Sunday, June 7, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 3 – Ayodhya Kandam

Deities request to Devi Sharadha & the conversation between Mandhara and Devi Kaikeyi

Rama felt disappointed after listening to SageVashishta and absorbed in various thoughts “I have born with my little brothers, I have taken the meal with them, had slept with them, played with them, and engaged in various amusements with them. We had all those ceremonies like ear piercing, Upanayana, and marriages together. It is really unfair to leave the younger brothers and the elder one to get crowned as the King of Ayodhya.” Let these thoughtful words of the Supreme Lord Rama leave all the qualms in the hearts of the readers and listeners. Immediately Lakshmana who is the abode of love and bliss arrived to meet his elder brother.  Lord Rama who is lustrous like the moon, pleased his younger brother, the city echoed in the music and divine instruments, and people of Ayodhya immersed in bliss. All of them sincerely prayed for the return of Bharatha from his uncle’s place.  The people in the markets, streets, houses, courtyards in the homes, shelter homes had nothing else to talk other than the upcoming grand coronation ceremony of Rama, they spoke “ When did that auspicious moment arrive Rama and Devi Sita seated on the magnificent throne of Ayodhya, and please our eyes? When did that auspicious time arrive? When did the deities fulfill our desires?” in this way they were eagerly waiting for that auspicious moment.

The arrogant deities were looking forward to seeing the obstacle of the coronation ceremony. The deities did not show any interest in the festivities in the city of Ayodhya, the deities assembled were prostrated before Devi Shadhara and sincerely requested “Oh! Devi, Oh! Mother, kindly removes our afflictions, kindly create an obstacle in the coronation ceremony of Rama and create a situation that pressurizes Rama to leave the palace and move to woods, and kindly fulfill the needs of the deities.” Devi Sharadha stood in silence, she felt sad thinking about the people of Ayodhya, seeing the gloominess of Devi Sharadha the deities spoke “Oh! Mother, you will remain unblemished, Rama is beyond happiness and sad, you are the knower of the glories of Rama.  The people of Ayodhya have to face happiness and sorrow as the fate of Jeeva, kindly visits Ayodhya and do the needful for the welfare of the deities.” The deities repeatedly prostrated before her and prompted her to heed their words, she understood the deities are selfish and engaged in thought “These deities are wicked, cannot bearable to witness the auspiciousness of others.” Devi Sharadha remembered her part to play in the coming days; she felt disappointed and approached the palace of King Dhasharatha like an evil planet.

Devi Kaikeyi had a maidservant Mandhara, a dull-minded woman. Devi Sharadha injected evil thoughts in the mind of Mandhara and returned to her abode. Mandhara saw the city is the mood of festivities, and people are busily decorating the streets, markets, houses, etc.  She approached people and asked the reason for it, they informed her about the coronation ceremony of Rama, Mandhara could not bear the news, she was swollen with jealous and angry.  On her way back, she was thinking about how to destroy the entire festive mood of Ayodhya, like a hunter destroys the honey beehives. Mandhara unhappily returned to the palace and rushed to Devi Kaikeyi who is the mother of Bharatha. Devi Kaikeyi asked the reason for her swollen face; Mandhara took a deep sigh and started shedding tears. Devi Kaikeyi enquired was that the reason Lakshman did any mischief to her; she enquired about the welfare of King Dhasharatha, Rama, Bharatha, Lakshman, and Shathrughna.  Mandhara did not speak a word for a while, shed tears in distress, and spoke “Oh! Devi, why should Lakshman teach a lesson to me? Who is happy other than King Dhasharatha and Devi Kausalya in this night? Rama is going to crown as the King of Ayodhya, therefore he is going to be happiest. Why do not you go and watch those celebrations? I am extremely angry watching all those festivities in the city. Your son is not in the Kingdom of Ayodhya, and you are under the wrong idea that your husband is most promising to you. You are taking pleasure in your luxurious chamber. You are innocent to notice the wickedness of King Dhasharatha.” Devi Kaikeyi furiously spoke “Oh! Mandhara, stop your poisonous words, you are expert in creating troubles in the family, if you talk further about anyone, I will pluck out your tongue. People who have crooked eyes, twisted eyes, limping, and hunch on the back are extremely wicked natured, and not to talk about these types of women.” And Devi Kaikeyi started laughing loudly.

Devi Kaikeyi spoke “Oh! Priyavadhini, I have told all these to make you light-hearted, I won’t get angry on you not even in my dreams. All that you have told about the auspicious matters will make me happier than ever before, the elder brother should be the Master and the younger brothers should be attendant, which is the custom we follow in the Surya dynasty. Oh! Sakhi, If I have heard that true, Rama is going to be crowned as the King of Ayodhya, I will fulfill all your desires, ask whatever you want from me. Rama loves three of his mothers equally, in fact, he has special attachments towards me, I have tested his affection many times, and I am thoroughly satisfied with it. If I have to born again, I would ask the supreme Lord to bless me with Rama as son and Sita as my daughter-in-law. Rama is dear as my life, why you are so unhappy about his coronation ceremony? You have to tell me the truth, do not hide from me, leave all your worries and doubts, kindly tell me the truth.  This is the moment to be happy, why you are so gloomy about it?”

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