Sunday, June 7, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 3 – Ayodhya Kandam

Deities request to Devi Sharadha & the conversation between Mandhara and Devi Kaikeyi

Rama felt disappointed after listening to SageVashishta and absorbed in various thoughts “I have born with my little brothers, I have taken the meal with them, had slept with them, played with them, and engaged in various amusements with them. We had all those ceremonies like ear piercing, Upanayana, and marriages together. It is really unfair to leave the younger brothers and the elder one to get crowned as the King of Ayodhya.” Let these thoughtful words of the Supreme Lord Rama leave all the qualms in the hearts of the readers and listeners. Immediately Lakshmana who is the abode of love and bliss arrived to meet his elder brother.  Lord Rama who is lustrous like the moon, pleased his younger brother, the city echoed in the music and divine instruments, and people of Ayodhya immersed in bliss. All of them sincerely prayed for the return of Bharatha from his uncle’s place.  The people in the markets, streets, houses, courtyards in the homes, shelter homes had nothing else to talk other than the upcoming grand coronation ceremony of Rama, they spoke “ When did that auspicious moment arrive Rama and Devi Sita seated on the magnificent throne of Ayodhya, and please our eyes? When did that auspicious time arrive? When did the deities fulfill our desires?” in this way they were eagerly waiting for that auspicious moment.

The arrogant deities were looking forward to seeing the obstacle of the coronation ceremony. The deities did not show any interest in the festivities in the city of Ayodhya, the deities assembled were prostrated before Devi Shadhara and sincerely requested “Oh! Devi, Oh! Mother, kindly removes our afflictions, kindly create an obstacle in the coronation ceremony of Rama and create a situation that pressurizes Rama to leave the palace and move to woods, and kindly fulfill the needs of the deities.” Devi Sharadha stood in silence, she felt sad thinking about the people of Ayodhya, seeing the gloominess of Devi Sharadha the deities spoke “Oh! Mother, you will remain unblemished, Rama is beyond happiness and sad, you are the knower of the glories of Rama.  The people of Ayodhya have to face happiness and sorrow as the fate of Jeeva, kindly visits Ayodhya and do the needful for the welfare of the deities.” The deities repeatedly prostrated before her and prompted her to heed their words, she understood the deities are selfish and engaged in thought “These deities are wicked, cannot bearable to witness the auspiciousness of others.” Devi Sharadha remembered her part to play in the coming days; she felt disappointed and approached the palace of King Dhasharatha like an evil planet.

Devi Kaikeyi had a maidservant Mandhara, a dull-minded woman. Devi Sharadha injected evil thoughts in the mind of Mandhara and returned to her abode. Mandhara saw the city is the mood of festivities, and people are busily decorating the streets, markets, houses, etc.  She approached people and asked the reason for it, they informed her about the coronation ceremony of Rama, Mandhara could not bear the news, she was swollen with jealous and angry.  On her way back, she was thinking about how to destroy the entire festive mood of Ayodhya, like a hunter destroys the honey beehives. Mandhara unhappily returned to the palace and rushed to Devi Kaikeyi who is the mother of Bharatha. Devi Kaikeyi asked the reason for her swollen face; Mandhara took a deep sigh and started shedding tears. Devi Kaikeyi enquired was that the reason Lakshman did any mischief to her; she enquired about the welfare of King Dhasharatha, Rama, Bharatha, Lakshman, and Shathrughna.  Mandhara did not speak a word for a while, shed tears in distress, and spoke “Oh! Devi, why should Lakshman teach a lesson to me? Who is happy other than King Dhasharatha and Devi Kausalya in this night? Rama is going to crown as the King of Ayodhya, therefore he is going to be happiest. Why do not you go and watch those celebrations? I am extremely angry watching all those festivities in the city. Your son is not in the Kingdom of Ayodhya, and you are under the wrong idea that your husband is most promising to you. You are taking pleasure in your luxurious chamber. You are innocent to notice the wickedness of King Dhasharatha.” Devi Kaikeyi furiously spoke “Oh! Mandhara, stop your poisonous words, you are expert in creating troubles in the family, if you talk further about anyone, I will pluck out your tongue. People who have crooked eyes, twisted eyes, limping, and hunch on the back are extremely wicked natured, and not to talk about these types of women.” And Devi Kaikeyi started laughing loudly.

Devi Kaikeyi spoke “Oh! Priyavadhini, I have told all these to make you light-hearted, I won’t get angry on you not even in my dreams. All that you have told about the auspicious matters will make me happier than ever before, the elder brother should be the Master and the younger brothers should be attendant, which is the custom we follow in the Surya dynasty. Oh! Sakhi, If I have heard that true, Rama is going to be crowned as the King of Ayodhya, I will fulfill all your desires, ask whatever you want from me. Rama loves three of his mothers equally, in fact, he has special attachments towards me, I have tested his affection many times, and I am thoroughly satisfied with it. If I have to born again, I would ask the supreme Lord to bless me with Rama as son and Sita as my daughter-in-law. Rama is dear as my life, why you are so unhappy about his coronation ceremony? You have to tell me the truth, do not hide from me, leave all your worries and doubts, kindly tell me the truth.  This is the moment to be happy, why you are so gloomy about it?”

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 2 – Ayodhya Kandam

The preparation for the grand coronation ceremony of Rama

Sage Vashishta instructed the members “Oh! Members of the assembly, collect waters from the most important sacred rivers,  medicinal herbs and roots, flowers, fruits, leaves, Chamara, skin of deer, finest clothes of silk and fur, ornaments, and various auspicious Mangaladhravya for the coronation ceremony and bring the list of the ingredients needed to perform the rite.  All the celebration will take place strictly following the Vedic rites, the city should be decorated with the flags, magnificent tents, and decorate with plantain tree, mango tree, and palm tree. The streets should be decorated with Rangoli adorned with gem, the people of the city should take care of the decoration of markets. Begin all the duties with the initial veneration of Lord Ganesha, Bhoodeva/twice-born, preceptor, and deities of the clan. There should be a heap of Dwaja, Pathak, Thorana, Kalasha, and herds of horses, elephants, and numerous chariots ready for the ceremony.” The members of the palace started the preparation according to the instruction of Sage Vashishta, everyone sincerely performed their duties as desired by the Sage.  King Dhasharatha worshiped twice-born, saintly men, and deities,  and performed all those auspicious duties for the welfare of Rama.  The moment people heard of the coronation ceremony of Rama, the city reverberated with the sounds of various musical instruments.

Devi Sita and Lord Rama experienced various auspicious omens, their divine limb quivered as a mark of upcoming auspiciousness, they happily conversed each other, Rama said “ I expect Bharatha will be returning to the Ayodhya very soon, I could sense few auspicious omens, he had left the palace for several days now, we are eagerly waiting to see him. All these auspicious omens confirm the arrival of our beloved Bharatha. There is none other than beloved like Bharatha to us, therefore all these auspicious omens confirm his return to the city.” Rama was completely absorbed in the thoughts of Bharatha during day and night, like the tortoise which is cautious of its eggs and carries its thoughts in its hearts.

The woman folks in the palace enthusiastically ran all around the palace, after listening to the auspicious news about the coronation ceremony of Rama, they have resembled the powerful ocean waves in the presence of the full moon. The woman folks who brought the happiest news to the queens were received the finest clothes and ornaments as gifts. The queens began the preparation for the ceremony, they have arranged Mangalakalasha, Devi Sumithra adorned the palace and shrine with colorful Rangoli and decorated them with gems. Devi Kausalya invited several twice-born and distributed an abundance of gifts, she worshiped the deities of the clan, and serpent gods, and arranged for various offerings to the deities, she undertook vow and austerities and prayed for the welfare of her son. The beautiful young women who have a lustrous face like the moon, and the eyes of antelope sang beautifully. The male and female of the city thrilled to hear the coronation ceremony of Rama; they all sincerely prayed for Rama and began the decoration of their homes.

King Dhasharatha requested Maharishi Vashishta to advice Rama and Devi Sita about the austerities should be followed in the coming days.  Maharishi Vashishta visited the fortress of Rama and Devi Sita was reverentially greeted, they washed the feet of the Sage, and worshiped with sixteen Upacharas, the couple together prostrated before the sage, and spoke “Oh! Mahamune, your arrival to the house of your sincere servant would bring all the auspiciousness, and it would remove all the inauspiciousness, Oh! Prabho, you have taken the effort to visit me, if you have ordered I would be present before you to follow your orders. You have showered an abundance of grace upon us by making a visit to our house, we are fortunate to have you. Oh! Mune, I am waiting to follow your orders, kindly order me, a servant would get all the auspiciousness at the sincere service of his Master.” Sage Vashishta was highly pleased with the generosity of Rama and spoke “Oh! Rama, you are absolutely right. You are the jewel in the illustrious clan of Raghu. Oh! Rama, King Dhasharatha decided to proclaim you as the King of Ayodhya and he has made a grand arrangement for that ceremony, you have to follow strict austerities to achieve the grace of the supreme Lord.” Vashishta highly praised Rama’s virtues and discipline and returned to the palace.

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 1 – Ayodhya Kandam

The announcement of the coronation ceremony of Rama by King Dhasharatha 

Yasyange Cha Vibhathi Bhoodharasutha Devapaga Masthake | Phale BalaVidhurgale Cha Garlam Yasyorasi Vyalarat | So Ayam Bhoothi Vibhooshana: Suravara: Sarvadhipa: Sarvadha | Sharva:  Sarvagatha: Shiva: Shashinibha: Srishankara: Pathu Mam ||

Prasannatham Ya Na Gathabhishekasthadha Namamle Vanavasa Dhukhatha:| Mukhambhujashree Raghunandhanasya Me Sadhasthu Sa  Manjjula Mangalapradha ||

Neelambhuja shyamalakomalangam Seethasamaropitha Vamabhagam | Panau Mahasayaka Charuchapam Namami Ramam Raghuvamshanatham ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Shankara who has lustrous limb resembles the full moon, he is all-pervasive, he is Sharva who symbolizes auspiciousness, he is eternal, he is Lord of Lords, he is the commander of Universe and its living beings, smeared in sacred ashes all over the body, adorned in venomous serpents all over the body, and the crescent moon and the sacred river Ganga/Devapaga on the matted hair locks, and Goddess Sri Parvathi who is the daughter of Bhoosutha, attained half of the body on his left, I shall reverentially pray to that supreme Lord to protect us.

I shall prostrate before the supreme Lord Raghunandhana, whose face resembles the lustrous lotus flower, did not get over-excited with the news of coronation as the King of Ayodhya, or not disappointed or grieved about life in the dense wood, Oh! Raghunandhana, I shall pray kindly shower auspiciousness to all. I shall prostrate before Lord Rama who is the protector of Raghu clan, has the dark-color complexion body resembles a blue lotus flower, wielded in powerful bow and arrow, and seated with Devi Sita on his left.

I shall purify my mind and intellect like the mirror with the dust particles of my preceptor; I shall begin to eulogize the splendor of Rama which could provide Purusharththa/Dharma, Arththa, Kama, and Moksha. The city of Ayodhya was immersed in various festivities from the day Rama returned after his marriage with Devi Sita, and it was continued for several days, the fourteen worlds like the mountains, the clouds like fortune showered water of happiness on the people of Ayodhya. The downpour of happiness created the watercourse of welfare, Siddhi, wealth, and eventually, it attained union in the ocean like the city of Ayodhya. The male and females of the cities have resembled the eye-catching precious gems, the beauty of the city was beyond description, it resembled the one of finest pieces of the creation of Lord Bhrama. The people of the city took great pleasure in the loveliness of Ramachandra resembled the luster of the autumn moon. The three mothers, and her female companions and attendants, were immensely happy watching their charming sons and lovely daughters in law. King Dhasharatha took great pleasure in the loveliness, virtues, simplicity, and generosity of Rama. Everyone had a great desire and prayed to supreme Lord “King Dhasharatha should crown Rama who is the heir to the throne as the King of Ayodhya.”

One day, while Raghurama was seated with the members of the assembly, King Dhasharatha pleased listening to the endless fame of Rama.   The Kings of the neighboring cities were in a good relationship with King Dhasharatha who is eminent in three worlds, there was no one fortunate than him in the past, present and in the future, hence the Kings of the neighboring countries had great reverence and sincerely followed the commands of the King Dhasharatha. Moreover, he had attained Rama who symbolizes auspiciousness as the elder son. King Dhasharatha casually took a mirror and re-arranged his crown, found a gray hair near the ear, it sounds like “Oh! Rajan, declares Rama as the King of Ayodhya, in this way you can attain the piousness of your birth and life.” King Dhasharatha felt extremely happy, and on an auspicious day, King approached the preceptor Vashishta and earnestly revealed his desire to him.

King Dhasharatha speaks “Oh! Muninayak, kindly listen to me, Rama has become an expert in the administration and performance of various deeds for the welfare of the Kingdom and its people.  All those Kings of neighboring countries, people of Ayodhya, and the people in the palace, and all those associates of mine and attendants have great respect towards Rama, and they shower great reverence and love to him as they offer to me. We have attained Rama as our son with your grace; all those twice-born and their families have great admiration for him. I have learned a great lesson from my life that whoever has the intense devotion and respect to the preceptor would attain great admiration in their lives. I have gained all those happiness by worshiping dust from your feet which is capable to purify the intellect. Oh! Mune, I have only one desire left in me, it is definite that would get fulfilled with the grace of you.”

Sage Vashishta highly pleased with the simplicity of the King Dhasharatha, spoke “Oh! Rajan, order me. Oh! Rajan, your name and fame itself would fulfill all your desires. Oh! The gem among the King, all your desires would get fulfilled the moment you yearn for it.” King Dhasharatha understood that Sage Vashishta in a most pleasing mood, therefore, took that opportunity to explain with a soft voice “Oh! Mune, Let us perform coronation ceremony of Rama and crown him as the King of Ayodhya, kindly order the same and do the needful preparations for it. Let this auspicious deed take place while I am alive; let the people of Ayodhya attain the fortune of their eyes, all the things are taking place without any obstacles with the grace of supreme Lord Shiva. I have only one desire to crown Rama as the King of Ayodhya, after that, I do not bother whether I am alive or not, then I need not regret later.”

Sage Vashishta was extremely happy listening to the most promising words of King Dhashartha, and spoke “Oh! Rajan, listen to me carefully, whoever keeps enmity with Rama would undergo afflictions; therefore worship of him is the only way to get rid of all the sufferings and grief of worldly existence because he symbolizes pure love and compassion. That supreme Lord has taken birth as your son Rama. Oh! Rajan, do not make any delay; we will make all the arrangements immediately. The day on which Rama crowned as the King of Ayodhya would be the most auspicious moment in our lives.”

King Dhasharatha returned to his palace with great pleasure, called for his ministers and Sumanthra, they all stood before the King and reverentially bow down head before him, King narrated the upcoming coronation ceremony of Rama as the King of Ayodhya, they became extremely happy, experienced the sweet words of the King as cool and light downpour. The ministers with their hands folded spoke “Oh! Jagathpathe, Long live! Your decision to crown Rama as the King of Ayodhya will bring auspiciousness to the whole world, Oh! Prabho, kindly orders us to perform the preparation for the coronation ceremony at the earliest.” King Dhasharatha was highly pleased listening to the most enthusiastic words of the ministers as if the creeper found a strong branch of a tree to settle. King Dhasharatha spoke “Oh! Ministers, sincerely follow all the orders of Sage Vashishta on behalf of the preparation for the coronation ceremony.”

Friday, June 5, 2020

|| Sri Ram Jeyram Jaya Jaya Ram||

Chapter -116


King Dhasharatha reverentially prostrated before Sage Vishwamithra and Sage Vashishta and offered his sons and wealth on his feet. Sage Vashishta received the contribution for the performance of rite and gracefully returned the remaining to the King and blessed them abundantly. Sage Vashishta, contemplated upon Lord Rama and Devi Sita and returned to home happily. King and the queen invited the females of the twice-born and offered precious ornaments and clothes. They offered clothes to the Sumangalis, and all those sweets offered to deities were fairly distributed to the people assembled. They reverentially received the guests and offered contributions and gifts. The deities showered flowers upon Lord Rama, they eulogized the endless virtues of Rama, the sounds of divine instruments reverberated in the palace, eventually, the deities returned to their respective abodes.

King Dhasharatha returned to the palace and met his sons and daughters in law, he took the brides on his lap and patted them affectionately, and the females of the palace felt immensely happy, the palace of Ayodhya became the abode of bliss. King Dhasharatha explained the grand wedding of the four children to the females assembled, they were drenched in enormous happiness. He explained the humility, simplicity, generosity, kindness, and compassion and the glories of King Janaka, and he detailed every moment in the palace of Mithila, the queens were soaked in a state of bliss. King Dhasharatha and his children had a bath, invited twice-born, preceptor, and relatives to partake meal.  The meal was served to the guests and later King and the queen consumed the meal, it was almost late in the night.

The females sang melodious songs, and the night went on well. The guests received betel leaves with fragrant ingredients and returned to their homes. The King Dhasharatha and his sons were adorned in flower garlands and smeared in sandalwood paste, looked attractive. The whole atmosphere was drenched in happiness, peace, serenity, amusements, richness, beauty, and bliss cannot be explained by hundreds of Devi Sharada, and thousand hooded Anantha,  or Lord Bhrama, Veda, Shiva or Ganesha. Therefore it is impossible for a poet like me to narrate them; King Dhasharatha called the three queens and advised them affectionately “Oh! Devi, our brides are too young girls, they have arrived in a place completely new to them. Kindly protect them like the eyes protected by eyelids. The four children are feeling sleepy take them to their chamber.” King Dhasharatha meditated upon the feet of Rama and returned to his chamber.

The queens went to prepare bed for their children, the cot were made of gold and gem decorated, soft and supple mattresses of milk-white placed already on it, and there were several pillows and cushions in attractive colors were arranged on it and the wall of the beautiful chamber was decorated with the precious gem and the hanging lamps of crystals, the entire chamber was filled in the fragrances of various fresh alluring flowers, which is beyond description.  In this way, the chambers of the four children were decorated stunningly, Rama advised his brothers to go to their chambers and sleep. Mother’s affectionately looked at the charming limb of Rama and asked “Oh! Dear child, how did you kill the demon Thadaka in the wood? How did you kill the valorous demons that are merciless and wicked, dreadful Mareecha and Subhahu, and all his companions? Oh! Child, you have protected by the grace of Sage Vishwamithra, you must have attained all those knowledge while protecting the Yaga by you and your brother. Devi Ahalya got relieved from the curse at the touch of your feet, your fame spread all over the world. You have broken the Shivadhanuss which is hard as the shell of tortoise, Vajra, and rock. You have proved your eminence to the world and you have won over the heart of Janaki, and performed the marriage of your three brothers as well. Oh! Dear child, all your deeds are divine; it was all with the grace of Sage Kaushika. Oh! Vathsa, your lustrous face provided endless fortune in our lives. The day we have spent in your absence should not be counted in our lives by Lord Bhrama.” Rama satisfied his mothers with sweet and pleasant words and they returned to their chambers.   Rama prayed to Lord Shambhu, preceptors/Vashishta, and Vishwamithra, illustrious Bhramins, and closed his lotus-like eyes.

The lustrous face of Rama and the half-closed eyes have resembled the lotus flower, queens slept with their daughters in law holding them close to their chest. Rama rose early in the hours of dawn, the roosters produced loud noises, Vandhiganas and Magadha sung in praise of the King, twice-born arrived, the four brothers prostrated before twice-born, preceptor, and parents and received their blessings. They followed their father, while mothers were watching at them affectionately. The four children finished their morning ablations, took bath in Sarayu, and performed the sun worship and went to meet their father. King embraced his four sons and seated next to them. The assembly of the King was highly pleased to watch Rama, they considered their eyes to have attained the highest of the fortune in their lives. Sage Vashishta and Sage Vishwamithra arrived in the assembly was received reverentially, and offered respectable seats. King Dhasharatha and his sons prostrated before the preceptors who were extremely happy to watch Rama in the assembly. Sage Vashishta taught Dharma and Ithihas, King and women in the palace listened to them carefully. Sage Vashishta described the splendor of sage Vishwamithra, and it was highly praised by Sage Vamadeva saying that the fame of Sage Vishwamithra is known to the three worlds. Everyone was highly pleased to listen to that, especially Rama and Lakshmana.

There were festivals, celebrations, various amusements, happiness and auspiciousness in the palace of Ayodhya, in this way the waves of happiness flooded in the city of Ayodhya, and several days have passed. There were various customary rites took place on a regular basis, one day the sacred thread tied on the hands of brides and grooms before the weddings were removed, watching the celebrations, deities requested Bhrama to give them a chance to take birth in the Ayodhya. Sage Vishwamithra prepared to leave the palace was postponed by the affectionate requests of Rama. King Dhasharatha’s devotion and respect multiplied hundred times for  Sage Vishwamithra on day by day, finally Sage Vishwamithra requested King Dhasharatha’s permission to leave the palace, King became too emotional, he stood with his four sons and folded hands before him, and spoke “Oh! Mahamune, all that I have owned is yours, and kindly consider me, my children and my wives are your sincere attendants, kindly shower your perpetual grace upon these children, kindly bless me with your visits to the palace.” They prostrated before Sage Vishwamithra who could not utter a word, he blessed them and left the palace. Rama and his brothers followed the Sage Vishwamithra was advised to return to the palace.

The gem of the clan of Gadhi remembered those marvelous features of Rama, devotion, and respect of King Dhasharatha, the wedding ceremonies of Rama and Devi Sita, and all those festivities and happiness in the palace and walked away.  Sage Vashishta and Sage Vamadeva described the endless glories of Sage Vishwamithra in the palace.  King Dhasharatha felt extremely fortunate for the visit of Sage Vishwamithra to his palace. King and his four sons returned to the palace, people of Mithila sung in praise of the marvelous wedding of Rama and Devi Sita, his fame spread in the three worlds. The palace of Ayodhya has become the abode of happiness from the day Rama returned with his wife, the festivities and ceremonies took place in accordance with the wedding were beyond description, even for Devi Sharada and thousand hooded Anantha.

The legends and fame of Rama and Devi Sita is the treasure and storehouse of auspiciousness of the poets. I am purifying my tongue with the legends of Rama and Devi Sita. Sant Tulsidas Maharaj sang in praise of the splendor of Lord Rama and Devi Sita and got himself purified. The legend of Rama is vast like an ocean; none of the poets could cross that unfathomable ocean of bliss. Whoever listens or read to the legend of Upanayana and marriage of Lord Rama and the festivities took place during the celestial wedding of Rama with Devi Sita would attain happiness and welfare with the grace of the supreme Lord. Whoever sings or read in praise of the wedding of Rama and Vaidhehi would remain in supreme bliss, because Rama is the abode of supreme bliss.

Doha – 361 – The concluding couplets of Balakanda of Ramacharitha Manas

 Siya Raghubeer Bibahu Jey Saprem Gavahim Sunahim | Thinh Kahu Sadha Ucchahu Mangalayathan Ram Jasu||

Thursday, June 4, 2020

||Sri Ram Jayram Jaya Jaya Ram||

Chapter -115 – Dhoha

A grand welcome to the newly wedded couple in the palace of Ayodhya

Sage Vashishta advised King Dhasharatha about the arrival of the auspicious Lagna to land on the city of Ayodhya, thus King entered with his men in the city contemplating upon Lord Shambhu, Goddess Girija, and Lord Ganesha. They have witnessed various auspicious omens; deities produced Dhundhubi and showered flowers, female deities danced in bliss according to the tune of music. The Magadha – Sutha – Vandhiganas sung in praise of Lord Rama, there were cheers of victory, and Vedic chants reverberated in the ten directions. The sounds of various divine instruments raised, the deities in the sky, and the people on the Earth were in a state of extreme bliss. The people from the procession of the groom were in a state of ecstasy. The people of Ayodhya received the King with great honor, eventually, they have transported to a state of bliss after watching Rama. They have spread gems, and various gifts before him, their eyes soaked in tears of joy, the ladies took Harathi of Rama, and all the people took great pleasure in watching the four handsome youths. They saw four beautiful palanquins, parted the screen, and saw the stunning brides. Thus the procession of the bride and groom arrived at the main door of the palace of Ayodhya, three queens happily took Harthi for sons and their daughter-in-law. It is difficult to describe their happiness; they spread gems, ornaments, magnificent attires, and various precious gifts before the bride and groom.  They constantly watched the beauty of Sita and Rama, felt extremely fortunate, the female attendants of the queens did not take their eyes off from Devi Sita, and praised their fortune. The deities revealed their happiness showering flowers, playing music, and dancing to the tunes. Devi Sharadha after witnessing these four couples searched for comparison, but she could not find it, she stared at them without blinking eyes.

The newly wedded couples were received in the Palace after following Vedic and customary rituals, they offered Harathi, and took the new bride and groom in the carpeted pathways to the palace. The queens offered water/Arghyam for the brides and groom, and offered seats on a marvelous throne resembled as if it was created by Kamadeva, they devotedly washed the feet of the brides and grooms, they were offered Harathi, and fanned with the Chamaras, and offered unbroken yellow rice, those fortunate mothers felt as a Yogi attained Paramarththa, a patient received nectar of immortality, a pauper received Parasmani, a blind gained eyesight, a dumb attained excellence in speech, a valorous warrior won in the battle field. Their happiness multiplied while watching the newly wedded couples, because it is supreme Lord Ramachandra who returned home with brothers and new brides. While mothers were performing various customary rites the brides and grooms were extremely shy, Rama took great pleasure at that moment and smiled in his heart.

The queens worshiped deities and Pithrus, following the prescribed rites, as their sons were returned with their brides, they sincerely prayed the deities for the welfare of their children and daughters-in-law, all the deities showered their blessings. Those mothers received the blessings of the deities on the tip of their attire with humility. King Dhasharatha invited all those people who participated in the procession and distributed gifts, clothes, ornaments, vehicles, gems, etc. They took those marvelous moments spent with Rama in their hearts and returned to their houses, all the people of the villages were received ornaments and clothes as the gift from the King, all those houses were reverberated with divine instruments, King Dhasharatha offered all that desired by the beggars, attendants, and servants of the palace, an abundance of gifts. Those people were sung in praise of the virtues of the clan and King; they showered blessings upon the newly wedded couples. King Dhasharatha with the twice-born and preceptor went to Rajbhavan.

King Dhasharatha followed all the duties and responsibilities of the Kingdom and Vedic rites as instructed by Sage Vashishta, seeing the crowd of twice-born the queens were extremely happy and went to seek blessings from them. They invited the twice-born reverentially, washed their feet, provided ingredients for bathing and fed them with a sumptuous meal, and offered an abundance of contributions. These twice-born felt highly pleased with the devotion of the King and the queens, blessed them heartily, and returned to their homes. They worshiped Sage Vishwamithra and praised his compassion and grace, they took the dust from the feet of the Sage and adorned on their forehead, they highly praised their fortune to worship him.  King offered a marvelous chamber for Sage Vishwamithra, and the King and queens were highly conscious to serve his all needs. Further, they worshiped Sage Vashishta and prostrated before him. The children with their newly wedded brides took blessings from the Sages and the King with his three queens prostrated before the Sages and took blessings.

||Sri Ram Jayram Jaya Jaya Ram||

Chapter -114 – Dhoha

The arrival of Rama and Devi Sita to the city of Ayodhya

Rama was extremely pleased to listen to the sweet words of King Janaka. He sincerely greeted King Janaka who was equal to his father, preceptor, Kaushika, and Vashishta. King Janaka approached Bharatha, blessed him, and embraced, in this way he greeted Lakshman and Shathrughna as well. Rama repeatedly praised Janaka and returned to their chariots, and preceded their journey to Ayodhya. Janaka approached Kaushika, and prostrated before him and poured words of bliss “Oh! Mahamune, I have firm faith that everything can be achieved with the compassionate grace of you, Lokapalas achieve all those fame and glories with your blessings, I have gained more than that is impossible, and proved that there is nothing impossible to gain with the grace of you. It was all your grace.” King Janaka repeatedly bow the head before Sage Vishwamithra and returned.

The procession of the groom began their journey with the loud sounds of music and instruments, all the people assembled in the journey were extremely joyful. The villager’s attained bliss watching the splendor of Rama, they took a halt in between the journeys, the people of those places achieved the fortune to witness Rama and Devi Sita.  Thus, on an auspicious day, they have arrived in the City of Ayodhya. The palace of Ayodhya was stunningly decorated to receive the brides, the beauty of the palace enticed the heart of Kamadeva, it resembled the abode of auspicious omen, Ridhdhi, Siddhi, happiness, loveliness, welfare, richness, etc. There were beautiful ladies who excelled the beauty of Devi Rathi gathered around to witness the handsome groom and bride, the Sumangalis gathered in groups with Mangaldhravya, earthen lamps, and took Harathi of the couple. They beautifully sang Mangalagana resembled Vagdevi assumed several forms and gathered in the palace.  There was an air of festivities in the palace, which was beyond description. Devi Kausalya, Devi Kaikeyi, Devi Sumithra, and the elderly women in the palace forgot themselves in the bliss. They conducted elaborate worship of Lord Ganesha, offered an abundance of charities to twice-born, were extremely happy like the poor achieved Purusharththa.

The three mothers Devi Kausalya, Devi Kaikeyi and Devi Sumithra were in a state of ecstasy, they were eagerly waiting for the arrival of Rama and others, made huge arrangements to welcome the children. They have organized a grand musical and dance program, Devi Sumithra has taken care of the huge collections of Mangaladhravya like grass, flowers, betel leaves, turmeric, curd, leaves, betel nuts, herbs, unbroken yellow rice, sprouted Barli, Gorochana, puffed rice, Tulsi, and various auspicious things to welcome the newly wedded couple. There was a huge pile of golden vessels, and a heap of Mangala Dhravyas, in this way all these queens were busily engaged in the preparations, they were melodiously singing and arranged numerous beautiful earthen lamps to offer Harathi.

Finally, the moment has arrived, the three queens blissfully moved towards their children with the golden trays of Harathi, the entire atmosphere was looked like misty with the smoke of the incense, deities showered the flowers of the Kalpakavruksha, resembled the Sarasa birds, beautiful gem decorations on the pathways gave out of the appearance of rainbow. Beautiful women keep moving here and there in the balcony resembled the lightning, the sounds of Dhundhubi resembled thunder. The beggars on the street were making the sounds of Chathaka and frogs, light downpour like a shower of fragrances by the deities were promising to the farmers.

||Sri Ram Jayram Jaya Jaya Ram||

Chapter -113 – Dhoha

The journey of Rama and Devi Sita from the City of Mithila 

Once, the bride and groom prepared to leave the city of Mithila, the parrots, and Myna that took shelter in the golden cage was taken care by Devi Sita was fluently speaking, looked around waveringly and enquired for her, and cried out bitterly for Devi Sita, none could watch that moment, the animals and birds were felt deeply distressed at the separation from Devi Sita, how did I explain the state of people? King Janaka arrived with younger brother, his eyes were filled in tears of love, even though he is Paramavairagin, lost the courage he has gathered watching Devi Sita leaving the palace. He embraced his loveliest daughter, instantly the wall of Vairagya could not withstand in their love. The ministers, who are highly knowledgeable, advised him to understand the situation, and control his emotions. Immediately he realized that it is not the moment to grieve over the separation from daughter, he embraced her again and again. The whole family got too emotional, on the right Lagna and Muhurtha, Devi Sita was led to the grand palanquin, King Janaka remembered Lord Ganesha and Devi Siddhi, and all the women surrounded helped Devi Sita to get into that grand palanquin. King Janaka advised all the daughters, he taught them Sthreedharma and traditions and customs in the family as well. He ordered all those dearest companions and attendants of Devi Sita to accompany her, the people of Mithila sunk into deep distress watching their dearest princess leaving the city. They have witnessed various auspicious omens, thus King Dhasharatha followed with his men, twice-born and illustrious Rishis and Sages took his daughters to the Kingdom of Ayodhya. The whole city has reverberated with the sounds of divine instruments, there were several chariots, elephants, and horses ready for the guests to return to Ayodhya. King Dhasharatha invited all the twice-born and loaded them with various gifts. He prostrated before them and adorned the dust from their feet on his head. In this way, he received immense blessings of the twice-born; he remembered Lord Ganesha and preceded the journey.

King Dhasharatha witnessed various auspicious omens, the deities showered flowers upon them, the atmosphere reverberated with the sounds of Dhundhubi, and the celestial Apsaras danced to the tune. Dhasharatha advised the people assembled around him requested to return to their places, he called out for the beggars and provided them clothes, ornaments, horses, elephants as the contribution, and affectionately send them off. They repeatedly eulogized the generosity of the King and returned to their places. The two kings were too affectionate to each other, find it difficult to leave each other’s company, King Dhasharatha spoke affectionately “Oh! Rajan kindly returns to your palace, you have already followed us for a long time.” King Dhasharatha got out of the chariot and send off King Janaka, both of their eyes soaked in tears. The king of Vidheha spoke in tears “Oh! Rajan, how did I show my respect to you? Oh! Maharajan, you have given lots of love and respect for me.” They embraced each other and revealed their humility, simplicity, kindness, and love for each other.

King Janaka prostrated before the illustrious Rishis and Sages, he embraced the four sons in law who is the abode of virtues, graciousness, kindness, and love. He spoke with folded hands “ Oh! Rama, how did I eulogize you? You are dwelling as swans in the hearts of illustrious Rishis and Sages; you are sought after by the Yogis who are free from lust, desires, ego, and pride. You are not visible for the eyes, you are eternal, you are supreme bliss, you are beyond virtues, even though you incarnate with all those virtues, you are beyond mind and intellect, you are perceivable for all, you are eulogized by Veda as ‘Nethi Nethi’, you are free from changes, and all-pervasive, Oh! Rama, you are absolute Bhramam. You are the source of happiness and welfare has assumed a form for me, it is the mercy of you that you have respected and accepted me as your sincere servant. Oh! Raghunatha, it is impossible to describe your virtues, I am highly fortunate cannot be described for ten thousand Sharadhas, and thousand hooded Anantha for crores of Kalpa. I shall affirm one thing; you get easily pleased with the slightest devotion, Oh! Rama, I sincerely pray with folded hands, my mind and intellect should not go away from your lotus feet, not even for a second. Kindly, provide intense devotion and faith at your lotus feet.”