Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama appoints Angadha as his emissary to Ravana


Chapter - 17– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama appoints Angadha as his emissary to Ravana


Ravana laughed out the wise words of Devi Mandodhari, thus the daybreak has arrived, he haughtily arrived in the assembly. The reeds cannot blossom or produce fruits, even though the rain showers nectar on them, in the same manner, wisdom doesn’t sprout in an ignorant even if he has a preceptor like Lord Bhrama. On the other side, Lord Raghu woke up early hours of dawn and performed ablutions, he called out for his comrades and asked their opinion “who should be appointed as my emissary to Ravana?” The elderly Jambavan replied “Oh! Lord of Raghu, you are supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, you are the knower of all, you are the storehouse of wisdom, intellect, might, splendor, virtues, and valor. Oh! Prabho, I shall advise you according to my intellect, it is appropriate to send the son of Vali, Angadha as an emissary to Ravana.” The merciful Lord Rama turned towards Angadha and spoke “Oh! Dear son of Vali!  you are the repository of valor, virtue, and goodness. You ought to proceed Lanka, I need not give you an elaborate instruction, you are supremely clever. Oh! Angadha, you should talk to my enemy in such a way it should serve my cause and the interest of him as well.”


Yehi Bidhi Karatha Binodha Bahu Prathapa Pragata Dhasakandha | Sahaja Asanka Lankapathi Sabha Gayau Madha Andha || Phoolayi Pharayi Na Beth Jadhapi Sudha Barashahi Jaladha | Moorakha Hridhaya Na Chetha Jau Guru Milahi Biranchi Sama ||

Iha Pratha Jage  Raghurayi | Poocha Math Sab Sachiva  Bolayi || Kahahu Begi Ka Karia Upayi | Jambavanth Kaha Padha Siru Nayi || Sunu Sarbagya Sakala Ura  Basi | Budhi Bala Theja Dharma Gunarasi || Manthra Kahau Nija Mathi Anusara | Dhootha  Padayia  Balikumara || Neeka Manthra Sab Ke  Man Mana | Angadha San Kaha Kripanidhana || Balithanaya Budhi Balaguna Dhama | Lanka Jahu Thatha  Mama Kama || Bahuth Bujjayi Thumhahi Ka Kahau | Parama Chathura  Mei Janatha Ahau || Kaju Hamara Thasu Hitha Hoyi | Ripu Sana Kareahu Bathakahi Soyi ||

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