Tuesday, June 23, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 50– Ayodhya Kandam

 King Janaka, preceptors, Bharatha and Ministers meeting with Rama 

Sage Vashishta and Vamadeva met King Janaka, and began to speak affectionately “ Oh! Maharaja, you have to do the most beneficial and promising to all. Oh! Raja, you are the essence of Dharma, wisdom, knowledge, and virtues. You are to resolve the current issue before us efficiently.” King Janaka soaked in extreme compassion, and immersed in thought “It was not the right decision to visit Rama in the forest. It was the command of King Dhasharatha on Rama, anyway, we have to leave them behind and return to Kingdom.”

King Janaka with his men went to meet Bharatha, who rushed towards them and received King Janaka with great respect and offered a seat. King Janaka spoke “Oh! Bharatha, you know very well about Rama who is Sathyavratha and Dharmaniratha. He highly respects love and companionship of all; he has to undergo afflictions because of his extremely compassionate nature. Oh! Bharatha, you tell me about your final decision, I shall inform him.” Bharatha’s eyes filled in tears, and began to speak “Oh! Prabho, you are highly venerable and loveable like my father, my preceptors and mothers are highly promising to me. I am fortunate to be with you and Sage Vishwamithra and Vamadeva, and ministers, who are the ocean of wisdom. Oh! Swamis, kindly consider me as your child, and sincere servant, and advise me. I am incapable to take a decision while the ocean of wisdom is present before me, if I keep quiet that would be disrespectful if I speak anything it won’t be sensible. I would like to talk about something, kindly forgive my ignorance.  The righteousness of a servant is extremely difficult as described in Veda, Agama, and Puranas, and it is well known to the world. A sincere servant cannot be selfish; there is no place for attachments for him. Oh! Rajan, kindly advice us after taking into consideration of Rama’s desires, Dharma, and austerities, and the people’s choice and promising to Rama.”

King Janaka and his people highly praised Bharatha, whose speeches are difficult to perceive and easy to observe, soft as well as intelligent, sweet as well as bitter, precise as well as elaborate. King Janaka, Bharatha, preceptors, and ministers went to meet Rama who is the source of welfare and happiness of the deities. The people of Ayodhya and Mithila sunk in uneasiness, after knowing that their time has arrived to return to their cities without Rama and Sita, like the fishes in the first downpour. The deities keenly observed the state of the preceptor, then the affection of Vidheharaja, and Bharatha who is the essence of devotion to Rama. The deities overwhelmed, and extremely worried about watching the distress of the people of Ayodhya and Mithila. Devendra spoke “Rama cannot ignore the slightest apprehensions of his people. Therefore we have to plan something to keep us safe from the turn of events.” The deities prayed to Devi Sharadha and eulogized her “Oh! Devi, we are taking shelter at your lotus feet, kindly protect us, kindly change the mind of Bharatha with the influence of your Maya, kindly do something to protect the welfare deities.” Devi Sharada understood deities who are extremely selfish and soaked in Maya, she replied to them “Oh! Devendra, you are asking me to change the mind of Bharatha, it is pathetic to note that after all that thousands of eyes of yours cannot see the holy Mount Meru. Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Maheshwara’s Maya are extremely powerful, even they cannot influence Bharatha, and you are asking me to persuade Bharatha’s intellect. Bharatha’s heart is the dwelling place of Rama and Devi Sita. The darkness cannot enter in the place where the brilliant rays of sun prevail.” Thus, Devi Sharadha returned to Bhramaloka, the deities became restless like the Chakravaha in the night hours. The deities who are impure and wicked natured created an illusion in the minds of the people of Mithila and Ayodhya, it roused intense fear and misapprehensions in them, eventually, it created an internal conflict in the people; Devendra left the after results of his trick in the hands of Bharatha.

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