Chapter – 263– Sri Ramacharitha Manas –
Bala Kanda– Rama’s pleasant conversation with the Sage Parashurama
Rama, the hero of the Jewel of Raghu clan
sensed the situation became grim and the increased anxieties on the faces of
King Janaka, Queen, Devi Sita, and the people assembled, he came forward
calmly, he was neither happy nor sad, and introduced to Sage Parasurama “Oh!
Lord, it was one of your sincere servants who has broken the Bhavachapa, kindly
instruct me what to do next.” The calm and serene words of Rama were enough to ignite
the fury in the Sage, shrieked in anger “Oh! Rama, a sincere servant is the one who honestly serves his Master, and pleases him with his action, words,
and thought. The person who has displayed the role of an enemy should be
battled against and overthrown. Oh! Rama, listen to me carefully, whoever
broken the Bhavachapa is my enemy, even if it was thousand-armed
Karththaveeryarjuna. Hence, the person who has broken the Bhavachapa should
face my wrath separately, leaving the crowd in a safe corner. Otherwise, the
entire Kingdom and its subjects would face my fury.” Lakshman smiled at the
Sage and replied mockingly “I have broken several bows during my childhood
days, Oh! Lord, you have never been angry at me, why are you so fond of this
Bhavachapa?” The chief of Bhrigu clan burst out in anger.
Sabaya Biloke Loga Sab Jani Janaki Bheeru | Hridhaya Na Harashu
Bishadhu Kachu Bole Sreeraghubeeru ||
Sambhudhanu Bhanjanihara | Hoyihi Keau Yek Dhasa Thumhara || Ayasu Kaha
Kahia Kin Mohi | Suni Risayi Bole Muni Kohi || SevakuSo Jo Karai Sevakayi | Ari
Karani Kari Karia Larayi || SunahuRama
Jehi Sivadhanu Thora | Sahasabahu Sama So Ripu Mora || So Bilagau Bihayi Samaja
| Na Tha Mare Jaihahi Sab Raja || Suni
Muni Bachana Lakhana Musukane | Bole
Parasudharahi Apamane || Bahu Dhanuhi Thori Larikayi | Kabahu Na Asi
Risa Keenahi Gosayi || Yehi Dhanu Para
Mamatha Kehi Hethu | Suni Risayi Kaha Bhrugukulakethu ||