Friday, November 12, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Angadha’s heated conversation with Ravana


Chapter - 22– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Angadha’s heated conversation with Ravana


Angadha spoke “Oh! Ravana, if I was a destroyer of my own clan, what was you? Are you the preserver of your clan by creating enmity with the Lord? Even the blind and deaf won’t agree with your terms, what’s the benefit of possessing twenty ears and eyes? I did not bring any disgrace to my race by surrendering at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra and being an emissary to that Lord, whose feet are worshiped by Lord Bhrama, Lord Shambhu, deities, Rishis and Sages Mahatmas, etc. I surprise your heart did not rip apart while keeping enmity with the compassionate Lord. Ravana could not control his anger, his eyes were reddened with anger, shrieked at Angadha “Oh! Wicked, so far I have been kept quiet with your humiliating words, because I know the righteousness and decorum, and you are lacking both.” Angadha replied “Oh! Ravana, I know your righteousness, it is evident from your actions, that you have abducted another person’s wife in his absence, and I have witnessed your behavior to an emissary of Lord/Hanuman. Oh! Fool, why don’t you kill yourself and put an end to your atrocities? You have witnessed your sister Shoorpanakha who got disfigured for her misdemeanor, where was your righteousness at that moment? Your piety and righteousness are well-spoken all over the world, I am fortunate enough to witness them all.”

Ham Kula Ghalaka Sathya Thumha Kulapalak Dhasaseesa | Andhau Badhira Na Asa Kahahi Nayana Kana Thava Beesa ||

Siva Biranchi Sura Suni Samudhayi | Chahath Jasu Charana Sevakayi || Thasu Dhooth Hoyi Ham Kula Bora | Ayisihu Mathi Ura Bihara Na Thora || Suni Kadora Bani Kapi Keri | Kahatha Dhasanana Nayana Thareri || Khala Thava  Kadina Bachana sab Sahau | Neethi Dharma Mei Janath Ahau || Kaha Kapi Dharmaseelatha Thori | Hamahu Suni Kritha Para Thriya Chori || Dhekhi Nayana Dhootha Rakhavari | Boodi Na  Marahu Dharma Brathadhari || Kan Nak Binu Bhagini Nihari | Cchama Keenhi Thumha Dharma Bichari || Dharmaseelatha Thava Jaga  Jagi | Pava  Dharasu Hamahu Badabhagi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Angadha introducing himself as the son of mighty Vali to Ravana


Chapter - 21– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Angadha introducing himself as the son of mighty Vali to Ravana


Angadha speaks “Oh! Ravan, the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra is Raghuvamsamani/precious jewel on the Raghu’s clan, he is the protector of the distressed Jeeva, if you take shelter at his lotus feet, he would forgive all your sins and protect you, in this way you can get rid of all your fear and anxiousness.” Ravana was infuriated and shrieked out “Oh! Little Vanara, mind your words, Oh! Fool, you are not aware of the risk of being a foe to the enemy of deities, Oh! Vanara, introduce me about yourself and your father, on what basis you are claiming that I had a close association with your father?” Angadha spoke amiably “Oh! Demon King, I am Angadha, son of mighty Vali of Kishkindha”. Ravana was perturbed listening to the reply of Angadha and spoke “Oh! You are Angadha, son of Vali, Yes I do remember your father a Vanara, why don’t you perish while you were in your mother’s womb? You know, you resemble wildfire in the cluster of bamboos like your clan. Your life has gone vain, being an emissary of a hermit. Now, tell me all is well with Vali and where is he?” Angadha laughed at Ravana and replied “Oh! Ravana, just count another few days, you will be in the abode of Vali to refresh your friendship with him and embrace him, he will describe his welfare, and also about keeping enmity to that Lord Sri Ramachandra. Oh! Dull-minded, whoever afar from the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra would burn in animosity, ego, fear, and pride, cannot achieve serenity of mind in their lives.”

 Pranathapala Raghubamsamani Thrahi Thrahi Ab Mohi | Aaratha Gira Sunatha Prabhu Abhaya Karaigo Thohi ||

Re Kapipotha Bolu Sambari | Mooda Na  Janehi Mohi  Surari || Kahu Nija  Nama Janaka Kara Bhayi | Kehi Nathe Maniye Mithayi || Angadha Nama Bali Kara Beta | Thase Kabahu Bhayi Hi Bheta || Angadha Bachana Sunatha Sakuchana | Raha Bali Banara Mei Jana || Angadha Thahi Bali Kara Balaka | Upajehu Bamsa Anala Kula  Dhalaka || Garbha Na  Gayahu Byarththa Thumha Jayahu | Nija Mukha Thapasa Dhootha Kahayahu || Ab Kahu Kusala Bali Kaha Ahayi | Bihasi Bachana Thab Angadha Kahayi || Dina Dhasa Gaya Bali Pahi Jayi | Boojjehu Kusala Sakha Ura Layi || Rama Birodha Kusala Jasi Hoyi | So Sab Thohi Sunayihi Soyi || Sunu Sad Bhedha Hoyi Mana Thake | Sree Raghubeera Hridhaya  Nahi Jake ||


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Angadha’ advice to Ravana to return Devi Sita to Lord Sri Ramachandra


Chapter - 20– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Angadha’ advice to Ravana to return Devi Sita to Lord Sri Ramachandra


Angadha bowed before the mighty King Ravana, and took a seat courageously among the ministers, resembled the lion among the group of untamed elephants. Ravana shrieked in anger “Oh! Vanara, who are you?” Angadha replied obediently “Oh! Ravana, I am an emissary of Lord Sri Ramachandra, Oh! Brother, you had a great friendship with my father Vali, so I have come for your interest. Oh! Descent of noble sage Pulasthya and the grandson of that illustrious Sage, listen to my words carefully, you have worshiped Lord Shiva and Lord Bhrama and pleased them in many ways, you have achieved several boons by worshiping them. Oh! Ravana, you have fulfilled all your desires, conquered the guardians of different spheres, thereby achieved immense glory. It was your foolishness, you have abducted Devi Sita who is the mother of the Universe and beloved consort of Lord Sri Ramachandra. Oh! Ravana, leave all your pride, and listen to my friendly advice, surrender to that supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra, he will forgive all your offenses, kindly return Devi Sita respectfully to Lord Sri Ramachandra, he will forgive you and protect your clan from destruction, in this way, you can get rid of fears and anxiousness.


Jatha Mathth Gaja Jootha Mahu Panchanana Chali Jayi | Ramaprathapa Sumiri Mana Baita Saba Siru Nayi ||

Kaha Dhasakanda Kavana Thai Bandhara | Mei Raghubeera  Dhootha Dhasakandhara || Mama Janakahi Thohi Rahi Mithayi | Thava Hitha Karana Aayau Bhayi || Uththamakula Pulasthi Kara Nathi | Siva Biranchi Poojehu Bahu Bhanthi || Bara Payahu Keenhehu Sab Kaja | Jeethehu Lokapala Sab Raja || Nripa Abhimana Moha Basa  Kimba | Hari Aanihu Seetha  Jagadhamba || Ab Subha Kaha Sunahu Thumha Mora | Sab Aparadha Cchamihi Prabhu Thora || Dhasana Gahahu Thrina Kanda  Kudari | Parijana Sahitha Sanga  Nija Nari || Sadhara Janakasutha Kari Aage | Yehi Bidhi Chalahu Sakala Bhaya Thyage ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Angadha arrived in the assembly of Ravana


Chapter - 19– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Angadha arrived in the assembly of Ravana


Angadha contemplating upon the Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra arrived in the assembly of Ravana, there he found the mighty King of demons resembled a lion, who has ten heads and twenty arms, great physique, mane-like hairs stood upright on the body. One of the demons approached Ravana seeking permission to take Angadha inside the Assembly Hall was answered sarcastically with a burst of boisterous laughter “Bring the Vanara right inside the assembly, let me see where did he come from?” Soon the demons rushed to Angadha and brought him to the assembly. Angadha witnessed the ten-headed demon King seated on the magnificent throne resembled a huge mountain of collyrium.  His twenty arms resembled the tree trunk, ten heads resembled the mountain peaks, bodily hairs stood upright resembled the various creepers, his eyes, nostrils, mouth, and ears resembled caves. Angadha, the son of mighty Vali who has possessed great stature entered inside the assembly fearlessly, soon the ministers in the assembly rose from their seats, Ravana's eyes turned red in fury watching the sudden reaction of the assembly.


Gayau Sabha Dharbar Thab Sumiri Rama Padhakanja | Simha  Davani Itha Utha Chithava Dheera Beera Bala Punja ||

Thuratha Nisachara  Yek Padava | Samachara Ravanahi Janava || Sunatha Bihasi Bola Dhasaseesa | Aanahu Boli Kaha Kara Keesa || Aayasu Payi Dhootha Bahu Dhaye | Kapikunjarahi Boli Lai Aaye || Angadha Dheekha Dhasanana Baise | Sahitha Prana Kajjalagiri Jaise || Bhuja Bitapa Sira Sringa Samana | Romavali Latha Janu Nana || Mukha Nasika  Nayana Aru Kana | Giri Kandhara Khoha Anumana || Gayau Sabha Mana Neku Na Moora | Balithanaya Athibala Bakura || Ude  Sabhasadh Kapi Kahu Dhekhi | Ravana Ura  Bha Krodha Biseshi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Angadha arrived in the palace of Ravana, engaged in a fight with Prahastha


Chapter - 18– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Angadha arrived in the palace of Ravana, engaged in a fight with Prahastha


Angadha bowed before Lord Sri Ramachandra, he prostrated at the lotus feet of the Lord, and immersed in various thoughts “The supreme Lord Rama is the ocean of virtues, he is supreme Lord and all his tasks can be accomplished by himself, even though he showered his compassionate grace upon me, assigned me as his emissary to meet Ravana.” The mere thought of it transported him to a state of ecstasy.  Angadha repeatedly prostrated at the lotus feet of Rama contemplating upon the Lord left the assembly. The mighty son of Vali, who is extremely valorous in the war field, fearless by nature cherishing the might of supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra proceeded to Lanka. As soon as he entered the city of Lanka, Angadha met Prahastha, the son of Ravana who was engaged in passionate sport on the patio. The conversation between the two ended up in clash, both had immense might, and were youthful. Prahastha raised his feet to kick Angadha was pulled down by his leg, swirling around and crushed him on the ground. The demons who witnessed the dreadful scene in the courtyard rushed hither and thither in fear watching the might of Angadha, they dared to speak to each other about what had happened before their eyes, they kept quiet about the death of Prahastha. Suddenly a huge cry rose from the city thinking the Vanara who set fire to the city of Lanka has returned once again, all were terror-struck with the knowledge that no one could protect them from the Vanara. Agatha proceeded to the court of Ravana, all those demons’ guards obediently answered the questions of Angadha and guided him, if Angadha looked at anyone on their face would turn out pale in terror.


Prabhu Agya Dhari Seesa Charana Bandhi Angadha Udeau | Soyi Guna Sagara Esa  Ramakripa  Ja Para Karahu || Swayam Sidhdha Sab Kaja Natha Mohi Aadharu Dhiyau | Asa Bichari Jubaraja Than Pulakitha Harashitha Hiyau ||

Bandhi charana Ura Dhari  Prabhuthayi | Angadha Chaleau Sabahi Siru Nayi || Prabhu Prathapa Ura Sahaja Asanka | Rana  Bankura Balisutha  Banka || Pura Paidatha Ravana Kara Beta | Khelatha Raha So Hoyi Gau Bheta || Bathahi Bath Karasha Badi Aayi | Jugala Athula  Bala Puni Tharunayi || Thehi Angadha Kahu Lath Udayi | Gahi Padha Patakeau Bhoomi  Bhavayi || Nisichara  Nikara Dhekhi Bhatabhari | Jaha Thaha  Chale Na  Sakahi Pukari || Yek Yek San Maramu na  Kahahi | Samujji Thasu Badha Chup Kari Rahahi || Bhayau Kolahala Nagara Majjari | Aava Kapi Lanka Jehi Jari || Ab Dhau Kaha Karihi Karathara | Athi Sabheetha  Sab Karahi Bichara || Binu Pooche  Magu Dhehi Dhikhayi | Jehi Biloka Soyi Jayi Sukhayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama appoints Angadha as his emissary to Ravana


Chapter - 17– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama appoints Angadha as his emissary to Ravana


Ravana laughed out the wise words of Devi Mandodhari, thus the daybreak has arrived, he haughtily arrived in the assembly. The reeds cannot blossom or produce fruits, even though the rain showers nectar on them, in the same manner, wisdom doesn’t sprout in an ignorant even if he has a preceptor like Lord Bhrama. On the other side, Lord Raghu woke up early hours of dawn and performed ablutions, he called out for his comrades and asked their opinion “who should be appointed as my emissary to Ravana?” The elderly Jambavan replied “Oh! Lord of Raghu, you are supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, you are the knower of all, you are the storehouse of wisdom, intellect, might, splendor, virtues, and valor. Oh! Prabho, I shall advise you according to my intellect, it is appropriate to send the son of Vali, Angadha as an emissary to Ravana.” The merciful Lord Rama turned towards Angadha and spoke “Oh! Dear son of Vali!  you are the repository of valor, virtue, and goodness. You ought to proceed Lanka, I need not give you an elaborate instruction, you are supremely clever. Oh! Angadha, you should talk to my enemy in such a way it should serve my cause and the interest of him as well.”


Yehi Bidhi Karatha Binodha Bahu Prathapa Pragata Dhasakandha | Sahaja Asanka Lankapathi Sabha Gayau Madha Andha || Phoolayi Pharayi Na Beth Jadhapi Sudha Barashahi Jaladha | Moorakha Hridhaya Na Chetha Jau Guru Milahi Biranchi Sama ||

Iha Pratha Jage  Raghurayi | Poocha Math Sab Sachiva  Bolayi || Kahahu Begi Ka Karia Upayi | Jambavanth Kaha Padha Siru Nayi || Sunu Sarbagya Sakala Ura  Basi | Budhi Bala Theja Dharma Gunarasi || Manthra Kahau Nija Mathi Anusara | Dhootha  Padayia  Balikumara || Neeka Manthra Sab Ke  Man Mana | Angadha San Kaha Kripanidhana || Balithanaya Budhi Balaguna Dhama | Lanka Jahu Thatha  Mama Kama || Bahuth Bujjayi Thumhahi Ka Kahau | Parama Chathura  Mei Janatha Ahau || Kaju Hamara Thasu Hitha Hoyi | Ripu Sana Kareahu Bathakahi Soyi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana disapproves of the wise words of Devi Mandodhari


Chapter - 16– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana disapproves of the wise words of Devi Mandodhari


Mandodhari speaks “Oh! Prabho, the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra incarnated as the son of Kosala is the Lord of animate and inanimate things, his ego represents Lord Shiva, his intellect represents Lord Bhrama, and his mind represent the moon and his reasoning ability represent Lord Vishnu. Oh! Beloved Lord, leave your animosity against Lord Rama so that your good fortune will not leave you.” Ravana laughed at Devi Mandodhari and spoke “I can witness the power of illusion on you, the intellectuals rightly observed the eight characteristics of the women and described their negativity as 1) wildness/Sahasa 2) falsehood/Anarththa 3) Fickleness/Chapalatha 4) illusion/Maya 5) fearful /Bhaya6) indiscretion/Aviveka 7) impure/Ashaucha and 8) cold-heartedness/Adhaya. Oh! Devi Mandodhari, you have beautifully described the Viratswaroopa/cosmic nature of my enemy, Oh! Darling, all those cosmic natures of my enemy are under my control, I have thoroughly understood my might by your wise words.  Oh! Dear, I have understood your disapproving nature, and in that way, you have described my greatness, the authenticity of mine. Oh! Mrigalochani, your wise words removed my anxiousness.” Devi Mandodhari clearly understood that it was the impending death of her husband illusioned him.


Ahamkara Siva  Budhdhi Aja Mana Sasi Chiththa Mahana| Manuja Basa  Sacharachara Rooopa Rama Bhagavana || Asa  Bichari Sunu Pranapathi Prabhu Sana Batharu Bihayi | Preethi Karahu Raghubeera Padha Mama Ahivatha Na Jayi ||

Bihasa Nari Bachana Suni Kana | Aho Moha Mahima  Balavana || Nari Subhau Sathya Sab Kahahi | Avaguna Aat Sadha Ura  Rahahi || Sahasa  Anritha Chapalatha Maya | Bhaya Abibeka Asaucha  Adhaya || Ripu Kara Roopa  Sakala Thai Gava | Athi Bisala Bhaya Mohi Sunava ||So Sab Priya  Sahaja Basa  More | Samujji Para Prasadha  Ab Thore || Janiau Priya Thori Chathurayi | Yehi Bidhi Kahahu Mori Prabhuthayi || Thava  Bathakahi Gooda  Mrigalochani | Samujjatha Sukhadha  Sunatha Bhaya  Mochani || Mandhodhari  Mana Mahu Asa  Dayau | Piyahi Kala Basa  Mathibhrama  Bhayau ||