Wednesday, May 27, 2020

||Sri Ram Jayram Jaya Jaya Ram||

Chapter -78 – Dhoha

Maharishi Vishwamithra's visit to the palace of Ayodhya

Rama took his brothers and associates to the woods for the hunting expedition on a regular basis. He killed the animals which are not against the Veda and produced before the King. The animals killed with the arrows of Rama attained the Paramapadham. He partakes meals with his brothers and the family. He sincerely followed the command of his parents. He found every means to please the people Ayodhya. He listened to Veda and Puranas sincerely and explained the greatest philosophies to his brothers. He gets up early hours of dawn, prostrate before parents and preceptor, and with their permission engages in the various deeds of the administration of the Kingdom.  King Dasaratha was highly pleased with the righteousness of Rama.

Maharishi Yajjavalkhya speaks “ Oh! Bharadhwaja, The supreme Lord Hari who is all-pervasive, has no desire, eternal, has no birth or death, void of Trigunas, has no specific names or forms, performed various amusements, for his sincere devotees, I have narrated them in detail.  I shall describe an interesting legend, listen to them carefully. Once, Maharishi Vishwamithra who is profound in Shastras, resided in a dense wood to perform various auspicious deeds, he had chosen the place to perform Japa, Tapa, Yoga, and Yaga was under constant threat of the demons Mareecha and Subhahu. Maharishi Vishwamithra performs various Yagas were destroyed by these two demon brothers; he was extremely disappointed by this act. He understood these powerful demons can be killed only by the Supreme Lord Hari. Immediately, he remembered the incarnation of Lord Hari as Rama who was born to reduce the burden of the Earth, he decided to prostrate before the lotus feet of that supreme Lord, and request the King to bring the two brothers to the forest. In this way, he decided to live too close with that supreme Lord who is the storehouse of virtues, represents wisdom and Vairagya. Maharishi Vishwamithra dreamt of several things being close to that Paramathma and approached the city of Ayodhya in a short time. He took a dip in the sacred river Sarayu and arrived in the assembly of King Dhasharatha.”

King Dhasharatha accompanied by several twice-born reverentially greeted Maharishi Vishwamithra, received him with great honor. He prostrated before the Maharishi and washed his feet, and offered his throne. He exclaimed, “ I am the most fortunate one, there is no one in this world fortunate than me.” King offered a sumptuous meal to the Maharishi who was highly pleased with the King. He instructed the four children to prostrate before Maharishi Vishwamithra, the moment he witnessed Rama, it took him to a state of ecstasy, like the Chakora bird that looks at the full moon in extreme desire. King Dharashatha was too happy and spoke “ Oh! Muni, you have not showered compassion and your grace upon us like this before; kindly explain the reason for your visit. I am all prepared to follow your command.” Maharishi Vishwamithra said “Oh! Rajan, a few of demons in the forest disturbing me while performing various rites, I have come here to beg for something, kindly give your elder son Raghunatha and his brother to me, I shall send them back after destroying the demons in the woods, then I will be free to perform all the rites. Oh! Rajan, kindly give them in utmost willingness, make sure the ignorance or desire should not cross your righteous path. Your righteousness and fame would multiply and your children will have all the auspiciousness in their lives.”

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