Monday, June 15, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jay Jay Ram ||

Chapter – 30– Ayodhya Kandam

Sage Vashishta’s advice to Bharatha and instruction to adorn the throne of Ayodhya

Bharatha performed various rites for his father, which cannot be described even with the thousands of tongue. On an auspicious day, Sage Vashishta called for a meeting of Ministers and prominent people in the society and advised Bharatha and Shathrughna to be present in the meeting. Sage Vashishta made Bharatha seated next to him and explained the Rajyadharma, and Lokaneethi, he explained the unjustifiable deeds of Devi Kaikeyi and praised the King who always followed righteousness and the truth. He talked about the virtues, simplicity, generosity of Rama, white talking his eyes were welled up in tears and transported him in a state of ecstasy. He explained Rama’s love and kindness to Sita and Lakshmana, he could not control his emotions. Munishwara spoke in tears “Oh! Bharatha, listen to me, fate is most powerful, the death and birth, grief and happiness, fame and ill-fame is under the control of the supreme Lord, whom to blame? Who to get angry? Oh! Vathsa, King Dhasharatha is not deserved to grieve. I shall describe whose life on Earth is miserable to you 1) a Bhramin who has no knowledge of Dharma and leaving all the righteous deeds and taking pleasure in the material world is pathetic. 2)  A King who has no knowledge of Rajaneethi, but loves his Praja dearly, is pathetic. 3) A Vaishya who is a miser, no interest in the worship of Lord Shiva, or offering charities is pathetic. 4) A Shudra, who does not respect the Bhramin, talkative, and overproud of his knowledge, work for fame, is pathetic. 5) A woman who is deceitful to her husband, no moral values, engages in conflicts, and works according to her will is pathetic. 6) A Brahmachari who does not follow any austerities, will not follow the advice of a preceptor is pathetic.”

Sage Vashishta continues “Oh! Bharatha,  7) A Grihastha who leaves all those prescribed rites due to excessive interest in worldly matters and sensual pleasure is pathetic.  8)A Sanyasin who is too much interested in worldly matters has no knowledge or sense of renunciation is pathetic.  9) A Yogi who does not undertake strict austerities or Tapasya and engages in sensual pleasure is pathetic.  10) A person who is getting angry without reason is pathetic.  11) A person who is an enemy of his own parents, preceptor, and siblings is pathetic. 12) A merciless person who takes pleasure in troubling others, and takes great pleasure in his own welfare is pathetic. 13) A person who has no devotion to the supreme Lord Hari is the most unfortunate and miserable. Oh! Vathsa, Your father does not fall in any of these categories, therefore he doesn’t deserve miseries, and his eminence is widespread in the fourteen worlds. Oh! Bharatha, the world has not seen an eminent Bhoopathi/King like your father, and will not see in the future. Lord Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara, Indra, Dikpalaka are eulogizing the glories of King Dhasharatha. Oh! Thatha, he has attained four virtuous sons Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Shathrughna who are righteous, therefore he deserved to be eulogized by all. He was highly fortunate; therefore do not mourn for your father. Oh! Vathsa, do not get sad, you have to follow the command of the King; therefore you are liable to follow the words of your father, you have to adorn the throne of Kingdom of Ayodhya, you have to sincerely follow the command of your father. He abandoned his dearest son Rama to keep up his promise to your mother. He always protected his words and promises, more than his life. Oh! Dear son, you should follow the words of your father; take up the ruling of the Kingdom with great respect to your father that would provide all the auspiciousness to you. Parashurama sincerely followed the command of his father and severed his mother’s head; the whole world is the witness to this incident. Puru, the son of King Yayathi sacrificed his youthfulness for his father, and gracefully accepted the old age of his father; he did not attain any sin or ill fame by sincerely following the words of his father.”

Sage Vashishta speaks “Oh! Bharatha, you have to sincerely follow the command of your father, and protect the people of Ayodhya and remove your grief. It would bring solace to your father in heaven; you will attain all the auspiciousness and fame, and it will not bring any sin. The Veda and Shashtra recommend the son is entitled to rule the Kingdom at the command of his father. Therefore, you should rule the city of Ayodhya, and it is my sincere advice to you. It would please Rama and Vaidhehi as well. None of the intelligent would criticize it, and Devi Kausalya and Devi Sumithra would get highly pleased with the decision for the welfare of the people of Ayodhya. The people who know about the bonding between you and Rama would definitely appreciate it when Rama returns from the woods; you can give back the Kingdom to him and serve him sincerely.”

The minister with folded hands prayed to Bharatha “ You have to follow the instruction of your preceptor, when Raghupathi return from the woods, you can do whatever you feel appropriate.” Devi Kausalya regained courage and spoke “Oh! Dear son, the advice of your preceptor is most promising and pure, it is for the welfare of you therefore you have to respect it and follow his instructions.  The time is beyond our control; therefore leave all your grief. Raghupathi is in the woods and the King is in the abode of Surapathi. Oh! Son, do not fall prey for grief and emotions. Oh! Son, you are the only solace for your three mothers, Praja, relatives, ministers, and the Kingdom. Oh! Dear son, understand the situation well, regain your courage, and follow the instruction of your preceptor, protect the people of Ayodhya and remove the grief of your family.”

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