Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The family of King Janaka and King Dhasharatha observes fast and takes a dip in the holy river Payaswini


Chapter – 271– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The family of King Janaka and King Dhasharatha observes fast and takes a dip in the holy river Payaswini

The men and women were plunged into great anguish, the deities, hermits, Yogis, and preceptors cried out watching the pitiable state of Janaka and the two families “Alas! It was the cruel fate that played its role!” Sage Tulsidas affirms that the grief of the ocean can be crossed only with the ferry of pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Rama. Sages and preceptors pacified the people of Mithila and Ayodhya with compassionate words, the preceptor Sage Vashishta advised King Janaka “Oh! Rajan, be calm!”. Will the darkness of ignorance overwhelm king Janaka who is Rajarishi, a renounced soul, learned and wise whose dispassionate speeches steal the hearts of hermits, and Yogis? Alas! the affection for his daughter Janakanandhini, and the devotion to Lord Rama plunged him into a deep sense of dejection, that won over the wisdom of King Janaka. The Veda emphasizes there are three types of Jeeva, the superior form of the Jeeva is the one who has achieved the knowledge of self/Athma is Paramathma, well respected in the assemblage of Rishis and Sages, wise and full of love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra. The wisdom without love at the feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra is like the vessel that has no use. Sage Vashishta pacified King Janaka in many ways, and all of them went to have a holy dip in the river Payaswini, the Ram Ghat/beautiful stairs constructed for Rama on the riverbank to take a dip on a regular basis. All the women and men were overwhelmed with sorrow and grief, that day everyone observed fast, no one has the heart to consume a meal or drink even a drop of water. The animals such as deer, cows, birds, etc. in the woods engulfed in sorrow, refused to eat anything, hence nothing to talk about the two families.

Avagahi Soka Samudhra Sochahi Nari Nara Byakula Maha | Dhai Dhosha Sakala Sarosha Bolahi Bama Bidhi Keenho Kaha || Sura Sidhdha Thapasa Jogijana Muni Dhekhi Dhasa Bidheha Ki | Tulasi Na  Samarathu Koau Jo Thari Sakai Saritha Saneha Ki ||

Kiye Amitha Upadhesa Jaha Thaha Loganha Munibaranha | Dheeraju Dharia Naresa Kaheau Basishta Bidheha Sana ||

Jasu Gyanu Rabi Bhava Nisi Nasa | Bachana Kirana Muni Kamala Bikasa || Thehi Ki Moha Mamatha Niarayi | Yaha Siya Rama saneha Badayi || Bishayi Sadhaka Sidhdha Sayane | Thribidha Jeeva Jaga Bedha  Bakhane || Rama Saneha Sarasa Mana Jasu | Sadhu Sabha Bada Aadhara Thasu || Soha Na  Rama Pema Binu Gyanu | Karanadhara Binu Jimi Jalajanu || Muni Bahubidhi Bidhehu Samujjaye | Ramaghat Sab Loga  Nahaye || Sakalasoka Sankula Naranari | So Basaru Bitheau Binu Bari || Pasu Khaga Mriganha Na Keenha Aharu | Priya Parijana Kara Kaun Bicharu ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – King Janaka and his family, preceptors, and people of Mithila engulfed in sorrow


Chapter – 270– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– King Janaka and his family, preceptors, and people of Mithila engulfed in sorrow


The hermitage of Rama resembles the ocean of austerities, and vows, which was brimming with the assemblage of King Janaka and his family, hermits, and preceptors, that gave out the appearance of the union of several water-courses in the ocean. The whole atmosphere reverberated with the austerities, lectures on scriptures, and Veda. The union of the two families, ascetics, preceptors of wisdom and dispassion produced deep sighs of grief, lamentation, and utterance of sorrowful words resembled the waves in the ocean, the fear and anxiousness of the family members represent the whirlpool in the ocean were prepared to calm down by the wise, learned, noble souls, preceptors resembled the ferryman, waiting for the families to board into the ferries to get rid of the grief and sufferings of Samsarasagara/ocean of grief,  alas! They had no clue of the depth like the pain of the people. The Kolas, Kiratha, Bhilas wandering in the woods resembled the travelers who were horrorstruck by the turbulence in the ocean water. As soon as the water-courses like the two families of King Dhasharatha and King Janaka met, the ocean like the hermitage of Rama swelled up with various emotions. The two families were engulfed with sorrows and grief of separation, they have praised the virtues, courage, amiability, nobleness of King Dhasharatha and wept bitterly.

Ashrama Sagara Santh Rasa Poorana Pavana Pathu | Sena  Manahu Karuna Saritha Liya Jahi Raghunathu ||

Borathi Gyana Biraga  Karare | Bachana Sasoka Milatha  Nadha Nare || Socha Usasa Sameera Tharanga | Dheeraja Thata  Tharubara Kara Bhanga|| Bishama Bishadha Thoravathi Dhara | Bhaya Bhrama Bhavara Arbath Apara || Kevat Budha Bidhdhya Badi Nava |Sakahi Na Kheyi Yek Nahi Aava || Banachara  Kola Kiratha Bichare | Thake  Biloki Pathika Hiya Hare || Ashrama Udhadhi Mili Jab Jayi | Manahu Udeau Ambudhi Akulayi || Soka Bikala Dhoau Raja Samaja | Raha Na  Gyanu Na Dheeraju Laja || Bhoopa  Roopa Guna Seela Sarahi | Rovahi Soka Sindhu Avagahi ||

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Rama, Lakshman, Bharatha, and Shathrughna greets the preceptors, King Janaka, and the royal family with great respect and love


Chapter – 269– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Rama, Lakshman, Bharatha, and Shathrughna greets the preceptors, King Janaka, and the royal family with great respect and love


The people of Ayodhya were immersed in a state of bliss, at that moment someone informed the arrival of King Janaka, the royal family, and the people of Mithila. The preceptors and Rama, the delighter of the solar race, abruptly rose from their seats and rushed to welcome their guests. Lord of Raghu was followed by his three brothers, Bharatha, Lakshman, and Shathrughna, ministers, people of Ayodhya. The moment King Janaka witnessed Mount Kamadhagiri, he dismounted from the palanquin and prostrated before it, all of them were enthusiastic to meet Rama, hence none of the hardship of the journey could put off their spirits. Their mind was fully occupied by Lord Sri Rama and Devi Janaki; hence they did not feel the exhaustion of long hours of journey.  King Janaka led the large group with great enthusiasm, when the two groups of people met each other, they were overwhelmed in various emotions, greeted each other with great love and respect. King Janaka prostrated before the hermits, while Rama proceeded to meet the preceptors of Mithila and prostrated before them. Rama, Bharatha, Lakshman, and Shathrughna greeted their parents-in-law with great respect, prostrated before them, and led them to the hermitage.

Prema Magana Thehi Samaya Sab Suni Aavatha Mithilesu | Sahitha Sabha Sambhrama Udeau Rabikula kamala Dhinesu ||

Bhayi Sachiva Guru Purajana Satha | Aage  Gavanu Keenha Raghunatha || Giribaru Dheekha Janakapathi Jabahi | Kari Pranamu Ratha  Thyageau Thabahi || Rama Dharasa Lalasa Ucchahu | Pathashrama Lesu Kalesu Na Kahu || Mana Thaha Jaha Raghubara Baidhehi | Binu Mana Thana Dhukha Sukha Sudhi Kehi || Aavatha Janaku Chale Yehi Bhanthi | Sahitha Samaja Prema Mathi Mathi || Aaye Nikata Dhekhi Anurage | Sadhara Milana Paraspara Lage || Lage Janaka Munijana Padhabandhana | Rishinha Pranamu Keenha Raghunandhana || BhayinhaSahitha Ramu Mili Rajahi | Chale Lavayi Sametha Samajahi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The people of Ayodhya considers themselves as most fortunate in the world


Chapter – 268– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The people of Ayodhya consider themselves as most fortunate in the world to be with Rama


The people of Ayodhya prayed “Oh! Prabho, May Lord Rama rule the Kingdom of Ayodhya under the guidance of Sage Vashishta and Sage Vamadeva, assisted by his brothers, and ministers! Oh! Prabho, kindly provide us the fruitfulness to live in the city of Ayodhya while Rama’s regime and liberation from worldly existence as well.” Even the enlightened Sages and Rishis who undertake severe austerities, Yoga, and penance, were yearningly looked at the lovely prayers of the people Ayodhya, after performing the rites, the people assembled before Lord Rama and prostrated before him in extreme delight. The people of low or high rank or clan or occupation have equally achieved the bliss and grace of Lord Rama.  Everyone was honored with kindness and compassion, the people praised Rama “It is highly admirable to watch the lovely appearance, amiability, virtues and pleasing disposition of Rama from childhood.” The people were overwhelmed with tears of joy, recollecting the virtues of Rama, praising the Sacchidhanandha Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam personified as Rama, they fondly remembered their good fortune “There are a few people meritorious as we are in this world, whom Sri Ramachandra consider as his own.”


Guru Samaja Bhayinha Sahitha Rama Raju Pura Hoau | Aacchath Ramaraja Avadha Bharia Maga Sabu Koau ||

Suni Sanehamaya Purajanabani | Nindhahi Joga Birathi Muni Gyani || Yehi Bidhi Nityakarama  Kari Purajana | Ramahi Karahi Pranama Pulaki Thana || Ooncha Neecha MadhyamaNaranari | Lahahi Dharasu Nija Anuhari || Savadhana Sabahi Sanmanahi | Sakala Sarahatha Kripanidhanahi || Larikayihi  The Raghubara Bani | Palatha Neethi Preethi Pahichani || Seela Sakocha Sindhu Raghurau | Sumukha Sulochana Sarala Subhau || Kahatha Rama Gunagana Anurage | Sab Nija  Bhaga Sarahana Lage || Hama Sama Punyapunja Jaga Thore | Jinhahi Ramu Janatha Kari More ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The people of Ayodhya worships Lord Ganesha, Goddess Gauri, Lord Tripurari, Lord Vishnu, and Goddess Mahalakshmi on the riverbank of Payaswini


Chapter – 267– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The people of Ayodhya worships Lord Ganesha, Goddess Gauri, Lord Tripurari, Lord Vishnu, and Goddess Mahalakshmi


The people of Ayodhya were extremely delighted to hear the arrival of King Janaka and the royal family. Lord Rama who is the delight of the Raghu clan felt uneasy, the Lord Indhra and deities were pushed to extreme anxiousness. Devi Kaikeyi was engulfed with sorrow; she was utterly miserable without no one to speak her heart. The people of Ayodhya rejoiced at heart thinking that their stay in the Chitrakoot may get extended for another couple of days, that night was spend in utmost serenity. At the daybreak, everyone went to take bath in the river Payaswini and worshiped Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, Devi Gauri the beloved consort of Lord Shiva, and Lord Thripurari, the slayer of demons, Lord Surya the remover of darkness of ignorance. They worshiped Lord Vishnu and Goddess Mahalakshmi, the men raising their hands, and the women holding the upper end of the garment prayed “ Oh! Prabho, May Lord Sri Rama along with Devi Sita take up the regime of the Kingdom of Ayodhya for several thousands of years, thereby reinstate the glories, welfare, and happiness of the Kingdom! May Bharatha install as the crown prince of Ayodhya!  let everyone in the Kingdom live in extreme bliss! Oh! Prabho, kindly provide the fruitfulness of our birth.”

Sunatha Janaka Agavanu Sabu Harsheau Avadha Samaju | Raghunandhanahi Sakochu Bada Soch Bibasa Suraraju ||

Garayi Galani Kutila Kaikeyi | Kahi Kahai Kehi Dhooshanu Dheyi || Asa  Mana Aani Muditha Nara Nari | Bhayau Bahori Rahab Dhinachari ||Yehi Prakara Gatha Basara Soau | Pratha Nahana Laga Sabu Koau || Kari Majjanu Poojahi Naranari | Ganapa Gauri Thipurari Thamari || Rama Ramana Padha Bandhi Bahori | Binavahi Anjuli Anchala Jori || Rajaramu Janakirani | Aanandha Avadhi Avadha Rajadhani || Subau Basau Phiri Sahitha Samaja | Bharathahi Ramu Karahu Jubaraja || Yehi Sukha Sudha Seenchi Sab Kahu | Deva DhehuJagajeevana Lahu ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The messengers inform the arrival of King Janaka with his family, preceptors, and the people of Mithila


Chapter – 266– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The messengers inform the arrival of King Janaka with his family, preceptors, and the people of Mithila


The messengers spoke reverentially “The spies returned to Mithila after ascertaining the state of mind of Bharatha, and the news of Bharatha proceeded to the woods of Chitrakoot with the people of Ayodhya. The spies returned to the assembly of King Janaka gave an excellent remark about Bharatha’s pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Prabhu Sri Ramachandra. Sage Shathanandha, ministers, and the royal family were engulfed with grief after listening to the affection of Bharatha. King Janaka after listening to the virtues and amiability of Bharatha, decided to meet him in person and congratulate him, soon King Janaka summoned the ministers, royal attendants, and warriors.  As an initial step, King Janaka has entrusted the safety of the Kingdom of Mithila to the loyal attendants and began his journey with his family, preceptors, and the people of Mithila in several horses, chariots, carts, elephants, etc. to the Chitrakoot in an auspicious hour. King Janaka and the large group of people did not halt on their way, today morning all have taken a holy dip in the Prayaga. King Janaka informed us to convey the message of his arrival while crossing the river Yamuna.” The messengers bowed their heads repeatedly before the preceptors Sage Vashishta, Sage Vamadeva, and Lord Rama. Sage Vashishta sends the messengers back with a few tribal people, so as to make their journey comfortable in the woods.


Gaye Avadha Chara Bharatha Gathi Boojji Dhekhi Karathoothi| Chale Chithrakootahi Bharathu Chara Chale Therahoothi ||

Dhoothanha Aayi Bharatha Kayi Karani |Janaka Samaja Jayamathi Barani || Suni Guru Parijana Sachiva Maheepathi | Bhe Sab Soch Saneha Bikala Athi || Dhari Dheeraju Kari Bharatha  Badayi | Liye  Subhata Sahani Bolayi || Ghar Pura  Desa Rakhi Rakhvare | Haya Gaya Ratha Bahu Jana Savare || Dhoodhari Sadhi Chale Thathkala | Kiye Bishramu Na Maga Maheepala || Bhorahi Aaju Nahayi Prayaga |Chale Jamuna  Utharana Sabu Laga || Khabari Lena Hama Padaye Natha | Theenha Kahi Asa Mahi Nayau Matha || Sath Kiratha CCha  Sathaka Dheenhe | Munibara Thuratha Bidha Chara Keenhe ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The messengers’ details about the measures taken by King Janaka to protect Ayodhya in the absence of the King


Chapter – 265– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The messengers’ details about the measures taken by King Janaka to protect Ayodhya in the absence of the King


The messengers spoke softly “Oh! Mahathma, the demise of King of Kosala left the city of Ayodhya and Mithila in despair, our happiness and welfare disappeared with the demise of King Dhasharatha. The people of Janakapura are extremely sad to hear the news of King Dhasharatha, especially the King of Vidheha.  The deceitful deed of Devi Kaikeyi put everyone in utter gloominess, especially King Janaka like the serpent without a gem. The news of the exile of Rama and Devi Sita into the woods and the decision to crown Bharatha as the King of Ayodhya caused a deep wound in the heart of King. Immediately after receiving the news of the demise of the King of Kosala, the King of Mithila called out for an assembly of illustrious members, ministers, Sages seeking an opinion about what are the procedures to be carried out from his side, whether he should make a visit to Ayodhya or stay in the Mithila itself. In the meantime, King Janaka send four clever spies to learn the events in the Ayodhya in the absence of the King, and the state of Bharatha as well.”


Nahi Tha Kosala Nath Ke  Sath Kusala Gayi Natha | Mithila  Avadha Bisesha The Jagu Sab Bhayau Anatha ||

Kosalapathi Gathi Suni Janakaura | Bhe Sab Loka Soka Basa Baura || Jehi Dhekhe Thehi Samaya Bidhehu | Namu Sathya Asa Laga Na Kehu ||Rani Kuchali Sunatha Narapalahi | Soojj Na Kacchu Jasa Mani Binu Byalahi || Bharatharaj Raghubara Banabasu | Bha Mithilesahi Hridhaya Harasu || Nripa Boojje Budha Sachiva  Samaju | Kahahu   Bicharahi Uchitha Ka  Aaju || Samujji Avadha Asamanjasa Dhoau | Chalia Ki Rahia Na Kaha Kacchu Koau || Nripahi Dheera Dhari Hridhaya Bichari | Padaye Avadha  Chathura Chara Chari || BoojjiBharatha Sathi Bhau Kubhau | Aayahu Begi Na Hoyi Lakhau ||