Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The legend of Rama would remove the Bhavaroga/the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births


Chapter - 56– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The legend of Rama would remove the Bhavaroga/the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births

Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi, the King of birds Garuda had several doubts in his mind after watching the fierce battle between Rama and Meghanatha/Indhrajeeth, he went to Sage Kakabusundi put forward the same question, Oh! Uma, listen to me carefully, I shall explain to you the reason why Sage Kakabhusundi assumed the form of a crow and worshiped Lord Sri Ramachandra. Oh! Sumukhi, Oh! Sulochani, the legend of Rama would remove the Bhavaroga/the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births. Oh! Devi, in your previous birth you have born as Sati/ Dhakshakanya/daughter of Dhakshaprajapathi, and you had a heated argument with your father and abandoned your body in the fire sacrifice/Dhakshayaga, eventually, my Ganas/comrades wrecked the Yaga and created a huge chaos in the palace of Dhaksha, you know everything clearly. Oh! Dear darling, your separation brought intense grief to me, I have become inconsolable started wandering all over the Earth aimlessly, through the mountains, beautiful forests, hills, rivers, etc. but I did not achieve serenity of mind even after wandering through the beautiful lands, the grief of separation from you was intense I could not find peace even after roaming through those beautiful lands, finally, I have arrived in the magnificent hills of Neelashaila/blue mountain which is far from the northern side, surrounded by four charming golden peaks, that bears a cluster of Bitapa, Vatavruksha, Palasha, and mango trees respectively. On the pinnacle of this magnificent Neelashaila, there was a beautiful tarn/lake with lovely stairs to the water, that took all my attraction, I was completely absorbed by the beauty of it.”

Yesia  Prasanna  Bihangapathi  Keenhi Kaga  Sana Jayi | So Sab  Sadhara  Kahihau  Sunahu Uma  Mana Layi ||

Mei Jimi Katha Suni  Bhava Mochani | So Prasanga  Sunu Sumukhi  Sulochani || Prathama Dhaccha  Griha Thava  Avathara | Sathi Nama  Thab Raha  Thumhara || Dhaccha Jagya  Thava Bha Apamana | Thumha Athi Krodha  Thaje  Thab Prana || Mama  Anucharanha  Keenha Makha  Bhanga | Janahu Thumha So  Sakala Prasanga || Thab Athi Socha Bhayau Mana More | Dhukhi Bhayau Biyoga  Priya Thore || Sundhara Bana  Giri Saritha  Thadaga | Kauthuka  Dhekhatha Phirau Beraga || Giri Sumera  Uththara Dhisi Dhoori | Neela Saila Yek  Sundhara Bhoori || Thasu Kanakamaya  Sikhara Suhaye | Chari Charu More Mana Bhaye || Thinha Para  Yek Yek  Bitapa  Bisala | Bata Peepara  Pakari Rasala || Sailopari  Sara Sundhara  Soha | Mani Sopana  Dhekhi Manamoha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra would drive away from the sufferings of worldly existence, and the Jeeva would cross the unfathomable ocean of Samsara at ease


Chapter - 55– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra would drive away from the sufferings of worldly existence, and the Jeeva would cross the unfathomable ocean of Samsara at ease

Devi Girija speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Mahadeva, how did Sage Kakabhusundi attain the appearance of a crow, even after having deep insight, great devotion, and virtues? Oh! Prabho, how did the crow achieve the marvelous story of ‘Sri Ramacharitha Manas”? Oh! Kamari, how did you get to know the ‘Sri Ramacharitha”? kindly fill my ears with all those information, Oh! Prabho, King of bird, Garuda is the essence of virtue and knowledge, he is a sincere servant of Lord Sri Hari, and lives close to the Lord, why did Garuda leave the host of Sages and approach Sage Kakabhusundi to listen to the exploits of Lord Rama? Oh! Prabho, Garuda, and Sage Kakabhusundi are passionate devotees of Lord Sri Hari, how did the conversation between them take place?” Lord Mahadeva was highly pleased to watch the inquisitiveness, and the innocence of Devi Girija, and he began to speak pleasantly “Oh! Devi Girija, Oh! Sati, you are an extremely fortunate one, your curiosity is beneficial to the whole world, you are virtuous, and you have an abundance of devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, Oh! Devi, kindly listen to me carefully, the legend of Sri Rama is highly meritorious, and it would remove illusion and wrong perception of the Jeeva, it would enhance the faith in Lord Sri Ramachandra, the devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra would drive away from the sufferings of worldly existence, and the Jeeva would cross the unfathomable ocean of Samsara at ease.”

Ramaparayana Gyana  Ratha Gunagara Mathi Dheera | Natha Kahahu Kohi Karana  Payau Kaka Sareera ||

Yaha Prabhu Charitha  Pavithra Suhava | Kahahu Kripala  Kaga Kaha  Pava ||  Thumha Kehi Bhanthi  Suna Madhanari | Kahahu Mohi  Athi Kauthuka  Bhari || Garuda  Mahagyani Gunarasi | Hari Sevaka  Athi Nikata  Nivasi || Thehi  Kehi Hethu Kaga Sana  Jayi | Suni Katha  Muni Nikara  Bihayi || Kahahu Kavana  Bidhi Bha  Sambadha | Dhoau Haribhagatha  Kaga  Uragadha || Gauri  Gira Suni  Sarala Suhayi | Bole Siva  Sadhara Sukha  Payi || Dhanya Sathi  Pavana Mathi  Thori | Raghupathi Charana Preethi Nahi  Thori || Sunahu Parama Puneetha Ithihasa | Jo Suni Sakala  Loka Bhrama  Nasa || Upajayi  Ramacharana  Biswavasa | Bhava Nidhi  Thara Nara  Binahi Prayasa ||

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Devi Girija requests Lord Shambhu to explain the origin of ‘Sri Ramacharitha Manas’


Chapter - 54– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Devi Girija requests Lord Shambhu to explain the origin of ‘Sri Ramacharitha Manas’


Devi Girija spoke “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Mahadeva!  Sage Kakabhusundi was a fervent devotee of Lord Sri Ramachandra, he was dispassionate, steadfast, wise, and intelligent, why did he assume the form of a crow to worship Lord Sri Rama? Kindly clear my doubts. Oh! Purari,/slayer of demon Thripura, the Veda declares that 1) one in thousand of Jeeva would achieve the true devotion, steadfastness, observe austerities and penance,  2) one in ten millions of righteous Jeeva would follow the austerities, and achieve Birakthi/dispassion, and take extreme delight in being Viraktha 3) one in ten millions of Jeeva who are dispassionate would achieve the supreme knowledge/knowledge of Athma/Athma is Paramathma. 4) Hardly one in ten million enlightened Jeeva would achieve the state of Jeevan Muktha. 5) and one in thousands of renounced souls would achieve the oneness to the Bhrama are the fountain of bliss/ free from dualities of pain and pleasure, good and evil, respect and disrespect, etc. these are enlightened souls grown beyond differences, religious rites, Karma, are completely absorbs in absolute Bhramam. Oh! Suraraya,/Lord of Lords, whoever takes pleasure in the Sri Ramacharitha Manasa would get rid of Maya/illusion, which is extremely difficult to achieve. Oh! Prabho, kindly explain how did the Sage Kakabhusundi who has the form of a crow has achieved the supreme state of devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari?”


Biratha Gyana  Bigyana  Dhrida Rama Charana Athi  Neha |Bayasa  Thana Raghupathi  Bhagathi  Mohi  Paramasandheha ||

Nara Sahasra  Maha  sunahu Purari | Koau Yek  Hoyi Dharma  Bhrathadhari || Dharmaseela  Kotika  Maha KOyi | Bishaya  Bimukha  Biraga Ratha Hoyi || Koti Biraktha Madhya  Shruthi Kahayi | Samyaka  Gyana Sakritha  Koau Lahayi || Gyanavantha  Kotika  Maha Koau | Jeevanmuktha  Sakritha Jaga  Soau || Thinha Sahasra  Mahau  Sab Sukha  Khani | Dhurllabha  Bhramaleena  Bigyani || Dharmaseela  Biraktha  Aru Gyani | Jeevanmuktha  Bhramapara Prani || Sab The  So Dhurllabha Suraraya | Ramabhagathi Ratha Gatha  Madha Maya || So Haribhagathi  Kaga  Kimi Payi | Bisvanatha  Mohi Kahahu Bujjayi ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Devi Girija expresses her devotion to Lord Sri Ramachandra


Chapter - 53– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Devi Girija expresses her devotion to Lord Sri Ramachandra


Devi Bhavani spoke fervently “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Kripayathana, I have no delusion left in me after listening to the various legends of the absolute Bhramam personified as the son of Kosala, I have attained the ultimate object of my life, you have marvelously explained the glories of Lord Sri Ramachandra who is the embodiment of wisdom and bliss. Oh! Prabho, my soul drank the nectar-like glories of Lord Rama explained by your moon-like face, which was received through the two ears like cups, I feel extremely blissful and contented. The Sages and Rishis have achieved eternal bliss and liberation by constantly listening to the glories of Lord Sri Hari which worked as a wooden log to cross the ocean of mundane existence and repeated births. The legends of Lord Sri Hari are nectar to ear and pleasing to mind although the Jeeva drenched in worldly matters would enjoy listening to it, if not they are unfortunate and destroyer of the soul after achieving the rarest birth as a human. Oh! Prabho, I have listened to the ‘Ramacharitha Manasa”/the lake-like exploits of Sri Ramacharitha which was recited beautifully by sage Kakabhusundi to Garuda, and I have felt extremely blissful listening to you.”


Thumhari Kripa Kripayathana  Ab Krithakrithya  Na Moha | Janeau Ramaprathapa Prabhu Chidhanandha Sandhoha|| Natha  Thavanana  Sasi  Shravatha  Katha  Sudha Raghubeera |Shravana Putaniha Manapana Kari  Nahi Aghatha Mathidheera ||

Ramacharitha  Je Sunatha  Aghahi | Ramabisesha Jana Thinha Nahi || Jeevanmuktha Mahamuni  Jeau | Hariguna  Sunahi Niranthara Theau || Bhavasagara  Chaha  Para Jo Pava | Ramakatha Tha Kaha Dhrida Nava || Bishayinha Kaha PUni  Hariguna grama | Shravana Sukhadha  Aru Mana Abhirama ||  Shravanavantha Asa Ko  Jagamahi | Jahi Na  Raghupathi Charitha Sohahi || The Jada  Jeeva  Nijathmaka  Ghathi | Jinhahi  Na Raghupathi  Katha Sohathi || Haricharithra  Manasa Thumha  Gava | Suni  Mei Natha   Amithi  Sukhapava || Thumha Jo  Kahi Yaha Katha Suhayi | Kagabhusundi  Garuda Prathi  Gayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The glorious legend of Rama would flourish the pure love and devotion in the hearts of listeners, and it is the gateway to liberation from the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births


Chapter - 52– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The glorious legend of Rama would flourish the pure love and devotion in the hearts of listeners, and it is the gateway to liberation from the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births

Maharishi Narada after singing in praise of Lord Sri Ramachandra, returned to his abode Bhramaloka, contemplating upon Lord Rama who is the ocean of bliss and beauty. Lord Shambhu speaks “Oh! Girija, I have explained the splendor of Lord Sri Ramachandra according to my intellect, the legends of Rama are infinite, and beyond description, even the Veda and Devi Sharada are incompetent to describe them all. Oh! Devi, the splendor of Rama is countless as his virtues, his various incarnations and amusements are beyond description as his sacred names, would it be possible to count the raindrops? Or the grain of sand? In the same manner, the virtues and passionate sports of Lord Rama are countless. The glorious legend of Rama would flourish the pure love and devotion in the hearts of listeners, and it is the gateway to the liberation from the sufferings of worldly existence and repeated births as well. Whoever reads and listens to the glorious legend of Sri Ramacharitha would achieve perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Rama. Oh! Devi Uma, I have explained from all those glorious myths of Lord Sri Ramachandra which was earlier described by Sage Kakasbhusundi to Garuda, I have recollected a few and described them to you, hence what would you like to hear from me?”


Prema Sahitha Muni Naradha Barani Rama Gunagrama | Sobhasindhu Hridhaya Dhari Gaye Jaha Bidhi Dhama ||

Girija Sunahu Bisadha Yaha Katha | Mei Sab Kahi Mori Mathi  Jatha || Ramacharitha  Sathakoti  Apara | Shruthi Saradha  Na Baranai Para || Rama Anantha  Anantha Gunani | Janma Karma  Anantha Namani || Jala Seekara  Mahi Raja  Gani  Jahi | Raghupathi Charitha  Na Barani Sirahi || Bimala Katha  Haripadha  Dhayani | Bhagathi Hoyi Suni  Anapayani || Uma Kahiau Sab Katha  Suhayi| Jo Bhusundi Khagapathihi Sunayi || Kacchuka Rama  Guna  Kaheau  Bakhani| Ab Ka Kahau So Kahahu Bhavani || Suni subha  Katha Uma  Harashani | Boli Athi Bineetha Mridhu  Bani || Dhanya Dhanya  Mei Dhanya  Purari | Suneau  Ramaguna Bhavabhaya Hari ||


Monday, December 27, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The prayer of Maharishi Naradha


Chapter - 51– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The prayer of Maharishi Naradha


At that very moment, Maharishi Narada holding the Veena appeared before the Lord and began to sing in praise of Lord Sri Hari. “Oh!Pankajalochana/who has lotus-like eyes, Oh! Shoka Vimochana/reliever of grief and anxiety, you have a charming appearance and beautiful dark cloud complexioned limbs, you resemble honey bee that takes pleasure on the lotus-like the heart of Lord Shambhu/Kamari, Oh! The destroyer of the demon clan, the reliever of the burden of Mother Earth, delight to the noble souls, Sages, Rishis, and deities, Oh! Prabho, you are the destroyer of the sins, you resemble freshly formed clouds to the crops like the twice-born, you are beloved of Bhramins, you are the shelter for the distressed soul, you are the dispeller of grief, Oh! Prabho, you have killed the demons Khara, Dhushana, Thrishirass, Viradha, etc. with the might of your arms, and thereby relieved the burden of Mother Earth.  Oh! Sukharoopa/auspicious one, Oh! Ravanari/slayer of demon Ravana, Bhoobara/sustainer of the Earth, Oh! Dhasharathakula Kumudha Sudhakara/you resemble the sun that blossoms the lotus-like clan of Dhasharatha, Victory to you! Oh! Prabho, your endless glories are sung by the Veda, scriptures, Rishis, deities, Oh! Prabho, you are the destroyer of pride, jealousy, lust, anger, ego, greed, Oh! Prabho you are the ocean of mercy, and the dispeller of grief, you are the destroyer of the evilness of Kali era, Oh! Lord of Tulsidas, the protector of distressed souls, kindly shower your compassionate grace on us.”


Thehi  Avasara Muni Naradha Aaye  Karathala Beena | Gavana Lage  Rama Kala Keerathi Sadha Nabeena ||

Mamavalokaya  Pankaja  Lochana | Kripa Bilokani Socha Bimochana || Neela  Thamarasa  Syama  Kamari | Hridhaya Kanja  Makarandha  Madhupa Hari || Jathudhana  Barootha  Bala  Bhanjana | Muni Sajjana  Ranjjana  Agha Ganjjana || Bhoosura  Sasi Nava Brindha  Balahaka | Asarana  Sarana Dheena  Jana Gahaka || Bhujabala  Bipula Bara  Mahi Khanditha | Khara Dhooshana  Biradha Badha  Panditha || Ravanari  Sukharoopa  Bhoopabara | Jaya Dhasaratha  Kula Kumudha  Sudhakara || Sujasa  Purana Bidhitha Nigamagama | Gavatha  Sura Muni Santha  Samagama || Karuneeka Byaleeka  Madhakhandana | Sab Bidhi Kusala  Kosala  Mandana|| Kalimala  Mathana Nama Mamathahana | Tulasidasa Prabhu Pahi Pranatha  Jana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Sage Vashishta requests for Ananyabhakthi/perpetual devotion as a boon to Rama


Chapter - 50– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Sage Vashishta requests for Ananyabhakthi/perpetual devotion as a boon to Rama


Sage Vashishta spoke “Oh! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, kindly grant me the boon of ‘Ananya Bhakthi’ /perpetual devotion at your lotus feet, may the love and devotion at your lotus feet flourish in all my births.” Thus, Sage Vashishta returned to his hermitage, Lord Rama was highly pleased with the devotion of the Sage.  Further, Rama along with Bharatha, Lakshman, Shathrughna, and Hanuman, took a stride through the beautiful city of Ayodhya, in the meantime, the compassionate Lord ordered his attendants to bring several horses, chariots, elephants, etc. and distribute them to the people who have desired to own them. The Supreme Lord Rama who is the remover of fatigue of worldly existence, has become tired of the stroll was moved under the shade of a mango tree, where Bharatha spread his upper clothing on the ground, soon all of them were seated around the Lord. Vayuputhra fanned the Lord to remove the perspiration on the charming face, Rama felt overjoyed watching the pure love of Hanuman, and his eyes filled with tears. Lord Shambhu speaks “Oh! Girija, there is no one fortunate and devoted as Hanuman at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, and the selfless service of Hanuman has been admired by several times by Lord Rama.”


Natha Yek  Bar Magau Ramakripa  Kari Dhehu | Janma Janama  Prabhupadha  Kamala  Kabahu Ghatai Jani Nehu ||

Asa Kahi  Muni Basishta  Griha Aaye| Kripasindhu Ke Mana Athi Bhaye || Hanuman Bharathadhika  Bhratha | Sanga Liye  Sevaka Sukhadhatha || Puni Kripala  Pura Bahera Gaye | Gaja Ratha Thuraga  Magavath Bhaye || Dhekhi Kripa  Kari Sakala  Sarahe | Dhiye Uchitha  Jinha Jinha  Theyi Chahe || Harana Sakala  Shrama Prabhu Sharama Payi | Gaye Jaha  Seethala  Avarayi || Bharatha Dheenha  Nija Basana  Dasayi | Baite Prabhu Sevahi Sab Bhayi || Maruthasutha  Thab Marutha  Karayi | Pulaka Bapusha  Lochana Jala  Bharayi || Hanumana Sama Nahi Badabagi | Nahi Koau  Ramacharana Anuragi || Girija  Jasu Preethi  Sevakayi | Bara Bara Prabhu Nija Mukha  Gayi ||