||Sri Ram Jayram Jaya Jaya
Chapter – 60 – Dhoha – 59
The pious couple
Swayambhuva Manu and Devi Shatharoopa looked at the indescribable form of
supreme Lord Hari, with extreme devotion, felt unsatisfied, they fell down at
the lotus feet of Lord Ramachandra like a stick and tightly hold the feet of
that supreme Lord. The compassionate Lord affectionately patted their heads and
immediately took hold of them from his feet and began to speak “Oh! Manu and
Devi, I am extremely pleased with your devotion and dedication, kindly asks for
a boon.” Manu listening to those soft and affectionate words of Prabhu, with
folded hands spoke “Oh! Prabhu, after witnessing your lotus feet all our
desires got fulfilled, still, a desire lingering on us, even though it’s attainable
but difficult to achieve, therefore cannot express them in words. I am feeling
like a beggar who is asking for immense wealth after achieving Kalpavruksha,
without the knowledge of it. You are Antharyami who resides as a soul in living beings;
you know all that I desired, Oh! Swami kindly fulfills our desires.” The
supreme Lord spoke “Oh! Rajan, ask for whatever you feel, do not hesitate. I am
willing to provide whatever you ask.” Manu speaks “Oh! Dhanashiromani, Oh! Kripanidhe, I shall
disclose my yearning I want to have a son like you, I cannot hide anything from
The supreme Lord Hari was
highly pleased with the couple and with a smile spoke “Oh! Rajan, let it be!
Oh! Rajan, where did I go in search of a person like me? Therefore, I shall
take birth as your child.” Lord turned towards Devi Shatharoopa who was
standing with folded hands “ Oh! Devi, kindly asks whatever boon you would like
to achieve.” Devi Shatharoopa replied “Oh! Prabho, I am extremely pleased with
the boon asked the intelligent King Manu, even though you have agreed to
provide them, we are unqualified for that
boon. Oh! Prabho, you are the father of
Lord Bhrama and all the deities. You are the Lord of the Universe and its
living beings, you all-pervasive, you are supreme Bhramam. Still, I am having a
few qualms, Oh! Natha kindly blesses us with the devotion, bliss, and the
Paramamgathi of your ardent devotees. Oh! Prabho, we yearn to have happiness,
SathGathi, Bhakti, and intense love at your lotus feet, we yearn for that
intellect and wisdom, and the way of living of your passionate devotees. Oh!
Prabho kindly blesses us with all that.” The supreme Lord Hari was smiled
listening to the highly confidential, beautiful and soft requests of Devi
Shatharoopa and began to speak “Oh! Devi, you will achieve all that you have
desired, there is no doubt in that, Oh! Matha, you will not forget your
spiritual knowledge.” Manu prostrated before Lord and speaks “Oh! Prabho I have
an appeal to you, I should have extreme affection to the lotus feet of my child, like the ordinary people, let people may address me as a fool, I have no worries, Oh!
Bhagavan, a serpent cannot live without its jewel on the forehead, a fish
cannot live without the water, let my life always dependent on you, and take
shelter at your lotus feet.” Thus Manu embraced the lotus feet of Lord Hari.
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