Monday, June 14, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The description of the charm of Rama and Lakshmana


Chapter – 235– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The description of the charm of Rama and Lakshmana


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the two charming princes, adorned in finest jewelry, attractive limbs, great physique, charming appearances, attired in marvelous garments, one in a dark cloud complexioned and another one in fair captivated the attention of the huge crowd assembled in the arena. These two princes were the embodiment of beauty, virtues, fortune, and valor excelled the loveliness of crores of Manmatha. Their charming and lustrous appearance put the moon into shame, the beautiful long eyes stretched up to ears resembled blue lotus petals were eye-catching, and their lovely stare has stolen the hearts of the crowd. They have beautiful nose, curved eyebrows, black curly hair locks put the swarm bees into shame, the yellow turban wrapped around the curly hair locks decorated with the feather of peacock, attractive chin, jawline, sparkling teeth, red lips, melodious voice, ears adorned in magnificent earrings were spreading shine on the face, the lustrous forehead was adorned in vermilion and sandalwood paste and their attractive smile ridiculed the moon rays. The conch shaped neck adorned in pearl choker, broad chest adorned in exquisite ornaments and sacred thread, strong shoulders, armlets, waist ornaments and the three lines on the stomach, and anklets, everything multiplied the loveliness of Rama and Lakshman.”

Rajath Raja Samaja Mahu Kosalaraja Kisora | Sundhara Syamala Gaura Thana Biswa Bilochana Chora ||

Sahaja Manohara Moorathi Dhoau | Koti Kama Upama Laghu  Soau || Saradha  Chandha Nindhaka Mukha Neeke | Neeraja Nayana Bhavathe Ji Ke || Chithavani Charu Mara Manu Harani | Bhavathi Hridhaya Jathi Nahi Barani || Kala Kapola Shruthi Kundala Lola | Chibuka Adhara Sundhara Mridhu Bola || KumudhaBandhu Kara Nindhaka Hamsa | Brikuti Bikata  Manohara Nasa || Bhala Bisala Thilaka Jjalakahi | Kacha Biloki Ali Avali Lajahi || Peetha Chauthani Siraniha Suhayi | Kusuma Kali Bicha Beecha Banayi|| Rekhe Ruchira Kambu Kala Greeva | Janu Thribhuvana Sushama Ki Sava ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The perceptions of the two charming youths by the Mahatmas, Kings, people of Mithila, and Devi Janaki


Chapter – 234– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The perceptions of the two charming youths by the Mahatmas, Kings, people of Mithila, and Devi Janaki


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Bharadhwaja, the beautiful women assembled in the arena were perceived the two charming princes according to their taste, as an epitome of loveliness, incomparable, felt a desire to get close to the charming princes. The intellectuals and learned perceived the two heroes in Viratswaroopa, with the infinite eyes, hands, legs, body parts as the Universe and its living and non-living things. The King’s men perceived the two heroes as their dearest relative, the queen and the King experienced a remarkable feeling towards the two handsome youths, considered them as their dear children, their rush of love for these two youths was beyond words. The Yogis perceived the Sacchidhanandha Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam incarnated as two heroes, as the eternal truth, pure, unblemished, free from afflictions. The devotees of Lord Sri Hari felt the two youths as their beloved Lord has personified as the sons of King Dhasharatha, a fountain of bliss, finally, the rush of love and joy Devi Sita has experienced was beyond words and incomparable, her heart filled with various emotions and love for her beloved caused chocked for words, Oh! Mune, how could a poet describe the love and the emotions experienced by these pair Rama and Sita in words? In this way, everyone in the crowd perceived the two charming youths according to their wish.”


Nari Bilokahi Harashi Hiya Nija Nija Ruchi Anuroopa | Janu Sohath Singara Dhari Moorathi Parama Anoopa ||

Bidhushanha Prabhu Biratamaya Dheesa | Bahu Mukha Kara Para Lochana Seesa || Janaka Jathi Avalokahi Kaise | Sajana Sage Priya Lagahi Jaise || Sahitha Bidheha  Bilokahi Rani | Sisu Sama Preethi Na Jathi Bakhani || Joginha Parama Thaththvamaya Bhasa | Santha Sudhdha Sama Sahaja Prakasa || Haribhathanha Dhekhe Doau Bhratha | Ishtadeva Iva  Sab Sukha Dhatha || Ramahi Chithavath Bhaya Jehi  Siya | So  Sanehu Sukhu Nahi  Kathaneeya || Ura  Anubhavathi Na Kahi Saka Soau | Kavana Prakara Kahai Kabi Koau || Yehi Bidhi Raha Jahi Jasa  Bhau | Thehi Thasa Dhekheau Kosalarau ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The description of the splendor of Rama and Lakshman - The perception of the guests arrived in a huge number


Chapter – 233– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The description of the splendor of Rama and Lakshman -  The perception of the guests arrived in a huge number


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, the two charming princes one in a dark cloud complexioned attired in marvelous yellow silk garments, adorned in finest ornaments, attractive physique, and enticing charisma and another one in fair complexion entered in the huge Yajja arena, addressed the people of Mithila, honorable guests, preceptors, twice-born, and the audience in a pleasing manner, and taken their throne heavily decorated with gems and precious yellow metal, that was already arranged with their preceptor Vishwamithra. The audience arrived in large numbers were seated according to their ranks, and the necessary service were offered to everyone assembled. The two princes resembled the ocean of bliss, the epitome of beauty, virtues, fortune, and valor, their great effulgence caused them shone like two full moons on the arena. All the eyes set on the mesmerizing beauty of these two princes, and soon their imagination started running enthusiastically according to their perception. The two heroes of strong physique, unconquerable, charming appearance, wielded in bow and arrow grabbed the attention of the entire audience. The pious perceived them as the protector of the Universe, the wicked Kings perceived them as their enemies and the dull-minded considered as Lord Yama, the demons considered these two heroes as their death, while the noble-minded people of Mithila considered the two charming princes as their savior, ornament of Raghu clan, the epitome of beauty is the delight to their eyes.”

Kahi Mridhu Bachana Bineetha Thinha Baitare  Nara Nari | Uththama Madhyama Neecha Laghu Nija Nija Thala  Anuhari ||

Rajakuara Thehi Avasara Aye | Manahu Manoharatha Thana Cchaye || Gunasagara Nagara Bara Beera | Sundhara  Syamala Gaura  Sareera || Raja Samaja Birajatha Roore | Udagana Mahu Janu Juga Bidhu Pure || Jinha Ke  Rahi Bhavana Jasi | Prabhu Moorathi Thinha Dhekhi Thaisi || Dhekhahi Roopa Maha Randheera | Manahu Beera Rasu  Dhare Sareera || Dare Kutila  Nripa Prabhuhi Nihari | Manahu Bhayanaka Moorathi Bhari || Rahe Asura  Cchal Chonipa Besha | Thinha Prabhu Pragat Kalasama Dekha || Purabasinha Dhekhe Dhoau Bhayi | Narabhooshana Lochana Sukhadhayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama and Lakshmana followed by a large number of ascetics, twice-born, Sages and Rishis arrives in the Yajja arena


Chapter – 232– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Rama and Lakshmana followed by a large number of ascetics, twice-born, Sages and Rishis arrives in the Yajja arena


Rama and Lakshmana appeared before their preceptor Sage Vishwamithra, and met the Sage Shathanandha who represent the royal preceptor of King Janaka, the two brothers reverentially prostrated before the sage and took a seat beside their preceptor. Sage Vishwamithra spoke to Rama and Lakshman “Oh! Children, we have got an invitation from King Janaka, we have invited to attend the Dhanur Yajja, hence we shall proceed shortly.” Lakshman spoke to Rama “Prabho, let us see how Devi Sita get to choose her wedded husband, wish to witness whom the province has to prepare to honor as the future son-in-law of King Janaka. Oh! Prabho, whoever taken shelter in you would achieve all the glories.” The entire group of ascetics strongly supported the wise words of Lakshman and blessed them. Thus, Rama, Lakshman, along with Sage Vishwamithra, ascetics, Rishis, Sage, and a large group of twice-born arrived in the grand Yajja arena. Soon, the Dhanur Yajjashala was crowded with the people of Mithila, the young ones, children, women, men, and elderly rushed on their feet hearing the arrival of the two charming youths in the Yajja arena. King Janaka saw a huge crowd of the audience assembled to witness the Dhanush Yajja, instructed his attendants to receive his guests with honor, and provide respective seats allotted to them.


Sathanandha Padha Bandhi Prabhu Baite  Guru Pahi Jayi | Chalahu Thatha Muni Kaheau Thab Padava Janaka Bolayi ||


Siya Swayambaru Dhekhia Jayi | Esu  Kahi Ghau Dheyi Badayi || Lakhana Kaha Jasa  Bhajanu Soyi | Natha Kripa  Thava Japa Hoyi || Harshe Muni Sab Suni Bara Bani | Dheenhi Aseesa  Sabahi Sukhu Mani || Puni Munibrindha Sametha Kripala | Dhekhan Chale Dhanushmakha Sala || Rangabhoomi Aye Doau Bhayi | Asi Sudhi Sab Purabasinha Payi || Chale Sakala Griha Kaja Bisari | Bala Jubana Jarata Nara Nari || Dhekhi Janaka Bheera Bhai Bhari | Suchi Sevaka Sab Liye  Hakari || Thurath Sakala Loganha Pahi Jahu | Aasana Uchitha Dhehu Sab Kahu ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Sage Shathanandha, the Preceptor of King Janaka arrives to meet Sage Vishwamithra to inform about the Dhanush Yajja to be held shortly


Chapter – 231– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Sage Shathanandha, the Preceptor of King Janaka arrives to meet Sage Vishwamithra to inform about the Dhanush Yajja to be held shortly


Lakshman spoke with folded hands “Oh! Prabho, the sunlight has arrived and put the lilies to fade away, the brightness of the stars disappeared from the sight, as the news of your arrival in the Mithila to participate in the Dhanuryaga pushed the Kings of the neighborhood into despair. Oh! Prabho, the Kings arrived to participate in the Dhanushyajja is like the stars, who cannot lift the heavy bow of Lord Shiva. The birds, Chakora, cuckoo, lotus flowers, and all the living beings rejoicing the arrival of sunlight. Oh! Prabho, I am certain that all your devotees would be delighted to witness your vigor in the grand assembly while lifting the powerful bow of Lord Shiva and bend it. Oh! Prabho, the sun is spreading its brilliant rays all over the Earth, the darkness has disappeared completely Oh! Prabho, you resemble the sun of the illustrious Raghu clan, spread brilliance and joy to the world. Oh! Lord of Raghu, you have to prove the might of your arms, by lifting and bending the powerful bow of Lord Shiva.” Lord Rama affectionately smiled at his brother, both of them went to perform the morning ablutions, customary rites, worship of the deities, and arrived to meet the preceptor and prostrated before him. In the meanwhile King Janaka summoned his preceptor Shathanandha and appealed to him to meet Sage Vishwamithra, eventually, Sage Shathanandha passed on the message to the Sage about the Dhanur Yaga to be held shortly, soon Sage Vishwamithra called out for the two charming princes to accompany him for Dhanur Yajja.

Arunodhaya Sakuche  Kumudha  Udagana Jothi Maleena | Jimi Thumhara Agamana Suni Bhaye Nripathi Balaheena ||

Nripa Sab Nakhath Karahi  Ujiari | Dari Na  Sakahi Chapa Thama Bhari || Kamala Koka  Madhukar Khaga Nana | Harashe Sakala Nisa Avasana || Yesehi Prabhu Sab Bhagath Thumhare | Hoyihahi Toote Dhanusha  Sukhare || Uyau Bhanu Binu Shrama Thama Nasa | Dhoore Nakhath Jaga Theju Prakasa || Rabi Nija  Udhaya Byaja  Raghuraya | Prabhu Prathapu  Sab Nripanha Dhikhaya || Thava Bhuja  Bala Mahima  Udhaghati | Pragati  Dhanu Bighatana Paripati || Bandhu Bachana Suni Prabhu Musukane | Hoyi  Suchi Sahaja  Puneetha  Nahane || Nithyakriya  Kari Guru Pahi Aye | Charana Saroja  Subaga  Sira Naye || Sathanandhu Thab  Janaka Bolaye | Kausika  Muni Pahi Thurath Padaye || Janaka Binaya Thinha Ayi Sunayi| Harashe Boli Liye  Dhoau Bayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama absorbed at the thoughts of the loveliness of Devi Janaki


Chapter – 230– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Rama absorbed at the thoughts of the loveliness of Devi Janaki


Rama reiterates “How can be Devi Sita compared to the moon who is born from the salty ocean, undergoes eclipse caused by the demons Rahu and Kethu, grow weak and has several dark spots on it, cannot be compared with the loveliness of the Janakanandhini who is the epitome of beauty, virtues, wisdom, and fortune. The moon undergoes the process of waxing and waning, afflicted by the demon Rahu, and constantly pushes the Chakravaha into despair, and causes to wither the lotus flower in the night. Moon has several impurities and faults in it; hence I cannot compare its beauty with the splendor of Devi Janaki. If anyone does that would reap the fruits of grave sin. Vidhehanandhini is incomparable and beyond description.” Thus, Rama was engrossed in various thoughts about the beauty of Devi Janaki, the night has advanced without his knowledge, Rama arrived in the chamber of the preceptor, prostrated before him, and withdrawn to his chamber. Rama woke up at the early break of dawn, looked at his brother, and spoke “Lakshman, the early hours of the sun has brought delight to the lotus flowers, Chakravaha, and to the whole world.” Lakshman began to speak gently with folded hands.

Janamu Sindhu PUni Bandhu Bishu Dhin Malina Sakalanka |Siya  Mukha Samatha Pava Kimi Chandhu Bapuro Ranka ||

Ghatayi Badayi Birahini Dhukhadhayi| Grasayi Rahu Nija Sandhihi Payi || Koka Sokapradha Pankaja Dhrohi | Avaguna Bahuth Chandhrama Thohi || Baidhehi Mukha Patathara Dheenhe | Hoyi Dhoshu Bada Anuchitha Keenhe|| Siya  Mukhachabi Bidhu Byaja Bakhani | Guru Pahi Chale Nisa Badi Jani || Kari Muni Charana Saroja Pranama | Ayasu Payi Keenha Bishrama || Bigatha Nisa Raghunayaka Jage | Bandhu Biloki Kahana Asa Lage || Uyayu Aruna  Avalokahu Thatha | Pankaja Koka Loka  Sukhadha || Bole Lakhanu Jori Juga Pani | Prabhu Prabhau Soochak MridhuBani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama and Lakshman return to Maharishi Vishwamithra and spend the rest of the day in various activities


Chapter – 229– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda - Rama and Lakshman return to Maharishi Vishwamithra and spend the rest of the day in various activities


Devi Girija spoke “Oh! Devi Sita, the dark cloud-complexioned charming prince would be your wedded husband, you both are destined to be together, and the all-pervasive Supreme Lord Rama highly appreciate your love, virtues, and beauty.” Devi Sita and her companions were left surprised to hear the nectar-like voice from the face of Goddess Girija. Devi Sita prostrated before the Goddess, again and again, returned to the palace with a heart full of joy and contentment. Devi Sita’s joy has no bound, after hearing the verdict from the lips of Goddess Gauri, her left limbs began to quiver like a sign of auspiciousness. Oh! Mune, the two brothers highly praising the marvelous beauty of Devi Sita returned to Maharishi Vishwamithra. Soon, Rama related all those that happened in the garden to his preceptor. Sage Vishwamithra was highly pleased to watch the pure nature of Rama, and he received flowers collected from the garden and blessed Rama wholeheartedly “Let all your wishes come true.” Rama and Lakshman returned happily from the chamber of Preceptor. Rama and Lakshmana partook meals with the Sages, ascetics, Rishis, twice-born, and they all began to discuss various legends from the scriptures. It was almost the hour of dusk, the two brothers got permission from the preceptor and went to perform the evening rites. Eventually, the darkness of the night has arrived, Rama spends hours watching the loveliness of the full moon that resembled the beauty of Devi Sita, immersed in her thought made him extremely joyful, shortly he regained his normal self and corrected himself to the darkness of night can’t be Devi Sita.

Manu Jahi Racheau Milihi So Baru Sahaja Sundara Savaro | Karuna Nidhana Sujana Seelu Sanehu Janath Ravaro || Yehi Bhanthi Gauri Aseesa Suni Siya Sahitha Hiya Harashi Ali | Tulasi Bhavanihi Pooji PUni Puni Mudhitha Man Mandhira Chali ||

Jani Gauri Anukoola Siya Hiya Harashu Na Jayi Kahi | Manjuala Mangala Moola Bama Anga Pharakana Lage ||

Hridhaya Sarahath Siya Lonayi | Guru Sameepa Gavane Dhoau Bhayi || Rama Kaha Sabu Kausika Pahi | Sarala Subhau Chooath Cchal Nahi || Sumana Payi Muni Pooja Keenhi | Puni Aseesa Dhuhu Bhayinha Dheenhi || Suphala Manorath Hohu Thumhare | Ramu Lakhanu Suni Bhaye Sukhare || Kari Bhojanu Munibara Bigyani | Lage Kahana Kacchu Katha Purani || Bigatha Dhivasu Guru Aayasu Payi | Sandhya KaranaChale Dhoau Bhayi || Prachi Dhisi Sasi Uyau Suhava| Siya Mukha Sarisa Dhekhi Sukhu Pava || Bahuri Bicharu Keenha Man Mahi | Siya Badhana Sama Himakara Nahi ||