Saturday, November 27, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana performs the fire sacrifice to become immortal was disrupted by the Vanaras


Chapter - 85– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana performs the fire sacrifice to become immortal was disrupted by the Vanaras


Lakshman hurried to the battlefield, struck the charioteer and the chariot of Ravana with the shot of an arrow, the charioteer withered in pain, Ravana whose chest is pierced by hundreds of arrows, fell down on the ground. Soon another charioteer rushed to Ravana and carried him on his chariot, and dropped in the palace of Lanka, Lakshman returned to Rama and prostrated at his feet. Ravana regained the consciousness and began to prepare for a fire sacrifice to achieve victory on Rama, it shows the height of dullness and ignorance of Ravana to achieve glory after keeping hostility towards the Jagadhrakshaka. Vibheeshana came to know about the wicked plan of his elder brother and duly informed Rama about his fire sacrifice “Oh! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, my elder brother has begun to perform a fire sacrifice that would keep him immortal, if he completes the fire sacrifice, he would remain unconquerable, hence kindly send the army of Vanaras to disrupt the fire sacrifice, and bring him to the battlefield.” At the daybreak, Hanuman, Angadha, and mighty Vanaras returned to Lanka, they effortlessly sprang all over the palace of Lanka and arrived at the spot where Ravana was performing the fire sacrifice. The Vanaras were extremely infuriated darted at him shrieking “You wicked, ran out of the battlefield in fear and performing fire sacrifice and meditation for the victory against Lord Sri Ramachandra. What an irony?” saying so Angadha gave a hard punch on Ravana, but he did not move an inch from his seat, he was fully absorbed to achieve the goal of fire sacrifice.


Athura Bahori Bibhamji Syandhana Sutha Hathi Byakula Kiyo | Giryo Dharani Dhasakandhara Bikalathara Bana Satha Bedhyo Hiyo || Sarathi Dhoosara Ghali Ratha Thehi Thuratha Lanka Lai Gayo | Raghubeerabandhu Prathapapunjja Bahori Prabhu Charananhi Nayo ||


Uha Dhasanana Jagi Kari Karai Laga Kacchu Jagya | Rama Birodha Bijaya Chaha Sad Had Bas Athi Agya ||

Iha Vibheeshana Sab Sudhi Payi | Sapadhi Jayi Raghupathihi Sunayi || Natha Karayi Ravana Yek Jaga | Sidhdha Bhaya Nahi Marihi Abhaga || Padavahu Natha Begi Bhata Bandhara | Karahi Bidhamsa Aava Dhasakandhara || Pratha Hotha Prabhu Subhata Padaye | Hanumadhadhi Angadha Sab Dhaye || Kauthuka Koodhi Chade Kapi Lanka | Paite Ravana Bhavana Asanka || Jagya Karatha Jabahi So Dhekha | Sakala Kapinha Bha Krodha Bisesha || Rana The Nilaja Bhaji Griha Aava | Iha Aayi  Baka Dhyana Lagava || Asa Kahi Angadha Mara Latha | Chithava Na Sad Swaratha Man Ratha||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Lakshman was struck with the weapon of Bhrama by Ravana


Chapter - 84– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Lakshman was struck with the weapon of Bhrama by Ravana


The Bhramasthra aimed at Lord Anantha, Lakshman was hit on his chest and toppled on the ground in extreme pain, Ravana made an effort to carry Lakshman was become futile, how foolish to make an effort to lift the Lord Adhishesha who carries the weight of the entire Universe on his hood, like a particle of sand. Ravana was known very little about the might of Lakshman, soon Vayuputhra rushed to Lakshman was hit by the strong fist of Ravana, he did not fall on the ground, managed to stand on knees, rushed to Ravana and gave a hard punch resembled the mountain struck by lightning, pushed him unconscious, after a while, Ravana regained consciousness and praised the might of Vayuputhra who shrieked at Ravana “Shame on my warriors, shame on my might, you are still alive.”, while Ravana was watching in amazement, Hanuman carried Lakshman safely on his shoulder and rushed to Rama. Lord of Raghu showered compassionate grace on Lakshman and spoke “Oh! Dear brother, remember that you are the savior of deities, capable to devour death.” Immediately Lakshman rose from the seat and the arrows on the chest vanished in the air, soon Lakshman wielded on bow and arrow hurried to the battlefield.


So Bhrama Dhaththa Prachanda Saththi Anantha Ura Lagi Sahi | Paryo Beera Bikala Udava Dhasamukha Athulabala Mahima Rahi || Bhramanda Bhavana Biraja Jake Yek Sira Jimi Raja Kani | Thehi Chaha Udavana Mooda Ravana Jana Nahi Thribhuana Dhani ||


Dhekhi Pavanasutha Dhayau Bolatha Bachana Kadora | Aavatha Kapihi Hanyo Thehi Mushti Prahara  Pragohra||

Janu Teki Kapi Bhoomi Na Gira | Uda Sambhari Bahuth Risa Bhara || Moodika Yek Thahi Kapi Mara | Pareau Saila Janu Bajra Prahara || Muruccha Gai Bhahori So Jaga | Kapibala Bipula Sarahana Laga || Dhig Dhig Mama Paurusha Dhig Mohi | Jau Thai Jiatha Rahesi Suradhrohi || Asa Kahi Lacchiman Kahu Kapi Lyayo | Dhekhi Dhasanana Bismaya Payo || Kaha Raghubeera Samujju Jiya Bhratha | Thumha Krithantha Bhacchaka Surathratha || Sunatha Bachana Udi Baita Kripala | Gayi Gagana So Sakathi Karala || Puni Kodhanda Bana Gahi Dhaye | Ripu Sanmukha Athi Aathura Aaye ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Lakshmana’s battle against Ravana


Chapter - 83– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Lakshmana’s battle against Ravana


Ravana wielded on ten bows on each pair of hands, showered arrows that flew like serpents on the air, soon the arrows crammed on the Earth, and the eight quarters leaving no space to run for the Vanaras and bears who were cried in panic “Oh ! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, Oh! Karunasindhu, Oh! Raghuveera, Oh! Arththabandhu, Oh! Janarakshaka, Oh! Hare,” listening to the pathetic cries of Vanaras and bears, Lakshman wielded on bow and arrow bowed his head to Lord Rama, and hurried in extreme fury to the battlefield. Lakshman shrieked at Ravana “Oh! Wicked demon, you are aiming at the Vanaras and bears, look at me I am your death standing before your eyes.” Ravana yelled back “Oh! Hermit, I was looking for you all days, slayer of my son, today I will pacify my heart by killing you.” Thus, Ravana showered arrows on Lakshman was cut into several pieces with the powerful arrows. Soon Ravana hurled several thousands of vicious weapons on Lakshman was torn into pieces exactly the size of sesame seeds. Lakshman aimed at the Ravana’s charioteer and the chariot and crushed them into pieces, and each of the ten heads of Ravana was transfixed with hundreds of arrows, resembled the serpents darting to their way back to mountains. Lakshman shot hundreds of arrows on the chest of Ravana, which toppled him on the ground with a large thud and lost consciousness. Soon, Ravana regained consciousness and hurled the Asthra bestowed by Lord Bhrama.

Sandhani Dhanu Sara Nikara Cchadesi Uraga Jimi Udi Lagahi | Rahe Poori Sara Dharani Gagana Dhisi Bidhisi Kaha Kapi Bhagahi || Bhayo Athi Kolahala Bikala Kapidhala Bhalu Bolahi Aathure | Raghubeera Karuna Sindhu Aaratha Bandhu Jana Racchaka Hare ||

 Nijadhala Bikala Dhekhi Kati Kasi Nishanga Dhanu Hath | Lacchimana Chale Krudhdha Hoyi Nayi Ramapadha Matha ||

Re Khala Ka Marasi Kapi Bhalu| Mohi Biloku Thora Mei Kalu || Khojatha Raheau Thohi Suthaghathi | Aaju Nipathi Judavau Cchathi|| Asa Kahi Cchadesi Bana Prachanda | Lacchimana  Kiye Sakala Sath Khanda || Kotinha Aayudha Ravana Dare | Thila Pravana Kari Kati Nivare || Puni Nija Bananha Keenha Prahara | Syandhanu Bhanji Sarathi Mara || Satha Satha Sara Mare Dhasa Bhala | Giri Sringanha Janu Prabisahi Byala || Puni Satha Sara Mara Ura Mahi | Pareau DharaniThala Sudhi Kacchu Nahi || Uda Prabala Puni Mooruccha  Jagi | Cchadisi Bhrama Dheenhi Jo Sagi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana’s battle against the mighty Vanaras


Chapter - 82– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana’s battle against the mighty Vanaras


The Vanaras resembled death on the battlefield, covered their huge bodies in the blood, roared like thunder clouds, crushed the demons under their feet and limbs, slapped and tore off their bodies with their sharp nails and teeth, adopted all the techniques to eliminate the enemies. The Vanaras and bears produced shrill cries seized the demons, ripped off their bellies, and hung their intestine as a garland around their neck, resembled several Nrisimha, Lord of Prahladha on the battlefield, the whole atmosphere reverberated with the cries of “Seize him! Kill him! Cut him into pieces! Knockdown!”, added glories to Lord Sri Ramachandra who transforms the blade of grass into Asthra and vice versa.


Ravana witnessed the sharp decline of the army of demons, he mounted on the chariot in extreme rage and wielded bow on the pair of ten hands and instructed the demons on the battlefield to keep themselves away, his twenty eyes were reddened in fury, his chariot darted to the troop of Vanaras and bears. At that moment, the Vanaras hurled huge trees and rocks upon Ravana whose mighty stature stood firm on the chariot, the rocks hurled on him turned into pieces. He drove the chariot amidst the Vanaras and bears aimlessly, crushing them under the chariot, the Vanaras and bears shrieked for help “Oh! Angadha, Oh! Vayuputhra, help us, Oh! Lord of Raghu, Kosaladheesha, Oh! Raghuveera kindly protects us from the mouth of death.” Ravana saw the Vanaras and bears started to flee from the battlefield, immediately he fitted arrows on the ten bows.


Krudhdhe Krithantha  Samana Kapi Than Sravatha Sonitha Rajahi | Mardhahi Nisachara Kataka Bhata Balavantha Ghana Jimi Gajahi || Marahi  Chapetanhi Dati Dhathanha Kati Lathanha Mijahi | Chikkarahi Markata Bhalu  Chal Bala Karahi Jehi Khala  Cchijahi || Dhari Gala Pharahi Ura Bidharahi Gala Athavari Melahi | Prahladhapathi Janu Bibidha Thanu Dhari Samara Angana Khelahi || Dharu Maru Katu Paccharu Gora Gira Gagana Mahi Bhari Rahi | Jayarama Jo Thrina The Kulisa Kara Kulisa The Kara Thrina Sahi ||


Nija Dhala  Bichalatha Dhekhesi Beesa Bhuja Dhasa Chapa | Ratha Chadi Chaleau Dhasanana Phirahu Phirahu Kari Dhapa ||

Dhayau Paramakrudhdha Dhasakandhara | Sanmukha Chale Hooha Dhau Bandhara || Gahikara Padhapa Upala Pahara | Dareanhi Tha Para Yekahi Bara || Lagahi Saila Bhraja Thana Thasu | Khnda Khanda Hoyi Phootahi Aasu || Chala Na  Achala Raha Ratha Ropi | Rana Dhurmadha Ravana Athi Kopi || Itha Utha Jjapati Dhapati Kapi Jodha | Mardhai Laga Bhayau Athi Krodha || Chale Parayi Bhalu Kapi Nana | Thrahi Thrahi Angadha Hanumana || Pahi Pahi Raghubeera Gosayi | Yaha Khala Khayi Kala Ki Nayi || Thehi Dhekhe Kapi Sakala Parane | Dhasahu Chapa Sayaka Sandhane ||


Friday, November 26, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The description of the battle between Vanaras and demons


Chapter - 81– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The description of the battle between Vanaras and demons


Rama spoke pleasantly “Oh! Dear friend, Vibheeshana, whoever possesses the chariot of vows, pieties, and austerities can conquer the mighty and invisible foe known as an attachment to worldly matters and bondage.” Vibheeshana clasped the feet of Raghunandhan in extreme joy “Oh! Prabho, you have utilized this opportunity to impart the highest of wisdom, Oh! Prabho, you are an embodiment of bliss and knowledge.” On the battlefield, Ravana shrieked at Vanaras to meet their fate in the hands of dreadful demons, while Angadha, Hanuman like mighty warriors were all prepared to battle against them, soon a fierce battle broke out between Vanaras and demons. The deities, Siddhas, Lord Bhrama, celestials arrived to witness the battle between Rama and Ravana. Lord Mahadeva spoke “Oh! Devi Uma, I was also among the deities to witness the glorious war between Rama and Ravana.” The deities eulogized the valor and virtues of Rama, both the demons and Vanaras were maddened with the passion to battle against each other, the Vanaras and bears led the war field with the grace of Lord Sri Ramachandra. They tore each other in vengeance, caught the enemies on leg and thrashed on the ground, showered rocks and trees on each other, they caught the enemies and ripped off their limbs, the bears and Vanaras killed several demons and buried under the sand. The Vanaras and bears resembled the death who desperately fought against the demons.


Maha Ajaya Samsara Ripu Jeethi Sakayi So Beera | Jake Asa Ratha Hoyi Dhrida Sunahu Sakha Mathidheera || Suni Prabhu Bachana Bibeeshana Harashi Gahe Padhakanjja | Yehi Misa Mohi Upadhesahu Ramakripa Sukha Punjja | Utha Pachara Dhasakandhara Itha Angadha Hanumana | Laratha Nisachara Bhalu Kapi Kari Nija Nija Prabhu Aana ||

Sura Bhramadhi Sidhdha Muni Nana | Dhekhatha Rana Nabha Chade Bimana || Hamahu Uma Rahe Thehi Sanga | Dhekhatha Ramacharitha Ranaranga || Subhata Samara Rasa Dhuhu Dhisi Mathe | Kapi Jayaseela Ramabala  Thathe || Yek Yek San Bhirahi Pacharahi | Yekanha Yek Mardhi Mahi Parahi || Marahi Katahi Dharahi Paccharahi | Seesa Thori Seesanha san Marahi || Udhara Bidharahi Bhuja  Uparahi | Gahi Padha Avani Pataki Bhata Darahi || Nisichara Bhata Mahi Gadahi Bhalu | Oopara Dari Dhehi Bahu Balu || Beera Balimukha Judhdha Birudhdhe | Dhekhiatha Bipula Kala Janu  Krudhdhe ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The conversation between Vibheeshana and Rama


Chapter - 80– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The conversation between Vibheeshana and Rama


The mighty Vanaras and bears in multitudes who resembled mountains without wings rushed to the demons, carrying huge trees and rocks on their hands, with the sharp nails and teeth as a weapon, fearless by nature cheered in excitement “Hail Rama! Hail Seethapathi Sri Ramachandra who resemble lion to the untamed elephant-like Ravana!” and they sang in praise of Lord Sri Ramachandra. The demons praising the might of the demon king Ravana, and the Vanaras and bears praising the glories of Sri Ramachandra, engaged in a fierce battle, the war field echoed the sounds of ‘Victory!  Victory!”. Vibheeshana who has grown too fond of Rama noticed his elder brother Ravan mounted on the magnificent chariot and Rama, the Lord of Raghu, without a chariot on the battlefield, it pushed him in utter dismay, he prostrated at the feet of Lord Rama, and spoke in tears “Oh! Prabho, you have no chariot or shield to protect your body, or you have no pair of feet cover, how could you fight against that mighty demon?” The merciful Lord Sri Ramachandra spoke “Oh! Vibheeshana, Oh! Dear Friend, listen to me carefully, I shall explain the real nature of a chariot, its four wheels represent valor and fortitude, the banner and standard of the chariot represent truthfulness and good conduct, the four horses of the chariot represent, strength, self-control, discretion, and benevolence, the reins on the horses represent forgiveness, compassion, and steadfastness. The faith and devotion are the charioteers, the dispassion is the shield, and the contentment is the sword, charity is the axe, the spear represents wisdom/supreme knowledge, the bow represents determination, the quiver represents pure and firm mind, and the Yama and Niyamas/austerities, penance, vows, are the powerful arrows. The selfless service to Bhramin and preceptors are the supreme Kavacha/shield, that brings fruitfulness to the task. Oh! Dear friend, whoever owns the chariot of piety, austerities, vows, shall have no enemies.”


Dhaye Bisala Karala Markata Bhalu Kala Samana The | Manahu Sapaccha Udahi Bhoodharabrindha Nana Bana The ||

Nakha Dhasana Saila Mahadhrumayudha  Sabala Sanka Na  Manahi | Jaya Rama Ravana Maththagaja Mrigaraja Sujasu Bakhanahi ||

Dhuhu Dhisi Jaya Jayakara Kari Nija Nija Jori Jani | Bhire Beera Itha Ramahi Utha Ravanahi Bakhani ||

Ravanu Rathi Biratha Raghubeera | Dhekhi Bibheeshana Bhayau Adheeera || Adhika Preethi Mana Bha  Sandheha | Bandhi Charana Kaha Sahitha Saneha || Natha Na Ratha Nahi Thana Padhathrana | KehiBidhi Jithab Beera Balavana || Sunahu Sakha Kaha Kripanidhana | Jehi Jaya Hoyi So Syandhana Aana || Sauraja Dheeraj Thehi Ratha Chaka | Sathya Seela Dhrida Dhvaja Pathaka || Bala Bibeka Dhama Parahitha Ghore | Cchama Kripa Samatha Raju Jore || Esa  Bhajanu Sarathi Sujana | Birathi Charma Santhosha Kripana || Dhana Parasu Budhi Saththi Prachanda | Bara Bigyana Kadina Kodhanda || Amala Achala Mana Throna Samana | Sama Jama Niyama Silimukha Nana || Kavacha Abhedha  Bipra  Gurupuja | Yehi Sama Bijaya Upaya Na  Dhooja || Sakha Dharmamaya Asa Ratha Jake | Jithana Kaha Na  Kathahu Ripu Thake ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The description of the army of Ravana


Chapter - 79– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The description of the army of Ravana


Ravana and his army of demons witnessed various inauspicious omens, the weapons slipped out of his hands, the warriors were thrown out of the chariot, horses and elephants were produced loud cries and unwilling to move on the pathways, jackals, vultures, dogs, and donkeys gave out a shrill cry, the owls uttered alarming sounds like the messengers of death. The Jeeva who is sinful, soaked in impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, and completely drenched in illusion, physical and sensual pleasures, afar from the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, could ever dream of happiness? The huge army of demons overlooked all the ill omens and sallied forth to the battlefield followed by Chathurangasena/chariot, elephants, horses, and men, mounted on various vehicles, decorated with the banners of different colors, dutifully marched to the battlefield. The disorderly elephants and horses marched to the battlefield were resembled the rainy clouds scattered by the heavy wind. The multitudes of demons attired in magnificent clothes, wielded in several vicious weapons, skilled in war tactics and illusionary powers moved to the battleground. The army of demons was beyond description, the elephants that were guarding the eight directions staggered, the earth quivered, the ocean became agitated, the mountains trembled, the dust-covered the atmosphere concealed the sunlight, and the air stood standstill. The sounds of kettledrums resembled the deafening noise of thunder at the time of deluge, the pipe instruments gladdened the heart of the warriors, the heroes roared like lions and revealed their might. Ravana cheered “Oh! Warriors, eliminate the mass of  Vanaras and bears from the battlefield, while I slay the two hermits.” He ordered his men to proceed to the battlefield, the Vanaras who perceived the mighty demons on the war field, rushed towards them in millions and millions contemplating upon the supreme Lord Rama.


Athi Garba Ganayi Na Saguna Asaguna Sravahi Aayudha Hath The | Bhata  Giratha Ratha The  Baji Gaja Chikkaratha Bhajahi Sath The || Gomaya Geedha Karala Khara Rava Swavana Bolahi Athi Ghane | Janu Kaladhootha Ulooka Bolahi Bachana Parama Bhayavane ||

Thahi Ki Sampathi Saguna Subha Sapanehu Mana Bishrama | Bhootha Dhroha Ratha Mohabasa Rama Bimukha Rathi Kama ||

Chaleau Nisachara Kataku Apara | Charangini Ani Bahudhara || Bibidha Bhanthi Bahana Ratha Jana | Bipula Barana Pathaka Dhwaja Nana|| Chale Maththagaja  Jootha Ghanere | Prabita Jaladha Marutha Janu Prere || Barana Barana Biradhaitha Nikaya | Samara Soora Janahi Bahu Maya || Athi Bichithra Bahini Biraji | Beera Basantha Sena Janu Saji || Chalatha Kataka Dhigasindhura Dagahi | Chumbitha Payodhi Koodhara Dagmagahi || Udi Renu Rabi Gayau Cchapayi | Marutha Thakitha Basudha Akulayi || Pavana Nisana Ghora Rava Bajahi | Pralayasamaya Ke Ghana Janu Gajahi || Bheri Napheeri Baja  Sahanayi | Maru Raga Subhata Sukhadhayi || Kehari Nadha Beera Sab Karahi | Nija Nija Bala Paurusha Uccharahi || Kahayi  Dhasanana Sunahu Subhatta | Mardhahu Bhalu Kapinha Ke Datta || Hau Marihau Bhoopa Dhau Bhayi | Asa Kahi Sanmukha Phauja Regayi || Yaha Sudhi Sakala Kapinha Jab Payi |  Dhaye Kari Raghubeera Dhohayi ||