Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Rama describes the nature of wicked people


Chapter - 39– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Rama describes the nature of wicked people


Lord Sri Ramachandra speaks “Oh! Thatha, whoever grown afar from the sense of dualities, and consider honor and disrespect, grief and joy, happiness and sorrow, friends and enemies are alike, and taken shelter at my lotus feet, contemplate and meditate upon me, and who is the storehouse of virtues, bliss, and amiability, are dear as my life.”


Lord Rama continues “Oh! Bharatha, I have described the characteristics of noble souls already, listen to me carefully, I shall describe the people whose association should be avoided for good, which would contribute only grief and agonies like the wicked cow manipulates the entire breed of noble cows. The heart of wicked people burns in jealousy of others' achievements and prosperity, they constantly undergo gloominess, these people enjoy the fall of others, feel good watching others in extreme trouble, as if they have stumbled upon the precious stones. The wicked people are merciless, drenched in impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, chases after sensual pleasures, they nurture enmity towards everyone without any reason or time, they are mean, ungrateful, and arrogant to people who served them sincerely, they are a storehouse of falsehood, they are manipulative, and they live on falsehood, these people are stone-hearted, speak sugar-coated words, and too dangerous as the venomous serpent.”

Nindha Asthuthi Ubhaya  Sama Mamatha  Mama Padhakanja | The Sajjana  Mama Pranapriya  Guna Mandhira  Sukhapunja ||

Sunahu  Asanthanha Kera Subhau | Bhoolehu Sangathi Karia  Na Kau || Thinha Kara Sanga Sadha  Dhukhadhayi | Jimi Kapilahi Ghalayi  Harahayi || Khalanha  Hridhaya Athi Papa Biseshi| Jarahi Sadha Para Sampathi  Dhekhi || Jaha Kahau Nindha  Sunahi Parayi | Harashahi Manahu Pari  Nidhi Payi|| Kama Krodha  Madha Lobha  Parayana | Nirdhaya  Kapati Kutila  Malayana || Bayaru Akarana  Sab Kahu  So | Jo Kara Hitha  Anahitha  Thahu So || Jootayi Lena Jootayi Dhena | Jootayi Bhojana  Joota Chabena || Bolahi Madhura  Bachana Jimi  Mora | Khayi Maha Ahi  Hridhaya Kadora ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Rama describes the characteristics of the Santh Brindh, Mahathma, and noble souls


Chapter - 38– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Rama describes the characteristics of the Santh Brindh, Mahathma, and noble souls


Lord Rama spoke “ Oh! Bharatha, sandalwood paste is highly fragrant, cool by nature used to adorn on the forehead and body of the deities, and its highly revered, but the axe made out of iron thrown into the blazing fire as a punishment, hammered and smoothened the edges to get it sharpened. The Santh Mahathma noble souls are a storehouse of virtues, amiability, and have no interest in worldly matters or bondage, they can’t bear the pain of others, and they rejoice at the happiness of others. They are grown out of pleasures and grief caused by the sense of dualities/grace and disgrace, enemy and friends, good and bad, happiness and sorrow. They are free from the impurities of the mind, such as Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, they have no desires or liking or hatred. They are kind and compassionate to the distressed Jeeva, they are my devotees by word, mind, and deed. Oh! Bharatha, these Santh, Mahatmas, and noble souls are humble and modest and are dear as my life. They have no personal motive or interest, they worship me sincerely and live in utmost tranquility, dispassion, and humility, and they are good-humored too. Oh! Dear brother, the characteristic of a noble soul is serenity, innocence, truthfulness, friendliness, humility, kindness, and great devotion and respect to Bhramanas who are the fountain of virtues, and they will have perfect control over senses, celibacy, observance of vows, and austerities, these Mahatmas never utter a word of arrogance or anger.”

Thathe  Sura  Seesanha  Chadatha  Jaga Ballaba  Sreekhanda | Anala Dhahi Peetatha  Ghanahi Parasu  Badhana  Yaha Dhanda ||

Bishaya  Alampata  Seela Gunakara | Para Dhukha   Dhukha  Sukha  Sukha Dhekhe Para || Sama  Abhootharipu Bimadha  Biragi | Lobhamarsha  Harasha Bhaya  Thyagi || Komalachitha  Dheenha Para  Dhaya | Mana Bacha Krama  Mama  Bhagathi  Amaya || Sabahi Manapradha  Aapu  Amani | Bharatha Prana  Sama Mama  The Prani || Bigatha Kama  Mama Nama  Parayana | Santhi Birathi  Binathi  Mudhithayana || Seethalatha  Saralatha  Mayathri | Dhvija Padha  Preethi Dharma  Janayathri || Ye Sab  Lacchana  Basahi Jasu Ura | Janehu Thatha Santha Santhatha Phura || Sama Dhama  Niyama Neethi Nahi Dolahi | Parusha Bachana  Kabahu Nahi Bolahi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The traits of noble souls and the wicked people – The noble souls are sandalwood trees and the wicked are the axe


Chapter - 37– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The traits of noble souls and the wicked people

Bharatha spoke fervently “Oh! Kripanandha, Oh! Blissful Lord, Oh! Prabho, I have no misconceptions, or dejection or illusion not even in my dream with your grace. Oh! Kripanidhi, you are the storehouse of virtues, and compassion, Oh! Prabho, you are eulogized by Veda, scriptures, Rishis and sages, you are the source of auspiciousness and delight to your devotees. Oh! Lord of Raghu, you have several times revealed your love and devotion for the noble souls, Mahatmas, Santhbrindh, and your devotees, Oh! Kripasindhu, you are the essence of supreme wisdom, I would like to hear the distinguished traits of noble souls and wicked.” Lord Rama spoke “Oh! Bharatha, the characteristics of Santhbrindh, Mahathma, noble souls are innumerable, and they are highly praised in the scriptures and Veda. The noble souls and wicked were often compared to Sandalwood tree and axe respectively, the axe cut down the sandalwood tree, and the noble souls like the sandalwood tree spread wisdom and virtues of immense fragrance, cool breeze, and shade.”

Natha Na Mohi  Sandheha Kacchu Sapanehau soka Na  Moha | Kevala Kripa  Thumharahi Kripanandha  Sandhoha ||

Karahu  Kripanidhi  Yek Didayi | Mei Sevaka  Thumha Jana  Sukhadhayi || Santhanha Kei  Mahima Raghurayi | Bahu Bidhi Bedha  Purananha Gayi || Sreemukha  Thumha Puni Keenhi  Badayi || Thinha Para  Prabhuhi  Preethi Adhikayi || Suna Chahau Prabhu Thinha  Kara Lacchana | Kripasindhu Guna Gyana  Bicchacchana || Santha Asantha  Bhedha  Bilagayi | Pranathapala Mohi Kahahu Bujjayi || Santhanha  Ke Lacchana  Sunu Bhratha | Aganitha  Shruthi Purana  Bikhyatha || Santha Asanthahi Kai  Asi Karani | Jimi Kudara Chandhana  Aacharani || Katayi  Parasu  Malaya  Sunu Bhayi | Nija Guna  Dheyi Sugandha  Basayi ||

Monday, December 20, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The conversation between Bharatha and Rama begins on the various intellectual topics


Chapter - 36– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The conversation between Bharatha and Rama begins on the various intellectual topics


The illustrious Sanakadhis eulogized the splendor of Lord Sri Ramachandra, repeatedly bowed before the Lord, and achieved perpetual devotion/Ananyabhakthi as a boon, eventually returned to their abode Sathyaloka. Bharatha, Lakshman, and Shathrughna prostrated before Lord Rama, and looked at the Vayuputhra, further the three brothers yearningly looked at Lord Rama to hear from the Lord, which could eradicate the misconceptions. The supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, knower of all, enquired Hanuman “Oh! Thatha, do you wish to ask something?” Hanuman replied meekly “Oh! Prabho, Bharatha would like to hear from you but he’s too shy to put forward to you.” Lord Rama replied “Oh! Hanuman, you know about me, I do not keep any secrets between me and Bharatha.” Immediately Bharatha fell at the lotus feet of Lord Rama, and began to speak “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Pranatharthi Harana, kindly listen to my prayers, Oh! The destroyer of Thapathraya, the grief caused by Adhidheivik/natural calamities, Adhibhauthik/ troubles caused by the attachment in worldly matters, and Adhyathmik/grief caused by the Adhi, Vyadhi, Jara, and Marana.”


Bara Bara Asthuthi Kari Prema  Sahitha Siru Nayi | Bhrama Bhavana  Sanakadhi  Go Athi Abheeshta  Bara Payi ||

Sanakadhi Bidhi Loka Sidhaye | Bhrathanha Ramacharana Siru Naye || Poochatha Prabhuhi Sakala Sakuchahi | Chithavahi Sab  Maruthasutha  Pahi ||       Suni Chahahi Prabhu Mukha Kai Bani | Jo Suni Hoyi Sakala Bhrama Hani || Antharjami Prabhu Sab Jana | Boojjatha Kahahu Kaha Hanumana || Jori Pani Kaha Thab Hanumantha | Sunahu Dheenadhayala Bhagavantha ||Natha Bharatha  Kacchu Poocchana Chahahi | Prasna  Karatha Man Sakuchatha Ahahi || Thumha Janahu Kapi Mora Subhau | Bharathahi Mohi Kacchu Anthara Kau || Suni Prabu Bachana Bharatha Gahe  Charana | Sunahu Natha  Pranatharathi  Harana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The illustrious Sanakadhis requests Lord Sri Ramachandra for perpetual devotion/Ananyabhakthi as a boon


Chapter - 35– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The illustrious Sanakadhis requests Lord Sri Ramachandra for perpetual devotion as a boon


The illustrious Sanakadhis eulogizes the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra “Oh! Prabho, you are that Sacchidhanandha Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam personified as the son of Kosala, Oh! Sri Rama, kindly provide us perpetual devotion at your lotus feet, as a boon. Oh! Lord of Raghu, kindly provide us unceasing love at your lotus feet that would remove the Thapathraya, and the sufferings of repeated births. Oh! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, the divine cow Kamadhenu and the wish fulfilling tree Kalpatharu is capable to provide everything desired, but you are the only one who can provide perpetual devotion.  Oh! Lord of Raghu, the pitcher born/Kumbaja, the illustrious Sage Agasthya dried up the ocean of mundane existence, Oh! Prabho, you are too kind and compassionate to your devotees, and remove their sufferings and grief of worldly existence, ultimately liberate them from worldly existence. You are the destroyer of the sufferings from the sense of dualities, such as grief and joy, honor and disgrace, good and evil, friends and enemies, etc. Oh! Prabho, you are the dispeller of grief, you are the protector of distressed souls, you are the destroyer of fear and anxieties, Oh! Raghukula Kethu, you are the essence of virtues, amiability, dispassion, wisdom, you are the ornament on the Earth, kindly grant us perpetual devotion at your lotus feet, which would guide us to cross the unfathomable ocean of worldly existence. Oh! Shruthi Rakshaka/protector of Veda, you reside in the lotus like Manasa Lake of mind of the devotees and dispassionate, your lotus feet are adorned by Lord Bhrama, Lord Shambhu, deities, and Sages. Oh! Prabho, glory to the custodian of Veda and scriptures, glory to the devourer of time/ Kala, Karma/deed, Guna/nature, Prakrithi etc. Oh! Prabho, you are the savior of Jeeva who are surrendered at your lotus feet, you are the safest ferry who safeguard the souls cross the ocean of mundane existence. You are the destroyer of the impurities of mind such as Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara and Mamakara,  Oh! Tulasidasa Prabhu,  Oh! Thribhuvana Bhushana, kindly bless us with perpetual devotion at your lotus feet.”


Paramanandha  Kripayathana  Mana Paripoorana Kama | Prema Bhagathi  Anapayani  Dhehu Hamahi Sreerama ||

Dhehu Bhagathi  RAghupathi Athi  Pavani | Thribidhi  Thapa Bhava  Dhapa Nasavani || Pranatha Kama  Suradhenu  Kalpatharu | Hoyi Prasanna  Dheejai  Prabhu Yaha Baru || Bhava Bharidhi  Kumbhaja  Raghunayaka | Sevatha Sulabha  sakala Sukha  Dhayaka || Mana Sambhava  Dharuna Dhukha  Dharaya | Dheenabandhu Samatha  Bistharaya || Asa Thrasa Ershadhi Nivaraka | Binaya Bibeka  Birathi Bistharaka || Bhoopa Mouli Mani  Mandana Dharani | Dhehi Bhagathi  Samsrithi  Sari Tharani || Munimana Manasa  Hamsa Niranthara | Charanakamala  Bandhitha  Aja Sankara || Raghukula  Kethu Sethu Shruthi Racchaka | Kala Karama Subhau Guna Bhacchaka || Tharana Tharana  Harana Sab  Dhooshana | Tulasidasa Prabhu Thribhuvana Bhooshana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The illustrious Sanakadhis eulogizes Lord Sri Ramachandra


Chapter - 34– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The illustrious Sanakadhis eulogizes Lord Sri Ramachandra


Lord Sri Ramachandra spoke “Oh! Mahathma,  Oh! Sanakadhis, the illustrious Sages, Rishis, Veda, and scriptures highly emphasize the association with the Santh, Mahathma noble souls as the gateway to emancipation, while the unfortunate Jeevas drenched in the worldly matters, and interest in material things such as possession, fame, richness, money, wealth, children, wife, relatives and companions, etc. soaked in Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, pave their way to repeated births, and constant sufferings from Thapathraya/Adhidheivik, Adhibhauthik, and Adhyathmik.” The Sanakadhis were highly pleased to listen to Lord Rama, their bodily hairs stood upright, drenched in pure love and devotion, began to eulogize Rama “Victory to supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra! Victory to Lord Anantha !  Victory to Mayapathi who is free from Maya, inseparable from Maya, unblemished, pure, free from afflictions, changeless, has neither birth nor death, reside as a soul in the Jeeva,  Oh! Karunamaya, Victory to the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra, who is free from attributes/Sathvik, Rajasik, and Thamasik, Oh! Gunasagara/ocean of virtues, Victory to you! Oh! Prabho, you are the symbol of auspiciousness, beauty, prosperity, richness, and welfare, Oh! Indhiraramana, Victory to you! Oh! Anantha, bearer of the Universe, Victory to you! Oh! Prabho, you are all-pervasive Bhramam eulogized by the Veda and scriptures, Oh! Bhoodhara, Victory to you! You are omnipresent Bhramam which is the source of the functioning of Prana, mind, intellect, Chiththa, Ahamkara, Karma, and Gnanendhriyas. Oh! Prabho, whoever worships you would get rid of illusion, and ignorance. Oh! Prabho, you are Mayapathi, free from Maya, you have infinite sacred names, you are beyond description, Oh! Prabho, you represent the animate and inanimate things in the Universe, Oh! Rama, the devotion at your lotus feet would remove the sufferings and grief of worldly existence, and liberate the Jeeva from the Garbhavasa Dhukham/repeated births. Oh! Prabho, kindly eradicate our sufferings and interest in worldly matters.”

Santh Sanga  Apabarga  Kara Kami  Bhava Kara  Pantha | Kahahi  Santha Kabi  Kobidha  Shruthi Purana  Sadhgrantha ||

Suni Prabhu  Bachana Harashi  Munichari | Pulakitha  Thana Asthuthi  Anusari || Jaya Bhagavantha  Anantha Anamaya | Anagha Aneka  Yek Karunamaya || Jaya Nirguna Jaya Jaya  Gunasagara | Sukha Mandhira  Sundara Athi  Nagara || Jaya Indhiraramana Jaya Bhoodhara | Anupama  Aja Anadhi  Sobhakara || Gyana Nidhana  Amana Manapradha | Pavana Sujasa  Purana Bedha  Badha|| Thagya  Krithagya  Agyatha  Bhanjana | Nama Aneka  Anama Niranjjana || Sarba Sarbagatha  Sarba  Uralaya | Basasi Sadha Hama Kahu Paripalaya || Dhvantha  Bipathi  Bhava Phandha Bibhanjaya | Hridhi Basi  Rama Kama  Madha  Ganjaya ||

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The association with the Santh, Mahatmas and noble souls would remove the sufferings of worldly existence and liberate the Jeeva from repeated births


Chapter - 33– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The association with the Santh, Mahatmas and noble souls would remove the sufferings of worldly existence and liberate the Jeeva from repeated births


The illustrious Sanakadhis met Lord Sri Ramachandra on the pleasure garden, soon the Lord bowed before them reverentially, and enquired their welfare, further spread his upper yellow cloth on the grass for the Sanakadhis to be seated. All three brothers and Hanuman prostrated before the Sages who were raptured in a state of bliss witnessing the mesmerizing form of Lord Sri Hari personified as the son of King Kosala, they stood gazing at the marvelous appearance of dark cloud complexioned Lord, without blinking their eyes. Lord Ramachandra repeatedly bowed his head and stood with folded hands before the Sages, watching the pure love and devotion of the Sages, tears were streaming down his cheeks, transported him to a state of bliss, soon it was covered with the hands and the compassionate Lord took a seat closer to the Sages and began to speak compassionately “Oh! Prabho,  Oh! Mahatmas, I am fortunate today, the mere sight of you would remove the sufferings and grief of Samsara, the pieties of several births contribute the association of the Santh, noble souls, Mahatmas, which is the only source to break the chain of repeated births and death.”

Dhekhi Rama Muni  Aavatha Harashi  Dhandavath Keenha | Swagath Poochi  Peetha  Pat Prabhu  Baitana Kaha Dheenha ||

Keenha Dhandavath  Theeniau Bhayi | Sahitha Pavanasutha  Sukha Adhikayi || Muni Raghupathi  Cchabi Athula  Biloki | Bhaye Magana Mana Sake  Na Roki || Syamala  Gatha Saruroha  Lochana | Sundharatha  Mandhira Bhava  Mochana || Yektaka Rahe  Nimesha Na  Lavahi | Prabhu Kara  Jore  Seesa  Navavahi || Thinha Kai  Dhasa Dhekhi  Raghubeera | Sravatha Nayanajala Pulakasareera || Kara Gahi Prabhu Munibara  Baitare | Parama Manohara  Bachana  Uchare || Aaju  Dhanya  Mei Sunahu Muneesa | Thumhare  Dharasa  Jahi Adha  Kheesa || Bade Bhaga Payib Sathsanga | Binahi  Prayasa Hohi  Bhavabhanga ||