Monday, December 6, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama’s meeting with the Nishadharaja Guha - Phalashruthi


Chapter - 120– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama’s meeting with the Nishadharaja Guha - Phalashruthi


The gracious Lord Sri Ramachandra and Devi Sita offered obeisance to the city of Ayodhya, eyes overflown with tears, experienced a sudden rush of thrill, they landed on the Thriveni and took bath in the sacred waters, and offered an abundance of charities to Bhramins, soon the Vanaras also joined with the Lord. They have visited the hermitage of Sage Bharadhwaja, at that moment Lord Rama instructed Hanuman “Oh! Vayuputhra, assume the form of a Vatu, and go-ahead of the city of Ayodhya and inform our welfare to my younger brother Baratha, and bring back the news about him.” Sage Bharadhwaja praised the valor and virtues of Rama and offered an abundance of blessings on three of them.  Rama prostrated before the sage and with folded hands requested permission to leave, and taken a seat on the Pushpakavimana. In the meantime, Guha the Nishadha King received the news of the arrival of Rama, soon he called out for the villagers in large numbers and cheered “Let us procure a large number of ferries at the arrival of Lord Sri Ramachandra along with Devi Sita, and Lakshman.” The Pushpakavimana landed at the command of Lord Rama on the riverbank of Ganga, close to the village Sringaberipura. Devi Sita offered worship to the celestial river Devi Ganga, prostrated before her, and took a holy dip in the river, the highly pleased Devi Ganga showered blessings “Oh! Sundari, may you live a long and blissful married life.” Guha rushed to meet his beloved Lord in a state of ecstasy, seeing Lord Sri Ramachandra along with his beloved consort Devi Sita, he has fallen flat before the feet of the Lord in supreme bliss. The Lord of Raghu was extremely delighted to watch the pure love and devotion of Guha, took him from the ground, and embraced him.


The merciful Lord Rama and Lakshman embraced Guha, and asked him to sit closer to them, further they enquired about the welfare of Guha. The Nishadha Raja replied “Oh! Prabho, all is well with your grace, I am fortunate to achieve the nearness of your lotus feet which is worshiped by Lord Bhrama and Lord Shambhu. Oh! Prabho Sri Ramachandra you are the essence of welfare and bliss, mere adoration at your lotus feet would make me contented, Oh! Sukhadhama, Oh! Poornakama, I shall repeatedly prostrate before you.” Thus, Nishadharaja Guha offered obeisance to Rama, the compassionate Lord raised him from the ground and embraced him as if it was Bharatha. This dull-witted Tulsidas drenched in the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, could not explain the splendor of that merciful Lord Sri Ramachandra, mere listening and reciting the legend of Rama, who is the slayer of Ravana, would purify souls, and provide Anananyabhakthi/perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra.  The Mahatmas, and noble souls persistently sing in praise of the glorious myths of Lord Rama, and thereby get rid of interest in worldly matters, bondages and perceive Oneness-in-All/Athmajjana/Jeevathma is Paramathma.


Whoever reads or listens to the glorious Yudhdhakanda which depicts the victory over the evil, with intense devotion and faith would achieve everlasting victory, wisdom, and prosperity. Oh! Mind, ponder over the Sacchidhananda Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam resides as soul, the Kali era is the abode of impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, there is nothing that can protect you other than the recitation of Tharakamanthra “Ra Ma” of Lord of Raghu.

Seetha Sahitha  Avadha Kahu Keenha Kripala  Pranama | Sajala Nayana  Thana Pulakitha  PUni Puni Harashitha Rama || PUni Prabhu Aayi Thribeni Harashitha Majjanu Keenha | Kapinha  Sahitha Bipranha Kahu Dhana Bibidha  Bidhi Dheenha ||

Prabhu Hanumanthahi Kaha Bujjayi | Dhari Baturoopa  Avadhapura Jayi || Bharathahi Kusala  Hamari Sunayehu| Samachara Lai Thumha Chali Aayehu || Thuratha Pavanasutha Gavanatha Bhayau| Thab Prabhu Bharadhwaja Pahi Gayau || Nana Bidhi Munipooja  Keenhi | Asthuthi Kari Puni Asisha Dheenhi || Munipadha Bandhi Jugala Kara Jori | Chadi Bimana  Prabhu Chale  Bahori || Iha Nishadha  Suna Prabhu Aaye | Nav Nav Kaha Loga Bolaye || Surasari  Naghi Jana  Thab Aayo | Uthareau Thata Prabhu Aayasu Payo || Thab Seetha  Pooji Surasari | Bahuprakara  Puni Charananhi Pari || Dheenhi Asisa Harashi Mana Ganga | Sundhari Thava  Ahivath Abhanga || Sunatha Guha  Dhayau Premakula | Aayau Nikata  Paramasukha  Sankula || Prabhuhi Sahitha  Biloki Baidhehi | Pareau Avani Thana Sudhi Nahi Thehi || Preethi Parama  Biloki Raghurayi | Harashi Udayi Liyo Ura Layi ||


Liyo Hridhaya Layi Kripanidhana Sujana  Raya Ramapathi | Baitari Parama sameepa Boojji Kusala So Kara Binathi || Ab Kusala Padhapankaja  Biloki Biranchi Sankara  Sebya  Je | Sukhadhama Pooranakama  Rama Namami Rama  Namami The || Sab  Bhanthi Adhama Nishadha So Hari Bharatha Jyo Ura  Layiyo | Mathimandha Tulasidasa  So Prabhu Mohabasa  Bisarayiyo ||Yaha Ravanari Charithra Pavana Ramapadha Rathipradha Sadha | Kamadhihara Bigyanakara Sura  Sidhdha Muni Gavahi  Mudha ||

Samara Bijaya  Raghubeera  Ke Charitha  Je Sunahi Sujana | Bijaya Bibeka  Bibhoothi Nitha  Thinhahi Dhehi  Bhagavana ||Yaha Kalikala  Malayathana Mana Kari  Dhekhu Bichara | Sreeraghunatha Nama Thaji Nahina  Aana Adhara||

||Ithi Srimath Ramacharithamanase Sakala Kalikalusha Vidhvamsane Sastah: Sopana: Samaptha: ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama introduces the sacred places of Sethu, Prayaga, Chithrakoota, to Devi Sita and performs ablutions on their way back to Ayodhya


Chapter – 119– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama introduces the sacred places of Sethu, Prayaga, Chithrakoota, to Devi Sita and performs ablutions on their way back to Ayodhya


Lord Sri Ramachandra along with Devi Sita, Lakshman, and mighty Vanaras and bears, while traveling on the Pushpakaviman introduced all those places of importance to Devi Sita “Oh! Devi, this is the place where Sethu, a mighty bridge was constructed across the ocean, and a beautiful Linga was sanctified and worshiped by me.” After saying so, Lord Rama and Devi Sita offered obeisance to Lord Shambhu. Thus, the compassionate Lord Rama showed each and every place he had taken shelter in the absence of Devi Sita, introduced all those places with their names to his beloved consort. Finally, the Pushpakavimana arrived on the beautiful Dandakaranya which is the dwelling place of Sage Kumbhaja/ Agasthya and illustrious Sages and Rishis. Rama visited all the Sages and received their blessings, then, they have visited the marvelous land of Chithrakoota, and the hermitages of illustrious Sages and made them happy, after that the Pushpakavimana moved at a great speed, Rama pointed to the stunningly gorgeous river Yamuna,  sanctifier of the souls, wash away the impurities of Kali Yuga. Then, they have arrived on the banks of the celestial river Mahanadhi Ganga, Rama spoke “Oh! Devi, offer obeisance to Mahandhi Ganga, and look at the sacred Prayaga, the King of sacred rivers, the very sight of this holy river would burn the sins accumulated through several years. Oh! Devi, look at the confluence of river Ganga, Yamuna, and Antharvahini Saraswathi, which is the dispeller of sufferings of worldly existence, a ladder to the abode of Lord Hari. Oh! Devi, see the sacred city Kingdom of Ayodhya, which would remove the Thapathraya and liberate the Jeeva from the repeated births.”

Iha Sethu Bandhyo Aru  Thapeau Siva  Sukhadhama | Seetha Sahitha  Kripanidhi Sambhuhi Keenha Pranama || Jaha Jaha Kripasindhu Bana Keenha  Basa Bishrama | Sakala Dhekhaye Janakihi Kahe Sabanhi Ke Nama ||

Thuratha Bimana  Thaha Chali Aava | Dhandaka  Bana Jaha Parama  Suhava || Kumbhajadhi Muninayaka Nana | Gaye  Ramu Sab Ke  Asthana || Sakala  Rishinha San Payi Aseesa | Chithrakoot Aaye Jagadheesa || Thaha Kari  Muninha  Kera  Santhosha | Chala Bimanu Thaha The Chokha || Bahuri Rama  Janakihi Dhekhayi | Jamuna Kalimala  Harani  Suhayi || PUni Dhekhi Surasari PUneetha | Rama Kaha Pranama  Karu Seetha || Theerathapathi Puni Dhekhu Prayaga | Nirakhatha Janma Koti  Adha  Bhaga || Dhekhu Parama Pavani Puni Beni | Harani Soka  Hari Loka  Niseni || PUni Dhekhu Avadhapuri Athi Pavani | Thribidha Thapa Bhava  Roga Nasavani || 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama along with Devi Sita, Lakshman, and the Vanaras and bears mounted on the Pushpakavimana


Chapter - 118– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama along with Devi Sita, Lakshman, and the Vanaras and bears mounted on the Pushpakavimana


The Vanaras and bears dispersed at the command of Lord Rama, returned to their homes with a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow, contemplating upon Lord Sri Ramachandra. The chief of Vanara Sugrivah, Jambavan/chief of bears, Angadha, Nala, Neela, Hanuman, and Vibheeshana, along with a few mighty Vanaras and bears, were utterly miserable, not willing to go back, they stood in silence. Their eyes were soaked in tears, stood gazing at Lord Rama. At that moment, Lord Rama, along with Devi Sita and Lakshman mounted on the magnificent Pushpakavimana, and instructed everyone to take a seat on the celestial vehicle, he heartily bowed head before the Brahmins, and the Pushpakavimana took a flight towards the northern region, the Vanaras and bears cheered “Hail Lord Sri Ramachandra! Hail Seethapathi Sri Ramachandra! Hail Sri Rama and Lakshman!” Lord Rama along with Devi Sita took a beautiful throne on the raised platform on the celestial vehicle, which resembled the strike of lightning amidst the clouds on the peak of Mount Sumeru. The magnificent Vimana moved with a great speed, the deities showered flowers in great joy, a cool breeze of rich fragrance lingered on the air, there were several auspicious omens visible before them, the ocean, streams, rivers were crystal clear, everyone felt cheerful, the four quarters of the sky was clear. Lord of Raghu cheerfully spoke to Devi Sita “Oh! Devi, Janaki, it was the place where the mighty Meghanatha was killed by Lakshman, these are the demons killed by Angadha and Hanuman on the battlefield, and there is Kumbhakarnna and Ravana, the two wicked demons who tormented the deities, and Mahatmas were killed on the battlefield.”


Prabhu Preritha Kapi  Balu Sab  Ramaroopa Ura  Rakhi | Harasha  Bishadha Sahitha  Chale Binaya  Bibidha  Bidhi Bhashi || Kapipathi Neela Reechapathi Angadha Nala  Hanumana | Sahitha Bibeeshana  Apara Je  Joothapa  Kapi Balavana || Kahi Na  Sakahi Kacchu Prema  Basa Bhari Bari Lochana Bhari | Sanmukha Chithavahi Rama Than Nayana  Nimesha  Nivari ||

Athisaya Preethi  Dhekhi Raghurayi | Leenhe Sakala  Bimana  Chadayi || Mana Mahu Bipra Charana  Siru Nayo | Uththara  Dhisihi  Bimana  Chalayo || Chalatha  Bimana Kolahala  Hoyi | Jaya Raghubeera  Kahayi  Sabu Koyi || Simhasana  Athi  Uccha Manohara | Sree Sametha  Prabhu Baite  Tha Para || Rajatha  Ramu Sahitha  Bhamini | Meru Sringa  Janu Dhana  Dhamini || Ruchira  Bimana Chaleau Athi Aathura | Keenhi Sumana  Brishti Harashe  Sura || Parama Sukhadha  Chali Thribidha  Bayari | Sagara Sara  Sari Nirmala  Bari || Saguna Hohi Sundhara Chahu Pasa | Mana Prasanna  Nirmala  Nabha Asa || Kaha Raghubeera  Dhekhu Rana  Seetha | Lacchimana  Iha Hathyo Indhrajeetha || Hanuman Angadha  Ke Mare | Rana Mahi Pare Nisachara  Bhare || Kumbhakarana  Ravana Dhau  Bhayi | Iha Hathe  Sura Muni Dhukhadhayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama instructs the Vanaras and bears to return to their homes


Chapter - 117– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama instructs the Vanaras and bears to return to their homes


In this way, the supreme Bhramam which is eulogized as “Nethi Nethi” by Veda, the Bhramajjanis contemplates and undertake various austerities and penance to achieve that Bhramam incarnated as Lord Sri Ramachandra took great pleasure in the midst of the Vanaras and bears. Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, the Vanaras and bears attained that Lord with pure love and devotion, hence the practice of austerities, Japa, Thapa, Dhyanam, Charity, Swadhyaya, Yoga, observance of celibacy, etc. were failed to achieve that compassionate Lord.” The Vanaras and bears collected the clothes and ornaments scattered on the air by Vibheeshana, and they attired in magnificent clothes and adorned in ornaments appeared before Lord Sri Ramachandra who laughed again and again, and showered compassionate grace on them and spoke “Oh! Comrade, it was your might I have conquered the mighty demons, and crowned Vibheeshana as the King of Lanka. Now, all of you can go back to your homes, and live a blissful life contemplating upon me.” The Vanaras and bears looked aghast listening to the instructions of Rama, they joined palms and spoke reverentially “Oh! Prabho, you are the Lord of three worlds, we are terribly unhappy to listen to your instructions, Oh! Lord of Raghu, you have protected us watching the pitiable state of us, we are extremely dejected to hear those words from you. Will it be possible for a swarm of mosquitoes to assist Garuda?” The Vanaras and bears noticed that the Lord of Raghu has no inclinations to take them to the Kingdom of Ayodhya, which pushed them utterly miserable, and they had no heart to return homes.

Muni Jogi  Dhyana  Na Pavahi Nethi Nethi Kaha Bedha | Kripasindhu Soyi Kapeenha  San Karatha  Aneka Binodha || Uma Joga  Japa Dhana  Thapa Nana  Makha Bhratha  Nema | Ramakripa Nahi Karahi Thasi Jasi  Nishkevala  Prema ||

Bhalu Kapeenha  Pata Bhooshana  Paye | Pahiri  Pahiri Raghupathi Pahi Aaye || Nana Jinasa  Dhekhi  Sab Keesa | Puni Puni Hasatha Kosaladheesa || Chithayi Sabanhi Para Keenhi Dhaya | Bole Mriduala Bachana Raghuraya || Thumhare Bala Mei Ravanu Maryo | Thilaka Bibeeshana  Kaha Puni Saryo || Nija Nija  Griha  Ab Thumha  Sab Jahu| Sumirehu Mohi Darpahu Jani Kahu || Sunatha Bachana  Premakula  Banara | Jori  Pani Bole  Sab Sadhar || Prabhu Joyi Kahahu  Thumhahi Sab Soha | Hamare  Hotha Bachana  Suni Moha || Dheena Jani Kapi Kiye  Sanatha | Thumha Thrailoka Eesa  Raghunatha || Suni Prabhu Bachana Laja  Hama Marahi | Masaka Kahu Khagapathi Hitha Karahi || Dhekhi Rama Rukha  Banara  Reecha | Prema Magana  Nahi Griha  Kai  Eccha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Vibheeshana requests Rama to take him to Ayodhya


Chapter - 116– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Vibheeshana requests Rama to take him to Ayodhya


Lord Shambhu speaks “Oh! Prabho, Kripasindhu I shall visit you in the Kosalapuri during your coronation ceremony”. Thus Lord Shambhu bade farewell to Lord Sri Ramachandra, soon Vibheeshana approached Lord Rama and prostrated at his feet, and earnestly prayed “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sarangapani, you have killed the wicked demon Ravana and his clan and spread your glories in the fourteen spheres, you have given me shelter at your lotus feet, even though I was born in a lowly clan, drenched in impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Madha, Moha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, Oh! Prabho, kindly sanctify your servant’s abode Lanka, get yourself freshen up and get rid of the exhaustion of the battle. Oh! Karunanidhe, kindly inspects the treasuries, wealth, palace of Lanka, etc., and do whatever as you please with them. Kindly accept me as one of your servants, and take me with you to the Kingdom of Ayodhya.” Lord Rama who is the protector of distressed soul, amiable, storehouse of virtues, was highly pleased to listen to the humble request of Vibheeshana, his eyes filled with tears.


Lord Rama spoke “Oh! Bhratha, you are true, all those wealth, treasures, the palace of Lanka is mine, but I am very much concerned about my younger brother Bharatha who is undertaking strict penance and austerities in the Nandigram, hence every second seems to me Yuga. He is living a life of a hermit, attired in saffron robes, observing vows and austerities, his body has emaciated due to the penance, he is constantly contemplating upon me. Oh! Dear friend, kindly make immediate arrangements to meet my brother Bharatha in the Nandigram. If I make any delay in reaching him would put his life in danger, I may not be able to see him alive.” Lord Rama overcame with a sudden rush of thrill while talking about Bharatha “Oh! Brother, you can enjoy the stately pleasures contemplating upon me till the end of creation, afterwards, you can reach to my abode which is the safest asylum of the noble soul's Mahatmas.”


Vibheeshana was immensely delighted to listen to the compassionate words of Lord Rama, he prostrated before the Lord, and clasped his feet in extreme devotion, soon the Vanaras and bears flew towards Rama and prostrated before him. Vibheeshana returned to his abode Lanka, and sincerely followed the command of the Lord, took great pleasure in the royal status, shortly he brought the Pushpakavimana before the Lord, the compassionate Lord instructed “Oh! Dear friend, mount on the grand celestial vehicle, go high on the sky and disperse the ornaments, clothes, and gold coins.” Vibheeshana took a flight on the celestial vehicle and sincerely followed the instructions of the Lord. The Vanaras and bears picked up whatever they liked, some of them picked clothes of their choice, and others picked up precious gems on their mouth, thinking it as edible, later chewed and dropped them in aversion. Lord Rama, along with Devi Sita and Lakshman took great pleasure in the various amusements of Vanaras and bears.


Natha Jab Hi Kosalapuri Hoyihi Thilaka Thumhara | Kripasindhu Mei  Aaub Dhekhana Charitha Udhara ||

Kari Binathi Jab Sambhu Sidhaye | Thab Prabhu Nikata  Bibheeshanu Aaye|| Nayi Charana Siru Kaha Mridhubani | Binaya Sunahu Prabhu Sarangapani || Sakula Sadhala Prabhu Ravana Maryo | Pavana Jasa Thribhuvana Bistharyo || Dheena Maleena  Heenamathi Jathi | Mo Par Kripa Keenhi Bahu Bhanthi || Ab Jana Griha Puneetha  Prabhu Keeje | Majjanu Karia Samara Shrama Ccheje || Dhekhi Kosa  Mandhira  Sampadha | Dhehu Kripala Kapeenha Kahau Mudha || Sab Bidhi Natha Mohi Apanayia | Puni Mohi Sahitha  Avadhapura  Jayia || Sunatha Bachana  Mridhu Dheenadhayala | Sajalabhaye Dhau Nayana  Bisala ||


Thora Kosa  Griha Mora  Sab Sathya  Bachana Sunu Bhratha | Bharatha Dhasa  Sumiratha Mohi Nimisha  Kalpa Sama  Jatha || Thapasa Besha Gatha  Krisa  Japatha Niranthara  Mohi | Dhekhau Begi So Jathanu Karu Sakha Nihorau Thohi || Beethe  Avadhi Jau Jau Jiatha Na Pavau Beera | Sumiratha Anuja Preethi Prabhu Puni Puni Pulaka Sareera || Kareahu Kalpa Bhari Raju Thumha Mohi  Sumirehu Manamahi | Puni Mama Dhama Payihahu Jaha Santha Sab Jahi ||

Sunatha Bibeeshana Bachana Rama Ke | Harashi Gahe Padha  Kripadhama  Ke || Banara  Bhalu Sakala Harashane | Gahi Prabhu Padha Guna  Bimala Bakhane || Bahuri Bibeeshana Bhavana Sidhayo | Manigana Basana Bimana  Bharayo || Lai Pushpaka Prabhu Aage  Rakha | Hasi Kari Kripasindhu Thab Bhasha || Chadi  Bimana Sunu Sakha Bhibeeshan| Gagana Jayi Barashahu Pata Bhooshana || Naba Par  Jayi Bibeeshana Thabahi | Barashi  Dhiye Mani Ambar Sabahi || Joyi Joyi Man Bhavayi Soyi Lehi | Manimukha  Meli Dari  Kapi Dhehi || Hase Ramu Sri Anuja  Sametha | Parama  Kauthuki  Kripa Niketha ||

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Lord Shambhu eulogizes the splendor of Rama


Chapter - 115– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Lord Shambhu eulogizes the splendor of Rama


The deities eulogized the splendor of Lord Sri Ramachandra along with Devi Janaki, and Lakshman, and returned to their respective abodes. The supreme Lord Shambhu arrived before Lord Rama and greeted him with great affection, bowed his head, with folded hands, eyes full of tears, the slayer of demon Tripura/Thripurari, began to eulogize Rama, his voice trailed with various emotions.

“Oh! Raghukulanayaka,  who is wielded on bow and arrows kindly protects us, Oh! Prabho, you are the delight of deities, you are the dispeller of ignorance like the wind disperses the mass of clouds, the fire that consumes the entire forest like arrogance and misconceptions. Oh! Prabho, you have Saguna and Nirgunaswaroopa, you are the storehouse of virtues, and you have the charming appearance, you are that midday sun which scatters away from the delusion on the Jeeva. You are the lion that kills the untamed elephant-like lust, anger, jealousy, pride, desire, of the Jeeva. Oh! Prabho, you are too kind and compassionate to Jeeva, you are the destroyer of frost-like lust on the lotus flowers. You are that mount Mandhara churns the worldly existence, kindly remove our anxiousness and fears, and guide us to cross the stormy ocean of worldly existence. Oh! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, you have the stunningly marvelous appearance, beautiful lotus-like eyes, you are the storehouse virtues, you are the dispeller of agony and grief, kindly reside in our hearts with Devi Janaki, and your younger brother Lakshman. Oh! Lord of Tulsidas, dispeller of fear and anxieties, the delight of Mahathma and noble souls, kindly protect us.”

Sumana Bharashi Sab Sura Chale  Chadi Chadi  Ruchira Bimana| Dhekhi Suavasara Prabhu Pahi Aayau Sambhu Sujana || Paramapreethi Kara Jori Juga Nalina Nayanabhari Bari | Pulakitha  Than Gadhgadha Gira  Binaya Karatha  Thripurari ||

Mam Abirakshya  Raghukulanayaka | Dhritha Bara Chapa  Ruchira  Kara Sayaka || Moha Maha  Ghana Patala  Prabhanjjana | Samsaya Bipina  Anala Sura  Ranjjana || Aguna Saguna  Mandira  Sundhara | Bhrama  Thama Prabala  Prathapa Dhivakara || Kama Krodha  Madha Gaja Panchanana | Basahu Niranthara  Jana Mana Kanana || Bishaya Manoratha  Punja Kanja Bana | Prabala Thushara  Udhara Para  Mana || Bhava Baridhi Mandhara  Paramam Dhara | Baraya Tharaya Samsrithi  Dhusthara || Syama Gatha  Rajeeva  Bilochana | Dheenabandhu Pranatharathi Mochana || Anuja Janaki Sahitha Niranthara | Basahu Rama Nripa  Mama Ura Anthara || Muniranjjana Mahimandala Mandana | Tulasidasa Prabhu Thrasa Bikhandana ||



Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The Vanaras and bears who got killed on the battlefield regained their lives, and the demons who got killed where attained liberation from worldly existence


Chapter - 114– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The Vanaras and bears who got killed on the battlefield regained their lives, and the demons who got killed where attained liberation from worldly existence


Lord Indhra eulogizes “Oh! Prabho, Ramanivasa, kindly grant me perpetual devotion at your lotus feet, you are the dispeller of grief and sufferings, you are the source of bliss, Oh! Rama, I shall prostrate at your lotus feet, Oh! Raghunayaka who excels the beauty of several Kamadeva, you are the delight of deities, Rishis, and Sages, Oh! Prabho, you have assumed the form of an ordinary human being with the unconquerable might, you are worshiped by Lord Bhrama, Lord Shankara, and deities, Oh! Rama, I shall repeatedly prostrate at your lotus feet, kindly shower your compassionate grace on me, and command me what shall I do for you.” Lord Sri Ramachandra who is meek, was pleased with Lord Indra and spoke “ Oh! Surapathi, you have seen several bears and Vanaras killed on the battlefield while they were serving me, hence Oh! Suresa kindly restores their lives again”.  Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, the above words of Lord Sri Ramachandra is profoundly mysterious, only the enlightened souls can understand them all. The Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra who could remove the Thapathraya of the Jeeva wanted to add honor to Lord Indra, hence he has put forward that appeal to Lord Indra.” Soon, all those Vanaras and bears killed by the demons on the battlefield were got back their lives, rose on their feet as if from a deep sleep. Lord Rama showered compassionate grace on all those who got killed on the battlefield, only the bears and Vanaras regained their lives because the demons’ whose minds were too occupied with the thought of that Supreme Lord achieved liberation from the worldly existence, the Vanaras and bears were immortal, part of the celestials hence they have regained their lives. Is there anyone as kind and compassionate as Lord Sri Ramachandra who liberated the demon host? Even the wicked ten-headed demon drenched in worldly matters and sensual pleasures, soaked in the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Mamakara, and Ahamkara achieved the highest state of piety,  that is the liberation which is difficult to achieve even for the Yogis and Thapasvis.

Dhe Bhakthi Ramanivasa  Thrasa Harana  Sarana  Sukhadhayakam | Sukha Dhama  Ramanamami Kama Aneka  Cchabi Raghunayakam || Sura Brindha  Ranjjana  Dhvandha Bhanjjana  Manuja Thanu Athulithabalam | Bhramadhi Sankara  Sebya  Ramanamami Karuna  Komalam ||
Ab Kari Kripa  Biloki Mohi Aayasu Dhehu Kripala | Kaha Karau Suni Priya  Bachana Bole  Dheenadhayala ||

Sunu Surapathi  Kapi Balu Hamare | Pare Bhoomi Nisicharanhi Je Mare || Mama Hitha  Lage Thaje  Inha Prana | Sakala  Jiau Suresa  Sujana || Sunu  Khagesa Prabhu Kai Yaha Bani | Athi Agadha  Janahi Muni Gyani || Prabhu Saka Thribhuana  Mari  Jiayi | Kevala  Sakrahi Dheenhi Badayi || Sudha Barashi Kapi Balu Jiaaye | Harashi Ude  Sab Prabhu Pahi Aaye || Sudhavrishti Mei Dhuhu Dhala Oopara | Jiye Bhalu Kapi Nahi Rajanichara || Ramakara  Bhaye Theenha Ke Man | Muththa  Bhaye Choote  Bhavabandhana || Sura Amsika  Sab Kapi Aru Reeccha | Jiye Sakala  Raghupathi Ki Eecha || Rama Sarisa Ko Dheena Hithakari | Keenhe  Mukutha  Nisachara Jjari || Khala Mala  Dhama Kamaratha  Ravana | Gathi Payi Jo Munibara  Pava Na ||