Chapter - 56– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara
Kanda – The legend of Rama would remove the Bhavaroga/the sufferings of worldly
existence and repeated births
Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi, the King of
birds Garuda had several doubts in his mind after watching the fierce battle between
Rama and Meghanatha/Indhrajeeth, he went to Sage Kakabusundi put forward the
same question, Oh! Uma, listen to me carefully, I shall explain to you the
reason why Sage Kakabhusundi assumed the form of a crow and worshiped Lord Sri
Ramachandra. Oh! Sumukhi, Oh! Sulochani, the legend of
Rama would remove the Bhavaroga/the sufferings of worldly existence and
repeated births. Oh! Devi, in your previous birth you have born as Sati/
Dhakshakanya/daughter of Dhakshaprajapathi, and you had a heated argument with
your father and abandoned your body in the fire sacrifice/Dhakshayaga,
eventually, my Ganas/comrades wrecked the Yaga and created a huge chaos in the
palace of Dhaksha, you know everything clearly. Oh! Dear darling, your
separation brought intense grief to me, I have become inconsolable started
wandering all over the Earth aimlessly, through the mountains, beautiful
forests, hills, rivers, etc. but I did not achieve serenity of mind even after
wandering through the beautiful lands, the grief of separation from you was
intense I could not find peace even after roaming through those beautiful
lands, finally, I have arrived in the magnificent hills of Neelashaila/blue
mountain which is far from the northern side, surrounded by four charming
golden peaks, that bears a cluster of Bitapa, Vatavruksha, Palasha, and mango
trees respectively. On the pinnacle of this magnificent Neelashaila, there was
a beautiful tarn/lake with lovely stairs to the water, that took all my
attraction, I was completely absorbed by the beauty of it.”
Prasanna Bihangapathi Keenhi Kaga Sana Jayi | So Sab Sadhara
Kahihau Sunahu Uma Mana Layi ||
Mei Jimi Katha Suni Bhava Mochani | So Prasanga Sunu Sumukhi
Sulochani || Prathama Dhaccha
Griha Thava Avathara | Sathi
Nama Thab Raha Thumhara || Dhaccha Jagya Thava Bha Apamana | Thumha Athi Krodha Thaje
Thab Prana || Mama
Anucharanha Keenha Makha Bhanga | Janahu Thumha So Sakala Prasanga || Thab Athi Socha Bhayau
Mana More | Dhukhi Bhayau Biyoga Priya Thore
|| Sundhara Bana Giri Saritha Thadaga | Kauthuka Dhekhatha Phirau Beraga || Giri Sumera Uththara Dhisi Dhoori | Neela Saila Yek Sundhara Bhoori || Thasu Kanakamaya Sikhara Suhaye | Chari Charu More Mana Bhaye
|| Thinha Para Yek Yek Bitapa
Bisala | Bata Peepara Pakari
Rasala || Sailopari Sara Sundhara Soha | Mani Sopana Dhekhi Manamoha ||