Thursday, June 24, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The joy of the people of the Kingdom of Ayodhya


Chapter – 288– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The joy of the people of the Kingdom of Ayodhya


The houses in Ayodhya were decorated in a grand manner and colorful Rangolis were drawn in front of the houses, streets and pathways were sprinkled with the fragrant water mixed with musk, sandalwood paste, saffron, and camphor. The attractive ladies lustrous like the moon, assembled in groups, attired in magnificent clothes and ornaments, resembled Devi Rathi, melodiously singing in praise of Rama were excelled the sounds of Cuckoo. The palace of King Dhasharatha was beyond description, the large number of pavilions erected were magnificent enticed the whole Universe. There were various auspicious omen visible to the people of Ayodhya, the sounds of divine instruments reverberated in the sky,  a huge number of Bhramins immersed in Vedic chants, Vandhiganas and Suthaganas beautifully sang in praise of the clan of Raghu's, pretty women dressed in magnificent clothes, adorned in exquisite ornaments all over the body, hair decorated with flowers in abundance,  assembled in different groups beautifully sang various auspicious songs, wishing the divine couple Rama and Devi Sita, thus the Kingdom of Ayodhya overflown with joy.


Mangalamaya Nija Nija Bhavana Loganha Rache Banaye | Bithi Seechi Chathurasama Chauke Charu Purayi ||

Jaha Thaha Jooth Jooth Mili Bhamini | Saji Navasaptha Sakala Dhuthi Dhamini || Bidhubadhani Mriga Savak Lochani | Nija  Saroop Rathi Manu Bimochani || Gavahi Mangala Manjuala Bani | Suni Kalarava Kalakandi Lajani || Bhoop Bhavana Kimi Jayi Bakhana | Biswa Bimohana Racheau Bithana || Mangala Dhrabya Manohara Nana | Rajath Bajath Bipula Nisana || Kathahu Biridha Bandhi Uccharahi | Kathahu Bedh Dhuni Bhoosura Karahi|| Gavahi Sundhari Mangala Geetha | Lai Lai Namu Ramu Aru Seetha || Bahuth Ucchahu Bhavanu Athi Thora | Manahu Umagi Chala Chahu Aura ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The city of Ayodhya prepares for welcoming the newlyweds


Chapter – 287– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The city of Ayodhya prepares for welcoming the newlyweds


A large feast was organized by the Queens for the penniless in the villages, and offered an abundance of gits as money, grains, clothes, etc. in return they wished the children and the entire clan and left the palace, uttering “Long Live the King Dhasharatha and his four children”. The city of Ayodhya reverberated with the sounds of auspicious musical instruments, the news of the wedding of Rama spread all over the Kingdom ear to ear, people started celebrating in their homes. The fourteen worlds drenched in extreme bliss at the news of the wedding of Devi Janaki, the daughter of King Janaka with Rama, son of King Dasaratha and the hero of Raghu clan. The houses, streets, pathways, market places, pleasure gardens, shelter homes, etc. were decorated in a grand manner to receive the celestial couple. The unfailing splendor of the Kingdom of Ayodhya bourgeoned to immeasurable, which is the abode of supreme Lord Rama who is the essence of love, valor, compassion, kindness, and charm. The entire city was decorated with flags, banners, flowers, as a part of lodging for the guests several huge pavilions were erected with stunning decorations made out of gold and precious gems and arrangements were made for the collections of  Mangaladhravya/Kusha, vermilion, turmeric, Sandalwood paste, unbroken yellow rice, flowers of rich fragrances, holy leaves of bale and Tulsi, flower garlands, etc. in huge quantities.


Jachaka Liye  Hamkari Dheenhi Nichavari Koti Bidhi | Chiru Jeevahu Sutha Chari Chakrabarththi Dhasarathth Ke ||

Kahath Chale Pahire Pat  Nana| Harashi Hane  Gahagahe  Nisana|| Samachar Sab Loganha Paye | Lage Dhara Dhara Hona Badhaye || Bhuvana Chari Dhasa Bhara Ucchahu | Janakasutha Raghubeera Biahu || Suni Subha Katha Loga Anurage | Maga  Griha Gali Savarana Lage || Jadhdhyapi Avadha Sadhaiva Suhavani | Ramapuri Mangalamaya Pavani || Thadhapi Preethi Kai Preethi Suhayi | Mangala Rachana Rachi Banayi || Dhvaja Pathaka Pat  Chamara Charu | Cchava Parama Bichithra Bajaru || Kanaka Kalasa Thorana Mani Jala| Haradha Dhoob Dhadhi Acchath Mala ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The boundless joy in the palace of King Dhasharatha


Chapter – 286– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The boundless joy in the palace of King Dhasharatha


Sage Vashishta spoke “Oh! Rajan, kindly make immediate arrangements to proceed to the city of Mithila.” King Dhasharatha prostrated before Sage Vashishta and left the hermitage, the messengers were returned to the Kingdom of Mithila, and King returned to his palace and summoned all his consorts and read out the message of King Janaka of Mithila. The women in the palace rejoiced at the news of Rama and Lakshman, further King Dhasharatha explained whatever he had heard from the messengers, soon after there was a huge rush of emotions seen on the faces of Queens assembled, they have started to dance in joy and laughter hurried  to different directions for making arrangements for the wedding, the wives of preceptors, elderly family members and Devi Kausalya, Devi Kaikeyi, and Devi Sumithra transported to a state of ecstasy, conducted prayers for the blessings, they repeatedly looked at the message and pressed on their bosom to achieve the coolness from it. King Dhasharatha recollected the various childhood sports of Rama and Lakshman, tears welled up in gratitude remembering the graciousness of Sage Vishwamithra and Sage Vashishta. The queens summoned the Bhramins of the city and offered an abundance of contributions in the form of wealth, cow, grains, money etc. and in returned they blessed the children to achieve appropriate companion as a wedded wife.


Chalahu Begi Suni Guru Bachana Bhalehi Natha Siru Nayi | Bhoopathi Gavane  Bhavana  Thab Dhoothanha Basu Devayi ||


Raja Sabu Ranivasa Bolayi | Janaka Pathrika Bachi  Sunayi || Suni Sandheshu Sakala Harshani | Apara Katha Sab Bhoopa Bakhani || Prema Praphullitha Rajahi Rani | Manahu Sikhini Suni  Baridha Bani || Mudhitha Aseesa Dhehi Guru Nari | Athi Anandha Magana Mahathari || Lehi Paraspara Athi Priya Pathi | Hridhaya Lagayi Judavahi Cchathi || Rama Lakhana Kai Keerathi Karani | Barahi Bar Bhoobara Barani || Muni Prasadhu Kahi Dhwara Sidhaye | Raninha Thab Mahideva Bolaye || Dhiye Dhana Anandha Sametha | Chale  Biprabara Aasisha Dhetha ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Sage Vashishta praise the splendor of Raghu's and gives instruction for the arrangement of the grand wedding procession


Chapter – 285– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Sage Vashishta praise the splendor of Raghu's and gives instruction for the arrangement of the grand wedding procession


King Dhasharatha prepared to meet Sage Vashishta handed the letter to him, and the messengers took a leave from the large assembly was reverentially followed by the ministers. Further, King Dasaratha explained everything that he got to know from the messengers to the Sage who was highly pleased to hear about Rama and Lakshman, and began to speak “Oh! Rajan, the virtuous are the essence of happiness and contentment, hence the affluence and grace follow them wherever they go like the rivers and watercourses rush to meet the ocean. You and your wives are highly devoted and righteous, have great respect, and lend relentless service to the twice-born, preceptors, deities, and cows, Devi Kausalya is equally pious as you, I have not seen such a noble soul like you and your consorts, and will not be seen in the future. Oh! Rajan, there is no one in the fourteen worlds as pious and fortunate as you, hence you have achieved that supreme Bhramam, Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma as your son Rama, and your four sons are equally auspicious to the world. These four children of yours are equally courageous, righteous, kind, valorous, submissive, amiable, true to their vows, strictly follows austerities and ocean of virtues. Oh! Rajan, you are the most fortunate one in the Universe, kindly make arrangements for the wedding of Rama, let the Kingdom reverberate with the sounds of auspicious musical instruments.”

Thab Udi Bhoop Bashishta Kahu Dheenhi Pathrika Jayi | Katha Sunayi Gurahi Sab Sadhar  Dhootha Bolayi ||

Suni Bole  Guru Athi Sukhu Payi | Punya Purusha Kahu Mahi Sukha Cchayi || Jimi Saritha Sagar Mahu Jahi | Jadhdhayapi Thahi Kamana Nahi || Thimi Sukha Sampathi Binahi Bolaya | Dharamseela Pahi Jahi Subhaya || Thumha Guru Bipra Dhenu Sura  Sebi | Thasi Puneetha Kausalya Debi || Sukrithi Thumha Samana Jaga Mahi | Bhayau Na Hai Koau Honeau Nahi || Thumha The Adhika  Punya Bada Kake | Rajana Rama Sarisa  Sutha Jake || Beera Bineetha Dharma Bhratha Dhari | Guna Sagara Bara Balaka Chari || Thumha Kahu Sarba Kala Kalyana| Sajahu Barath Bajayi Nisana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The expression of love, devotion, and admiration of the messengers of Mithila to Rama and Lakshman


Chapter – 284– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The expression of love, devotion, and admiration of the messengers of Mithila to Rama and Lakshman


The messengers continued “Oh! Rajan, your elder son Rama who is the jewel of Raghu's clan happened to get closer to the Bhavachapa and lifted it from the cradle effortlessly, like the elephant pulled up the lotus stalk. After that the Sage Parashurama arrived in extreme fury, listening to the damage caused to the Bhavachapa. They had heated conversation for a few minutes, Rama proved his might before him, thus crushed the pride of the Sage who returned to woods for Tapasya, leaving the Vishnuchapa/bow of Lord Vishnu with Rama. Oh! Rajan, your son Rama possessed immense prowess and courage, the younger one Lakshman equally possess the might and glories as Rama, his mere sight is enough to spread fear among the unruly Kings, like the gaze young lion at the untamed elephants. Oh! Rajan, we had the fortune to witness your two lovely sons, we are contented, our eyes will not get attracted to anything in the future.” The excellent speeches of the messengers were full of love, described the valor, and glories of the two youths enhanced the spirit of people gathered in the assembly. King was overwhelmed in various emotions, affectionately offered an abundance of valuable gifts to the messengers were pleasantly refused, closed their eyes, tears overflowing replied “It is unfair to accept any gifts, we have already achieved the fruitfulness of our lives.”

Thaha Rama Raghubamsa Mani Sunia Maha Mahipala | Bhanjeau Chapa Prayasa Binu Jimi Gaja Pankaja Nala ||

Suni Sarosha Bhrigunayaku Aye | Bahuth Bhanthi Thinha Aankhi Dhekhaye || Dhekhi Rama Balu Nija Dhanu Dheenha | Kari Bahu Binaya Gavanu Bana Keenha || Rajan Ramu Athulabala Jaise | Theja Nidhana Lakhanu Puni  Thaise || Kampahi Bhoop Bilokath Jake | Jimi Gaja Hari Kisora Ke Thake || Deva Dhekhi Thava Balaka Dhoau | Ab Na  Aankhi Thara  Avath Koau || Dhootha Bachana Rachana Priya Lagi | Prema Prathapa Beera Rasa Pagi || Sabha Sametha Rau Anurage | Dhoothanha Dhena Nicchavari Lage || Kahi Aneethi The Mudhahi Kana | Dharamu Bichari Sabahi Sukhu Mana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The messengers of Mithila describes the incidents that took place during ‘Siya Swayamvara’


Chapter – 283– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The messengers of Mithila describes the incidents that took place during ‘Siya Swayamvara’


The messengers spoke amiably “Oh! Rajan,/Maheepathi, you are the most fortunate one in the whole Universe, there is no one fortunate as you to have the two charming and auspicious youths as your children who are the ornament of the Universe. They are the lion among the kings and they are the sources of brightness to the Universe, you need not be anxious about your children. They resemble Surya and Chandra, brilliant rays of sun get cooled in the night with the cool rays of the moon. Oh! Rajan, how could we refrain from noticing the mesmerizing appearance of your children? Do we require light to witness the brilliant Sunrays? Oh! Rajan, there were several kings and princes were present to attend the ‘Siya Swayamvara’, each and everyone was extremely skilled and charming, but no one could move the Bhavachapa, all their prowess, and glories were crushed in the assembly, the mighty demons Ravana who prepared to lift Mount Kailash and Banasura who is capable to lift mount Meru and many valiant Kings were miserably failed, had to retire in utter shame.”

Sunahu Maheepathi Mukuta Mani Thumha Sama Dhanya Na Koau | Ramu Lakhanu Jinha Ke Thanaya Biswa Bibhooshana Dhoau ||

Poochana  Jogu Na Thanaya Thumhare | Purushasimha Thihu Pura Ujiare || Jinha Ke  Jasa Prathapa Ke  Aage | Sasi Maleena Rabi Seethala Lage || Thinha Kaha Kahia Natha Kimi Cheenhe | Dhekhia Rabi Ki Dheepa Kara Leenhe || Siya Swayambara Bhoop Aneka | Samite Subhata Yek The Yeka || Sambu Sarasanu Kahu Na  Tara | Hare Sakala Beera  Bariara || Theene Loka  Maha Je  Bhatmani | Sabha Kai Sakathi Sambhu Dhanu Bhani || Sakayi Udayi Sarasura Meru | Soau Hiya Hari  Gayau Kari Pheru || Jehi Kauthuka Sivasailu Udava | Soau Thehi Sabha Parabhau Pava ||

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Dhasharatha’s friendly conversation with the messengers of Mithila


Chapter – 282– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– King Dhasharatha’s friendly conversation with the messengers of Mithila


Bharatha enquired “Oh! Father, Is that message about my beloved brothers? Are they doing well? Where are they?” King Dasaratha read out the message of Janaka once again for Bharatha who was beaming with joy, overcome by various emotions, the whole assembly overwhelmed watching the affection of Bharatha to Rama and Lakshmana. King Dhasharatha took a closer seat to the messengers and spoke with extreme delight and affection “Oh! Brother, how are the youths? Are they doing well? Have you met them personally? If you remember one in dark cloud complexioned and another one in fair, wielded in bow and arrow, both are young followed Maharishi Vishwamithra. Did you recognize them? Kindly tell me more about their temperaments, I would like to hear more about my beloved children.” Thus, King Dhasharatha repeatedly asked the messengers and his thirst to hear more about his lovely children grown beyond control. King Dhasharatha beaming with joy continued “I am receiving the news about my beloved children after a long period, gone with the Sage Kaushika took them to the dense forest to battle against the demons. Oh! Friends, describe me, how did the King of Mithila get to know about my children?”


Kusala Pranapriya Bandhu Dhoau Ahahi Kahahu Kehi Desa | Suni Saneha Sane Bachana Bachi Bahuri Naresa ||

Suni Pathi Pulake Dhoau Bhratha | Adhika Sanehu Samatha Na Gatha || Preethi Puneetha Bharath Kai Dhekhi | Sakala Sabha Sukhu Laheau Biseshi || Thab Nripa Dhootha Nikat Baitare | Madhura Manohara Bachana Uchare || Bhaiya Kahahu Kusala Dhoau Bare | Thumha Neeke Nija Nayana Nihare || Syamala Gaura Ghare Dhanu Bhaya | Baya Kisora Kausika Muni Satha || Pahichanahu Thumha Kahahu Subhau | Prema Bibasa Puni Puni Kaha Rau || Ja Dhina The Muni Gaye Lavayi | Thab The Aaju Sanchi Sudhi  Payi || Kahahu Bidheha Kavana Bidhi Jane | Suni Priya Bachana Dhootha Musukane ||