Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana’s apprehensions about the strength of his enemies and the ignorance of his ministers


Chapter -8 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana’s apprehensions about the strength of his enemies and the ignorance of his ministers


Devi Mandodhari fell at the feet of Ravana, tears overflowing down the cheeks, her limbs were quivering in fear, she spoke with folded hands “Oh! Beloved Lord, kindly worships Lord Raghu, leave animosity against him, so that my union with you would achieve eternity.” Ravana raised Devi Mandodhari, daughter of Maya from the ground, and began to praise his might “Oh! Darling, you are besieged with fear and anxiousness, tell me who is there in this world possessed equal might of mine? I have conquered deities, Varuna/Lord of rain, Kubera/Lord of wealth, Vayu/Lord of wind, Yama/Lord of death, and guardians of all the directions. All the deities, humans, demons, are under my control, then why do you feel alarmed?” Thus, Ravana assured Devi Mandodhari in many ways, pacified her, and returned to the assembly. Devi Mandodhari realized that the destiny of her husband has turned against him, the death is awaiting him eagerly. Ravana spoke in the assembly “Oh! Ministers, advise me how can we retreat our enemies?” the ministers were confused and overconfident of the might of their King replied in chorus “Oh! Lord, why are you so concerned about our enemies? These humans, Vanaras, and bears would contribute a sumptuous meal for us.”


Asa Kahi  Nayana Neera  Bhari Gadhi Padha Kampitha Gatha | Natha Bhajahu Raghunathahi Achala Hoyi Ahivatha ||

Thab Ravana Mayasutha Udayi | Kahai Laga Khal Nija  Prabhuthayi || Sunu Thai Priya Britha Bhaya Mana | Jaga Jodha Ko Mohi Samana || Baruna Kubera Pavana Jama Kala | Bujabala Jitheau Sakala  Dhigpala || Dheva Dhanuja Nara Sab Basa  More | Kavana Hethu Upaja Bhaya Thore || Nana Bidhi Thehi Kahesi Bujjayi | Sabha Bahori Baita So Jayi || Mandhodhari Hridhaya Asa Jana | Kala Basya Upaja Abhimana || Sabha  Aayi Manthrinha Thehi Booja | Karaba Kavana Bidhi Ripu Sai Joojja || Kahahi Sachiva  Sunu Nisichara Naha | Bar Bar Prabhu Poochahu Kaha || Kahahu Kavana Bhaya Karia Bichara | Nara Kapi Bhalu Aahara Hamara ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Devi Mandodhari’s prayers to Ravana


Chapter -7 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Devi Mandodhari’s prayers to Ravana


Devi Mandodhari spoke in tears “Oh! Beloved Lord, kindly leave your animosity against Lord of Raghu, kindly return Devi Sita to him, and crown your elder son as the King of Lanka, so that we can retire to wood contemplating upon the lotus feet of Lord Raghu. He is too kind and compassionate; he will forgive you. Oh! Prabho, even the wild animal tiger won’t attack humans, if they go submissively before it. Oh! Prabho, you have achieved all that you have desired in your life, you have conquered humans, deities, and demons, and all those animate and inanimate things in this world. Oh! Prabho, the Rishis, and Sages recommend that a Grihastha should retire to the forest at the fourth stage of their lives. Oh! Beloved Lord, we should adore the supreme Lord who is the creator, preserver, and destroyer as well, let us renounce all the worldly matters and possessions, and worship Lord of Raghu who is the source of eternal bliss and auspiciousness. He is the Lord of Raghu who is worshiped and contemplated by the Rishis, Sages, and Yogis undertaking various austerities, vows, penances, Shamadhamadhi, and several illustrious Kings renounced their throne contemplating upon that Lord has come to shower his grace on us. Oh! Prabho, if you dearly love me, kindly accept my advice, leave your animosity against Lord of Raghu, and your glories would be sung in praise in the fourteen spheres.”


Ramahi Saupi Janaki Nayi Kamalapadha  Matha | Sutha Kaha Raja Samarpi Bana Jayi Bhajia Raghunatha ||

Natha Dheenadhayala Raghurayi | Badhau Sanmukha Gaya Na  Khayi || Chahia Karana So Sab Kari Beethe | Thumha Sura Asura Charachara Jeethe|| Santha Kahahi Asi Neethi Dhasanana | Chauthepan Jayihi Nripa Kanana|| Thasu Bhajanu Keejia Thaha Bhartha | Jo Kartha Palaka Samhartha || Soyi Raghubeera Pranatha Anuragi | Bhajahu Natha Mamatha Sab Thyagi || Munibara Jathanu Karahi Jehi Lagi | Bhoopa Raju Thaji  Hohi Biragi|| Soyi Kosaladheesa Raghuraya | Aayau Karana Thehi Para Dhaya || Jau Piya Manahu Mora Sikhavan | Sujasu Hoyi Thihu Pura  Athi Pavan ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Devi Mandodhari’s advice to Ravana

Chapter -6 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Devi Mandodhari’s advice to Ravana


Ravana shrieked in terror “What! The two hermits have conquered the King of the ocean, constructed a mighty bridge across the ocean?” Soon, he laughed out mockingly, covered up all his anxiousness, and returned to his palace. Devi Mandodhari came to know that Lord Raghu has arrived on the shore of Lanka, constructed a mighty bridge across the river like an amusement, she seized her husband’s hand, and took him to her chamber, and began to speak in a soft tone. Devi Mandodhari prostrated before her husband, and hold her upper edge of the garment in hand as if begging for alms “Oh! Prabho, kindly listen to my words and leave your anger, Oh! My beloved Lord, before entering into battle with your enemies, you should know the physical and mental strength of him, you should not keep hostility against the one who is impossible to conquer. Oh! Prabho, the disparities between you and Lord of Raghu are the firefly’s animosity against the sun, will the firefly withstand the scorching heat of the sun? He is supreme Lord Vishnu incarnated as son of King of Kosala, he is the slayer of Madhu Kaitabha, and the sons of Dhithi/ Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu. He is the supreme Lord Sri Hari who crushed the pride of Bali, and chopped off the hands of Sahasrabahu, he has descended on the Earth to destroy the wicked demons and thereby reduce the burden of the Earth. He is supreme Lord who is the essence of Time, soul and fate as well, you cannot withstand him.”

Badhyo Bananidhi Neeranidhi Jalanidhi Sindhu Bareesa | Sathya Thoyanidhi Kampathi Udhadhi Payodhi Nadheesa ||

Nija Bikalatha Bichari Bahori| Bihasi Gayau Griha Kari Bhaya  Bhori || Mandhodhari Sunyo Prabhu Aayo | Kauthukahi Payodhi Badhayo || Kara Gahi Pathihi Bhavana Nija Aani | Boli Parama Manohara Bani || Charana Nayi Siru Anchalu Ropa | Sunahu Bachana Piya Parihari Kopa || Natha Batharu Keeje  Thahi  So | Budhi Bala Sakia Jeethi Jahi So || Thumhahi Raghupathihi Anthara Kaisa| Khalu Khadhyotha Dhinakarahi Jaisa || Athibala Madhukaitabha Jehi Mare | Mahabeera Dhithisutha Sandhare || Jehi Bali Bandhi Sahasabhuja Mara | Soyi Avathareau Harana Mahi Bhara || Thasu Birodha Na Keejia Natha | Kalakarama Jeeva Jake Hatha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The various amusements of Vanaras and bears on the seashore


Chapter -5 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda - The various amusements of Vanaras and bears on the seashore


The vast bridge was overcrowded with the army of Vanaras and bears, some of them flew in the air, and others were carried by giant aquatic animals on their back. Lord Raghu and Lakshman laughed at the hilarious amusements of the Vanaras and bears, and their style of crossing the ocean. Thus, the Lord of Raghu and Lakshman reached on the other side of the ocean safely, followed by the huge troop of Vanaras and bears, that was beyond description. Rama halted on the shore and advised the Vanaras and bears to relax and search for fruits to remove their hunger and tiredness. As soon they heard the advice of the Lord, they flee in different directions in the search of fruits, all the trees and plants bore succulent fruits of seasonal and non-seasonal at the command of the Lord. The Vanaras and bears ate the fruits and fiber roots at heart's content and began to hurl the trees and mountains towards the city of Lanka, they did not spare a single demon without humiliating or cutting their nose and ears, or wounded them, and made them flee to the place of Ravana singing in praise of Lord Raghu. The demons who got brutally hurt ripped off their nose and ears were approached their King Ravana, and related all that had happened.  The moment Ravana heard the arrival of his enemies on the seashore, and the huge bridge constructed across the vast ocean, he could not control his rage, crushed his teeth in anger, and was startled.

Sethubandha Bhaye Bheera Athi Kapi  Nabha Pantha Udahi | Apara Jalacharanhi Ooper Chadi Chadi Parahi Jahi ||

Asa Kauthuka Biloki Dhau Bhayi | Bihasi Chale Kripala Raghurayi || Sena Sahitha Uthare Raghubeera| Kahi Na Jayi Kapi Joothapa Bheera || Sindhu Para Prabhu Dera  Keenha | Sakala Kapinha Kahu Aayasu Dheenha || Khahu Jayi Phalamoola Suhaye | Sunatha Bhalu Kapi Jaha Thaha Dhaye ||Sab Tharu Phare Rama Hitha Lagi | Rithu Aru Kurithu Kalagathi Thyagi || Khahi Madhuraphala Bitapa Halavahi | Lanka Sanmukha Sikhara Chalavahi || Jaha Kaha Phiratha Nisachara Pavahi | Dheri Sakala Bahu Nacha Nachavahi || Dhasananhi Kati Nasika  Kana | Kahi Prabhu Sujasu Dhehi Thab Jana || Jinha Kara Nasa Kana Nipatha | Thinha Ravanahi Kahi Sab Batha || Sunatha Shravana Baridhi Bandhana | Dhasamukha Boli Uda Akulana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The glorious journey of Vanaras and bears on the mighty bridge constructed across the ocean


Chapter -4– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The glorious journey of Vanaras and bears on the mighty bridge constructed across the ocean


The rocks thrown into the ocean waters were floated because of the grace of Lord Sri Ramachandra, hence those who worship demigods leaving Lord Sri Raghu are dull-witted. The construction of the huge bridge was completed at a fast pace and the merciful-Lord Sri Ramachandra was glad to see the progress of the work. The numerous armies of Vanaras and bears obediently marched on the mighty bridge looking forward to crossing the ocean, producing deafening roars was beyond description. Lord Rama ascending on the vast bridge observed the vastness of the sea, at that moment, all the aquatic creatures appeared on the surface of the waters to get a glimpse of the Lord who is the ocean of mercy, thus they have achieved the fruitfulness of their lives. The ocean infested with giant aquatic creatures, wale, alligators, crocodiles, various species of fishes, from various sizes gazed at Lord Raghu without blinking their eyes, achieved extreme bliss watching the mesmerizing form of Lord Raghu, eventually disappeared under the water in a state of ecstasy. The army of Vanaras and bears marched towards the other side of the ocean was beyond description.


Sree Raghubeera Prathapa The Sindhu Thare Pashana | The Mathimandh Je Rama Thaji Bhajahi Jayi Prabhu Aana ||

Badhi Sethu Athi Sudhrida Banava| Dhekhi Kripanidhi Ke Man Bhava || Chali Sena Kacchu Barani Na Jayi | Garjahi Markata Bhata Samudhayi || Sethubandh Diga Chadi Raghurayi| Chithavath Kripala Sindhu Bahuthayi || Dhekhan Kahau Prabhu Karuna  Kandha | Pragata Bhaye Sab Jalachara Brindha || Makara Nakra Nana JJasha Byala | Sath Jojana Than Parama Bisala || Ayiseau Yek Theenhahi Je Khahi | Yekanha Ke Dar Thepi Derahi || Prabhuhi Bilokahi Darahi Na Dare | Man Harashitha Sab Bhaye Sukhare || ThinhaKi Aut Na Dhekhia Bari | Magana Bhaye Hariroopa Nihari || Chala Kataku Prabhu Aayasu Payi | Ko Kahi Saka Kapi Dhala Bipulayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The significance of the worship of Lord Rameshwara


Chapter -3 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The significance of the worship of Lord Rameshwara


Lord Rama speaks “Whoever devoted to Lord Shankara is beloved of Lord Shankara and mine as well, whoever hostile to Lord Shankara and devotee of mine would fall in the hellish torture for several Yugas. Whoever worships Lord Rameshwara, and leave their mortal coil would attain my supreme abode. Whoever performs the ablutions of the Linga with the sacred waters of Ganga would achieve liberation and attain my form. Whoever worships Lord Shambhu without any desire, or achievement of personal gain would achieve intense devotion and faith in me. Whoever witnesses the mighty bridge/Sethu constructed across the vast ocean would cross the grief and sufferings of worldly existence at ease.” Rama’s guileless speeches gladdened the heart of the Sages and Rishis assembled, they prostrated before the Lord and returned to their hermitage. Lord Shankara speaks “Oh! Devi Girija, Lord Raghu is so kind and compassionate to his devotees whoever surrendered at his lotus feet.” Thus, Nala and Neela constructed a huge bridge with the grace of supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra was praised widely, the rocks thrown into the sea waters floated like many rafts. The miracle that has happened was not by the skill of the ocean, or Vanaras, or the qualities of rocks deposited in the ocean.

Sanakarapriya Mama Dhrohi Sivadhrohi Mama Dhasa | The Nara Karahi Kalapa Bhari Ghora Naraka Mahau Basa ||

Je Rameswara Dharasanu Karihahi | The Thanu Thaji Mama Loka  Sidharihahi || Jo  Gangajalu Aani Chadayihi| So Sayugya Mukthi Nara Payihi || Hoyi Akama Jo Cchal Thaji Seyihi | Bhagathi More Thehi Sankara Dheyihi || Mama Kritha Sethu Jo Dharasanu Karihi | So Binu Shrama Bhavasagara Tharihi|| Rama Bachana Sab Ke  Jiya Bhaye | Munibara  Nija Nija  Ashrama Aaye || Girija Raghupathi Kai Yaha Reethi| Santhatha Karahi Pranatha Para Preethi || Badha Sethu Neela Nala Nagara | Ramakripa Jasu Bhayau Ujagara || Boodahi Aanahi Borahi Jeyi | Bhaye Upala Bohitha Sama Theyi || Mahima Yaha Na Jaladhi Kayi Barani | Pahana Guna Na  Kapinha Kayi Karani ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – A Shivadhrohi/disbeliever of Lord Shambhu cannot achieve the grace of Lord Rama, even if the person is highly devoted to Lord Rama


Chapter -2 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – A Shivadhrohi/disbeliever of Lord Shambhu cannot achieve the grace of Lord Rama, even if the person is highly devoted to Lord Rama


The Vanaras and bears plucked gigantic trees, mountains, and rocks, and brought them before Nala and Neela who placed them methodically across the ocean contemplating upon the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra. The huge trees and rocks brought by the Vanaras were tossed playfully by Nala and Neela on the ocean floated on ocean waters, Lord Ramachandra watched them enthusiastically and smiled at heart, he immersed in various thoughts “This place is seemed to be highly auspicious, delightful and marvelous site to adore Lord Shambhu, I shall install Lord Shambhu on this site, which was my long-cherished idea.” Soon, the Vanaras were sent to different directions to invite the Sages, and the desire of Lord Rama to install Linga to worship Lord Shambhu was informed to the illustrious Sages. Thus, a beautiful Linga was installed on the seashore, Rama spoke passionately “There is no one dear as Lord Shambhu to me. A Shivadhrohi/the enemy of Lord Shiva, even though he worships me, cannot achieve my grace not even in his dreams. Whoever opposes the worship and belief of Lord Shankara, and worship me, would perish and their entire clan will be doomed, and they are dull-witted never achieve the grace of me.”


Athi Uthanga Giri Padhapa Leelahi Lehi Udayi | Aani Dhehi Nala Neelahi Rachahi The Sethu Banayi ||

Saila Bisala Aani Kapi Dhehi | Kandhuka Iva Nala Neela The Lehi || Dhekhi Sethu Athisundhara Rachana | Bihasi Kripanidhi Bole Bachana || Parama Ramya Uththama Yaha Dharani | Mahima Amitha Jayi Nahi Barani || Karihau Iha Sambhu Thapana | More  Hridhaya Parama Kalapana || Suni Kapeesa Bahu Dhooth Padaye | Munibara Sakala Boli Lai Aaye || Linga Thapi Bidhivath Kari Pooja | Siva Samana Priya Mohi Na Dhooja || Sivadhrohi Mama Bhagatha Kahava | So Nara Sapanehu Mohi Na Pava || Sankara Bimukha Bhagathi Chaha Mori | So Naraki Mooda Mathi Thori ||