Friday, June 18, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Devi Sita’s mother was pacified by her companion – Devi Sita’s anxiousness and prayer to Lord Shambhu, Bhavani and Ganesha


Chapter – 249– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Devi Sita’s mother was pacified by her companion – Devi Sita’s anxiousness and prayer to Lord Shambhu, Bhavani, and Ganesha


The companion of Devi Sita’s mother spoke “Oh! Devi, the sacred hymns and syllabus are too short to pronounce, but it has so much power to fulfill the desires of the worshiper, it has the power to invoke Hari Hara and all the deities, like the spear is enough to take good control over the untamed elephant. The Lord Manmatha who is wielded in flower bow and arrows makes all the creatures on the Earth dance to his tune, none of the Jeevas of the Universe is free from his clutches. Oh! Devi, leave all your worries, Rama will bend the unyielding bow of Lord Shiva, and he will remove the anxiousness and grief of us.” Immediately all the anxiousness of Devi Sita’s mother has vanished, and her love for Rama enhanced to a great extent.  Janakanandhini was equally concerned like her mother, praying her heart out in deep distress “Oh! Almighty Lord, kindly be gracious to me. Oh! Lord Shambhu and Goddess Bhavani, kindly shower your grace and lighten the weight of the unyielding bow. Oh! Lord Ganesha, remover of obstacles, chief of Lord Shiva’s Gana, Oh! Bestower of boons, kindly listen to my repeated prayers, and reduce the weight of the bow of Lord Shiva to trifle.”

Manthra Parama Laghu JasuBasa Bidhi Hari Hara Sura  Sarba | Mahamaththa Gajaraja Kahu Basa Kara Anukusa Garba ||

Kama Kusuma Dhanu Sayaka Leenhe | Sakala Bhuvana Apane Basa Keenhe || Dhebi Thajia Samsau Asa Jani | Bhanjab Dhanushu Rama Sunu Rani || Sakhi Bachana Suni Bai Paratheethi | Mita  Bishadhu Badi  Athi Preethi || Thab Ramahi Biloki Baidhehi | Sabhaya Hridhaya Binavathi Jehi Thehi || Manahi Man Manava Akulani | Hohu Prasnna Mahesa Bhavani || Karahu Saphala Aapani Sevakayi | Kari Hithu Harahu Chapa Guruayi || Gananayaka Baradhayaka Dheva | Aaju Lage Keenhia Thua  Seva || Bara Bara Binathi Suni Mori | Karahu Chapa Gurutha Athi Thori ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Mother of Devi Janaki’s concern about the instruction of Maharishi Vishwamithra on Rama was assigned to fasten the Bhavachapa


Chapter – 248– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Mother of Devi Janaki’s concern about the instruction of Maharishi Vishwamithra on Rama was assigned to fasten the Bhavachapa

Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Mother of Devi Sita witnessed Rama heroically moving towards the powerful bow of mighty Lord Shiva, she became uneasy and spoken out of intense love “Oh! Dear Ladies, I feel very anxious, there are friends, and families watching the whole scenario, none of them bothered to stop Maharishi Vishwamithra from instructing Rama to fasten the Shivadhanuss, it is not a fair decision to assign the tender youths with a huge task. These two youths are too delicate to take part in the Dhanur Yajja. The mighty Ravana and Banasura have failed and many illustrious Kings were miserably returned after trials, hence it is an undesirable act from the elders to assign these two princes to lift the bow like the bee was appointed to elevate the mount Mandhara, and even the King has lost his good sense, do not know what will happen next.” One of her intelligent companions replied “Oh! Devi, do not undervalue the two youths of the illustrious clan of Raghus.  The illustrious Sage Agasthya who was born out of the vessel dried up the ocean with his supernatural powers was widely known to the world. Oh! Devi, the Sun may appear small from the Earth, as soon as it rises it would drive away all the darkness in the three worlds.”


Ramahi Prema Sametha Lakhi Sakhinha Sameepa Bolayi| Seetha Mathu Saneha Basa Bachana Kahayi Bilakhayi ||

Sakhi Sab Kauthuku Dhekhanihare | Jeau Kahavath Hithu Hamare || Koau Na  Bujjayi Kahayi Guru Pahi | Ye Balaka Asi Hat Bhali Nahi || Ravana Bana Cchua Nahi  Chapa | Hare Sakala Bhoopa Kari Dhapa || So Dhanu Rajakuara Kar Dhehi | Bala Marala Ki Mandhara Lehi || Bhoopa Sayanapa Sakala Sirani | Sakhi Bidhi Gathi Kacchu Jathi Na  Jani || Boli Chatura Sakhi Mridhubani | Thejavanth Laghu Gania Na Rani || Kaha Kumbhaja Kaha Sindhu Apara | Sosheau Sujasu Sakala Samsara || Rabi Mandala Dhekhath Laghu Laga | Udhaya Thasu Thibhuvana Thama Bhaga ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The reaction of the crowd after witnessing Rama moving towards the Bhavachapa


Chapter – 247– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The reaction of the crowd after witnessing Rama moving towards the Bhavachapa


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Raghuvara rose from the throne as if the brilliant rays of the sun emerged from the mountain peak, that kindled the lotus-like hearts of Mahatmas, Santh, noble-souls, into extreme delight, their eyes resembled a swarm of bees in search for honey. The Kings and Princes of neighboring countries lost their enthusiasm and pride like the stars in the sunlight. The haughty princes shrunken like the lilies and the supercilious Kings resembled owls, the sages and noble souls appeared as Chakravaha birds were got rid of their grief and sorrows at the appearance of the autumn moon. The deities and celestials showered flowers on the Jewel of the Raghu clan, Rama reverentially prostrated before those Sages and ascetics assembled, and obtained permission and blessings as well. Lord Bhrama, deities, celestials, Rishis, Sages, Mahatmas anxiously were watching, Rama moved gracefully through the crowd of men and women, people rejoiced and cheered praying to their beloved deities and Pithrus, “Oh! Almighty Lord, if our austerities and vows are true, Oh! Lord Ganesha, may Rama bend the unyielding bow of Lord Shiva effortlessly like lotus-stalk.”

Udhitha Udhayagiri Manch Par  Raghubara  Balapathanga | Bikase  Santha Saroja  Sab Harashe  Lochana Bhringa ||

Nripanha Keri  Aasa Nisi Nasi |Bachana Nakhath Avali Na Prakasi || Mani  Mahipa  Kumudha Sakuchane | Kapati  Bhoopa Alooka  Lukane || Bhaye  Bisoka  Koka  Munideva | Barisahi Sumana Janavahi Seva || GurupadhaBandhi Sahitha Anuraga | Rama Muninha San  Ayasu Maga || Sahajahi Chale  Sakala Jagaswami | Maththa Manju Bara Kunjjara Gami || Chalatha Rama  Sab Pura Nara Nari | Pulaka Poori Thana Bhaye  Sukhari || Bandhi Pithara Sura Sukritha Sambhare | Jau Kacchu Punya  Prabhavu Hamare || Thau Sivadhanu Mrinala Ki Nayi | Thorahu Ramu  Ganesa  Gosayi ||

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Sage Vishwamithra advises Rama to lift the Bhavachapa/bow of Lord Shiva and fasten it


Chapter – 246– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Sage Vishwamithra advises Rama to lift the Bhavachapa/bow of Lord Shiva and fasten it


Lakshman spoke “Oh! Prabho,  with your compassionate grace, I shall lift the powerful bow of Lord Shiva like a mushroom plucked from the ground, if I am failed to do so, I promise you I shall never touch the bow and arrow in my life.” While Lakshman spoke words in extreme rage, the Earth quivered, the elephants were overexcited, the princes and Kings were terrified, King Janaka became anxious, and Devi Janaki immersed in bliss. Maharishi Vishwamithra, Lord of Raghu, Sages, Rishis, and twice-born were extremely happy at heart, listening to the wise words of Lakshman, everyone thrilled to hear him. Rama affectionately looked at Lakshman and pacified him to take a seat next to him. Maharishi Vishwamithra perceived that it is the right moment to persuade Rama, spoke superbly “Oh! Dear son, Oh! Rama, Oh! Thatha, remove the anxiousness of Janaka, rise from your seat, lift the Bhavachapa/bow of Lord Shiva and fasten it.” On hearing the command of the preceptor, Rama stood from the seat and prostrated before the Sage, he was neither happy nor sad. Rama raised from the seat majestically, which was excelled the gait of the lion, and set eyes on the audience.


Thorau Chathraka Dhanda Jimi Thava  Prathapa Bala Natha | Jau Na  Karau Prabhu Padha  Sapatha Kara Na  Dharau Dhanu Bhatha ||

Lakhana Sakopa  Bachana Je Bole | Dagamagani Mahi  Dhiggajja Dole || Sakala Loga Sab  Bhoopa Derane | Siya Hiya  Harashu Janaku Sakuchane || Guru Raghupathi Sab Muni Man Mahi | Mudhitha  Bhaye Puni Puni Pulakahi || Sayanahi Raghupathi Lakhanu Nevare | Prema Sametha Nikata Baitare || Biswamithra  Samaya Subha Jani | Bole  Athi  Sanehamaya Bani || Udahu Rama Bhanjahu Bhava Chapa | Metahu Thatha Janaka Parithapa || Suni Guru Bachana Charana Siru Nava | Harashu Bishadhu Na Kacchu Ura  Aava || Dade Bhaye  Udi Sahaja  Subhaya | Davani Juba  Mrigaraju Lajaya ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Lakshmana’s fury after listening to the disappointing speeches of King Janaka


Chapter – 245– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Lakshmana’s fury after listening to the disappointing speeches of King Janaka


Lakshman could not speak a word in fear and respect to his elder brother, King Janaka’s sharp words like a powerful arrow pierced his heart, finally, he stood from the seat and bowed his head before the lotus feet of Rama, and spoke the words of truth “ Oh! Bhanukula Pankaja, King Janaka spoke the shocking words while the illustrious clan of Raghu's are present in the assembly, especially in the presence of the jewel of Raghus. Oh! Prabho, you are the source of delight to Raghus and the Universe, if you do not mistake me as arrogant, kindly let me allow to lift the unyielding bow of Lord Shiva like a flower ball, and bend it, Oh! Prabho, with your perpetual grace I could even thrash the Mount Meru, hence I do not feel it is difficult to lift and bend the bow of Lord Shiva, I am well capable to hold the Bhramanda as a flower ball on my head with your eternal grace. Oh! Prabho kindly permits me to fasten the bow and let the wonderworks, I assure you I shall fasten the bow easily and I can cover eight hundred miles carrying it on my shoulder.”


Kahi Na Sakath Raghubeera  Dar Lage Bachana Janu Bana | Nayi Rama Padhakamala Siru Bole  Gira Pramana ||

Raghubansinha Mahu  Jaha  Koau Hoyi | Thehi Samaja Asa Kahayi Na Koyi || Kahi Janaka Jasi  Anuchitha Bani | Bidhdhyamana Raghukula  Mani Jani || Sunahu Bhanukula  Pankaja Bhanu | Kahau Subhau Na Kacchu Abhimanu || Jau  Thumhari  Anusasana Pavai | Kandhuka  Iva  Bhramanda Udavai || Kache  Ghata Jimi  Darau Phori | Sakau Moru  Moolaka Jimi Thori || Thava Prathapa Mahima  Bhagavana | Ko  Bapuro  Pinaka Purana || Natha Jani Asa  Aayasu Hoau | Kauthuku Karau Bilokia  Soau || Kamala Nala Jimi  Chapa  Chadavau | Jojana Satha Pramana Lai  Dhavau ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Janaka’s despair after not finding an appropriate groom for Janakanandhini


Chapter – 244– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda –  King Janaka’s despair after not finding an appropriate groom for Janakanandhini


King Janaka continued in utter despair “I have announced a lovely bride and marvelous gifts for whoever bends the unyielding bow of Lord Shiva, I feel Lord Bhrama has not created an appropriate groom who can win over the challenge and achieve my precious daughter as a wedded wife. I am extremely saddened to watch no one could move the bow an inch from its place or fasten or bend it. Pardon me, I feel there are no valorous men left on the Earth to lift the bow, fasten and bend it, kindly disperse the assembly immediately. I feel Devi Sita is not destined to marry, should remain unmarried all her life, If I have the knowledge that there are no powerful men left on the Earth, I would not have engaged in such a vow and made myself laughing stock before the huge crowd, now all my religious austerities would disappear once I revoke the vows.” All the women and men assembled were grief-stricken, looked at Janakanandhini in extreme anguish. On the other hand, Lakshman's face reddened in fury, his beautiful eyebrows curved in anger, his lips quivered in agitation.


Kuari Manohara Bijaya Badi Keerathi  Athi  Kamaneeya | Pavanihara Biranchi Janu Racheau Na Dhanu Dhamaneeya ||

 Kahahu Kahi  Yahu Labhu Na  Bhava | Kahu Na  Sankara Chapa Chadava || Rahau Chadaub Thorab Bhayi | Thilu Bhari Bhoomi Na Sake  Chadayi|| Ab Jani Koau Makhai Bhat Mani | Beera Biheena  Mahi Mei  Jani || Thajahu Aasa Nija  Nija  Griha Jahu | Likha  Na Bidhi Baidhehi Bibahu || Sukrithu Jayi  Jau  Panu Pariharau | Kuari  Kuari  Rahau Ka  Karau || Jau  Janatheau Binu Bhat  Bhubi Bhayi | Thau Panu Kari Hotheau Na Hasayi || Janaka Bachana Suni Sab Nara Nari | Dhekhi Janakihi Bhaye Dhukhari || Makhe  Lakhanu Kutila  Bhaya Bhaihe | Radhapat Pharakath Nayana Risauhe||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Kings and Princes of neighboring countries failing attempt to lift the Shivadhanuss


Chapter – 243– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Kings and Princes of neighboring countries failing attempt to lift the Shivadhanuss


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the Kings assembled enthusiastically marched towards the powerful bow of Lord Shiva in arrogance was returned to their seats in utter disgrace, the process continued so long, thus ten thousand of the Kings were attempted to lift the bow was miserably failed. The bow was unbending, the virtuous women looked at it without blinking their eyes followed by a prayer. The princes assembled of great fame, glory, and valor were attempted the same, presented themselves as a fool before the audience, unhappily returned to their seats. King Janaka who was sitting with the prominent people of the Kingdom, and preceptors, watching the whole scenario felt extremely disappointed, confused, and disheartened to see the end results. King Janaka grown impatient announced, “I have understood that after listening to my vow, there are many Kings assembled from various kingdoms, considered as the gods and demons in human forms, and these are valorous Kings and princes who are extremely skilled in battlefields.”


Thamaki Dharahi Dhanu Mooda Nripa Udayi Na  Chalahi Lajayi | Manahu Payi  Bhat  Bahubalu Adhiku Adhiku Guruayi||


Bhoopa Sahasa Dhasa Yekahi Bara | Lage  Udavana Darayi Na Dara || Dagayi Na Sambhu Sarasanu Kaise | Kami Bachana Sathi Manu  Jaise || Sab Nripa  Bhaye Jogu Upahasi | Jaise  Binu Biraga  Sanyasi ||  Keerathi Bijaya Beeratha Bhari | Chale Chapa Kara Barabasa Hari || Srihath Bhaye  Hari  Hiya Raja | Baite  Nija Nija  Jayi Samaja || Nripanha Biloki Janaku Akulane| Bole Bachana Rosha Janu Sane || Dheepa Dheepa Ke Bhoopathi Nana | Aye  Suni Hama Jo Panu Dana || Deva Dhanuja Dhari  Manuja  Sareera | Bipula  Beera Aye  Ranadheera ||