Friday, December 3, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Vibheeshana was installed on the throne, as the King of Lanka


Chapter - 106– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Vibheeshana was installed on the throne, as the King of Lanka


Devi Mandodhari and the rest of the queens of Ravana offered final homage to their beloved husband, offered water and sesame seeds to the departed soul, and returned to the palace, all their way they were praising abundantly about the graciousness and virtues of the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra. Once again Vibheeshana returned to supreme Lord Rama and prostrated before him, the merciful Lord Sri Ramachandra spoke to Lakshman “Oh! Brother, you have Angadha, Jambavan, Hanuman, Nala, Neela, Sugrivah, and mighty warriors with you, proceed to the Kingdom of Lanka and perform the coronation ceremony of Vibheeshana as the Lord of Lanka. I have to strictly follow the promise to our father, I may not be able to visit Lanka, but my brother and the mighty Vanaras possesses as equal strength of mine.” Soon Lakshman accompanied by the mighty Vanaras arrived in Lanka and made wonderful preparation for the coronation ceremony of Vibheeshana as the King of Lanka, Vibheeshana was installed on the throne, applied auspicious marks on his forehead, and duly announced as the ruler of Lanka. All the people assembled praised Vibheeshana, rejoiced at heart, immediately after the crowning ceremony Vibheeshana returned to Lord Sri Ramachandra. Prabhu Sri Ramachandra called for a meeting of Vanars and bears and sincerely thanked them for their relentless support.

Mandodhari  Adhi Sab Dheyi Thilanjjali Thahi | Bhavana Gayi Raghupathi Gunagana Baranath Manmahi ||


Ayi Bibeeshana  Puni Siru Nayo| Kripasindhu Thab Anuja  Bolayo || Thumha Kapeesa  Angadha  Nala Neela | Jambavanth Maruthi Nayaseela || Sab Mili  Jabhu Bibeeshana Satha | Sarehu Thilaka Kaheau Raghunatha || Pitha Bachana  Mei Nagara  Na Avau | Aapu Sarisa  Kapi Anuja  Padavau || Thuratha Chale  Kapi Suni Prabhu Bachana | Keenhi Jayi Thilaka Ki Rac hana || Sadhara Simhasana Baitari | Thilaka Sari  Asthuthi Anusari || Jori Pani Sabahi Sira Naye | Sahitha Bibeeshana Prabhu Pahi Aaye || Thab Raghubeera  Boli Kapi Leenhe | Kahi Priyabachana Sukhi Sab  Keenhe ||

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Devi Mandodhari eulogizes the supremacy of Lord Sri Ramachandra – Vibheeshana performing the final rites of Ravana


Chapter - 105– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Devi Mandodhari eulogizes the supremacy of Lord Sri Ramachandra – Vibheeshana performing the final rites of Ravana


The wives of Ravana wept bitterly “Oh! Prabho, you have fooled yourself by considering Lord Sri Hari who was personified as the son of Kosala, being an ordinary human, alas! he is the colossal fire that engulf the whole Universe at the time of deluge, he is woodfire to the demon race, you have refused to worship that supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra, who is merciful, worshiped by Lord Bhrama and Lord Shambhu and deities. Your body has taken immense pleasure in worldly matters, grown arrogant and ignorant, taken great pleasure in committing various sins, finally, that compassionate Lord has absorbed you, and showered his grace on you, hence I worship that supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra who symbolizes all-pervasive Bhramam. Oh! Prabho there is no other deity as compassionate and kind as Lord Sri Ramachandra who provided you the highest of piety that is liberation from worldly existence, which is difficult to obtain even for the Rishis and Yogis who undertakes several austerities and penance.” The deities and Rishis rejoiced listening to the nectar-like words of Devi Mandodhari eulogizing the all-pervasive Lord Sri Ramachandra. The supreme Lord Bhrama, Shambhu, Sanaka, Sanandhana, Sanathkumara, and Sanathana, Maharishi Narada, and the enlightened Rishis and Sages overwhelmed with emotions perceiving the marvelous form of Lord Sri Ramachandra on the battlefield. Vibheeshana approached the women who were lamenting over the death of their beloved husband, and gravely looked at the headless body of Ravana. Lord Rama advised Lakshman to console Vibheeshana and the rest of the people, Vibheeshana returned to Lord was advised compassionately “Oh! Vibheeshana, give up your grief, and perform the final rites of Ravana.” Thus, Vibheeshana performed the last rite of Ravana, strictly followed by the time, zone.


Janyo Manuja  Kari Dhanuja  Kanana Dhahana  Pavaka Hari Swayam | Jehi Namatha  Siva Bhramadhi  Sura Piya Bhajehu Nahi Karunamayam || Aajanma  The Paradhroha Ratha  Papaughamaya  Thava Thanu Ayam | Thumhahu Dhiyo Nija  Dhama Rama  Namami Bhrama  Niramayam ||

Ahaha Natha RAghunatha Sama Kripasindhu  Nahi Aana | Jogi Brindha  Dhurllabha Gathi  Thohi Dheenhi  Bhagavana ||

Mandhodhari Bachana  Suni Kana | Sura Muni Sidhdha Sabanhi Sukha Mana || Aaja Mahesa  Naradha Sanakadhi | Je Munibara  Paramarathabadhi || Bhari Lochana RAghupathihi Nihari | Pramamagana  Sab Bhaye  Sukhari || Rudhana Karatha Dhekhi  Sab Nari | Gayau Bibeeshanu Mana Dhukhabhari || Bandhu Dhasa  Biloki  Dhukha Keenha | Thab Prabhu  Anujahi  Aayasu  Dheenha || Lacchimana  Thehi Bahu Bidhi  Samujjayo | Bahuri  Bibeeshana  Prabhu Pahi  AAyo || Kripadhrishti Prabhu  Thahi Biloka | Karahu Kriya  Parihari Sab  Soka || Keenhi Kriya  Prabhu Aayasu  Mani | Bidhivath  Desa Kala  Jiya Jani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The deities and Rishis eulogizes the splendor of Rama on the battlefield – Devi Mandodhari lamenting over the death of Ravana


Chapter - 104– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The deities and Rishis eulogizes the splendor of Rama on the battlefield - Devi Mandodhari lamenting over the death of Ravana


The deities and Rishis eulogized the glories of Lord Sri Ramachandra “ Victory to Lord Mukunda, who is the fountain of mercy, provider of liberation from repeated births, dispeller of sins, anxiousness, and fears of the Jeeva who have taken shelter in him. He is the protector of the Jeeva who is surrendered at his lotus feet, he is the source of supreme bliss, he is the destroyer of wicked and afflictions, he is the all-pervasive supreme Bhramam who is the cause and effect, he is the Lord of animate and inanimate things, and protector as well.” The deities showered flowers, and the sounds of divine instruments echoed all over the sky, Rama resembled infinite Lord Kamadeva on the battlefield, his matted hair locks on the pinnacle of the head resembled the crown, the white flowers on the hair locks shone like the stars on the summit of the mountain of dark cloud complexioned limbs, he stood majestically with the bow and arrows on his hand, the speck of blood all over the body and face, like the several red-colored birds parched on the Thamalvruksha like his attractive limbs. Rama showered compassionate grace on the deities and Rishis assembled, instantly everyone got freed from fear and anxiousness. The Vanaras and bears cried in joy “Victory to Lord Mukunda, bestower of bliss !”


Devi Mandodhari saw the body-less heads and arms of her beloved Lord Ravana before her, she lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Soon rest of the wives of Ravana rushed from different directions, and lifted Devi Mandodhari, and lamented over the death of their beloved Lord. They rushed to the battlefield where Ravana’s headless body was taken rest, all the wives of Ravana, with their hairs disheveled, sat around the corpse, shed tears of grief, beating their chest, they have recounted the glories of Ravana, “Oh! Prabho, your splendor is indescribable, the Earth, sun, moon, fire stood obedient before the might of your arms, even the Adhishesha and the giant tortoise could not carry the weight of your body, which is now lying dusted on the battlefield. Varuna/Lord of water, Indra/King of deities, Kubera/Lord of wealth, and Lord Vayu/Lord of air, were never had the courage to battle against you. Oh! Prabho, you have conquered the death with the might of your arms, now you are lying on the battlefield heads and arms severed. Oh! Prabho, your might was well known to the entire world, even your kinsmen and sons possessed the indescribable might of you, the hostility towards the Lord Sri Ramachandra reduced your status to nil, there is not a single person lamenting on your death. Oh! Prabho, the entire creation of that Lord was under your control, the guardians of eight quarters were bowed before you, now the jackals and vultures are taking pleasure of your body parts. Oh! Prabho, you haven’t heeded to my words and pushed yourself to death, you have brought hostility towards that all-pervasive Bhramam, Lord of animate and inanimate, personified as the son of Kosala, Rama and considered him as an ordinary human.” In this way, Devi Mandodhari and the rest of the wives of Ravana shed tears watching the headless trunk of Ravana.

Jaya Kripa Kandha Mukundha  Dhvandha Harana  Sarana Sukhapradha  Prabho | Khala Dhala  Bidharana  Parama Karana  Karunika  Sadha Bibho || Sura Sumana  Barashahi Harasha Sankula a Baja Dhundhubi Gahagahi | Sangrama  Angana  Rama Anga  Ananga  Bahu Sobha  Lahi || Sira Jata Makuta  Prasoona  Bicha  Bicha  Athi Manohara  Rajahi | Janu Neelagiri  Para Thaditha  Patala Sametha Udugana  Bhrajahi || Bhujadhanda  Sara Kodhanda  Pheratha  Rudhira Kan Thana Athi Bane | Janu  Rayamuni  Thamala Para  Baiti Bipula  Sukha Aapane ||

Kripadhrishti Kari  Brishti Prabhu  Abhaya  Kiye Sura Brindha | Balu Keesa  Sab  Harashe Jaya  Sukha Dhama  Mukundha ||

Pathi Sira  Dhekatha Mandhodhari | Moorucchitha  Bikala Dharani  Khasi Pari || Jubathi Brindha  Rovatha Udi  Dhayi | Thehi Udayi  Ravana Pahi  Aayi || Pathi Gathi  Dhekhi The  Karahi Pukara | Choote  Kacha Nahi Bapusha  Sambhara || Ura Thadana  Karahi Bidhi Nana | Rovatha Karahi Prathapa  Bakhana || Thava Bala  Natha Dola Nitha  Dharani | Thejaheena Pavaka Sasi Tharani || Sesha Kamada  Sahi Sakahi  Na Bhara | So Thanu  Bhoomi Pareau Bhari Cchara || Baruna Kubera  Suresa  Sameera | Rana Sanmukha  Dhari  Kahu Na  Dheera || Bhujabala  Jithehu Kala Jama  Sayi | Aaju Parehu  Anatha Ki  Nayi || Jagatha Bidhitha  Thumhari  Prabhuthayi | Sutha Parijana Bala Barani  Na Jayi || Rama Bimukha  Asa Hala  Thumhara | Raha Na  Koau Kula  Rovanihara || Thava Basa  Bidhi Prapancha  Sab Natha | Sabhaya  Dhisipa  Nitha Navahi  Matha || Ab Thava  Sira Bhuja  Jambuka  Khahi | Rama Bimukha  Yaha Anuchitha  Nahi || Kala Bibasa  Pathi Kaha Na  Mana | Aga Jaga  Nathu Manuja Kari Jana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The ten-headed demon Ravana was killed on the battlefield



Chapter - 103– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda The ten-headed demon Ravana was killed on the battlefield


There were visible inauspicious omens that appeared in Lanka, the idols were shed tears, there was alarming thunder, lightning, the whirlwind that dropped hairs and dust, there was a shower of blood, the Earth quivered. The deities watching the bad omens shouted in joy “Victory to Lord Sri Ramachandra! Victory to Lord Seethapathi Sri Ramachandra! Victory to Rama and Lakshman!” The Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra perceived the anxiousness of the deities and set an arrow on his powerful bow Sharnga, stretched it up to ears, and shot thirty-one arrows that resembled the wingless serpents aiming at the ten-headed demon. One of the arrows dried up the nectar of immortality on the navel of Ravana, the rest of the arrows cut off his arms and heads. The headless and armless body of Ravana danced on the battlefield, the Earth shuddered under his feet, until the Lord of Raghu shot another arrow and rip off the body into two, while leaving mortal coil Ravana shrieked “Where is Rama? I have challenged him to kill on the battlefield.” Finally, the lifeless body of Ravana fell on the ground with a large thud, and the Earth shook violently under his weight, the oceans, rivers, mountains, elephants guarding the quarters quivered terribly. The two halves of the body of Ravana were crushed under the weight of Vanaras and bears. The powerful arrows of Rama hurled the ten heads and twenty arms of Ravana before Devi Mandodhari and returned to its quiver.  The deities and celestials celebrated the death of the dreadful demons, sounds of divine instruments reverberated all over the sky. The soul of Ravana assumed a brilliant light and entered into the mouth of supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra, the four face Lord Bhrama and Lord Shambhu rejoiced at this sight, the whole Universe cheered in great enthusiasm “ Victory to Lord Sri Ramachandra! Victory to Seethapathi Sri Ramachandra! Victory to Rama and Lakshman !” The deities and Rishis showered flowers on Rama, and praised “ Victory to the compassionate Lord Mukundha who is the bestower of liberation from worldly existence!”

Prathima Rudhahi  Pabipatha Nabha Athi Bath Baha Dolathi  Mahi | Barashahi Balahaka Rudhira Kacha Raja Asubha Athi Saka Ko Kahi || Uthpatha Abimatha Biloki Nabha Sura  Bikala Bolahi Jaya Jaye | Sura Sabhaya Jani Kripala Raghupathi Chapa Sara  Joratha Bhaye ||

Khauchi  Sarasana  Shravana  Lagi Cchade Sara  Yekatheesa | Raghunayaka Sayaka Chale  Manahu Kala Phaneesa ||

Sayaka Yek Nabhi Sara Sosha | Apara Lage Bhuja Sira  Kari Rosha || Lai Sira  Bahu Chale Naracha | Sira Bhuja  Heena Runda  Mahi Nacha || Dharani  Dhasayi Ghara Dhava Prachanda | Thab Sara Hathi Prabhu Kritha  Dhuyi Khanda || Garjjau Maratha  Ghora Rava  Bhari | Kaha Ramu Rana Hathau Pachari || Doli  Bhoomi  Giratha Dhasakandhara | Cchumbitha Sindhu Sari  Dhiggajja Bhoodhara || Dharani  Pareau Dhau  Khanda Badayi | Chapi Bhalu  Markata  Samudhayi || Mandhodhari  Aage  Bhuja  Seesa | Dhari Sara  Chale Jaha  Jagadheesa || Prabise  Sab Nishanga  Mahu  Jayi | Dhekhi Suranha Dhundhubi Bajayi || Thasu Theja Samana Prabhu Aanana | Harashe Dhekhi  Sambhu  Chathuranana || Jaya Jaya Dhuni  Poori Bhramanda | Jaya Raghubeera  Prabala  Bhujadhanda || Barashahi Sumana  Devamuni Brindha| Jaya Kripala  Jaya Jayathi  Mukundha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The description of a vicious battle between Rama and Ravana


Chapter - 102– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The description of a vicious battle between Rama and Ravana


Lord Sri Ramachandra who has a marvelous physique of dark cloud complexioned, shone in the middle of the mighty Vanaras created by elusive powers of Ravana, like the Thamala tree surrounded by multitudes of the rainbow. The deities cried in mixed feelings of joy and grief “Victory to Lord Sri Ramachandra! Victory to Lord Seethapathi Sri Ramachandra! Victory to Rama and Lakshman!” The Lord of Raghu was hugely annoyed by the elusive tricks of Ravana, shot an arrow that dispersed all those elusive characters from the battlefield.  Soon the mighty Vanaras and bears rejoiced at heart and came back to Lord Sri Ramachandra, holding trees and rocks on the battlefield. Rama showered powerful arrows aiming at the heads of Dhashanan, that severed his heads and arms once again, and hurled on the ground, the vicious battle between Rama and Ravana was beyond description, even the thousand tongued Adhishesha and Goddess Sharada could not describe them all in several Yugas. How could a dull-minded Tulsidas describe the ferocious battle between Rama and Ravana? It was a part of the amusement of Lord Sri Ramachandra, he severed the heads of Ravana several times on the battlefield, while the deities and Siddhas were alarmed to watch Lord Rama struggling to kill the ten-headed demon, the heads severed were cropped up in no time, like the wickedness, jealousy, desire in the Jeeva. The battle between the two continued so long; Rama looked at Vibheeshana. Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra who symbolizes death, desired to test the devotion of Vibheeshana who was already taken shelter at his lotus feet.” Vibheeshana spoke amiably “ Oh! Prabho, you are Lord of all the living and non-living things in this Universe, you are the creator, protector, and destroyer of the Universe, you are the source of the welfare of Universe, deities, sages, and Rishis. Oh! Prabho, the nectar of immortality bears on the navel of Ravana that keeps him alive.” The compassionate Lord rejoiced at the truthfulness of Vibheeshana, shot a powerful arrow aiming at the navel of Ravana.  There were several inauspicious omens was visible at that moment, the Jackals, elephants, vultures, dogs, and donkeys, produced terrible cries, the birds and reptiles became restless, the sky turned red, Mandodhari was perturbed, became inconsolable, the idols in the palace shed tears.

Thehi Madhya Kosalaraja  Sundhara Syama  Than Soba  Lahi | Janu  Indhradhanusha Aneka Ki  Bara Bari  Thunga  Thamalahi || Prabhu Dhekhi Harasha  Bishadha  Ura Sura  Badhatha  Jaya Jaya  Jaya Kari | Raghubeera  Yekahi  Theer Kopi Nimesha  Mahau Maya  Hari || Maya Bigatha  Kapi Bhalu Harashe Bitapa Giri Gahi  Sab Phire | Sara Nikara  Cchade Rama  Ravana Bahu Sira Puni Mahi Gire | Sree Rama Ravana Samara  Charitha Aneka  Kalpa  Jo Gavahi | Satha Sesha  Sarada Nigama Kabi Theau Thadhapi Par Na  Pavahi ||


Thake Gunagana Kachu  Kahe Jadamathi Tulasidas | Jimi  Nijabala  Anuroop The  Macchi Udayi  Akasa || Kate Sira  Bhuja Bar  Bahu Maratha  Na Bhata  Lankesa | Prabhu Kreedatha Sura  Sidhdha Muni  Bhyakula Dhekhi  Kalesa ||


Katatha  Badahi  Seesa  Samudhayi | Jimi Prathi  Labha Lobha Adhikayi || Marayi Na  Ripu Shrama  Bhayu Bisesha | Rama Bibheeshana  Thana Thab  Dhekha || Uma Kala  Mara Jaki Iccha | So Prabhu  Jana Kara  Preethi Pareecha || Sunu Sarbagya  Charachara Nayaka | Pranathapala Sura Muni Sukhadhayaka || Nabhikunda  Peeyusha  Basa Thake | Natha Jiatha Ravanu Bala Thake || Sunatha Bibeeshana Bachana Kripala |Harashi Gahe  Karabana Karala || Asuba  Hona Lage  Thab Nana | Rovahi Khara Srukala Bahu Swana || Bolahi Khaga  Jaga  Arathi Hethu | Pragata Bhaye  Nabha Jaha Thaha Kethu || Dhasa Dhisi  Dhaha Hona  Athi Laga | Bhayau  Paraba Binu Rabi Uparaga || Mandhodhari  Ura Kampitha  Bhari | Prathima Sravahi Nayana Maga Bhari ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama in the middle of illusive Vanaras on the battlefield


Chapter - 101– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama in the middle of illusive Vanaras on the battlefield


The mighty Vanaras and bears plucked trees and huge rocks and rushed to the battlefield, and hurled on demon Ravana and his army of demons, they could not withstand the might of the Vanaras, hence they flee out of the battlefield. The Vanaras and bears encircled Ravana from all directions and began to tear off his limbs with their sharp nails and teeth. Ravana felt intimidated by the hosts of Vanaras, disappeared from their sight with his elusive power. Soon the battlefield crammed with Bhootha, Vethala, Pretha, and Pishacha wielded on bow and arrow, the Yoginis with the skull on one hand and holding a fierce sword on the other, sprang from all directions taking great pleasure in the fresh blood, they danced all around the battlefield, shrieked in deafening voices ‘seize him! Kill him!’ these elusive characters of Ravana chased the Vanaras and bears on the battlefield, causing them to flee from the war field were encircled by a massive blaze. The Vanaras and bears stood in utter dismay, immediately Ravana caused the heavy sandstorm with his illusive power, the Vanars and bears were alarmed, Ravana roared on the battlefield, all the mighty Vanaras including Sugrivah and Lakshman lost consciousness, the remaining warriors cried out “Oh! Rama! Oh! Raghuveera, kindly protects us!”. Ravana perceived that the might of Vanaras disappeared, again he started illusionary powers against Rama, soon several mighty Vanaras holding huge rocks encircled Rama on the battlefield, they crunched their teeth, raised tails high on the air, roared “seize him! Kill him!’, the Lord of Kosala stood gigantic in the middle of the illusive Vanaras.

Dhaye Jo Markata  Bikata bhalu Karala Kara Bhoodhara  Dhara | Athi Kopa Karahi PRahara Maratha Baji Chale Rajanichara || Bichalayi Dhala Balavantha Keesanha Gheri Puni Ravanu Liyo | Chahu Dhisi Chapetanhi Mari Nakhanhi Bidhari Thanu Byakula Kiyo ||

 Dhekhi Maha Markata Prabala Ravana Keenha Bichara | Antharahitha Hoyi Nimisha Mahau Kritha Maya Bisthara ||

Jab Keenha  Thehi Pashanda | Bhaye PRagata Janthu Prachanda || Bethala Bhootha Pisacha | Kara Dhare Dhanu Naracha || Jogini Gahe Karabala | Yek Hatha Manuja Kapala || Kari Sadhdhya Sonitha Pan | Nachahi Karahi  Bahu Gana || Dharu Maru Bolahi Ghora | Rahi Poori Dhuni Chahu Aura || Mukha Bayi Dhavahi Khana | Thab Lago Keesa  Parana || Jaha Jahi Markata  Bhagi | Thaha Baratha  Dhekhahi Aagi || Bhaye Bikala Banara Balu | Puni Laga  Barashai Balu || Jaha Thaha Thakitha Kari  Keesa | Garjjau Bahuri  Dhasaseesa || Lacchimana Kapeesa  Sametha | Bhaye Sakala Beera Achetha|| Ha Rama Ha  Raghunatha | Kahi Subhata  Meejahi Hath || Yehi Bidhi Sakala  Bala Thori | Thehi Keenha  Kapata  Bahori || Pragatesi Bipula  Hanumana | Dhaye  Gahe Pashana || Thinha Ramu  Ghere Jayi | Chahau Dhisi Barootha  Banayi || Marahu Dharahu Jani Jayi | Katakatahi Poocha  Udayi || Dhaha Dhisi Langoor Biraja | Thehi Madhya  Kosalaraja ||

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Thrijata’s nectar-like advice to Devi Sita


Chapter - 100– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Thrijata’s nectar-like advice to Devi Sita


Thrija speaks “Oh! Devi Janaki, Lord Sri Ramachandra resides in the heart of the worshiper who constantly remembers you, Ravana is fully absorbed in your thought, hence you are residing in his heart, and your consort Lord Sri Ramachandra is inseparable from you. If Rama struck an arrow on the heart of Ravana, it would hurt both of you, because you both dwell in Ravana’s heart. That’s why Lord Sri Ramachandra not striking his powerful arrows on the chest of Ravana, if he struck his chest that would destroy the infinite spheres on the stomach of Lord Sri Ramachandra as well.” Devi Janaki’s mind filled with great enthusiasm as well as grief listening to the marvelous explanations of Thrijata, and she continues after watching Devi Sita in utter distress “Oh! Beautiful one, listen to me, leave all your misconceptions, and anxiousness, your enemy will meet his death very soon. Each time Rama struck Ravana’s head, he would get freed from your thought, at the right moment, the Lord will pierce his heart with his powerful arrow.” Thus, Thrijata comforted Devi Sita with sweet nectar-like words and returned to her home. Devi Sita thought of the kindness and compassion of Lord Sri Ramachandra, once again it aggravated the pain of separation from him, she became inconsolable and felt the night as years, shed tears of grief, at that very moment, her left part of limbs and eyes began to throb as a sign of auspiciousness, she thought “The gracious Lord of Raghu will find a way to meet me very soon.” Ravana spend a sleepless night in the palace, he roared at his charioteer, “Oh! Fool, he has severed my heads several times, shame on you!” The charioteer clasped the feet of Ravana and comforted him in many ways. It was the early hours of dawn, Ravana mounted on his grand chariot and sallied forth to the battlefield, soon a huge army of Vanaras and bears arrived to battle against the demon, carrying huge rocks and trees on their hands, and crunching their teeth.


Yehi Ke Hridhaya Basa Janaki  Janaki Ura Mama Basa Hai | Mama Udhara Bhuvana Aneka  Lagatha Bana Sab Kar Nasa Hai || Suni Bachana Harasha Bishadha Mana Athi Dhekhi Puni Thrijata Kaha | Ab  Marihi Ripu Yehi Bidhi Sunihi Sundhari Thajahi Samsaya Maha ||

 Katatha Sira Hoyihi Bikala Chooti Jayihi Thava Dhyana | Thab Ravanahi Hridhaya Mahu Marihahi Ramu Sujana ||

Asa Kahi  Bahuth Bhanthi Samujjayi | Puni Thrijata Nija Bhavana Sidhayi || Rama Subhau Sumiri Baidhehi | Upaji Biraha Bitha Athi Thehi || Nisihi Sasihi Nindhathi  Bahu Bhanthi | Juga Sama Bhayi  Sirathi Na Rathi || Karathi Bilapa Manahi Man Bhari | Rama Biraha Janaki Dhukhari || Jab Athi Bhayau Biraha Ura Dhahu | Pharakeau Bama  Nayana Aru Bahu || Saguna Bichari Dhari Mana Dheera | Ab Milihahi Kripala Raghubeera || Iha  ARdhanis  Ravanu Jaga | Nija Sarathi San Kheejjana Laga || Sad  Ranabhooomi  Cchadaisi Mohi | Dhig Dhig Adhama Mandhamathi Thohi ||  Thohi Padha Gahi Bahu Bidhi Samujjava | Bhoru Bhaya RAtha Chadi Puni Dhava || Suni  Agavanu Dhasanana Kera | Kapidhala Kharabhara Bhayau Ghanera || Jaha

Thaha Bhoodhara Bitapa Upari | Dhaye Katkatayi Bhata Bhari ||