Sunday, June 21, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||


Chapter – 47– Ayodhya Kandam


The meeting of Rama with King Janaka in the woods

Raghunatha followed by his brothers, ministers, preceptors and the people of Ayodhya went to receive King Janaka, preceptor Shathanandha, and the queens. King Janaka got out of the chariot and hurried to Rama and bow down before him, he had no exhaustion of long hours of journey, and he was highly enthusiastic to meet Rama and Vaidhehi. King Janaka with his family moved towards the crowd, Janaka prostrated before the preceptors Vamadeva and Vashishta, and saintly men, twice-born and ascetics, and reverentially greeted people of Ayodhya. Raghunandan prostrated before the twice-born, Rishis and Sages, preceptors of Vidheha. Rama with his brothers courteously received King Janaka and his family to the hermitage.


The hermitage of Rama resembled the ocean of Rishis, sages, ascetics, King Janaka and his people were the resembled the compassionate watercourses that rush to merges in the ocean, the watercourses brimming with the Gnana and Vairagya merged in the ocean of Saintly men. There was grief, the sigh of despair, cries, fear, and trepidations, like swivel was clearly visible in the watercourses, there was highly intellectuals and preceptors like ferries were waited to save them from the trepidations of the people.   The Kolas and Kirathas were distressed watching the gloominess in the atmosphere, thus the water-courses merged in the ocean.  The hermitage of Rama filled with the grief, everyone lost their courage, and they all praised the valor and splendor of King Dhasharatha and grieved at his loss. Janaka was inconsolable, the Siddhas and ascetics watched the miserable state of King Janaka who was brokenhearted over the death of King Dhasharatha. There were ascetics pacifying the people who wept bitterly, and Sage Vashishta approached King Janaka and consoled him.


King Janaka who is highly scholarly like the brilliance of Surya removes the darkness of ignorance, and the lustrous sun causes the blossoming knowledge was besieged with sorrow due to his overflowing love for Rama and Sita. There are two kinds of people as described in the Veda 1) people who are soaked in worldly matters and bondage 2) people who have the knowledge of Paramarththa/Sadhaka 3) Intellectuals who are free from worldly matters and bondages. The person who has intense love and devotion at the feet of Rama is considered as highly respectable among the Sadhus. The knowledge without the devotion at the feet of Rama is like a ferry without the man to drive in it. Sage Vashishta advised Vidheharaja and elevated him from the sorrow.   They have taken a dip in Devanadhi where Rama took bath, all the male and females were drenched in grief, and they spend the day not even drinking water, surprisingly the animals were fasting, therefore nothing to talk about the people of Ayodhya.


The people who are arrived from Mithila and Ayodhya, for the achievement of Laukika and Paramarththa, reverentially seated before the twice-born, preceptors of both the clans, who conducted lectures on Dharma, Neethi, Virakthi, and Viveka, etc. Sage Vishwamithra explained various legends from scriptures appropriate for the situation and elevated their souls. Raghunatha spoke to Kaushika “Oh! Swami, all are fasting from yesterday, not even consumed a drop of water.” Kaushika said “It was true, Raghava is right it is already mid-noon,” King Janaka spoke “It is advisable not to eat any grains during this period of time.” They all went to have a bath in Devanadhi after receiving permission from preceptors. The Vanavasis brought loads of fruits and fiber roots for the people of Ayodhya and Mithila. The wood was providing an abundance of fiber roots and fruits for them, and the very sight of its stunning appearance removed the grief of the people. The streams, watercourses, and ponds were brimming with water, trees and creepers were overburdened with fruits and flowers, the birds were producing chirping sounds, and the honey bees were buzzing all over the woods, the whole of wood was filled in the happiness. The cool breezing carrying rich fragrance removed their exhaustion; the beauty of the wood was beyond description. It was like Mother Earth was serving King Janaka and her guests enthusiastically. They all had a bath in Devanadhi and set out for searching shelter places under huge trees. Sage Vashishta instructed the tribes to offer various beautiful fruits that have the taste of nectar to their guests in huge baskets. They worshiped Pithrus, deities, Guru, and guests, and consumed the fruits.

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