Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana’s apprehensions about the strength of his enemies and the ignorance of his ministers


Chapter -8 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana’s apprehensions about the strength of his enemies and the ignorance of his ministers


Devi Mandodhari fell at the feet of Ravana, tears overflowing down the cheeks, her limbs were quivering in fear, she spoke with folded hands “Oh! Beloved Lord, kindly worships Lord Raghu, leave animosity against him, so that my union with you would achieve eternity.” Ravana raised Devi Mandodhari, daughter of Maya from the ground, and began to praise his might “Oh! Darling, you are besieged with fear and anxiousness, tell me who is there in this world possessed equal might of mine? I have conquered deities, Varuna/Lord of rain, Kubera/Lord of wealth, Vayu/Lord of wind, Yama/Lord of death, and guardians of all the directions. All the deities, humans, demons, are under my control, then why do you feel alarmed?” Thus, Ravana assured Devi Mandodhari in many ways, pacified her, and returned to the assembly. Devi Mandodhari realized that the destiny of her husband has turned against him, the death is awaiting him eagerly. Ravana spoke in the assembly “Oh! Ministers, advise me how can we retreat our enemies?” the ministers were confused and overconfident of the might of their King replied in chorus “Oh! Lord, why are you so concerned about our enemies? These humans, Vanaras, and bears would contribute a sumptuous meal for us.”


Asa Kahi  Nayana Neera  Bhari Gadhi Padha Kampitha Gatha | Natha Bhajahu Raghunathahi Achala Hoyi Ahivatha ||

Thab Ravana Mayasutha Udayi | Kahai Laga Khal Nija  Prabhuthayi || Sunu Thai Priya Britha Bhaya Mana | Jaga Jodha Ko Mohi Samana || Baruna Kubera Pavana Jama Kala | Bujabala Jitheau Sakala  Dhigpala || Dheva Dhanuja Nara Sab Basa  More | Kavana Hethu Upaja Bhaya Thore || Nana Bidhi Thehi Kahesi Bujjayi | Sabha Bahori Baita So Jayi || Mandhodhari Hridhaya Asa Jana | Kala Basya Upaja Abhimana || Sabha  Aayi Manthrinha Thehi Booja | Karaba Kavana Bidhi Ripu Sai Joojja || Kahahi Sachiva  Sunu Nisichara Naha | Bar Bar Prabhu Poochahu Kaha || Kahahu Kavana Bhaya Karia Bichara | Nara Kapi Bhalu Aahara Hamara ||


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