Friday, June 26, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||


Chapter – 1 - Aranya Kandam

 The story of Jayantha who assumed the form of a crow

Prarthana Shloka:

Moolam Dharmatharor Vivekajaladhe: Poornendhumanandhadham Vairagyam Ambhujabhaskaram Hyaghaghanadhvanthapaham Thapaham | Moham Ambodharapooga Padanavidhau Swa: Sambhavam Shankaram  Vandhe Bhramakulam Kalanka Shamanam Sri Ramabhoopa Priyam ||


I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Shankara who is originated from the Bhruvormadhye/middle of the eyebrows of Lord Bhrama, he is the essence of righteousness, an ardent devotee of Lord Rama, he symbolizes full moon that gives bliss to the ocean like wisdom, he symbolizes Vairagya, like Surya that causes blossoming the lotus flower, he is the powerful wind that removes the ignorance like clouds, he removes the darkness of the sins, he is the destroyer of Thapathraya/afflictions caused by the body, people and wealth, and eradicates intense desires in worldly matters.


 Sandra Anandhapayodha Saubhagathanum Peethambaram Sundharam Panau Banasharasanam Katilasath Thoonirabaram Varam | Rajeevayatha Lochanam Dhritha Jata Joote Samshobhitham  Seetha Lakshmana Samyutham Pathigatham Ramabhiramam Bhaje ||


 I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Rama who has the complexion of dark rain clouds, he has a lovely appearance and physical features, he is attired in yellow silk garment, he is wielded in bow and arrows, the protective shield of arrows tied on the waist, his eye has the resemblance to the lotus flower petals, he has matted hair locks and explores through the woods with Devi Sita and Lakshman.


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Uma, listen to me carefully, Rama’s virtues are highly confidential, the intellectuals and noble souls attain Virakthi after listening to his glorious myths. People who have no devotion to Sri Hari, people who do not take any interest in righteousness, people who are soaked in worldly matters, and bondage would get confused listening to his glorious myths. I shall make an earnest effort to narrate the devotion of Bharatha and the people of Ayodhya to Lord Rama. I shall describe the marvelous legend of Prabhu who provided immense bliss to Sages, Rishis and ascetics, deities, and the people in the woods. Once, Rama collected fresh alluring flowers from the woods, and created an attractive garland with it, and adorned it on the long curly hairs of Devi Sita who was seated on the crystal stones, and took a seat with her. At that moment the son of Indra who has assumed the form of a crow pricked on the feet of Devi Sita and flees from the sight, it was like an ant wants to measure the depth of the ocean, he wanted to experiment the female force of Rama. That dull-minded son of Indra caused to bleed Devi Sita’s feet.  Suddenly, Ramachandra who is extremely compassionate and kind noticed the bleeding feet of Devi Sita and shot an arrow of Bhramasthra aiming at the crow, it chased Jayantha. He terrified and assumed his real form, approached his father Lord Indra, but he refused to give shelter to his son knowing that he is an enemy of Rama. Jayantha terrified of the Bhramasthra that was following him everywhere, he rushed to Bhrama Loka and Kailash, but he did not get freed from the Astra,  it was like Sage Durvassa chased by Sudharshana to the three worlds. None of the deities were willing to give shelter to the enemy of Rama.”


Sage Kakabhushundi speaks “ Oh! Garuda, listen to me, the person who keeps enmity to Rama, would consider their mother as death, father as Yama, nectar as toxic poison, companions as hundreds of enemies, sacred river Ganga as Vaitharani, and the whole Universe as a furnace.  Maharishi Narada felt sad for Jayantha who was exhausted running all over the three worlds, Oh! Garuda, the saints, and ascetics are extremely compassionate and kind, he advised Jayantha to return to Rama and take shelter at his feet. Thus Jayantha took shelter at the feet of Rama and requested “Oh! Pranatharththiharin, kindly protect me. Oh! Raghunatha, I am a dull-minded person, wanted to test on your incomparable prowess. Oh! Prabho, I have received the punishment for my evilness. Oh! Prabho, I shall surrender at your lotus feet. Kindly protect me. ” Oh! Parvathi, that compassionate Prabhu felt empathy on Jayantha and left him with one eye. Jayantha committed a grave sin which deserves death punishment, but that kindhearted Lord Raghuveera did not hurt him, hence there is no one in the Universe benevolent as Rama.”


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