Monday, December 27, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The prayer of Maharishi Naradha


Chapter - 51– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The prayer of Maharishi Naradha


At that very moment, Maharishi Narada holding the Veena appeared before the Lord and began to sing in praise of Lord Sri Hari. “Oh!Pankajalochana/who has lotus-like eyes, Oh! Shoka Vimochana/reliever of grief and anxiety, you have a charming appearance and beautiful dark cloud complexioned limbs, you resemble honey bee that takes pleasure on the lotus-like the heart of Lord Shambhu/Kamari, Oh! The destroyer of the demon clan, the reliever of the burden of Mother Earth, delight to the noble souls, Sages, Rishis, and deities, Oh! Prabho, you are the destroyer of the sins, you resemble freshly formed clouds to the crops like the twice-born, you are beloved of Bhramins, you are the shelter for the distressed soul, you are the dispeller of grief, Oh! Prabho, you have killed the demons Khara, Dhushana, Thrishirass, Viradha, etc. with the might of your arms, and thereby relieved the burden of Mother Earth.  Oh! Sukharoopa/auspicious one, Oh! Ravanari/slayer of demon Ravana, Bhoobara/sustainer of the Earth, Oh! Dhasharathakula Kumudha Sudhakara/you resemble the sun that blossoms the lotus-like clan of Dhasharatha, Victory to you! Oh! Prabho, your endless glories are sung by the Veda, scriptures, Rishis, deities, Oh! Prabho, you are the destroyer of pride, jealousy, lust, anger, ego, greed, Oh! Prabho you are the ocean of mercy, and the dispeller of grief, you are the destroyer of the evilness of Kali era, Oh! Lord of Tulsidas, the protector of distressed souls, kindly shower your compassionate grace on us.”


Thehi  Avasara Muni Naradha Aaye  Karathala Beena | Gavana Lage  Rama Kala Keerathi Sadha Nabeena ||

Mamavalokaya  Pankaja  Lochana | Kripa Bilokani Socha Bimochana || Neela  Thamarasa  Syama  Kamari | Hridhaya Kanja  Makarandha  Madhupa Hari || Jathudhana  Barootha  Bala  Bhanjana | Muni Sajjana  Ranjjana  Agha Ganjjana || Bhoosura  Sasi Nava Brindha  Balahaka | Asarana  Sarana Dheena  Jana Gahaka || Bhujabala  Bipula Bara  Mahi Khanditha | Khara Dhooshana  Biradha Badha  Panditha || Ravanari  Sukharoopa  Bhoopabara | Jaya Dhasaratha  Kula Kumudha  Sudhakara || Sujasa  Purana Bidhitha Nigamagama | Gavatha  Sura Muni Santha  Samagama || Karuneeka Byaleeka  Madhakhandana | Sab Bidhi Kusala  Kosala  Mandana|| Kalimala  Mathana Nama Mamathahana | Tulasidasa Prabhu Pahi Pranatha  Jana ||

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