Monday, December 27, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The accumulated sins of several births get cleansed with the practice of pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra


Chapter - 49– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The accumulated sins of several births get cleansed with the practice of pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra


Sage Vashishta speaks “Oh! Prabho, I believed that the supreme Bhramam which is the ultimate object can be achieved only through the Thapasya/penance, Yogic practices, fire sacrifices, observance of Shamadhamadhi/Sathyam, Dhaya, Shaucham, Astheyam, Arjjavam, Ahimsa, Dhanam, Dhamam, Shamam, Shuchi, celibacy, etc. Oh! Prabho, I have understood that the Japa/utterance of Vedic chants, Thapa/penance, Niyama/austerities, Joga/Yoga, strict observance of one’s own duties and religious rites, recitation of Veda and sacred scriptures, learning Nigama Agamashasthras, Thanthric texts, the performance of auspicious deeds, Gyana/wisdom, spiritual knowledge, Dhaya/kindness,  Dhama/self-control, dip in sacred rivers, the performance of deeds prescribed in Veda and scriptures, are practiced to achieve that supreme Bhramam, Oh! Prabho, I have thoroughly understood that the meritorious rewards of those above-mentioned deeds can be attained with the practice of pure love and devotion at your lotus feet. Oh! Prabho, certainly, all those practices provide the fruit of it, even though the dirt cannot be removed with dirt or cannot achieve butter by churning water, hence the accumulated sins of several births can be cleansed only with the pure love and devotion like water to cleanse the dirt of impurities of the mind. Oh! Lord of Raghu, whoever devoted to the lotus feet of the supreme Bhramam which is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, unblemished, free from impurities, changeless, has neither birth nor death, pure, would get rid of impurities of lust, desire, anger, ego, jealousy, pride, etc.”


Thab Mei  Hridhaya Bichara  Joga Jagya  Bratha Dhana | Ja Kahu Karia  So Paihau Dharma Na  Yehi Sama  Aana ||

Japa Thapa  Niyama  Joga Nija Dharama| Shruthi Sambhava  Nana Subha Karma || Gyana  Dhaya Dhama  Theeratha  Bhanjjana | Jaha Lagi Dharma Kahatha  Shruthi Sajjana || Agama Nigama  Purana Aneka | Pade Sune  Kara Phala  Prabhu Yeka || Thava PadhaPankaja  Preethi Niranthara | Sab Sadhana  Kara Yaha  Phala Sundara || Chootayi Mala Ki  Malahi Ke  Dhoe | Ghritha  ki Pav Koyi  Bari  Biloya || Prema Bhagathi Jala Binu  Raghurayi| Abhianthara  Mala Kabahu Na Jayi|| Soyi Sarbagya  Thagya  Soyi Panditha | Soyi Guna  Griha  Bigyana  Akhanditha || Dhaccha Sakala  Lacchana  Jutha Soyi | Jake Padha Saroja  Rathi Hoyi ||

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Sage Vashishta praising the supreme Bhramam personified as Lord Rama


Chapter - 48– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Sage Vashishta praising the supreme Bhramam personified as Lord Rama


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, the people of Ayodhya are fortunate, they considered the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra as Bhrama/the creator, the embodiment of truth, wisdom, intelligence, valor, beauty, and bliss.” One day, Rama invited Sage Vashishta to his palace, and the Sage was received with great honor, washed his feet with great reverence, and sprinkled the water, while Sage Vashishta began to speak with folded hands “Oh! Raghunayaka, Oh! Rama, Oh! Kripasindhu, I have no words to praise your virtues, disciplines, and amiability, I do often bewilder watching your humility, even the Vedas are incompetent to describe your greatness, how can I describe them in words? Oh! Prabho, the Veda, and scriptures describe that the status of family priest is the most revered, initially when I was reluctant to accept it, my father Lord Bhrama said “Oh! Thatha, the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra is absolute Bhramam, the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent Lord Sri Hari is personified as Lord Rama, he is the ornament of Raghu’s clan would rule the Kingdom of Ayodhya, hence serving the all-pervasive Bhramam would multiply your meritorious rewards.”

Uma Avadhabasi  Nara Nari  Kritharatha  Roopa | Bhrama Sacchidhanandha  Ghana Raghunayaka  Jaha Bhoopa ||

 Yek Bar Basishta  Muni Aaye | Jaha Rama  Sukhadhama  Suhaye || Athi Aadhara Raghunayaka Keenha || Padha Pakhari  Padhodhaka  Leenha || Rama Sunahu Muni  Kaha Kara  Jori | Kripasindhu Binathi Kacchu Mori || Dhekhi Dhekhi Aacharana  Thumhara | Hotha Moha  Mama Hridhaya  Apara || Mahima Amithi Bedha  Nahi Jana | Mei Kehi Bhanthi Kahau Bhagavana|| Uparohithya  Karma Athi Mandha | Bedha  Purana  Sumrithi  Kara Nindha || Jab Na  Leau  Mei Thab Bidhi Mohi | Kaha  Labha  Aage  Sutha Thohi || Paramathma  Bhrama Nara  Roopa | Hoyihi Raghukula  Bhooshana  Bhoopa ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The large assembly of preceptors, Bhramins, sages, ministers, and people of Ayodhya praises the virtues of Rama


Chapter - 47– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The large assembly of preceptors, Bhramin, sages, ministers, and people of Ayodhya praises the virtues of Rama


Rama speaks “The passionate devotees of mine would take great pleasure singing in praise of my glories and listening to my glorious myths, and they would be free from the impurities of lust, desire, anger, jealous, pride, and ego, they won’t have interest in worldly matters and interest in material things which has fleeting nature, they engage in Athmavichara, meditation, and contemplation, and they are the embodiment of bliss.” The people assembled in the huge assembly hall were rejoiced listening to the nectar-like speeches of Lord Sri Ramachandra, and prostrated before the Lord who is the ocean of mercy “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Kripanidhan, you are father, mother, preceptor, and kinsman, you are the all-pervasive Bhramam, you are the creator of living and non-living things, you are dear than our lives, Oh! Rama, you are beneficent to us, you represent mind, body, intellect, chiththa, Ahamkara, Prana, Karma, and Gnanendhriya, Oh! Prabho you are the protector of the Jeeva, Oh! Asurari, everyone has their own interest to attain, no one is concerned about other’s spiritual advancement, not even in their dreams.” The Lord of Raghu was highly pleased to listen to the words of pure love and devotion of the people assembled, thus they bade farewell to Rama, and returned to their home recollecting the marvelous speech of the Lord.

Mama Guna  Grama Nama Ratha  Gatha Mamatha  Madha Moha | Tha Kara  Sukha  Soyi Janayi Paranandha  Sandhoha ||

Sunatha  Sudhasama  Bachana Rama Ke | Gahe Sabani Padha  Kripadhama  Ke || Janani Janaka  Guru Bandhu Hamare | Kripanidhana  Prana The  Pyare || Thanu Dhanu Dhama Rama  Hithakari | Sab Bidhi Thumha Pranatharathi Hari || Asi  Sikha  Thumha Binu Dheyi Na Koau | Mathu Pitha Swaratha Ratha  Auau || Hethu Rahitha  Jaga Juga  Upakari | Thumha  Thumhara  Sevaka  Asurari || Swaratha Meetha Sakala Jaga  Mahi | Sapanehu Prabhu Paramaratha Nahi || Sab Ke  Bachana Prema rasa Sane | Suni  Raghunatha  Hridhaya  Harashane || Nija Nija  Griha Gaye  Aayasu  Payi | Baranatha Prabhu Bathakahi Suhayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The practice of devotion requires innocent heart, serenity, and the mind without impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara


Chapter - 46– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda –The practice of devotion requires innocent heart, serenity, and the mind without impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara

Rama speaks “ I shall pray before you with folded hands, Oh! Mahathma, the devotion at my lotus feet cannot be earned without the adoration of Lord Shankara, the path of devotion is the easiest way to attain my grace, and there are no difficulties involved in it, it does not require Japa, Thapa, Yoga, fasting or vows. The practice of devotion requires an innocent heart, contented, and the mind without impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, and completely surrendered at my lotus feet. The Jeeva drenched in material matters and engages in the worship of me for personal benefits, cannot achieve my grace. I shall describe the traits of my devotees, 1) the Jeeva who is free from the impurities of the mind, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara and Mamakara 2) free from an interest in worldly matters and bondage 3) have no desire or expectation or fear or animosity against anyone is freely wander over the Earth in bliss. 4) Jeeva who does not perform rites for personal benefits, abandoned home, family, children, relatives, companions, 5) Practice austerities without pride in it 6) free from anger, lust, pride, jealousy, and ego, 7) enjoys the company of Santh, Mahathma and noble souls, 8) consider the Purusharththa/Dharma, Arththa, Kama, Moksha as mere grass, and have firm faith in me without any deep analysis.”

Aurau Yek  Guputha  Math  Sabahi Kahau Kara Jori | Sankara  Bhajana  Bina  Nara Bhagathi Na Pavayi Mori ||

Kahahu Bhagathi Patha Kavana Prayasa| Joga Na Makha Japa Thapa Upavasa || Sarala Subhava  Na Man  Kutilayi | Jatha Labha  Santhosha  Sadhayi || Mora Dasa  Kahayi Nara Asa | Karayi Thau Kahahu  Kaha Biswasa || Bahuth Kahau Ka Katha  Badayi | Yehi Aacharana  Basya  Mei Bhayi || Baira Na  Bigraha  Aasana Na  Thrasa | Sukhamaya  Thahi Sadha Sab Aasa || Anarambha  Aniketha  Amani| Anagha  Arosha  Dhaccha  Bigyani || Preethi Sadha  Sajjana  Samsarga | Thrina  Sama  Bishaya  Swarga  Apabarga || Bhagathi  Paccha  Hada Nahi Sadathayi | Dhushta Tharka  Sab  Dhoori  Bahayi ||

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The highly meritorious deed is the worship of Bhramanas/twice-born by word, mind, and deed - The Rishis and deities are propitious to those Jeeva who selflessly serve the Brahmins


Chapter - 45– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The highly meritorious deed is the worship of Bhramanas/twice-born by word, mind, and deed - The Rishis and deities are propitious to those Jeeva who selflessly serve the Brahmins

Rama speaks “Oh! Mahathma, the Jeeva who is drenched in worldly matters and physical pleasures, are ignorant and unfortunate, even after attaining the rarest birth as a human if it was not utilized for crossing the mundane existence by practicing Shamadhamadhi/austerities and penance, that Jeeva is disrespectful meets the fate of self-murderer. If you seek happiness and welfare whiling living on the Earth and afterlife, listen to me carefully, and store them in your hearts, the Vedas and Puranas emphasizes that the devotion at my lotus feet is the pleasant path to achieve serenity of mind, and cross the unfathomable ocean of worldly existence. The ignorant Jeeva drenched in material matters such as possession, wealth, money, richness, fame, relatives, companion, wife, children, etc. constantly undergo suffering and pain /Thapathrya, finds it difficult to achieve devotion, eventually fails to achieve my grace. Therefore, the practice of devotion is the only way to achieve my grace, which would be possible only with the association of Santh, Mahathma, and noble souls. The association of Mahatmas is not possible without the piousness of the several births, the communion with the devotees of the Lord would bring an end to the Garbhavasa Dhukham/repeated births and death. The highly meritorious deed is the worship of Bhramanas/twice-born by word, mind, and deed, the Rishis and deities are propitious to those Jeeva who selflessly serve the Brahmins.”

Jo Na Tharai Bhavasagara Nara Samaja  Asa Payi | So Kritha Nindhaka  Mandhamathi Athmahana Gathi Jayi ||

Jau Paraloka  Iha  Sukha  Chahahu| Suni Mama  Bachana Hridhaya  Dhrida Gahahu || Sulabha  Sukhadha  Maraga Yaha Bhayi | Bhagathi Mori Purana  Shruthi Gayi || Gyana Agama  Prathyuha  Aneka | Sadhana Kadina  Na Man  Kahau Teka || Karatha  Kashta Bahu Pavayi Koau | Bhakthiheena  Mohi Priya  Nahi Soau || Bhakthi Suthanthra  Sakala Sukha  Khani | Binu Sathsanga  Na Pavahi  Prani || Punya Punjja Binu Milahi  Na Santha | Sathsangathi Samsrithi Kara Antha || Punya Yek  Jaga Mahu Nahi Dhooja | Mana Krama  Bachana Bipra  Padhapooja || Sanukoola  Thehi Para Muni Deva | Jo  Thaji Kapatu Karayi Dhvija Seva ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The unfortunate Jeeva hurls themselves into sufferings of worldly existence, and repeated births


Chapter - 44– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The unfortunate Jeeva hurls themselves into sufferings of worldly existence, and repeated births


The unfortunate Jeeva drenched in impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, undergoes constant miseries and grief of worldly existence, and blame the Time, deities, and fate for their ill-fortune. All the happiness and pleasures from the senses are short living nature, eventually, it hurls the Jeeva in constant grief. The dull-minded, drenched in impurities of the mind, and sensual pleasures, are ordained to consume toxic poison instead of nectar. These miserable Jeeva hurl themselves into eighty-four lakh Yonis/species of four divisions, continue to drive by Maya, and perform Karma with the influence of time, destiny, and nature, etc. The Jeeva who has no self-interest, sincerely worship me, and perform the austerities, Shamadhamadhi, and have perfect control over sense, cross the unfathomable ocean of mundane existence with the wind like my grace, attains preceptor to guide them to the path of righteousness.”


So  Parathra Dhukha Pavayi Sira Dhuni Dhuni  Pacchithayi | Kalahi Karmahi Eswarahi Miththya Dhosha  Lagayi ||

Yehi Thana Kara Phala Bishaya Na  Bhayi | Swargau Svalpa  Antha Dhukhadhayi || Nara Thanu Payi Bishaya Mana Dhehi | Palati Sudha  The Sad  Bisha Lehi || Thahi Kabahu Bhala Kahayi Bhala  Kahayi Na Koyi| Gunjja Grahayi  Parasamani Khoyi || Aakara Chari  Laccha  Chaurasi | Joni Bhramatha Yaha Jeeva  Abinasi || Phiratha Sadha  Maya Kara  Prera | Kala Karma  Subhava Guna  Ghera || Kabahuak Kari Karuna  Nara Dhehi| Dhetha Esa  Binu Hethu Sanehi || Nara Thanu Bhava  Baridhi  Kahau  Bero | Sanmukha  Marutha  Anugraha  Mero || Karanadhara  Sadhguru Dhrida Nava | Dhurllabha Saja  Sulabha  Kari  Pava ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – whoever does not strive for the achievement of the supreme Bhramam/Athmavichara, even after obtaining the rarest birth of human are unfortunate


Chapter - 43– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – whoever does not strive for the achievement of the supreme Bhramam/Athmavichara, even after obtaining the rarest birth of human are unfortunate


The illustrious Sanakadhis who are the liberated souls/Jeevanmuktha, the absolute Bhramam embodied as the ascetics took great pleasure in the various amusements of Lord Rama, hence the Jeeva whoever does not take pleasure in the glorious legend of Sri Hari is stonehearted. One day Lord Raghu invited Sage Vashishta, Rishis, Sages, and the illustrious Bhramins in the assembly, and all of them were received with great honor and took the seats arranged for them. The Supreme Lord Rama who is the destroyer of Garbhavasadhukha/repeated births, addressed the assembly “Oh! Mahathma, whatever I utter are not out of attachment to the world, I do not compel to do something which is worthless to practice, or I do not enforce my power on the people of Ayodhya, therefore kindly listen to me and act whatever feasible for you, and whoever follows my instructions sincerely is dear to me, if I utter anything unpleasant, kindly correct me. The Veda and scriptures highly emphasize that the human birth is rare to achieve, even for the deities and it is most appropriate for spiritual endeavors, and advancement, it is the gateway for liberation from the sufferings of worldly existence, therefore whoever does not strive for the achievement of that supreme Bhramam, even after obtaining the rarest birth of human are unfortunate.”


Jeevanmuktha  Bhramapara  Charitha Sunahi Thaji Dhyana | Je Hari  Katha Na Karahi Rathi Thinha  Ke Hiya  Pashana ||

Yek Bara  Raghunatha  Bolaye | Guru Dhvija  Purabasi  Sab Aaye || Baite Guru Muni Aru  Dhvija  Sajjana | Bole Bachana  Bhagatha  Bhava Bhanjana || Sunahu Sakala Purajana  Mama Bani | Kahau Na Kacchu Mamatha Ura  Aani || Nahi Aneethi Nahi Kacchu Prabhuthayi | Sunahu Karahu Jo Thumhahi Sohayi || Soyi Sevaka Priyathama  Mama Soyi | Mama  Anusasana  Manai Joyi || Jau  Aneethi  Kacchu Bhashai Bhayi | Thau Mohi  Barajahu Bhaya  Bisarayi || Bade  Bhaga  Manusha  Thanu Pava | Sura  Dhurllabha Sab Granthanhi Gava || Sadhana  Dhama  Moccha Kara  Dhwara | Payi  Na Jehi  Paraloka  Savara ||