Friday, December 31, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Garuda arrives on the beautiful mountain peak Neelashaila was received with great respect by Sage Kakabhusundi


Chapter - 63– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Garuda arrives on the beautiful mountain peak Neelashaila was received with great respect by Sage Kakabhusundi


The King of birds /Garuda who is wise and an ardent devotee of Thribhuvanapathi, the celestial vehicle of Lord Sri Hari was under the clutches of Maya, if so, it is pathetic to talk about the ordinary Jeeva drenched in worldly matters. The powerful Maya of Lord Sri Hari did not spare even Lord Bhrama or Lord Shiva, what to talk about the poor creatures like humans? Keeping in mind the powerful Maya of Mayapathi, the Sages and deities adore the Maya of the Lord.

Garuda arrived in the blue mountain/Neelashaila where the illustrious Sage Kakabusundi who is an ardent devotee of Lord Sri Hari settled, surprisingly, the mere sight of the beautiful blue mountain removed all the delusion from the heart of Garuda, he rejoiced at heart, all his grief and pain disappeared. Garuda took a bath in the lake and drank the nectar-like water at his heart's content, later he took a seat under the shade of the Banyan tree, his heart was full of joy. Soon, flocks of different species of birds assembled on the site, and the Sage Kakabhusundi was about to begin the exploits of Lord Sri Ramachandra to his aged listeners.  At that moment, King of birds arrived on the spot, Sage Kakabhusundi was delighted to see Garuda among his listeners, Sage received Garuda reverentially, enquired his welfare, and offered a respected seat, after worshiping King of birds, the Sage Kakabusundi/crow began to sing the exploits of Lord Rama beautifully.

Gyani Bhagatha  Siromani Thribuvanapathi Kara Jana | Thahi Moha  Maya Nara  Paavara  Karahi Gumana ||

Siva Biranchi Kahu Mohayi Ko Hai Bapurana | Asa Jiya  Jani Bhajahi Muni Mayapathi Bhagavana ||

Gayau Garuda  Jaha Basayi Bhusunda | Mathi Akunda Haribhagathi Akhanda || Dhekhi Saila  Prasanna Mana Gayau | Maya Moha  Soch Sab Gayau || Kari Thadaga Bhanjjana Jalapana | Bata Thara  Gayau Hridhaya Harashana || Bridhdha Bridhdha Bihanga  Thaha Aaye | Sunai Rama Ke Charitha  Suhaye || Katha Aarambha Karai Soyi Chaha | Thehi Samaya  Gayau Khaganaha || Aavatha Dhekhi Sakala  Khagaraja | Harasheau Bayasa  Sahitha Samaja || Athi Aadhara Khagapathi Kara Keenha| Swagatha Poochi Suasana  Dheenha || Kari Pooja  Sametha  Anuraga | Madhurabachana  Thab Boleau Kaga ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Lord Shambhu highly praises the virtues and wisdom of Sage Kakabusundi who has assumed the form of crow to worship Lord Sri Ramachandra


Chapter - 62– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Lord Shambhu highly praises the virtues and wisdom of Sage Kakabusundi who has assumed the form of crow to worship Lord Sri Ramachandra


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Bhavani, without the association of Santh, Mahathma, and noble souls, it is difficult to get the fortune of listening to the endless glories of Lord Sri Hari, and one cannot achieve the lotus feet of Lord Hari without listening to the glorious myths of the supreme Lord. It would remove the illusion and ignorance, it would enlighten the soul with the supreme knowledge of self/Jeevathma is Paramathma, and all the material and immaterial things/Prakrithi are destructible nature, and the Paramathma/soul is indestructible Purusha. The association with the Santh, Mahathma, noble souls would provide the supreme wisdom, that would eradicate the illusion, attachment to worldly matters, and it would enhance the devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra. The supreme Lord Raghu is not achievable by mere Japa, Thapa, Yoga, austerities, wisdom, dispassion and penances, etc. that Lord is readily achievable by pure love and devotion at his lotus feet.” Lord Mahadeva speaks to Garuda “Oh! Dear friend, there is a beautiful blue mountain/Neelashaila far from the northern side, where an ardent devotee of Lord Rama, named Sage Kakabhusundi/crow lives on the marvelous mountain peak, he is highly knowledgeable in the path of devotion to Lord Sri Ramachandra, he is an enlightened soul, amiable natured, he is wisdom and virtues personified. He continuously recites the glories of Lord Sri Hari, and he has several species of birds as listeners, hence you should visit Sage Kakabhusundi, listen to his lectures, you will get rid of grief caused by the illusion.” Garuda reverentially prostrated before Lord Shambhu and darted to the hills of Nilagiris in extreme joy. Lord Mahadeva speaks to Goddess Bhavani “Oh! Devi, I did not stop Garuda in Mount Kailash, I have understood that he is under the clutches of Maya of Mayapathi, and Garuda must have carried this pride so long and the compassionate Lord Rama wants to cure it permanently, and another reason for sending him to Neelashaila was the birds knows the language of birds better than humans. Oh! Uma, Oh! Bhavani, the Maya of Lord Mayapathi is formidable, which intellectual is free from the grip of it?”


Binu Sathsanga Na Harikatha  Thehi Binu Moha Na Bhaga | Moha Gaya Binu Ramapadha Hoyi Na Dhrida  Anuraga ||

Milahi Na Raghupathi Binu Anuraga | Kiya Joga  Thapa Gyana  Biraga || Uththara Dhisi Sundhara Giri Neela | Thaha Raha Kakabhusundi Suseela || Ramabhagathi Patha Parama  Prabeena | Gyani Gunagriha  Bahu Kaleena || Ramakatha So Kahayi Niranthara | Sadhara Sunahi Bibidha Bihangabar || Jayi Sunahu Thaha Hari Guna Bhoori | Hoyihi Moha Janitha  Dhukhadhoori || Mei Jab Thehi Sab Kaha Bujjayi | Chaleau Harashi Mamapadha  Siru Nayi || Thathe Uma  Na Mei Samujjava | Raghupathi Kripa Maramu Mei Pava || Hoyihi Keenha Kabahu Abhimana | So Khovai Chaha Kripanidhana || Kacchu Thehi The  Puni Mei Nahi Rakha | Samujjayi Khaga  Khagahi Kei Bhasha || Prabhu Maya  Balavantha Bhavani | Jahi Na  Moha Kavana Asa Gyani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Lord Shambhu advises Khagapathi/Garuda to visit Santh, Mahathma, noble souls to get relieved from delusion


Chapter - 61– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Lord Shambhu advises Khagapathi/Garuda to visit Santh, Mahathma, noble souls to get relieved from delusion


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Bhavani, Bihangapathi/Garuda arrived in Kailash, at that moment I was on my way to the abode of Lord Kubera, and you were here in Mount Kailash. Garuda was in deep distress, he reverentially prostrated at my feet and explained his qualms, I felt sympathy towards him, so I spoke pleasantly “Oh! Garuda, you have met me on my way to the abode of Lord Kubera, hence how can I teach you about the splendor of Lord Sri Ramachandra? Oh! Khagapathi, your qualms are the most welcoming sign, it would keep you enjoying the association of Santh, Mahatmas, and noble souls, who sing in praise of the glories of Lord Sri Ramachandra in a diverse manner relentlessly, which you would enjoy heartily. They will sing the exploits of Lord Rama who is none other than the absolute Bhramam personified as the son of Kosala. Oh! Garuda, I shall send you to a marvelous site where you would get to listen to the endless glories of Lord Rama, the place where the matchless splendor of Lord Sri Hari is recited on a regular basis, and I am certain that all your qualms and delusion would get disappeared as soon as you get to listen to them, it would enhance your love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Rama as well.”

Paramathura Bihangapathi  Aayau Thab Mo Pasa | Jatha Raheau Kubera  Griha  Rahihu Uma Kailasa ||

Thehi Mama Padha  Sadhara Siru  Nava | Puni Aapana  Sandheha Sunava || Suni Tha  Kari Binathi  Mridhubani | Premasahitha  Mei Kaheau Bhavani || Milehu Garuda  Maraga  Maha Mohi | Kavana Bhanthi Samujjavau Thohi || Thabahi Hoyi  Sab Samsaya  Bhanga | Jab Bahu Kala Karia  Sathsanga || Sunia  Thaha Hari  Katha Suhayi | Nana Bhanthi Muninha Jo Gayi || Jehi Mahu Aadhi Madhya  Avasana | Prabhu Prathipadhya  Ramabhagavana || Nitha Hari Katha  Hotha Jaha  Bhayi | Padavau Thaha Sunahu Thumha Jayi || Jayihi Sunatha Sakala Sandheha | Ramacharana  Hoyihi Athi Neha ||


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Lord Bhrama advises Garuda/Khagapathi to take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Shambhu


Chapter - 60– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Lord Bhrama advises Garuda/Khagapathi to take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Shambhu


Maharishi Narada after advising Garuda, proceeded to Bhramaloka, praising the unconquerable Maya of Mayapathi Lord Sri Ramachandra. In the meantime, Khagapathi/Garuda went to Bhramaloka and explained his delusion to Lord Bhrama, upon this Chathurana overwhelmed with the love and devotion for Rama, bowed his head praising the unconquerable Maya of Lord Sri Ramachandra, the creator thought “The Maya of Mayapathi Lord Sri Ramachandra is unconquerable, even the enlightened Rishis and Sages and myself had been the victim of that Maya, the animate and inanimate things created in the Universe with the influence of Maya by the supreme Lord is indomitable, certainly the Khagapathi is under the influence of Maya of the Lord.” Lord Bhrama spoke compassionately “Oh! Son of Vinatha, Dear Garuda, the Lord Shambhu is the knower of all, he is a passionate devotee of Lord Rama, Oh! Dear child, meet Lord Shankara and get cleared all your qualms, he alone could remove your delusion.” Thus, Khagapathi darted to Lord Shambhu after listening to the advice of Lord Bhrama.

Asa Kahi Chale  Devarishi  Karatha Rama  Gunagana | Hari Maya  Bala Baranatha Puni Puni  Parama Sujana ||

Thab Khagapathi Biranchi Pahi Gayau | Nija Sandheha  Sunavatha Bhayau || Suni Biranchi Ramahi Siru Nava | Samujji Prathapa Prema  Athi Cchava || Mana Mahu Karayi  Bichara  Bidhatha | Maya Basa  Kabi Kobidha Gyatha || Hari Maya  Kara  Amithi Prabhava | Bipula Bara  Jehi  Mohi  Nachava || Aga Jagamaya  Jaga Mama Uparaja | Nahi  Aacharaja  Moha  Khagaraja || Thab Bole  Bidhi Gira Suhayi | Jana Mahesa  Rama Prabhuthayi || Bainatheya  Sankara Pahi Jahu | Thatha Anantha Poochahu Jani Kahu || Thaha Hoyihi Thava Samsaya Hani | Chaleau Bihanga  Sunatha Bidhi Bani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Maharishi Narada advises Garuda to take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Bhrama


Chapter - 59– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Maharishi Narada advises Garuda to take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Bhrama


The King of bird, Garuda thought “The mere utterance of ‘Ra Ma’, the name of Lord Rama would make the Jeeva free from sufferings and grief of worldly existence, and repeated births but unfortunately Rama could not defeat the Nagapasha shot by the wicked demon on the battlefield.” Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, thus Garuda wrapped up in various thoughts and the light of wisdom did not help him to get rid of his illusion and misconception, he was fallen pry to full of anxiousness and fallacy, like the way you did before knowing the divinity of Lord Rama. Garuda approached Maharishi Narada and praised himself for devouring the Nagapasha that fastened Lord Rama on the battlefield. The compassionate Maharishi Narada after listening to Garuda began to speak pleasantly “Oh! Garuda, listen to me carefully, the Maya of Ramapathi is formidable, it won’t leave a single Jeeva, it steals the intellect of the wise and pushes them to utter delusion. The Maya of Mayapathi is like a cloud that takes away the wisdom, Oh! Khagapathi, Once, I was under the spell of Maya, I was got fooled myself with the influence of Maya. You are already under the spell of Maya, which is deep-rooted in your heart, hence my words cannot erase the misapprehension from your heart. Oh! Khagesa, kindly take shelter at the lotus feet of Chathuranana/Lord Bhrama, and seek his opinion to get rid of your illusion.”

Bhava  Bandhana The  Chootahi  Nara Japi Ja Kara  Nama | Kharba  Nisachara  Bandheau Nagapasa  Soyi  Rama ||

Nana Bhanthi  Manahi Samujjava | Pragata Na  Gyana Hridhaya Bhrama Cchava || Khedha  Khinna  Mana Tharka  Badayi | Bhayau Mohabasa  Thumharihi  Nayi|| Byakula  Gayau Devarishi Pahi | Kahesi Jo Samsaya  Nija Mana Mahi || Suni Naradhahi Lagi  Athi Dhaya | Sunu Khaga  Prabala Rama  Kai Maya || Jo Gyaninha  Kara Chitha Apaharayi | Bariayi Bimoha  Mana Karayi || Jehi Bahu Bara Nachava  Mohi | Siyi  Byapi Bihangapathi Thohi || Mahamoha  Upaja  Ura  Thore | Mitihi Na Begi Kahe Khaga More || Chathuranana Pahi Jahu Khagesa | Soyi Karehu Jehi Hoyi Nidhesa ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Garuda gets disappointed watching Lord Rama fastened by the Nagapasha on the battlefield


Chapter - 58– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Garuda gets disappointed watching Lord Rama bound by the Nagapasha on the battlefield


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, I have assumed the form of a swan, and took a seat among the audience, listening to the lectures of Sage Kakabhusundi for a very long time, after that, I have returned to Mount Kailash. Oh! Devi Girija, I have explained all those exploits of Lord Rama that was I have heard from Sage Kakabhusundi, I shall explain the origin of the ‘Sri Ramacharitha Manas’, the beautiful lake like exploits of Lord Rama to you. During the vicious battle between Lord Rama and Meghnatha, the compassionate Lord allowed himself to be bound by the Nagapasha as an amusement that was shot against him, at that very moment Maharishi Narada informed Garuda to hurry to the battlefield to relieve Lord Rama from the clutches of Nagapasha. Garuda, the dedicated attendant of Lord Sri Hari, and the devourer of serpents rushed to the battlefield and swallowed all those serpents fastened Rama, and returned to his abode. But Garuda was deeply dejected to watch the Lord fastened by the Nagapasha and was unable to get out of it, Garuda absorbed in various thoughts “If Lord Rama is the absolute Bhramam personified as the son of Kosala, why he could not get rid of Nagapasha? If the all-pervasive Bhramam, free from Maya/delusion, has neither birth nor death, changeless, dispassionate, pure, and unblemished, why I did not witness the divinity in Lord Rama?”


Thab Kacchu Kala Marala Thanu Dhari Thaha Keenha Nivasa | Sadhara Suni Raghupathi Guna Puni  Aayau Kailasa ||

Girija  Kaheau  So Sab  Ithihasa | Mei Jehi Samaya  Gayau Khaga  Pasa || Ab So Katha Sunahu Jehi Hethu | Gayau Kaga  Pahi Khaga  Kula Kethu || Jab Raghunatha  Keenhi  Ranakreeda | Samujjatha Charitha Hothi Mohi Breeda || Indhrajeeth Kara Aapu Badhayo | Thab Naradha  Muni Garuda  Padayo || Bandhana Kati  Gayo Uragadha| Upaja  Hridhaya  Prachanda  Bishadha || Prabhu Bandhana  Samujjatha  Bahu Bhanthi | Karatha Bichara  Uraga Aaarathi || Byapaka  Bhrama Biraja  Bageesa | Maya  Moha  Para Paraseesa ||So Avathara  Suneau Jagamahi | Dhekheau  So Prabhava  Kacchu Nahi ||

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Lord Mahadeva describes the devotion of Sage Kakabhusundi


Chapter - 57– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Lord Mahadeva describes the devotion of Sage Kakabhusundi


Lord Mahadeva speaks “The beautiful lake located on the pinnacle of the Neelashaila was packed with different colors of lotus flowers, the water was crystal clear and sweet like nectar, a flock of swans was beautifully moving on the water and the buzzing noise of bees was added attractiveness to the place. Oh! Devi, Sage Kakabusundi was settled in the Neelashaila, definitely, this peak would outlast even after the deluge. The Neelashaila is far beyond the reach of Maya/illusion, impurities of lust, anger, desire, ego, pride, jealousy, etc. even though the Universe was created by the influence of Maya. Oh! Devi, I shall describe the daily practices of Sage Kakabusundhi who has assumed the form of crow to worship Lord Sri Hari. He practices meditation under the Peepal tree, he performs Japa/recitation of prayers under the shade of Palasha tree, and the rest of the hours he gives lectures on the legend of Lord Sri Hari sitting under the shade of Banyan tree, and there would be a flock of birds as listeners. Oh! Devi, when I have arrived in the Neelashaila I found the Sage Kakabhusundi beautifully singing the marvelous exploits of Lord Rama, and there were several swans on the lake attentively listening to it, I was so thrilled watching the beautiful sight instantly got rid of grief and exhaustion, the devotion of the crow and the several species of birds was beyond description.”


Seethala Amala  Madhurajala  Jalaja  Bipula  Bahuranga | Koojatha  Kalarava  Hamsa Gana  Gunjjatha Manjjual Bhringa ||

Thehi Giri  Ruchira Basayi Khaga Soyi | Thasu Nasa  Kalpantha Na Hoyi || Mayakritha Gunadhosha  Aneka | Moha Manoja  Aadhi Abibeka || Rahe Byapi  Samastha  Jagamahi | Thehi Giri Nikata  Kabahu Nahijahi || Thaha Basi Harihi  Bhajayi Jimi  Kaga | So Sunu Uma  Sahitha Anuraga || Peepara Tharu  Thara Dhyana  So Dharayi | Japa Jagya  Pakari  Thara Karayi || Aab Cchaha Kara Manasa  Pooja | Thaji  Hari  Bhajanu Kaju Nahi  Dhooja || Bara Thara  Kaha  Harikatha Prasanga | Aavahi  Sunahi  Aneka  Bihanga || Ramacharitha Bichithra  Bidhi Nana | Prema Sahitha  Kara Sadhara  Gana || Sunahi  Sakala Mathi  Bimala Marala | Basahi Niranthara  Je Thehi Thala || Jab Mei  Jayi So  Kauthuka Dhekha | Ura Upaja  Aanandha  Bisesha ||