Chapter – 271– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya
Kanda– The family of King Janaka and King Dhasharatha observes fast and takes a
dip in the holy river Payaswini
The men and women were plunged into great
anguish, the deities, hermits, Yogis, and preceptors cried out watching the
pitiable state of Janaka and the two families “Alas! It was the cruel fate that played its role!” Sage Tulsidas affirms that the grief of the ocean can be crossed
only with the ferry of pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Rama. Sages
and preceptors pacified the people of Mithila and Ayodhya with compassionate
words, the preceptor Sage Vashishta advised King Janaka “Oh! Rajan, be calm!”.
Will the darkness of ignorance overwhelm king Janaka who is Rajarishi, a renounced
soul, learned and wise whose dispassionate speeches steal the hearts of hermits,
and Yogis? Alas! the affection for his daughter Janakanandhini, and the
devotion to Lord Rama plunged him into a deep sense of dejection, that won over
the wisdom of King Janaka. The Veda emphasizes there are three types of
Jeeva, the superior form of the Jeeva is the one who has achieved the knowledge
of self/Athma is Paramathma, well respected in the assemblage of Rishis and Sages,
wise and full of love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra.
The wisdom without love at the feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra is like the vessel that
has no use. Sage Vashishta pacified King Janaka in many ways, and all of them went
to have a holy dip in the river Payaswini, the Ram Ghat/beautiful stairs constructed
for Rama on the riverbank to take a dip on a regular basis. All the women and
men were overwhelmed with sorrow and grief, that day everyone observed fast, no
one has the heart to consume a meal or drink even a drop of water. The animals
such as deer, cows, birds, etc. in the woods engulfed in sorrow, refused to eat
anything, hence nothing to talk about the two families.
Avagahi Soka Samudhra Sochahi Nari Nara
Byakula Maha | Dhai Dhosha Sakala Sarosha Bolahi Bama Bidhi Keenho Kaha || Sura
Sidhdha Thapasa Jogijana Muni Dhekhi Dhasa Bidheha Ki | Tulasi Na Samarathu Koau Jo Thari Sakai Saritha Saneha
Ki ||
Kiye Amitha Upadhesa Jaha Thaha Loganha
Munibaranha | Dheeraju Dharia Naresa Kaheau Basishta Bidheha Sana ||
Jasu Gyanu Rabi Bhava Nisi Nasa | Bachana
Kirana Muni Kamala Bikasa || Thehi Ki Moha Mamatha Niarayi | Yaha Siya Rama
saneha Badayi || Bishayi Sadhaka Sidhdha Sayane | Thribidha Jeeva Jaga
Bedha Bakhane || Rama Saneha Sarasa Mana
Jasu | Sadhu Sabha Bada Aadhara Thasu || Soha Na Rama Pema Binu Gyanu | Karanadhara Binu Jimi
Jalajanu || Muni Bahubidhi Bidhehu Samujjaye | Ramaghat Sab Loga Nahaye || Sakalasoka Sankula Naranari | So
Basaru Bitheau Binu Bari || Pasu Khaga Mriganha Na Keenha Aharu | Priya
Parijana Kara Kaun Bicharu ||