Tuesday, June 9, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 10 – Ayodhya Kandam

The pitiable state of the people of Ayodhya

Rama speaks “Oh! Father, kindly listen to me, children who consider parents as dear as their lives would attain four Purusharththa/Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha, the father who gets highly pleased with the virtuous and righteous deeds of his son would be considered his life fruitful, Oh! Father, kindly, give me permission to follow your command and return home, in this way I can make my life fruitful. I shall go to the chamber of my mother and get her permission as well, further I shall prostrate before her feet and return to woods.” Rama left the chamber of King Dhasharatha who was already shattered in utter grief; he could not speak a word. The news of Rama leaving to woods spread across the city in a short time like the poison of the scorpion spread in the body. The people of Ayodhya shrunk in deep grief like the massive wood fire caused the destruction of the forest. The people hit their head hard and wept bitterly listening to the news, their tongue dried, eyes welled up in tears, it caused unbearable pain, and it was like the army of grief settled in Ayodhya.

The people of Ayodhya cursed Devi Kaikeyi, saying that she has spoiled the happiness of the people, and they spoke utter disdain “Every preparation for the coronation has been completed, but God has some other plans for us, how did this wicked woman Kaikeyi could destroy the marvelous fortress in the fire? She is trying to pluck her own eyes with her hands, she discarded nectar and wanted to consume toxic poison.  The deceitful woman Kaikeyi is an unfortunate one, treacherous set fire in the forest of cane-like Ayodhya and the clan of Raghu. She is cutting the branch on which she is settled, while the city was preparing for happiness, she has made the fortress of grief. Rama was dear as life to her, How could she behave disloyally to him? It is impossible to understand the heart of the woman and its depth; it’s like the vast ocean. The poets describe the heart of a woman is immeasurable and highly confidential, even the shadow of a person can get hold, but not the mind of a woman. The fire has the nature to burn everything it gets closer like the ocean has nature to swallow everything, it is meaningless to call a woman weak, she has massive strength and nothing is impossible for her. There is nothing left in this world that undergoes constant transformation and ruin. We have planned something and God has brought something different altogether.” Some people said “It was an unfair act of King Dhasharatha, he was not thoughtful while giving boons to wicked Kaikeyi. He has brought ruin to himself with his own knowledge. He had lost intellect and virtues in the hands of a woman.” The righteous people considered them as the height of the virtuous act of King Dhashartha, and they did not find fault in the King. They were comparing the generous act of the King with the legends of King Shibhi, Dhadheechi, Harishchandra, etc. Some people assumed that Bharatha influenced his mother for this sudden change. Some people did not express their opinion at all, they listened to everything. Some people closed their ears and bit their tongue and said “It is untruthful, whoever suspects Bharatha and talk ill about him would meet the destruction of their clans. Bharatha is dear as life to Rama. Chandra may shed fire as showers instead of cool rays, nectar may change into poison, but Bharatha never do any harm to Rama, not even in his dreams.”

Some people cried the Vidhatha showed the nectar and served the poison. In this way the entire city of Ayodhya was sunk in deep grief and confusion, eventually, people lost their enthusiasm. The women of twice-born, elderly women in the royal families, and dearest companions of Devi Kaikeyi advised her, they praised her good-nature, and shot sharp arrow-like words “Oh! Devi, everyone knows that Bharatha is not dear as Rama to you and you have a great affection towards Rama, then why did you ask Rama to go to the forest? What he did to you? You have not expressed any hatred or jealousy towards Devi Kausalya and Devi Sumithra in all your life, your good nature and faith are known to the world. What did Devi Kausalya do to you? Why did you express lightning-like anger upon Ayodhya? How did Devi Sita tolerate it? How did Sita live without Rama? Will Lakshmana stay home without Rama? Will Bharatha agrees for this coronation ceremony? Will King Dhashartha live without Rama? Kindly give a thought of all these, and leave your anger. Kindly do not make yourself as the storehouse of ill fame and grief. You can crown Bharatha as King of Ayodhya, but do not send Rama to the forest, he has no interest in the throne of Ayodhya, he is a righteous one, and has no interest in worldly matters. Let Rama leave the palace and live with the preceptor. Oh! Kaikeyi, ask this as the second boon to King. If you do not follow our words it will not bring any good to you. If you have played the entire scenario as a joke, let everyone knows it. Rama who is virtuous is not deserved to live in the forest. The world will not let you free without condemning your sin, therefore find a solution for this issue and remove the taint and grief that you have brought to the Kingdom. Oh! Bhamini, leave your sorrows and anger, protect your clan from ill fame and destruction. Do not let Rama go to woods; you need not give any clarifications of your decisions. Oh! Bhamini, just think of the day without Surya, a body without life, a night without Chandra, just think of the City of Ayodhya without the presence of Lord of Tulsidas. ” The advice given by the elderly members in the family and her companions were meaningful and compassionate. Devi Kaikeyi who was already damaged by Kubri/hunch-back was not willing to listen to any of this advice, she did not utter a word, she turned her angry face from them. She looked at the female folks like a hungry tigress, they understood Kaikeyi is not going to change her mind, spoke to each other “Kaikeyi is dull-minded and unfortunate as well, her fate has changed against her royal comforts and luxuries, and she has committed a grave sin.” They could not control their anger and disappointments, showered abuses over Kaikeyi and they understood it is impossible for them to survive without Rama.  The people of Ayodhya could not bear the separation from Rama; they have become anxious like the water animals get worried in the absence of water.

Monday, June 8, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 9 – Ayodhya Kandam

 Rama meets King Dhasharatha 

Rama invited Sumanthra who was considered as  equal to his father; he received him with great respect and gave a seat. He informed the state of King Dhasharatha in the palace, and brought him to the palace. People were worried and anxious to watch Raghukulathilaka following Sumanthra. Raghuvamshamani rushed to the chamber of the King and saw his father completely traumatized like an old elephant horrified at the sight of a female lion. His lips were dried, his body was shrunken in grief, looked like the serpent lost its gem on the forehead. Prabhu witnessed Mother Kaikeyi in a rage, was standing close to his bed, she was waited near him to watch his last moments as if his death. Rama is extremely kind and soft-spoken always, watched the horrific sight for the first time in his life. He went closer to Mother Kaikeyi and asked in soft words “Oh! Dear mother, what is the cause of the grief of father? I shall take all the efforts to remove it.”

Devi Kaikeyi began to speak “Rama listens to me carefully, your father loves you very much. He had promised two boons to me several years ago. I have asked for that boon, after listening to my request for boons, your father became heartbroken. Because he cannot meet his promises because of love for you, he is in dilemma, he has a great love for you and on the other hand, he is not in a position to fulfill his promise to me. If possible, follow his words, and relieve him from the grief.” Devi Kaikeyi spoke in extreme dislike, it was like powerful arrows, her tongue was a bow, and it was aiming at King Dhasharatha. She explained all that happened between them and sat in gloominess. The Supreme Lord Rama who is the abode of bliss smiled in his heart. He began to speak beautiful words free from impurities “ Oh! Mother, kindly listen to me, a son who is courteous to parents, blessed to follow their commands, hence I am fortunate one to follow the order of my father Oh! Mother, unfortunately, there are very few children who sincerely follow the commands of their parents and satisfy them. Oh! Mother, if I leave for woods, I will get a great opportunity to meet several saints, it would add an abundance of benefits to me, moreover, I have the command of my father and the permission of you.  My beloved brother Bharatha is dear as my life would become the King of Ayodhya, God has showered an abundance of grace upon me. If I did not follow your order and did not make it to the woods, I will be a foolish person. It would be like serving a useless tree instead of Kalpavruksha, and consuming poison instead of nectar, even the fool will not leave this great opportunity. Oh! Mother, I have no grief other than seeing my father in a terrible state, I cannot believe how did my father lose peace and courage after listening to too little request of you. Oh! Dear mother, King is extremely valorous; he is the ocean of virtues. Why did he refuse to talk to me openly? I must have committed a sin that is the reason he is keeping quiet. Oh! Mother kindly tell me the truth.”

The innocent words of Rama, spoken good-naturedly, were mistaken by Kaikeyi. She understood Rama will not stand against her wish, she felt happy in heart, she acted lovingly and spoke “ I do not know the reason for the grief of the King,  other than these two. Oh! Dear son, you have never been unfavorable to us, you are the provider of happiness to your mothers and brothers. You are truthful always, you sincerely follow the commands of your parents, you and Bharatha are dear as my life, advice your father not to earn ill fame in the latter years of age. He has performed several pious deeds to achieve you as a son; it is not advisable to discard your words. Devi Kaikeyi spoke highly auspicious words like the cursed city of Magadha adorned with the watercourse of Gaya, finally attains union in Ganga and becomes sacred; all those words of Kaikeyi were highly pleasant to listen for Rama.

The King regained consciousness, he uttered the name of Rama and turned on one side, Sumanthra informed the King about the arrival of Rama in his chamber. He immediately seated on the bed with the help of Sumanthra, opened his eyes widely, saw Rama falling at his feet. He embraced Rama affectionately like the serpent regained its jewel/Shiromani. He stared at the lovely face of Rama for a long time, his eyes were overflown with tears; he could not utter a word in extreme grief. He repeatedly embraced Rama, he sincerely prayed that Rama should not go to the forest.

King Dhasharatha sincerely prayed to Lord Parameshwara “Oh! Sadhashiva, kindly listen to my sincere prayers, Oh! Ashutosh, Oh! Bhakthavathsala, kindly remove my grief, you are the safest asylum of the distressed people. Oh! Bhagavan, you are the source of Karma in the Jeeva kindly gives the strength to Rama to refuse my command and do not let him leave to the forest abandoning the love and kindness of his father. Kindly give him the wisdom not to leave the city of Ayodhya and live in the palace forever. I do not care about my ill fame or fame, I am willing to proceed to hell, and I am willing to tolerate all those hardships, troubles, and grief.  But do not separate Rama from me.” King Dhashartha did not open his mouth, he was completely besieged in grief, and he wanted to express his love for his son. Rama understood the situation of his father, he does not want his father to get more hurt by Devi Kaikeyi. Raghupathi immersed in thought for a while and began to speak “Oh! Dear father, I would like to speak about some important matters with you, kindly forgive me for my attempt to talk about the serious things to you, kindly do not consider them as a disrespectful act. Oh! Father, you are grieving over meager troubles, you should have informed me before about the promises, it is really sad that you did not inform, I have heard from Mother Kaikeyi, I have enquired about your welfare to her, now I have clearly understood the situation. Oh! Dear father, do not grieve during the auspicious hours, kindly give me permission to follow your command.”

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 8 – Ayodhya Kandam

 Sumanthra meets the King Dhasharatha

Devi Kaikyei continued to pour harsh words upon King Dhasharatha, he spoke “You have right to speak, you can talk whatever you feel, it is not your fault, it was my ill fortune that instigating you as a ghost to talk against me. Bharatha never agrees for your desire, the ill fate attacked your intellect, everything happening due to my previous sins, it is like huge waves thrashing me. This beautiful city of Ayodhya which is the abode of happiness and prosperity would flourish again and again under the regime of Rama. All his brothers will serve him sincerely; his fame would spread in the three worlds. Your ill fame and my guilt never fade away, even after our deaths. You can do whatever you like; I don’t want to see your face, cover it, or do not come before me. Kindly do not speak a single word until I die, I bow before you. Oh! Ill fortunate one/Dhurbhagyavathi, you will regret your deeds.” King Dhasharatha argued with her for some time and soon fell down unconscious; she looked at him and stood silent.

King Dhasharatha who was grief-struck regained consciousness after some time, uttered the name “Rama Rama’ like the bird got its wings cut down, and thought “The night should not get over, no one should approach Rama with the tragic news, Oh! Surya, who is the father of Surya clan, kindly do not bring the day to the city of Ayodhya. You would feel disappointed to watch the pitiable state of Ayodhya.” The wickedness of Kaikeyi and the prayers of Dhasharatha were too powerful, thus King Dhashartha grieved over the inauspiciousness in the family.

It was early morning, King’s men began to play the music on Veena, flute, and Shankha to wake the King from the sleep, the poets sang in praise of the King, musicians sing endless virtues of the King, and all those were hit hard like arrows in his heart. All those divine music roused hatred in the King like the widow dislikes wearing ornaments and colorful clothes. That night no one slept in the Ayodhya, all of them excited to witness Rama’s coronation ceremony and waited enthusiastically. There was a huge crowd waited on the entrance of the palace, there were ministers and attendants, they looked at the Balasurya and whispered to each other “Why did King so late to wake up? Why Ayodhyapathi is not present in the main entrance? What will be the reason for it? Ayodhyapathi has never been late to wake up before the sunrise, we feel very uncommon today. Oh! Sumanthra, go to the chamber of the King and wake him up. We can start the celebration with the permission of the King.”

Sumanthra entered the chamber of the King with a racing heart, the whole atmosphere of the chamber was terrifying, could not step forward, it was dreadful like a demon, it has the appearance of the abode of troubles and afflictions. Sumanthra did not get any information from the attendants so he directly went into the chamber of Devi Kaikeyi and King Dhasharatha. He praised the King as usual and seated on the floor, suddenly his eyes fell on the ground where the King who was looked bluish like lotus flower plucked out from its stem and his face was pale with intense grief, Sumanthra could not control his distress, looked at Devi Kaikeyi who was stood like the inauspicious, was dressed up in dull clothes?

Devi Kaikeyi spoke “King did not sleep in the whole night, all that he utters “Rama Rama’ throughout the night, God only knows, he is not willing to talk anything. Therefore you go and bring Rama immediately, after that we can speak.” Sumanthra looked at the King, who was also keen to talk to Rama. On his way, Sumanthra understood Rani Kaikeyi must have done something unpromising to the King, he rushed to Rama at a great speed, could not control his sorrow, his legs were not moving forwards as the way he wanted. Sumanthra thought what would the King speak to Rama? Sumanthra met the ministers and attendants on the entrance gate, they enquired the reason for his grief swollen face, but he pacified them and moved to the fortress of Rama.

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 7 – Ayodhya Kandam

The conversation between Devi Kaikeyi and King Dhasharatha 

King Dhasharatha wept bitterly listening to the boons and saw furious Devi Kaikeyi resembles massive fire that begins to explode before him; he felt it is going to take away his life in no time. Once again, he regained his usual calmness and spoke to her affectionately, “Oh! Priye, why do not you trust our love and relationship? What made to speak these heart-wrenching words? Listen to me carefully, Rama and Bharatha are my two eyes, I shall promise upon Lord Shankara.  I shall send emissaries to bring Bharatha and Shathrughna by tomorrow morning. Later, we will find an auspicious day and time to perform the coronation ceremony of Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya. Rama has no love for the throne because he loves Bharatha as dear as his life.  I was following the customary rite of the Surya clan, according to that Rama is heir to the throne of Ayodhya. I shall promise you, Devi Kousalya did not utter a word about Rama’s coronation ceremony; it is undoubtedly I have arranged all these without discussing to you. I believe that is the reason I have failed in my decision, now you leave your anger and get yourself dressed in auspicious clothes. In a few days of time, Bharatha will be crowned as the King of Ayodhya. Your second boon was absolutely baseless, I could not recover from that shock in my entire life, and did you ask the boon as a joke or out of anger? Do you really want that to happen to Ram? If so, tell me the reason for your anger towards Rama, and his mistakes.   All have the same opinion that Rama is pleasant and virtuous, all the people love him dearly.  I have a doubt how did Rama misbehave to his own mother while he was well praised by the people of Ayodhya? Oh! Priye, leave all your anger and jokes, use your intellect, and ask for the second boon, and then I could witness the coronation of Bharatha while I am alive.”

King Dhasharatha continues “Oh! Devi, even the fishes can live out of the water, and the serpent can live without the jewel on its forehead, but I am telling you the truth, I cannot live without Rama. Oh! Priye, Oh! Intellectual one, my life depends on the presence of Rama.” Devi Kaikeyi could not control her rage, it was like ghee pouring in the burning fire, and she lost control over her anger and shrieked “Oh! Rajan, you may use thousands of tactics, but none of them will work with me. All I have to say is that give my boons, or attain the ill-fame, I do not want to stretch this topic too long. Rama is innocent and you too, and Devi Kausalya is very innocent, I will pay off her innocence very soon. Oh! Rajan, listen to my words, If Rama did not leave the palace by tomorrow morning, as a Tapasvi, you will see my corpse and you will be responsible for that.” Thus saying so, Devi Kaikeyi raised from the floor, thus Kubri’s trick worked well on her, her boons resembled powerful streams, which was capable to uproot the giant tree-like the King.

King Dhasharatha understood his death is nearing in the form of his wife, it is dancing all around his head, he fell on her feet and requested her “Kindly do not destroy the clan of Surya dynasty, don’t be an axe to the illustrious Raghu clan like the massive tree, if you want my head, I am ready to offer it to you, kindly do not separate Rama from me, I cannot live without him. You can treat Rama whatever way you like.” Finally, he understood that none of his requests would bring peace to the situation; he fell down on the floor in extreme agony and shrieked out “Oh! Rama, Oh! Rama, Oh! Raghunatha!” It was like the Kalpavruksha uprooted by an untamed female elephant, his body quivered in pain and eventually lost its movements, he felt extreme thirst, lost the speech and struggled for breathing like the fish thrown out of water. Devi Kaikeyi did not stop pouring out poisonous words, “Oh! Bhoopala, if you have the plan to exhibit your weakness and strength, shrieking out and crying out loudly and laughing like insane, why did you instruct me to request the boon? You want fame and want to become gracious, but do not willing to give away, how it would be possible? How did a warrior escape without wounds from the battlefield? You have two choices before you, either refuse the boon offered to me, or you have to tolerate whatever I speak, do not blabber like a woman. Whoever follows their words and truthful will not give importance to their own life, wife, families, wealth, or children, and consider them as grass.”

Sunday, June 7, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 6 – Ayodhya Kandam

The conversation between King Dhasharatha and Devi Kaikeyi

The people were extremely cheerful in the city of Ayodhya, engaged in the decoration of the houses and the streets. The entrance of the palace gate was crowded with people. Rama’s childhood friends arrived in large numbers to greet him, and they engaged in pleasant conversation about the welfare of the family, later they returned to their homes.  The people of Ayodhya collectively prayed “Oh! Bhagavan, there is no one in this world virtuous and compassionate as Rama, Oh! Bhagavan kindly blesses us to have Rama who is Seethapathi as our Master, in all our births. Kindly, bless us to have the opportunity to serve that Seethapathi relentlessly.”

Devi Kaikeyi was traumatized by intense grief and anger; spend her night in the Kopagriha, proved herself as there is none could escape from the destruction from the company of evil-minded people.  King Dhasharatha happily approached the chamber of Devi Kaikeyi, was stunned to hear her presence in Kopagriha. He could not move his legs; it has become too weak could not walk further, understood his strong support system has failed. King Dhasharatha who is valorous, fought against the powerful enemies on the battlefield could not fight against the cupid arrows of Kamadeva. King Dhasharatha went to the Kopagriha, could control his grief watching her pitiable state. She has abandoned all her royal attires and ornaments; it was all over the floor. She was attired in dull cotton clothes and lying on the floor, her costume was well suited for her future state as a widow.  King Dhasharatha went closer to her and asked “Oh! Pranapriye, why are you so angry?” and touched her hands were thrown in anger, she behaved like a hissing serpent. King Dhaharatha did not recognize her anger like a venomous serpent; he took all effort to pacify her “Oh! Sumukhi,  Oh! Sulochani, Oh! Sweet toned like Cuckoo, Oh! Gajagamini, tell me the reason for your anger. Oh! Priye, who caused grief to you? I will sieve their head off. Oh! Devi, who should be crowned as King? Who should be exiled from the Kingdom? Oh! Devi, who is your enemy, if its male or female deity, no matter I will not spare them, Oh! Sundari, you know my conduct, I am like a Chakora bird to watch your lustrous face resembles the full moon. Oh! Priye, my subjects, my army, my sons, and all my wealth and my life are under your safe guardian. I am not lying to you, I promise on Rama, Oh! Devi, ask me for anything with a pleasant face, adorn those exquisite ornaments on your marvelous body, Oh! Devi understands the difference between the auspicious and inauspicious time, and leave this unpleasant costume immediately.”

Devi Kaikeyi thinking of those two boons smiled and started to adorn all those ornaments like a dull-minded, it was like the hunter playing to its prey.   King Dhasharatha felt relieved and began to speak affectionately “Oh! Sundari, all your wishes are going to get fulfilled soon, all the houses in the city are in extreme bliss and festivities. Tomorrow I am going to crown Rama as the King of Ayodhya. Oh! Sulochani, get yourself dressed in marvelous clothes.” Devi Kaikeyi could not bear these words, her heart ached which was already wounded badly, she covered her pain with a pleasant smile. King Dhasharatha could not make out the difference in her, as she was trained well under the wicked Mandhara. King Dhasharatha was an excellent ruler, but could not measure the ocean-like depth of the heart of the woman. Devi Kaikeyi pretend to be happy, with an attractive smile she spoke “Oh! Rajan, you have prompted me to ask for those two boons several times, but you are not willing to give them. If I ask for that boon, I doubt you could give me or not.”

King Dhashartha began to speak with a smile “Oh! Devi, I know you very well, you like to get angry very often, you have kept your boon without asking from me, I easily forget things, so I have completely forgotten that kindly do not blame me for that. You can ask four boons now, the Raghu clan never forgets their promises, and there is no bigger sin than forgetting one’s own promises, so you can ask for the boons.  The Veda and scriptures strongly affirm that ‘Truthfulness’ is the source of fortune and goodness, even Manusmrithi states the same. I have promised those boons on Raghurama who is the essence of fortune and piousness.” King Dhasharatha took all efforts to cheer the queen, but she smiled at him, she was like the bird covered its eyes with leather not to attack any other creatures. She understood King wanted to perform the coronation of Rama at the earliest, but she decided to reveal her real nature to him.

Devi Kaikeyi speaks “Oh! Pranapriya, kindly listen to my words, kindly crown Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya, I bow before you and asking you the second boon, kindly fulfill my desire, Oh! Swami, Let Rama live in the forest for fourteen years, like a Tapasvi, and live away from the Kingdom of Ayodhya.” King Dhasharatha got shocked listening to the boons of Kaikeyi, he hurt badly like the palm tree hit hard by the lightning. He held head with both the hands and closed the eyes, could not control his grief, he cried out loudly “You have uprooted my desires like Kalpavriksha that was already started flowering, you have behaved like an untamed female elephant and destroyed it, and you have installed the foundation stone of misfortune to destroy the city of Ayodhya. Otherwise, an unfortunate incident like this won’t happen during the auspicious hours. I have trusted a woman heartily, like a Yogi who undertakes severe practices lost his fruitful results due to his ignorance.”

Devi Kaikeyi felt extremely annoyed and spoke “Is Bharatha not your son? Have you bought me for money? If I have spoken harshly like sharp arrows piercing your ears, why did you promise things without my knowledge? You have to follow my advice or refuse it. You are truthful King in the clan of Raghu, let us forget about the boons, and get ill fame in the world. You have thought I would ask for a handful of flattened rice and decided to offer two boons. King Shibhi, Dhadheechi, and Bali sincerely followed their promises; they did not bother about their lives or wealth.” In this way, Devi Kaikeyi showered words that hurt him harshly like the salt on the wounds. The righteous King Dhasharatha hit hard on his head and cried out “You have brutally attacked me on my weak spot.”

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 5 – Ayodhya Kandam

 The treacherous advice of Mandhara

Mandhara continues “Oh! Devi, You have heard of Kadhru who is the mother of serpents taken revenge on her sisterly Vinatha who is the mother of Garuda. In the same manner Devi Kausalya would settle scores against you. They will imprison Bharatha and he will meet his death in the prison, Lakshman will remain closest as ever to Rama.” Devi Kaikeyi terrified listening to the cruel words of hunch-back Mandhara, she could not speak anything, she quivered like the plantain tree in fear and drenched in perspiration.  Mandhara took great pleasure watching the panic-stricken state of Devi Kaikeyi, she bit her tongue in happiness, further she pacified the queen with thousands of lies.  Soon, as Mandhara desired Devi Kaikeyi lost her good intellect speaks “Oh! Mandhara, you are right, my right eye is quivering for several days now, I am having nightmares but I did not tell you. I am a peaceful-natured woman, I cannot recognize enemies and companions, and I have not committed any sin to others. I do not know why God is giving me so much pain. I have decided to spend the rest of my life in my father’s kingdom. I will not serve Kausalya and live the life of a slave in the Ayodhya. Death is far better than serving an enemy.” Devi Kaikeyi revealed her state of self-pity, Mandhara realized that the queen had lost her good sense; she used all her skills in augmenting hatred in her “Oh! Devi, why you feel pity for yourself, you will have all the richness and happiness. Whoever thought of your troubles would attain the fruit of it, Oh! Devi, after realizing the wicked thoughts of people against you, I have lost the taste of food and lost sleep in the night. I have met a few astrologers and enquired, they affirmed that Bharatha will be the King of Ayodhya. Oh! Devi, if you want to make it true, I can give you an idea, that would make everything work in favor of you and I am responsible to serve you.”

Devi Kaikeyi said “Oh! Mandhara, if you advise me, I am ready to jump in well too. I am willing to sacrifice my son and my husband. If you advise me to remove my trouble, why should I refuse to follow you?” Mandhara understood Devi Kaikeyi has completely changed her mind; she can use queen as her sacrificial animal and began to take joy in piercing the sacrificial animal with the sharp knife, the queen who was like the cow that tied in the sacrificial poll did not realize the upcoming dangers. Mandharas speeches were most impressive and promising, but it was extremely painful. She was feeding the queen with the poison mixed honey, and spoke “ Oh! Devi, I remember a conversation we had several years before about the two boons of King Dhasharatha promised to you. I feel this is the right time to ask for those two promises so that you can make everything in favor of you. You ask for Bharatha to be crowned as the King of Ayodhya and ask Rama to go to woods, in this way you can steal the happiness of Devi Kausalya and Devi Sumithra. Oh! Devi, make sure to ask for this boons when the King is willing to promise on Rama so that he cannot withdraw from his promise. You have not much time left in your hands, if today’s night is over, everything will go out of your hands. Therefore follow my words sincerely, go to the Kopagriha/fortress made to stay when the queens are upset or grieved, make every move against the King very carefully, and do not trust his words immediately. Thus, Devi Kaikeyi considered ‘Kubari/hunch-back woman’ as the sincere companion and praised her intellect, and spoke “Oh! Mandhara, I have no other sincere companion like you. You have helped a person sinking in water; If God fulfilled my desire, Oh! Sakhi, I will protect you like my eyes.” Thus, Devi Kaikeyi praised Kubari and entered in the Kopa Griha.

Devi Kaikeyi’s mind worked like a field which was carried the seeds of troubles that were sowed and watered by Mandhara, the seeds of troubles well nurtured by Mandhara, grown quickly and brought out leaves like sorrows. Devi Kaikeyi entered in the dark Kopagriha and took a seat on the floor.   Devi Kaikeyi, while taking great pleasure in the royal comforts, without knowing her mind started working against her, the palace and the city was too crowded with people and the preparations of the coronation ceremony; none has understood the treacherous plan of Mandhara.

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 4 – Ayodhya Kandam

Mandhara's deception on Devi Kaikeyi

Mandhara speaks “Oh! Devi, If I speak I will speak the truth for your benefit, unfortunately, you are not liking it, I should not have done that, you like praise without knowing truth or lie, therefore I have decided to speak everything to please you, I will not utter a single word which is not in favor of you. Otherwise, I would keep myself silent during day and night, God has given me ugly appearance and dependency as well.  It is the law of Karma, one should reap that was sown, and I have no gain or loss in whoever rules the city of Ayodhya, I can’t be the Queen Mother definitely. I have spoken all those ill words foreseeing the troubles to you, my fate is a cursed one, I cannot bear your troubles, that is the reason I have spoken ill about your family. I have made a big mistake by criticizing you openly, Oh! Devi kindly forgives me.” 

Devi Kaikeyi was fickle-minded, completely soaked in Maya of the deities, mistook her enemy Mandhara who is extremely wicked and disloyal. Devi Kaikeyi’s mind and intellect were already wedged on the negative remarks of Mandhara, she repeatedly enquired for the reason for Mandhara’s anger, like the baby deer get trapped into the melodious songs of the hunter. Devi Kaikeyi’s mind has changed completely according to her fate, Mandhara took great pleasure in watching her tricks working well on the queen, and she pleasantly spoke “Oh! Devi, you are questioning me, but I am scared to open my mouth because you have already blamed me as the trouble maker in the family.” Once again Mandhara won over Devi Kaikeyi with her sweet coated words; she made the queen completely on her side so that she can bring destruction to the Kingdom of Ayodhya, like the evil planet Saturn. Mandhara spoke “Oh! Devi, you have revealed your love for Rama and Sita, I know that is truthful; Rama is dear as life to you. Oh! Devi that time has changed, when the waves hit hard on people cannot withstand it, Surya gives life to the lotus flower, but a lotus plants cannot survive without water. Devi Kausalya will take this opportunity in favor of her and will give troubles in the future. Therefore it is advisable for you to play a safe game, you were in a false impression that your husband is most promising to you, therefore you trusted him wholly, and hence you have swollen with pride. Oh! Devi listens to me, his heart is impure but the tongue is sweet, but you are truly innocent to understand them. Devi Kausalya is highly intelligent and has good control over the family, she has already made the situation promising to her, it was Devi Kausalya’s idea to send Bharatha to his grandfather’s home, and the King Dhasharatha thoughtfully followed Devi Kausalya on this matter. Devi Kausalya has always a dislike for you because you have been the most favorite wife of King Dhasharatha, even though all three are serving him as their lives. Oh! Devi, you have always been a cause for the unhappiness of Devi Kausalya. She did not show it openly, but she has utilized her mind at the appropriate time. It is quite natural that the wives of a King get jealousy on each other, King Dhasharatha is very loving to you, and it irked Devi Kausalya. She has used a trick and influenced the King to conduct the coronation ceremony of Rama; she must have compelled the King to do it right now, even though it is the customary rite in the Surya dynasty. It is great news anyway but I get scared of the after-effects of the ceremony, and I pray all her wickedness should go back to her. ”

In this way, Mandhara filled the ears of the Queen Kaikeyi with all those false and arrogant complaints against Devi Kausalya, and Devi Sumithra, it increased the dislike of Devi Kaikeyi to both of them. Mandhara had thousands of lies to tell to Devi Kaikeyi, who was already besieged with fate. Devi Kaikeyi started believing all those lies and listening to Mandhara, “Oh! Devi, what are you talking about? You have not understood a thing about what’s happening here for the past two weeks, the preparations for the ceremony has begun two weeks before, but you came to know it just now. You are the provider of meal and clothing to me, therefore I am liable to say the truth, and if I am wrong then God will punish me. If Rama’s coronation ceremony takes place tomorrow, it will heave you into deep troubles, I am quite sure that they will keep you out, like the fly from the milk. They will not let you and your son peacefully live in this place, if you are not willing to serve them, you have no other choice, you and your son have to obey their orders.”