Chapter – 249– Sri Ramacharitha Manas –
Bala Kanda– Devi Sita’s mother was pacified by her companion – Devi Sita’s anxiousness
and prayer to Lord Shambhu, Bhavani, and Ganesha
The companion of Devi Sita’s mother spoke
“Oh! Devi, the sacred hymns and syllabus are too short to pronounce, but it has
so much power to fulfill the desires of the worshiper, it has the power to
invoke Hari Hara and all the deities, like the spear is enough to take good
control over the untamed elephant. The Lord Manmatha who is wielded in flower
bow and arrows makes all the creatures on the Earth dance to his tune, none
of the Jeevas of the Universe is free from his clutches. Oh! Devi, leave all
your worries, Rama will bend the unyielding bow of Lord Shiva, and he will remove
the anxiousness and grief of us.” Immediately all the anxiousness of Devi
Sita’s mother has vanished, and her love for Rama enhanced to a great extent. Janakanandhini was equally concerned like her
mother, praying her heart out in deep distress “Oh! Almighty Lord, kindly be
gracious to me. Oh! Lord Shambhu and Goddess Bhavani, kindly shower your grace
and lighten the weight of the unyielding bow. Oh! Lord Ganesha, remover of
obstacles, chief of Lord Shiva’s Gana, Oh! Bestower of boons, kindly listen to
my repeated prayers, and reduce the weight of the bow of Lord Shiva to trifle.”
Manthra Parama Laghu JasuBasa Bidhi Hari
Hara Sura Sarba | Mahamaththa Gajaraja
Kahu Basa Kara Anukusa Garba ||
Kama Kusuma Dhanu Sayaka Leenhe | Sakala
Bhuvana Apane Basa Keenhe || Dhebi Thajia Samsau Asa Jani | Bhanjab Dhanushu
Rama Sunu Rani || Sakhi Bachana Suni Bai Paratheethi | Mita Bishadhu Badi
Athi Preethi || Thab Ramahi Biloki Baidhehi | Sabhaya Hridhaya Binavathi
Jehi Thehi || Manahi Man Manava Akulani | Hohu Prasnna Mahesa Bhavani || Karahu
Saphala Aapani Sevakayi | Kari Hithu Harahu Chapa Guruayi || Gananayaka
Baradhayaka Dheva | Aaju Lage Keenhia Thua
Seva || Bara Bara Binathi Suni Mori | Karahu Chapa Gurutha Athi Thori ||