Thursday, June 10, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – King Janaka meets the two most charming youths, Rama and Lakshman


Chapter – 208– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda - King Janaka meets the two most charming youths, Rama and Lakshman


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, King Janaka came to know that the illustrious Rishi Vishwamithra, and a group of saints, Rishis and twice-born halted in the garden on their way to the city of Mithila. Shortly, King Janaka, with his family priest Shathanandha, illustrious Sages and a group of twice-born were followed by King’s men arrived on the spot where Maharishi Vishwamithra has taken shelter. King Janaka reverentially prostrated Sage Vishwamithra, and the Sage blessed him and enquired about the welfare of his subjects. Further, King Janaka prostrated before the illustrious Sages and twice-born enquired their welfare and revealed his joy to meet them all. Sage Vishwamithra offered a seat to the King and they began to converse each other, at that moment Lord of Raghu, Rama, and Lakshman entered after a short visit to the pleasure garden, one in dark cloud complexioned and another one in fair complexion, both of them were extremely charming, great physique, lovely limbs, and pleasant natured. The two youths were spending pleasing time in the garden, returned to the preceptor, their eyes were shone in extreme delight had great effulgence, King Janaka looked at the attractive youths, could not take his eyes off from them. Rama and Lakshman reverentially prostrated before them and took a seat beside the Sage, all those presented were greeted the two youths, raised from their seats and wished, the people accompanied the King Janaka was rejoiced watching the mesmerizing beauty of the two youths, soon their bodily hairs stood upright in joy, tears running down the cheeks fixed their gaze at the loveliness of them, and the King Janaka who was seated in front of the Rishi Vishwamithra was exported to a state of bliss watching the most attractive youths of the illustrious Raghu clan.”


Sanga Sachiva  Suchi Bhoori Bhat Bhoosura Bara Guru Gyathi | Chale Milana Muninayakahi Mudhitha Rau Yehi Bhanthi ||

Keenha Pranamu Charana Dhari Maya | Dheenhi  Aseesa Mudhitha Muninatha|| Biprabrindha Sab Sadhar Bandhe | Jani Bhagya Bada Rau Anandhe || KusalaPrasna  Kahi BarahiBara | Biswamithra Nripahi Baitara || Thehi Avasara Aye Dhoau Bhayi | Gaye Rahe  Dhekhana Phulavayi || Syama Gaura Mridhu Bayasa Kisora | Lochana Sukhadha Biswa Chitha Chora || Ude Sakala Jab Raghupathi Aye | Biswamithra Nikata Baitaye || Bhaye Sab Sukhi Dhekhi Doau Bhratha | BariBilochana Pulakitha Gatha || Moorathi Madhura  Manohara  Dhekhi | Bhayau Bidhehu Bidhehu Biseshi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda –Sage Vishwamithra along with ascetics, Rishis, Sages and twice-born has taken shelter in the pleasure garden before entering the city Mithila


Chapter – 207– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda - Sage Vishwamithra along with ascetics, Rishis, Sages and twice-born has taken shelter in the pleasure garden before entering the city Mithila


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Bharadhwaja, the splendor of the city of Mithila was incomparable, there were stunning white fortresses decorated with precious gems, and the palace where Devi Janakanandhini lived was beyond description, the pathways to the fortresses were spectacular, there were assembling of princes, king’s men, warriors, and the entertainers of the palace. There were huge stables for the horses, stalls for the elephants, and storehouses for the chariots, and armaments. King Janaka had a huge army of men and ministers, and there were beautiful fortresses for all those King’s men, there were stunning mansions in the countryside for the princes to take pleasure in the rich natural beauty. Sage Vishwamithra noticed a beautiful garden filled with mango trees loaded with ripened mango fruits, revealed his desire to relax in the garden for a while before entering into the city, the compassionate Lord Raghunatha replied courteously “Yes my Lord, as you wish” thus all those twice-born and Sages accompanied were halted in the beautiful garden. The King of Mithila received the news of the arrival of Sage Vishwamithra with the hermits and twice-born settled in the pleasure garden.”


Dhavala  Dhama Mani Poorat Pat Sudhatitha Nana Bhanthi | Siya Nivasa Sundhara Sadhana Sobha Kimi Kahi Jathi ||


Subhaga Dhwara Sab Kulisa Kapata | Bhoopa Bheera Nata Magadha Bhata || Bani Bisala Baji Gaja Sala | Haya Gaya Ratha Sankula Sab Kala || Soor Sachiva  Senapa Bahuthere | Nripagriha Sarasi Sadhana Sab  Kere || Poora Bahera  Sara Saritha Sameepa | Uthare Jaha  Thaha Bipula Maheepa || Dhekhi Anoopa Yek  Avarayi | Sab Supasa Sab Bhanthi Suhayi || Kausika Kaheau Mor Manu Mana | Iha Rahia Raghubeera Sujana || Bhalehi Natha Kahi  Kripaniketha | Uthare Thaha Munibrindha Sametha || Biswamithra Mahamuni Aye | Samachara Mithilapathi Paye ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The description of the marvelous city of Mithila


Chapter – 206– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The description of the marvelous city of Mithila


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Bharadhwaja, the beauty of the city of Mithila was beyond description, every nook and corner of the streets were eye-catching with well-maintained flower gardens, trees of auspicious Thamala, Palasha, Vatavruksha, Peepal, etc. were the shelter places of various species of birds, beautiful wells, rivers, ponds, filled with crystal clear water and a cluster of fully blossomed lotus flowers, beautiful shelter homes etc. There were magnificent homes richly adorned in gems, stunning murals, balconies, open-terrace, the city also holds a different market places such as vegetables, spices, fruits, flowers, jewelry, etc. the beauty of the city resembled the creation of Lord Vishwakarma. The wealthy and rich merchants in the market resembled Kubera, the city had beautiful pathways, and streets were sprinkled with the scented water. The stunning houses were decorated with exquisite paintings resembled the abode of bliss, the men and women were good-looking, noble, intellectuals, and virtuous were adorned in marvelous ornaments and attired in finest clothes. The magnificent palace of King Janaka excelled the splendor of the abode of deities, with the stunning architectural, mural, and sculptures decorated with precious gems, resembled the heap of all the beautiful things in the Universe.”


Sumana Batika  Baga Ban Bipula Biganga Nivasa | PhoolathPhalath Supallavath Sohath Pura Chahu Pasa ||

Banayi Na Baranath Nagara Nikayi | Jaha Jayi Man  Thahaya Lobhayi || Charu Bajaru Bichithra Ambari | Manimaya Bidhi Janu Svakra Savari || Dhanika Banika  Bar Dhanadha Samana | Baite  Sakala Basthu Lai Nana || Chauhat Sundhara Gali Suhayi | Santhatha Rahahi Sugandha Sichayi || Mangalamaya Mandhira  Sab Kere | Chithritha Janu Rathinatha Chithere || Pura Nara Nari  Subhaga Suchi Santha | Dharamaseela Gyani Gunavantha || Athi Anoopa Jaha Janaka Nivasu | Bithakahi Bibudha  Biloki Bilasu || Hotha Chakitha Chitha Kota Biloki| Sakala Bhuvana Sobha Janu Roki ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama and Lakshman follows Maharishi Vishwamithra along with a large group of ascetics and twice-born to the Kingdom of Mithila

Chapter – 205– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Rama and Lakshman follows Maharishi Vishwamithra along with a large group of ascetics and twice-born to the Kingdom of Mithila

“Oh! Tulsidas, leave your wickedness, and unbending nature, take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari who is extremely compassionate and too kind to Jeeva without any specific reason, and the protector of the distressed people.”


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Gadhisunu Sage Vishwamithra followed by Rama and Lakshman arrived on the river bank of Mahanadhi Ganga who is the purifier of the Earth. The compassionate Sage described the legend of origin of Devanadhi Ganga on the Earth elaborately, all the Sages and twice-born assembled with them took ablutions in the sacred Ganga and performed the rites, and the twice-born received the charities in abundance. Further, they have moved towards the capital city Vidheha of Mithila, the two brothers were absorbed in the mesmerizing beauty of the city, spectacular path ways, well-maintained pleasure gardens of creepers, trees, and plants loaded with flowers of rich fragrances and succulent fruits that was the shelter place of stunning birds of various species, the streams, ponds, rivers with beautiful stairs decorated with gem and precious metal contained crystal clear waters were filled with the cluster of fully blossomed lotus flowers of different colors,  the shelter homes, magnificent fortresses, etc. the cool and the rich fragrant breeze multiplied the pleasure of the assembled Sages and twice-born.”


Asa Prabhu Dheenabandhu Hari Karana Rahitha Dhayala | Tulasidasa Sad Thehi Bhaju Cchadi Kapata Janjjala ||

Chale Rama Lacchimana Muni Sanga | Gaye  Jaha  Jaga Pavani Ganga || Gandhisoonu Sab Katha Sunayi | Jehi Prakara Surasari Mahi Ayi || Thab Prabhu Rishinha Sametha Nahaye | Bibidha Dhana Mahidevanhi Paye || Harashi Chale Muni Brindha Sahaya | Begi  Bidheha Nagar Niaraya || Pura  Ramyatha  Rama Jab Dhekhi | Harashe Anuja Sametha Biseshi || Bapi Koopa Saritha Sara Nana | Salila Sudhasama Mani Sopana || Gunjatha Manju Math Rasa Bringa | Koojath Kala Bahubarana Bihanga || Barana Barana Bikase Ban Jatha | Thribidha Sameera Sadha  Sukhadhatha ||

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Maharishi Vishwamithra followed by Rama Lakshman proceeds to attend Dhanush Yajja – Rama removes the curse of Gauthama Pathni Devi Ahalya– Devi Ahalya eulogizes the splendor of Rama


Chapter – 204– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Maharishi Vishwamithra followed by Rama Lakshman proceeds to attend Dhanush Yajja – Rama removes the curse of Gauthama Pathni Devi Ahalya – Devi Ahalya eulogizes the splendor of Rama


Maharishi Vishwamithra spoke “Oh! Raghubeera, kindly shower your mercy upon the Gauthama Pathni Devi Ahalya who was cursed to become rock by her consort, the dust particles from your lotus feet would remove the curse on her.” Soon, Rama followed the instruction of the Sage, there appeared Devi Ahalya who is austerities personified, stood with folded hands, eyes flooded with tears, her bodily hairs stood upright watching the mesmerizing beauty of Lord of Raghu, choked for words, found it difficult to eulogize the splendor of Lord Rama, soon fallen at his feet and began to speak in a feeble voice “ Oh! Rajeeva Lochana, Oh! Bhavabhayahari, Victory to the supreme Lord of Raghu who is perceivable through pure devotion and knowledge. Oh! Prabho, I am a woman born with impurities, you are the purifier of the Universe and its living beings, you are the remover of grief and agonies of Samsara and Samsarachakra/repeated births. Oh! Prabho, you are the protector of Jeeva who have taken shelter at your lotus feet, I have surrendered at your lotus feet kindly protect me. My beloved consort Sage Gauthama pronounced one of the most auspicious curses on me, that provided your grace on me. Oh! Prabho, I have taken shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari who liberate the Jeeva from the worldly existence, as the supreme Lord Shiva describes, it is the only sight and sacred name worth in the Universe. Oh! Prabho, I am a dull-minded woman, I seek no boon from you, kindly provide me Ananyabhakthi/persistent devotion at your lotus feet, which is the origin of Devanadhi Ganga descends from the heaven, took shelter on the pile of matted hair locks of Lord Shambhu, stored in the Kamandalu of Lord Bhrama. Oh! Prabho, kindly shower intense devotion at your lotus feet, like the honey bee that takes immense pleasure on the lotus flower.” After eulogizing Lord Hari in the above beautiful verses, Gauthama Pathni Ahalya repeatedly prostrated at the lotus feet of Lord Rama, and took leave, and returned to her consort in extreme bliss.


Gauthama Nari Shrapa Basa Upala Dheha Dhari Dheera | Charanakamala Raja Chahathi Kripa Karahu Raghubeera ||

Parasath Padha Pavana Soka  Nasavana Pragat Bhayi Thapapunjja  Sahi | Dhekhath Raghunayaka Jana Sukhadhayaka Sanmukha Hoyi Kara  Jori Rahi || Athiprema  Adheera PUlaka Sareera  Sukha Nahi Avayi Bachana Kahi | Athisaya Badabhagi Charananhi Lagi Jugala Nayana Jaladhara Bahi || Dheeraju Mana Keenha Prabhu Kaha Cheenha Raghupathi Kripa Bhagathi Payi | Athi Nirmala Bani Asthuthi Dani Gyanagamya Jaya Raghurayi || Mei Nari  Apavana Prabhu Jaga  Pavana Ravana Ripu Jana Sukhadhayi | Rajeeb Bilochana Bhavabhaya Mochana Pahi Pahi Saranahi Ayi || Muni Shrap  Jo Dheenha  Athi  Bhala Keenha Paramanugraha Mei Mana | Dhekheau Bhari Lochana Hari Bhavamochana Ihayi Labha  Sankara Jana || Binathi Prabhu Mori Mei Mathi Bhori Natha Na Magau Bara Ana | Padhakamala Paraga  Rasa Anuraga Mama Mana Madhupa Karai Pana || Jehi Padha  Surasaritha  Parama Puneetha  Pragatbhayi Siva  Seesa Dhari | Soyi Padha Pankaja Jehi  Poojath Aja Mama Sir Dhareau Kripala Hari || Yehi Bhanthi Sidhari Gauthama Nari Bar Bar Hari CharanaPari | Jo Athi Manabhava  So Baru Pava  Gau Pathiloka Anandhabhari ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama and Lakshman protects the grand fire sacrifice of Sage Vishwamithra – killed Subhahu and army of demons in the battle – Mareecha struck with the spear was thrown several miles away from the sea-shore


Chapter – 203– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda - Rama and Lakshman protects the grand fire sacrifice of Sage Vishwamithra – killed Subhahu and army of demons in the battle – Mareecha struck with the spear was thrown several miles away from the sea-shore


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “ Oh! Mune, on their way to the hermitage, Maharishi Vishwamithra imparted vast knowledge in Astra and Shastra to Rama and Lakshman, along with the sacred hymns of Bala and Athibala to conquer hunger and thirst, finally they have arrived at the site of hermitages were group of Rishis, sages, and twice-born with their families settled. Rama and Lakshmana were reverentially received by them to the hermitage offered fiber roots and fruits as supper. It was the time-of-day break, the Lord of Raghu appealed the Sages to carry out their rites and fire sacrifices without any apprehension, thus all the Sages assembled and began the grand fire sacrifices which were planned to continue for several days without a break for the welfare of the Universe and its living beings, as an essential part of the rite they have offered various oblations in the sacrificial fire to please the deities, while Rama and Lakshmana safeguarding the hermitage and its surroundings. Soon, the demons Mareecha and Subhahu along with their army demons rushed to the site, with an attempt to disrupt the fire sacrifice, a brutal battle began  with Rama, Lakshman, and the demons, in the process Mareecha was struck with the spear by Rama, that heaved Mareecha to some eight hundred miles away from the seashore, Lakshman destroyed the army of demons, while Rama struck the demon Subhahu with the Agneyasthra, and killed the demon. Thus, Rama and Lakshmana destroyed the entire demons, finally the fear of the twice-born and sages of were eliminated.   The deities and Rishis were highly pleased and showered flowers upon them. Further, Lord of Raghu stayed with the twice-born and the families, in the assembling of Sages for a while, during this period of time, the twice-born and Sages described various legends from scriptures and Veda, with great devotion and enthusiasm, the supreme Lord who is the essence of Veda and scriptures, dutifully listened to them. One day Sage Vishwamithra called for Rama and Lakshman and said “Oh! Raghukula Natha, I have heard about Dhanush Yajja held in the Kingdom of Mithila, we shall proceed to witness it.” Thus, Sage Vishwamithra along with Rama and Lakshman proceeded to Mithila, on their way, they have reached a place where they found a deserted hermitage, no living creatures in the vicinity gave out a strange appearance. Suddenly, Rama noticed a huge rock before the hermitage and enquired the Sage who described the story behind it elaborately.”


Ayudha Sarba Samarppi Kai Prabhu Nija Ashrama Aani | Kandhamoola Phala Bhojana Dheenha  Bhagathi Hitha Jani ||

 Pratha Kaha Muni San Raghurayi | Nirbhaya Jagya Karahu Thumha Jayi ||Homa Karana Lage  Muni JJari | Aapu Rahe  Makha Ki Rakhavari || Suni Mareecha Nisachara Krohi | Lai Sahaya Dhava Munidhrohi || Binu Phara Bana Rama Thehi Mara | Sath Jojana Ga Sagara Para || Pavaka Sar Subahu PUni Mara | Anuja  Nisachara Kataku Sandhara || Mari Asura  Dhvija  Nirbhayakari | Asthuthi Karahi Deva Muni  Jjari || Thaha Puni Kacchuka Dhivasa Dhivasa Raghuraya | Rahe Keenhi Bipranha Par Dhaya || Bhagathi Hethu Bahu Katha  Purana | Kahe Bipra Jadhdhyapi Prabhu Jana || Thab Muni Sadhar Kaha Bujjayi | Charitha Yek Prabhu Dhekhia Jayi || Dhanushajagya Suni Raghukula Natha | Harashi Chale  Munibara Ke Satha || Ashrama Yek Dheekh Maga Mahi | Khaga Mriga  Jeevajanthu Thaha Nahi || Poocha Munihi Sila Prabhu Dhekhi | Sakala Katha  Muni Kaha Biseshi ||


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama and Lakshman follows Maharishi Vishwamithra - killed the female demon Thadaka – Rama and Lakshman receives the sacred hymns of Bala and Athibala


Chapter – 202– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Rama and Lakshman follows Maharishi Vishwamithra -  killed the female demon Thadaka – Rama and Lakshman receives the sacred hymns of Bala and Athibala


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, King Dhasharatha embraced and kissed the children and entrusted to Maharishi Vishwamithra. The children returned to their mother’s chamber and prostrated before them, and stood with the Sage waiting for his further command. The Paramathma Parambhramam incarnated as Rama and Lakshmana, the lions among the men, the protector of the Universe, essence of wisdom, compassion and virtues, the ultimate cause of the Universe gladly followed the Sage to remove the fear of demons and protect his fire sacrifices. The Supreme Lord Rama who has beautiful eyes resembles blue lotus flower petals, great physique of Thamala Vruksha, charming appearance, attired in yellow silk garment, wrapped in a blue robe on the waist, wielded in bow and arrows, and the one has the appearance of freshly formed dark clouds and the other one has fair complexion followed the Sage Vishwamithra who was immersed in various thoughts “Once again, the supreme Lord has proved himself as the ocean of mercy, beloved of twice-born, leaving his lovely parents and stately pleasures, followed me without any hesitation” thus the three of them proceeded towards the dense woods. Soon the female demon Thadaka of dreadful appearance confronted them with a boisterous roar. Sage instructed Rama to kill her, immediately Lord Rama shot an arrow on her chest and killed Thadaka was achieved liberation. They continued journey through the dense woods, and hiking mountains for several days, on their way, Sage Vishwamithra taught Rama and Lakshmana the sacred hymns of Bala and Athibala to wave off hunger and thirst, to maintain their vigor and physique to fight against enemies.”


Saupe Bhoop Rishihi Sutha Bahubidhi Dheyi Aseesa | Janani Bhavana Gaye Prabhu Chale Nayi Padhaseesa || Purushasimha Dhoau Beera Harashi Chale Muni Bhayaharana | Kripasindhu Mathidheera Akhila Biswa  Karana Karana ||


Aruna Naya Ura  Bahu Bisala| Neela Jalaja Thanu Syama Thamala || Katipata Peetha Kase Bara Bhaya | Ruchira Chapa Sayaka Dhuha Hatha|| Syama Gaura Sundhara Dhoau Bhayi | Biswamithra Mahanidhi Payi || Prabhu Bhramanyadeva Mei Jana | Mohi Nithi Pitha  Thajeau Bhagavana || Chale Jatha Muni Dheenahi Dhekhayi | Suni Thadaka Krodhakari Dhayi || Yekahi Bana Prana Hari Leenha | Dheena Jani Thehi Nijapadha Dheenha || Thab Rishi Nija Nathahi Jiya Cheenhi | Bidhdhyanidhi Kahu Bidhdhya Dheenhi || Jathe Laga Na Chudhdha Pipasa | Athulitha Bala Thanu Theja Prakasa ||