jana Pavai Deva || Asa Kahi Prema Bibasa Bhaye Bhari | Pulaka Sareera  Bilochana Bari || Prabhupadha Kamala Gahe Akulayi | Samau Sanehu Na So Kahi Jayi || Kripasindhu Sanmani Subani | Baitaye Sameepa Gahi Pani || Bharatha Binaya Suni Dhekhi Subhau | Sithila Saneha Sabha  Raghurau ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha praising the kindness of Rama


Chapter – 294– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha praising the kindness of Rama


Bharatha spoke fervently “Oh! Prabho, you are well capable to transform your devotees, treating them with love and honor, and make them known as the jewel adorned on the crown of ascetics. Oh! Prabho, is there any deity known for kindness and compassion as you? You have firmly protected the promises made to your sincere devotees. Oh! Prabho, I have been distressed, and miserable, overlooked your commands and traveled to woods with the people of Ayodhya, yet you have accepted all of us with graciousness and removed our grief and agony. I have achieved the fortune to take shelter at your lotus feet, which is highly propitious to all. Oh! Prabho, I had the fortune to experience your affection and kindness in abundance, even after various faults of mine. My gracious Lord Sri Ramachandra overlooked all my faults and sins and showered an abundance of kindness and affection on me, which I do not deserve.  Oh! Prabho, you are the symbol of virtue, amiability, and noble disposition, I have overlooked your disposition, and spoken words of politeness and impoliteness as it was pleasing to me, kindly forgive me for all those mistakes, consider that I am a distressed Jeeva, and I am certain that my Lord Sri Ramachandra would pardon me.”

Yo Sudhari  Sanmani Jana Kiye  Sadhu  Siramor | Ko Kripala Binu Palihai Biridhavali Barajor ||

Soka Saneha Ki Bala Subhaya | Aayau Layi  Rajayasu Baya || Thabahu Kripala Heri Nija Aura | Sabahi Bhanthi Bhala Maneau Mora || Dhekheau Paya Sumangala Moola | Janeau Swami Sahaja Anukoola || Bade Samaja Bilokeau Bhagu | Badi Chook Sahib Anuragu || Kripa Anugrahu Angu Adhayi | Keenhi Kripanidhi Sab Adhikayi || Rakha Mor Dhular Gosayi | Apane Seela Subhaya Bhalayi || Natha Nipata Mei Keenhi Didayi | Swami samaja Sakocha Bihayi || Abinaya Binaya Jayaruchi Bani| Cchamihi Dheau Athi Aarathi Jani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha praising the splendor of Rama


Chapter – 293– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha praising the splendor of Rama


Bharatha spoke in tears “ Oh! Prabho, you have been kind and compassionate to me always, you have considered my failings as embellishments, and you have spread glories and goodness of mine in all three worlds. Oh! Prabho, you are eulogized by Veda and scriptures, your noble disposition and greatness are known to the whole Universe. Oh! Prabho, you are the ocean of mercy, and you ensure the protection of the Jeeva who have taken shelter at your lotus feet, be it cruel, deceitful, dull-witted, evil-minded, unscrupulous, or Jeeva who have no belief in you or uttered your sacred name ‘Rama’ or bow before you for once. Oh! Prabho, you do not notice the fault of the Jeeva who have taken shelter in you, instead, you don’t leave even a single opportunity to praise the virtues of them in the great assembly of the Sages and Rishis. Oh! Prabho, there is no Master gracious as you to your servants, you are the source of auspiciousness, happiness, and welfare to the Jeeva, even after all these. You are the Master who feel unsatisfied, and unhappy with your generosity to your servant. Oh! Prabho, you are supreme Lord, kindly protect us, I am certain that an animal could perform a marvelous dance to the tune and a parrot could speak fluently that was taught by its Master.”

Kripa Balayi Aapni Natha Keenha Bhala Mora | Dhooshana Bhe Bhooshana Sarisa  Sujasu Charu Chahu Aur ||

Rauri Reethi Subani Badayi | Jagatha Bidhitha Nigamagama Gayi || Koora Kutila Khala Kumathi Kalanki | Neecha  Nisila Nireesa Nisanki || Theau Suni Sarana Samuhe Aaye | Sakritha Pranamu Kihe Apanye || Dhekhi Dhosha Kabahu Na Ura Aane | Suniguna Sadhu Samaja Bakhane || Ko Sahib Sevakahi Nevaji | Aapu Samaja Saja Sab Saji || Nija  Karathoothi Na Samujjia Sapane | Sevaka Sakucha Sochu Ura Apane || So Gosayi Nahi Dhoosara Kopi | Bhuja Udayi Kahau Pana Ropi || Pasu Nachatha Suka Pada Prabeena | Gunagathi Nata  Padaka Adheena ||