Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The crow attains Ananyabhakthi/perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Rama as a boon


Chapter - 113 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –The crow attains Ananyabhakthi/perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Rama as a boon

Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, I was so inattentive while Sage Lomasha was describing the splendor of absolute Bhramam, hence the Sage cursed me to become a crow, immediately I have assumed the form of a crow, I reverentially bowed before the sage and joyfully took a flight, absorbed in the thought of Jewel of Raghu’s Lord Rama.” Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, whoever devoted at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra would get freed from lust, desire, anger, jealousy, pride, ego, and perceive the whole Universe and its living non-living things as the Lord, hence how could they keep animosity in their hearts?”


Sage Kakabhusundi continues “Oh! Khagapathi, it was not the fault of Sage who cursed me to become a crow, it is the supreme Bhramam that resides as a soul in the heart of Jeeva, knower of all who prompts the Jeeva to act accordingly. The merciful Lord tested my devotion by clouding the sage’s description on Bhramam, later Sage Lomasha was lamented watching me in the form of a crow, knowing me as a sincere devotee of Lord of Sri Hari, he was amazed by my extraordinary forbearance and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama, he called me back once again. He pacified me, and gladly imparted the sacred syllabus to please Lord Rama. Oh! Garuda, The gracious Sage Lomasha also taught me how to worship Lord Rama in his infant form, I was taught to perceive that magnificent form of Balaroopa of Lord Rama in my mind, which was supremely mesmerizing and delightful as I was described to you already. Oh! Garuda, the compassionate Sage Lomasha, detained me in his hermitage for a long time and described the entire ‘Sri Ramacharitha Manas’/lake like exploits of Lord Rama to me, then he told to me compassionately “Oh! Child, I have described the marvelous Sri Ramacharitha Manas by the grace of Lord Shambhu. I know you are a fervent devotee of Lord Rama that’s why I have described them all to you. Oh! Dear child, do not reveal the sacred Sri Ramacharitha Manas, lake-like exploits of Lord Sri Ramachandra to the people who have no devotion, or faith at the lotus feet of Lord Rama.” Sage Lomasha admonished me in different ways, I repeatedly bowed at his feet, he affectionately patted on my head with his lotus-like palm, and poured blessings “Oh! Dear son, with my grace and your sincere devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Rama, you would achieve Ananyabhakthi/perpetual devotion on Lord Sri Ramachandra and his exploits would permanently reside in your heart.”


Thuratha Bhayau Mei  Kaga  Thab Puni Munipadha  Siru Nayi | Sumiri Rama Raghubamsa  Mani Harashitha Chaleau Udayi || Uma Je Rama Charana Ratha Bigatha Kama Madha Krodha | Nija Prabhumaya Dhekhahi Jagatha Kehi Sana Karahi Birodha ||

Sunu Khagesa Nahi Kacchu Rishi Dhooshana | Ura Preraka  Raghubamsa  Bibhooshana || Kripasindhu Muni Mathi Kari  Bhori | Leenhi Prema  Pareeccha Mori || Mana Bacha Krama Mohi Nija  Janajana | Muni Mathi PUni Pheri Bhagavana|| Rishi Mama  Mahatha Seelatha  Dhekhi | Ramacharana  Biswasa  Biseshi || Athi Bismaya  Puni Puni Pacchithayi | Sadhara Muni Mohi Leenha Bolayi || Mama Parithosha  Bibidhi Bidhi Keenha | Harashitha Ramamanthra  Thab Dheenha || Balakaroopa  Ramakara Dhyana | Kaheau  Mohi Muni  Kripanidhana || Sundhara Sukhadha  Mohi Athi Bhava | So Prathamahi Mei Thumhahi Sunava || Muni Mohi Kacchuka Kala Thaha Rakha | Ramacharithamanasa  Thab Bhasha || Sadhara Mohi Yaha Katha  Sunayi | Puni Bole  Muni Gira  Suhayi || Ramacharitha  Sara Guptha  Suhava | Sambhu Prasadha  Thatha Mei  Pava || Thohi Nija Bhagatha Ramakara Jani | Thathe Mei Sab Kaheau Bakhani || Ramabhgathi Jinha Ke  Ura Nahi | Kabahu Na Thatha  Kahia  Thinha  Pahi || Muni  Mohi Bibidhi Bhanthi Samujjava | Mei  Saprema  Munipadha  Siru Nava || Nija Kara Kamala  Parasi Mama  Seesa | Harashitha Aasisha Dheenha Muneesa || Ramabhagathi Abirala  Ura  Thore | Basihi Sadha Prasadha  Ab More ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The curse of Sage Lomasha


Chapter - 112 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –The curse of Sage Lomasha

Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Khagapathi, the illustrious Sage Lomasha who is a Bhramajjyani passionately described the highest of wisdom, the nature of absolute Bhramam, but I was absorbed in various thoughts, my mind was racing with various questions while the Sage Lomasha was describing the splendor of Nirgunaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam. “ 1)There won’t be anger without ignorance, hence the concept of ‘duality’ is absolute truth.  2) The Jeevathma created with the influence of Maya of Mayapathi cannot be similar to the Paramathma. The Jeeva is impure, drenched in dualities, constantly undergoes sufferings and grief of worldly existence, soaked in worldly matters are subject to change and destruction, 3) the Paramathma is attributeless, neither birth nor death, free from impurities, unblemished, changeless, eternal bliss. 4) The grief and sufferings of worldly existence cause almost the same experience to all the living beings, 5) Jeeva who has the possession of Parasmani never be unsatisfied, 6) anger and hatred always stir anxiety, 7) a lustful Jeeva cannot lead an innocent life, 8) the person afflicted with the curse of Bhramin can’t live in peace, 9) no action without the results, or no action performed without an attachment or desire for fruits even after achieving self-realization/Bhramajjyana.  10)The association of wicked and deceitful people will not bring goodness or spiritual wisdom. 11) A manipulative person cannot be happy, 12) an Athmajjyani/knower of absolute Bhramam, the concept of Oneness-in-all, won’t fall into the trap of repeated births. 13) The person who is hostile to Lord Sri Hari cannot achieve the serenity of mind, 14) a King cannot perform the duties and responsibilities of the Kingdom without the knowledge in statecraft, 15) the sins will not persist after reciting the exploits of Lord Sri Hari, 16) the pious deeds bring an abundance of meritorious rewards like the wicked deeds to bring the sins, ill fame, and grief.  17) There is no glorious deed as the devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari which was highly spoken by the Rishis, Sages, Veda, and scriptures. 18) Is there any loss grievous than the absence of worship of Lord Srihari and singing in praise of him, and listening to his glorious legends, even after achieving the rarest birth as a human? 19) Is there any sin dangerous as spreading rumors, talking bad about a person in his absence, or doing something to destroy other people? 20) is there any virtue superior to compassion and kindness to living and non-living things? Oh! Garuda, in this way, I have questioned myself about various things and lost track of the subject Sage Lomasha was narrating to me. I was completely wedged into the topic of  Saguna/embodied form of worship of Lord Sri Hari, till I have heard the furious words from sage Lomasha “Oh! Fool, you have been so careless and inattentive, while I was imparting the lessons on the supreme Bhramam, you were so absorbed in your own world of thoughts and engaged in arguments.  You did not show any interest in the ultimate truth, and you haven’t shown respect to the supreme wisdom and seated like a crow before me. Oh! Fool, you have been so self-opinioned, therefore you will be born as a crow.” Oh! Garuda, I was not alarmed or lamented at the curse of Sage Lomasha, I reverentially bowed before the Sage.”


Barambara Sakopa Muni Karayi Niroopana Gyana | Mei Apane Mana Baita Karau Bibidhi Anumana || Krodha Ki Dhaitha Budhdhi Binu Dhvaitha Ki Binu  Agayna | Mayabasa  Paricchinna  Jadajeeva  Ki Esa Samana ||

Kabahu Ki Dhukha Sab Kara  Hitha Thake | Thehi Ki Dharidhra Parasa  Mani Jake || Paradhrohi Ki Hohi Nisanka | Kami Puni Ki Rahahi Akalanka || Bamsa Ki Raha Dhvija Anahitha  Keenhe | Karma  Ki Hohi Swaroopahi Cheenhe || Kahu  Sumathi Ki Khala Sanga Jami | Subha Gathi Pava Ki Parathriya Gami || Bhava Ki Parahi Paramathma  Bindhaka | Sukhi Ki Hohi Kabahu Harinindhaka || Raju Ki Rahayi Neethi Binu Jane | Agha  Ajasa Ki Pavayi Koyi || Labhu Ki Kicchu Hari Bhagathi Samana | Jehi Gavahi Shruthi Santha Purana || Hani Ki Jaga Yehi Sama  Kicchu Bhayi | Bhajia Na  Ramahi Nara Thanu Payi || Agha Ki Pisunatha Sama Kacchu Ana | Dharma Ki Dhaya Sarisa  Harijana || Yehi Bidhi Amithi Juguthi Mana Gunau | Muni Upadhesa  Na Sadhara Sunau || PUni Puni Saguna Paccha Mei Ropa | Thab Muni Boleau Bachana Sakopa || Mooda Parama Sikha  Dheau Na Manasi | Uththara  Prathiuththara Bahu Aanasi || Sathya Bachana  Biswasa  Na Karahi | Bayasa  Iva Sabahi The Darahi || Sada Swapaccha  Thava Hridhaya  Bisala | Sapadhi Hohi Pacchi Chandala || Leenha Shrapa  Mei Seesa  Chadayi | Nahi Kacchu Bhaya Na  Dheenatha Aayi ||


Monday, January 17, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi meets Sage Lomasha


Chapter - 111 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –Sage Kakabhusundi meets Sage Lomasha

Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, whenever I recollect the advice of my preceptor, my love for Lord of Raghu would bourgeon, I kept singing in praise of Lord Rama and it provided me great strength to me. Once, I met Sage Lomasa who was seated under the Banyan tree located in Mount Meru, I reverentially greeted the Sage, and appealed to him to describe the glories of Lord Sri Ramachandra. Sage Lomasha enquired the purpose of my visit to him, I have explained my qualms, repeatedly prostrated before him, and requested to describe the method of worship of Sagunaswaroopa of the supreme Lord. Oh! Khagapathi, after listening to my polite request, Sage Lomasha described the virtues of Lord Rama, Lord of Raghus. The illustrious Sage Lomasha is a Bhramajjyani, he began to explain the nature of the supreme Bhramam which is pure, unblemished, omnipresent, reside as a soul in the Jeeva causes the functioning of mind intellect, Chiththa, Ahamkara, Prana, Karma, and Gnanendhriyas, invisible and incomparable, free from attributes of Rajasik, Sathvik, and Thamasik, has neither birth nor death, eternal and supreme bliss. The compassionate sage Lomasha spoke “Oh! Bhramin, the Veda emphasize that Jeevathma is Paramathma, you are that supreme Bhramam, you are not different from that Bhramam, like the ripples on the water. You have no separate existence, you are not independent, you are dependent on that Sacchidhananda Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam” In this way, Sage Lomasha taught me about the Nirguna Bhramam/attributeless Bhramam in different ways, but it did not appeal to my heart. I have repeatedly prostrated at the lotus feet of the Sage Lomasha and requested “Oh! Mahathma, kindly describes the methods of the worship of Lord Rama who is the Supreme Bhramam personified as the son of King Kosala. Oh! Prabho, my mind takes immense pleasure in the worship of Lord Rama, like the fish in the crystal-clear water, how can I keep myself away from the worship? Oh! Prabho, kindly be gracious to teach me the worship of Lord Rama, so that I can behold the marvelousness of the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra with the worship at his lotus feet, after that, I would be back to listen to the lecture about the attributeless Bhramam.” Sage Lomasha described the glorious legends of Lord Sri Hari, and concluded with the virtues of attributeless all-pervasive Bhramam, which was not appealed to me, I had a series of discussions with the Sage that roused resentment in him. Oh! Garuda, it is quite natural that the passion incites in the heart of enlightened soul, the constant friction on the sandalwood causes to ignite the fire.”


Guru Ke Bachana  Surathi Kari Ramacharana Manulaga | Raghupathi Jasa  Gavatha Phirau Cchana Chana Nava Anuraga || Mreu Sikhara Bata Cchaya Muni Lomasa  Aasana | Dhekhi Charana  Siru Nayau Bachana Kaheau Athi Dheena || Suni Mama Bachana Bineetha  Mridhu Muni Kripala Khagaraja | Mohi Sadhara  Poocchath Bhaye Dhvija  Aayahu Kehi Kaja || Thab Mei Kaha Kripanidhi Thumha Sarbagya Sujana | Saguna Bhrama Avaradhana Mohi Kahahu Bhagavana ||

Thab Muneesa  Raghupathi Gunagatha | Kahe Kacchuka  Sadhara Khaganatha || Bhramagyana  Ratha Muni Bigyani | Mohi Parama Adhikari Jani || Lage Karana Bhrama Upadhesa | Aja Adhvaitha  Aguna  Hridhayesa || Akala Aneeha  Anama Aroopa | Anubhava  Gamya  Akhanda Anoopa || Mana Gotheetha  Amala Abinasi | Nirbikara  Niravadhi Sukharasi || So Thau Thahi Thohi Nahi Bhedha | Bari Beechi Iva Gavahi Bedha || Bibidhi Bhanthi Mohi Muni Samujjava | Nirguna Matha Mama  Hridhaya Na Aava || Puni Mei Kaheau Nayi Padha  Seesa | Saguna Upasana Kahahu Muneesa || Ramabhagathi Jala Mama  Manameena | Kimi  Bilagayi Muneesa  Prabeena || Soyi Upadhesa  Kahahu Kari Dhaya | Nija Nayananhi Dhekhai Raghuraya || Bhari Lochana  Biloki Avadhesa | Thab  Sunihau Nirguna Upadhesa || Muni Puni Kahi Harikatha Anoopa | Khandi Saguna Matha  Aguna Niroopa || Thab Mei Nirguna Matha  Kara Dhoori | Saguna  Niroopaau Kari Hada  Bhoori || Uththara  Prathiuththara Mei Keenha | Muni Thana Bhaye Krodha  Ke Cheenha || Sunu Prabhu Bahuth Avagya Kiya | Upaja Krodha  Gyaninha  Ke Hiya || Athi  Sangarshana  Jau Kara  Koyi | Anala  Pragata  Chandhana The  Hoyi ||

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Sage Kakabhusundi describes about his various births to Garuda


Chapter - 110 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –Sage Kakabhusundi describes about his various births to Garuda

 Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Khagapathi, my preceptor/twice-born, was extremely gladdened at heart listening to the boons of Lord Mahadeva, he shed tears of joy, after that he returned home contemplating upon Lord Shambhu. As predicted by Lord Shambhu I have moved to the mountains of Vindhyachala, assumed the form of a serpent, and easily shed the mortal coil. Oh! Garuda, after that whatever birth I have taken, was easily dropped with the grace of Lord Mahadeva, like the human changes their clothes. I have been freed from the sufferings and grief of worldly existence with the boon of Lord Mahadeva. Oh! Khagapathi, in this way, I have assumed several births, and easily got rid of, but my memories of each birth have lingered in me. I had the blessings of Lord Mahadeva, in each birth I had intense devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, but I could not erase the pious and amiable disposition of my preceptor from my mind. Oh! Garuda, the Veda, and scriptures highly emphasize the birth of the twice-born as the last birth of a Jeeva, which is difficult to achieve even for the deities. Thus, all my births I was so devoted to Lord Sri Hari, my favorite childhood sport was practicing devotion and singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari. I have grown up to an adult in the family of Bhramin, my father taught me great lessons from various Shastras, but none was attractive to my mind, all my desires and interest in worldly matters were disappeared, all that I want to worship Lord Sri Ramachandra. Oh! King of birds, who would like to nurture the donkey after leaving the cow? I was so devoted to the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, hence the Nigamagamashathras or lessons on various subjects did not go into my mind. Finally, my parents left their mortal coil, I have withdrawn to the forest contemplating upon the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari who is the protector of his devotees. In the forest, I have visited illustrious saints, Rishis, Santh Mahathma, and reverentially greeted them, and joyfully spent time listening to their lectures describing the splendor of Lord Sri Ramachandra. Oh! Garuda, wherever I go I was least noticed by all, with the grace of Lord Shambhu. The three kinds of desires/Eshana, such as Puthreshna/wish to have virtuous offspring, Viththeshna/ wish to amass wealth, Mithreshna/wish to achieve fame, have completely disappeared from me, I have been yearning to live in solitude contemplating upon Lord Rama. I have decided “I have born as a twice-born to accomplish the purpose of my birth, that is the return to the abode of Lord Sri Hari.” Oh! Garuda, the Nirguna Swaroopa Paramathma concept/the all-pervasive Bhramam did not please me, I was yearning to witness the Saguna Swaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam, and my desire to witness the Sacchidhanandaswaroopa Paramthma Parambhramam grew uncontrollable.”


Suni Sivabachana Harashi Guru Yevamasthu Ithi Bhashi | Mohi Prabodhi Gayau Griha Sambhu Charana Ura  Rakhi || Preritha Kala Bindhi Giri Jayi Bhayau Mei Byala | Puni Prayasa Binu So Thanu Thajeau Gaya Kacchu Kala || Joyi Thanu Dharau Thajaau Puni Anayasa  Harijana | Jimi Noothana Pata Pahirayi Nara Pariharayi Purana || Siva Rakhi Shruthi Neethi Aru Mei Nahi Pava  Klesa | Yehi Bidhi Dhareau Bibidhi Thanu Gyana Na Gayau Khagesa ||

Thrijaga Deva Nara Joyi Thanu Dharau | Thaha Thaha Rama Bhajana Anusarau || Yek Soola Mohi Bisara Na Kau | Guru Kara  Komala Seela Subhau || Charama Dheha Dhvija Kai Mei Payi | Sura Dhurllabha Purana Shruthi Gayi || Khelau Thahu Balakanha Meela | Karau Sakala Raghunayaka Leela || Prauda Bhaye Mohi Pitha Padava | Samajjau Sunau  Gunau  Nahi Bhava || Mana The  Sakala  Basana  Bhagi | Kevala Rama Charana Laya Lagi || Kahu Khagesa  Asa Kavana Abhagi | Khari Seva Suradhenuhi Thyagi || Premamagana Mohi Kacchu Na  Sohayi | Hareau Pitha Padayi Padayi || Bhaye Kalabasa  Jab Pithu Matha | Mei Ban  Gayau  Bhajana Janathratha || Jaha Jaha Bipina Muneeswara  Pavau | Ashrama Jayi Jayi Siru Navau || Boojjau Thinhahi Rama Gunagaha | Kahahi Sunau Harashitha Khaganaha || Sunatha Phirau Hari Guna  Anubadha | Abyahatha Gathi Sambhu Prasadha || Chooti Thribidhi Eshana Gadi | Yek Lalasa  Ura Athi Badi || Ramacharana Barija  Jab Dhekhau | Thab Nija Janma Saphala Kari  Lekhau || Jehi Poocheau Soyi Muni Asa Kahayi | Eswara Sarba Bhoothamaya Ahayi || Nirguna  Matha Nahi Mohi Sohayi | Sagunabhrama Rathi Ura Adhikayi ||



Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Lord Mahadeva's teachings - Ananyabhakthi as a boon - The significance of the worship of Bhramin, Santh, Mahathma and noble souls


Chapter - 109 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –Lord Mahadeva's teachings - Ananyabhakthi as a boon - The significance of the worship of Bhramin, Santh, Mahathma and noble souls

 Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, the above-mentioned verses was known as Rudrashtakam, the sacred eight verses sung in praise of Lord Shambhu by the Bhramin/my preceptor, whoever recite or listen would achieve the grace of Lord Shambhu. Soon a heavenly voice was reverberated inside the shrine after listening to prayers of the wise and devoted “Oh! Bhramin, ask for a boon”. The twice-born was sunk into extreme bliss, with tears overflowing and folded hands requested “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Dheenadhayala, if you are pleased with my prayers, kindly bless me with the perpetual devotion/Ananyabhakthi at your lotus feet. Oh! Prabho, this unfortunate and ignorant Jeeva keeps falling into various Yonis/taking several births, due to the influence of your Maya. Oh! Merciful Lord, kindly be gracious to this ignorant Jeeva, do not be angry with him. Oh! Shankara, kindly be gracious to him, Oh! Prabho, you are kind to your devotees, kindly turn your curse to become a blessing for this Jeeva, so as to achieve the fruitfulness of the life. Oh! Kripanidhana kindly blesses him.”


Sage Kakabhusundi continues “Oh! Khagapathi, the supreme Lord Mahadeva was so kind and compassionate to the appeal of twice-born, which was full of devotion. Lord Shambhu spoke “Yevamasthu! So be it! Oh! Bhramin, this Jeeva committed a grievous sin on his preceptor, so I had to curse him to keep up the sanctity of the Shashthras,  I am pleased with your devotion, hence I have decided to offer a marvelous boon to him. Oh! Sadhu, whoever has the nature of forgiving, and kindness, are dear to me and Kharari Lord Rama as well. Oh! Bhramin, my curse pronounced will not go in vain, he has to take several births in different Yonis, but I can assure you that none of the sufferings and grief of worldly existence won't affect him.” Oh! Garuda, the compassionate Lord Shambhu turned towards me and spoke “Oh! Shudra, listen to me carefully, in each birth you will have the qualities of devotion, because you have been born in Ayodhya, the sacred land of Lord Raghupathi, and you have worshiped me so long. Hence, the miraculous power of the birth on the sacred land Ayodhya and my grace would bring an abundance of devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra in your heart. Oh! Jeeva, listen to my words, the worship of Bhramin is the definite means to please Lord Sri Hari. The disrespect to a twice-born/Bhramin, Santh Mahathma, noble souls, devotees of Lord Sri Hari is disrespect to Lord Sri Hari. Oh! Jeeva, whoever keeps hostility against the devotees of Lord Hari and me, may defeat the weapon of Lord Indra, my powerful trident, and Lord Sri Hari’s discus but they could not withstand the wrath of the Brahmin. Oh! Jeeva, always remember my teachings in your heart, nothing is impossible to achieve. I shall offer one more boon to you, that you will have unconditional access to the whole Universe.”

Rudrashtakam Idham Proktham Biprena  Harathoshaye | Ye Padanthi Nara Bhakthya  Thesham Shambhu: Praseedhathi ||

Suni Binathi Sarbagya  Siva Dhekhi Bipra Anuragu | Puni Mandhira  Nabhabani Bhayi Dhvijabhara  Bara Magu || Jau Prasanna Prabhu Mo  Para Natha Dheena  Para Nehu | Nija Padha Bhagathi Dheyi Prabhu Puni Dhoosara  Bara Dhehu || Thava Maya  Basa Jeeva  Jasa Santhatha Phirayi Bhulana || Thehi Para Krodha Na  Karia  Prabhu Kripasindhu Bhagavana || Sankara Dheenadhayala Ab Yehi Para Hohu Kripala | Sapa Anugraha  Hoyi Jehi  Natha  Thorehi Kala ||

Yehi Kara Hoyi  Parama Kalyana | Soyi Karahu Ab Kripanidhana || Bipragira Suni Parihitha Sani | Yevamasthu Ithi Bhayi Nabhabani || Jadhapi Keenha Yehi Dharuna Papa| Mei Puni Dheenhi Kopa Kari Sapa || Thadhapi Thumhari Sadhutha  Dhekhi | Karihau Yehi Para  Kripa Biseshi || Cchamaseela  Je Para  Upakari | The Dhvija Mohi Priya Jatha  Kharari || Mora Shrapa Dhvija Byarththa  Na Jayihi | Janma Sahasa  Avasya Yaha Payihi || Janamatha Maratha Dhusaha Dhukha Hoyi | Yehi Swalpau Nahi Byapihi Soyi || Kavaneau Janma Mitahi Nahi Gyana | Sunahi Soodra Mama Bachana  Pravana || Raghupathipuri Janma  Thava Bhayau | PUni Thai Mama  Seva  Mana  Dhayau || Puri Prabhava Anugraha More | Rama Bhagathi Upajihi Ura Thore || Sunu Mama Bachana Sathya Ababhayi | Harithoshana Bratha Dhvija Sevakayi || Ab Jani Karahi Bipra  Apamana | Janesu Santha Anantha Samana || Indhra Kulisa  Mama Soola Bisala | Kaladhanda Hari Chakra Karala || Jo Inha Kara Mara Nahi Marayi | Bipradhroha Pavaka So Jarayi || Asa Bibeka  Rakheahu Manamahi | Thumha Kaha Jaga Dhurllabha Kacchu Nahi || Aurau Yek  Asisha Mori | Aprahitha Gathi Hoyihi Thori ||



Saturday, January 15, 2022

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – A beautiful prayer to Bhavanipathi Lord Shambhu


Chapter - 108 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –A beautiful prayer to Bhavanipathi Lord Shambhu

Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, my preceptor produced a shrill cry listening to the curse of Lord Mahadeva upon me. He saw me shivering in extreme terror and confusion, he could not control his grief, watching me in extreme distress, my preceptor shed tears and fell at the feet of Lord Shiva, with tears overflowing, hands folded above his head, sing in praise of Lord Mahadeva" –

“I shall prostrate before the supreme Lord Esha, who is the ruler of Eastern direction, Lord of the Universe, bliss personified, the omnipresent Bhramam, represent Veda and its six auxiliaries. I shall worship the supreme Lord Mahadeva, who has neither birth nor death, provider of Nirvana, free from the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, he represents the Universe and its living non-living things. Oh! Prabho,  I shall repeatedly prostrate before you, I shall sing in praise of your endless glories, you have no specific form, even though you are kind enough to appear before your devotees, Oh! Prabho, your glories are beyond word, you are beyond perception, you are so kind and compassionate to your devotees. You represent the sacred syllable ‘Om’ Oh! Mahakala, Oh! Kailasavasa, you are the abode of virtues, you are the devourer of the Universe and its living and non-living things at the end of Pralaya. Oh! Prabho, Shankara, you are merciful, you represent ‘Time’ Oh! Prabho, you are beloved of all, you are unfathomable, you have supreme abode Kailash, snow-covered mountain. Oh! Prabho, you have a marvelous appearance that resembles the snow-covered Himalaya, you have the loveliness of thousands of Manmatha, you have attractive matted hair locks adorned with the beautiful streams of Ganga and the crescent moon. Oh! Prabho, you have attractive limbs adorned in serpents as ornaments on the neck, you have beautiful ear ornaments, eyebrows, lotus-like eyes, marvelous blue throat, you are attired in the skin of a leopard, adorned in a garland of skull and Rudraksha on your chest. I shall surrender at the lotus feet of Bhavanipathi Lord Shambhu, Oh! Prabho, you are Prachanda/unrestrained, you have great effulgence of hundreds and thousands of suns, you are impenetrable, you are the destroyer of Thapathraya/Adhidheivik, Adhibhauthik, and Adhyathmik, Oh! Prabho, you are wielded in powerful trident, you are attainable only with pure love and devotion. Oh! Prabho, you are the destroyer of the Universe and its animate and inanimate things, after each Yuga. You are the source of perpetual devotion and bliss to the virtuous, Oh! Thripurari, Oh! Chidhanandhaswaroopa, Oh! Mohapahari, dispeller of desires and lust, Oh! Prabho, kindly protects us, kindly be propitious to us. Oh! Manmathari/slayer of cupid, the Jeeva who is afar from the worship of Umapathi Lord Shiva, it is impossible for them to achieve serenity of mind, or difficult to get rid of three types of griefs or liberation from the repeated births. Oh! Prabho, kindly be gracious to us, Oh! Sarvabhoothadhivasa/reside as a soul in the Jeeva, Oh! Prabho, I do not know Yoga or Japa, or performance of rites. Oh! Prabho, all I know is to prostrate before you several times. Oh! Shambhu kindly protects us, I shall repeatedly prostrate before you, I am worn out of Jara/aging and related illnesses, anxiousness, fear of death, sufferings, and grief of worldly existence. Oh! Shambhu, I have no one to protect me other than you.  Oh! Umapathi, I shall take refuge at your lotus feet, kindly protect us.”


Hahakar Keenha Guru Dharuna Suni Siva Sapa | Kampitha Mohi Biloki Athi URa Upaja Parithapa || Kari Dhandavath Saprema Dhvija Siva Sanmukha Kara Jori | Binaya Karatha  Gadhgadha Swara Samujji Ghora Gathi Mori ||

Namameesha Eshana Nirvanaroopam | Vibhum Vyapakam Bhrama VEdaswaroopam || Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Nireeham | Chidhakasha Akashavasam Bhajeaham || Nirakaram Omkaramoolam Thureeyam | Gira Gyana Gotheethameesham Gireesham || Karalam Mahakala Kalam Kripalam | Gunagara Samsara Param Nathoaham || Thushradhri Sankasham  Gauram Gambheeram | Manobhootha Koti Prabha Sree Shareeram || Spuranmauli Kallolini Charu Ganga | Lasath Bala Balendhu Kande Bhujanga || Chalath Kundalam Bhru Sunethram Vishalam | Prasannananam Neelakandam Dhayalam || Mrigadheesha Charmambaram Mundamalam | Priyam Shankaram Sarvanatham Bhajami || Prachandam Prakrishtam Pragalbham Paresham | Akhandam Ajam Bhanukoti Prakasham || Thraya: Shoola Nirmoolanam Shoolapanim | Bhajeaham Bhavanipathim Bhavagamyam || Kalatheetha Kalyana Kalpanthakari | Sadha  Sajjananandha Dhatha Purari || Chidhanandhasandhoha Mohapahari | Praseedha Praseedha Prabho Manmathari || Na Yavadh Umanatha Padharavindham | Bhajantheeha Loke Pare Va Naranam || Na  Thavathsukham Shanthi Santhapanasham | Praseedha Prabho Sarvabhoothadhi Vasam || Na Janami Yogam Japam Naiva Pujam | Nathoaham Sadha Sarvadha Shambhu  Thubhyam || Jara Janma Dhukhaugha Thathapyamanam | Prabho Pahi Apannamameesha Shambho ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The curse of Lord Mahadeva


Chapter - 107 - Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj –The curse of Lord Mahadeva

Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, once I was engaged in the meditation of Lord Shambhu in the shrine, I could sense my aged preceptor entering the shrine, I was swollen with extreme pride, did not raise from the seat, or greet him with respect. He was too gracious did not even mention a word, or did not keep a single thing in his heart. Oh! Garuda, my grievous sin, disrespect towards my preceptor was more than Lord Mahesha could tolerate, soon a divine voice was heard “Oh! Fool, even after attaining a virtuous Santh Mahathma as your preceptor, you did not respect him, he was too kind and compassionate to you. If I did not punish you for your misdemeanor, it would be against the Veda, I should keep up the sanctity of the Veda so I shall pronounce a curse upon you. The ignorant who disrespect or humiliate his preceptor would be hurled to the hell named Raurava for several Yugas, after that they would take up birth in different Yoni and undergo suffering. You have been seated like a python, even after witnessing your aged preceptor, you did not even try to raise from your seat or greet him with respect, your mind was swollen with arrogance and pride, hence I shall pronounce a curse on you that you would take birth as a python, leave the shrine immediately and take shelter in the hollow of a tree.”

Yek Bar Hara Mandira Japatha Raheau Siva Nama | Guru Aayau Abhimana The Udi Nahi Keenha Pranama || So Dhayala Nahi Kaheau Kacchu Ura  Na Rosha Lavalesa | Aathi Adha Guru Apamanatha Sahi Nahi Sake Mahesa ||

Mandhira Majja Bhayi Nabha Bani |Re Hathabhagya  Agya Abhimani || Jadhdhyapi Thava Guru Ke  Nahi Krodha | Athi Kripala Chitha Samyaka Bodha || Thadhapi Sap Sada Dhaihau Thohi | Neethi Birodha Sohayi Na Mohi || Jau Nahi Dhanda Karau Khala Thora | Bhrashta Hoyi Shurthimarga Mora || Je Sad Guru Sana Ersha Karahi | Raurava Naraka Koti Juga  Parahi || Thrijaga Joni PUni Dharahi Sareera | Ayutha Janma  Bhari Pavahi Peera || Baita Rahesi Ajagara Iva Papi | Sarpa Hohi Khala Mala Mathi Byapi || Maha Bitapa Kotara Mahau Jayi | Rahu  Adhamadhama Adhagathi Payi ||