Friday, December 10, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Rama, Lakshman, and Devi Vaidhehi meets all three mothers


Chapter - 7– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Rama, Lakshman, and Devi Vaidhehi meets all three mothers


The three mothers, Devi Kausalya, Devi Sumithra and Devi Kaikeyi hurried to their children like the mother cow return home after a long hour of grazing on the woods in the daylight, and rush back to its calf with the udder full of milk dripping on the ground. The compassionate Lord Sri Ramachandra met all the mothers and spoke to them in a pleasant tone, that removed the grief of separation from their beloved sons, soon the entire faces lit up with joy, and the atmosphere filled with smiling faces.


Devi Sumithra embraced Lakshman, remembered his love and devotion at the feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, and Devi Kaikeyi felt embarrassed while in the embrace of Rama. Lakshman embraced all the mothers and received their blessings, he met Devi Kaikeyi again and again even though his bitterness towards her did not disappear.


Devi Vaidhehi greeted all the mothers with due respect and love, she prostrated before them, was transported to a state of bliss. All the mothers enquired about the welfare of Devi Sita and blessed her “May you live long and blissful married life!’ The crowd gazed at the charming appearance of Lord of Raghu, their eyes filled with the tears of love, they received the Lord with the golden tray full of auspicious ingredients and earthen lamp, waving before him to remove the evil eyes on him. Everyone stood gazing at the beauty of Lord Sri Ramachandra who is the symbol of virtue and valor with utmost love and devotion, Devi Kausalya could not take away her eyes from the charming appearance of Rama and absorbed in various thoughts “ The demons must have dreadful and arrogant, my sons are too delicate and tender, how did he kill the King of Lanka of extraordinary might?”

Janu Dhenu Balaka Baccha Thaji Griha Charana Bana Parabasa  Gayi | Dhina Antha Pura Rukha Sravatha Thana  Humkara  Kari Dhavatha  Bhayi || Athiprema Prabhu Sab Mathu Bheti Bachana Mridhu Bahubidhi Kahe | Gayi Bishama Bipathi Biyoga  Bhava Thinha Harasha Sukha Aganitha  Lahe ||

Bheteau Thanaya  Sumithra  Ramacharana  Rathi Jani | Ramahi Milatha Kaikeyi Hridhaya Bahuth Sakuchani || Lacchimana  Sab Mathanha Mili Harashe  Aasisha Payi | Kaikeyi Kaha PUni Puni Mile  Mana Kara Cchobhu Na Jayi ||

Sasunha Sabani Mili Baidhehi | Charananhi Lagi Harashu Athi Thehi || Dhehi Aseesa  Booji Kusalatha | Hoyi Achala Thumhara  Ahivatha || Sab Raghupathi Mukhakamala Bilokahi | Mangala Jani Nayanajala Rokahi || Kanaka Thara  Aarathi Utharahi | Bara Bara Prabhu Gatha  Niharahi || Nana Bhanthi Nicchavari Karahi | Paramanandha Harasha Ura  Bharahi || Kausalya  Puni PUni Raghubeerahi | Chithavathi Kripasindhu Ranadheerahi || Hridhaya Bicharathi Barahi Bara | Kavana Bhanthi Lankapathi Mara || Athi Sukumara  Jugala  Mere Bare | Nisichara  Subhata  Mahabala Bhare ||

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Rama's meeting with Bharatha


Chapter - 6– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Rama's meeting with  Bharatha


The lotus-like eyes of Prabhu Sri Ramachandra drenched in tears, bodily hairs stood upright in extreme joy, he embraced Bharatha repeatedly, thus the Lord of the three worlds remained in the embrace of his brothers. I have no words to eulogize the expression of the feelings of all four brothers, resembled the essence of emotions personified as Rama enquired the welfare of Bharatha, but the words stuck on his throat, choked to speak out, the words did not come to help him. Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, the bliss personified as Bharatha was beyond speech and thought, and it can be understood only for those who feel at that moment.” Bharatha spoke in tears “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Lord of Kosala, all is well at the grace of you, and you have taken me in hand realizing that I was sinking in the ocean of grief of separation from you, Oh! Prabho, you are the savior of the distressed souls.”

Lord Rama embraced Shathrughna, then Lakshman moved to Bharatha and Shathrughna, thus the four brothers drenched in tears remained in the embrace of each other for a while and got relieved from the pain of separation. The people of Ayodhya regained a great enthusiasm at the mere sight of Lord Sri Ramachandra along with Devi Sita and Lakshman, all their distress, and grief of separation from the Lord disappeared instantly, eventually all the people soaked in merriment. The Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra watching the pure love and devotion of the people, assumed infinite forms and met each one of them individually, and comforted them in an appropriate manner. He removed the distress and pain of separation of the people with his compassionate look, Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, it is mysterious and none could comprehend, the benevolent Lord who is the repository of virtues, kindness, removed the grief of the people instantly with his loving grace on them.” Devi Kausalya and all the mothers hurried to meet the Lord Sri Ramachandra, Devi Sita and Lakshman, like the mother cow rushes towards her calf immediately after she gets home after grazing a long day on the field.

Rajeeva Lochana  Sravatha  Jala Thana Lalitha Pulakavali Bani | Athiprema  Hridhaya Lagayi Anujahi Mile Prabhu Thribhuana Dhani || Prabhu Milatha Anujahi Soha Mo Pahi Jathi Nahi Upama Kahi | Janu Prema  Aru Singara Thanu Dhari Mile Bara  Sushama Lahi || Boojjatha Kripanidhi Kusala Bharathahi Bachana Begi Na  Aavayi | Sunu Siva So Sukha Bachana Mana The  Bhinna Jana Jo Pavayi || Ab Kusala Kausalyanatha Aaratha Jani Jana Dharasana Dhiyo | Boodatha Biraha Barisa  Kripanidhana Mohi Kara Gahi LIyo ||

Puni Prabhu Harashi Sathruhna  Bhete Hridhaya Lagayi | Lacchimana Bharatha Mile  Thab Parama Prema Dhoau Bhayi ||

Bharathanuja  Lacchimana  Puni Bhete | Dhusaha Biraha Sambhava  Dhukha Mete || Seetha Charana Bharatha Siru Nava | Anuja Sametha Paramasukha Pava || Prabhu Biloki Harashe Purabasi | Janitha Biyoga  Bipathi Sab Nasi || Premathura  Sab Loga  Nihari | Kauthuka  Keenha Kripala Kharari || Amitha Roopa  Pragate Thehi Kala | Jathajoga Mile Sabahi Kripala || Kripadhrishti Raghubeera Biloki | Kiye Sakala Nara Nari Bisoki || Cchana Mahi Sabahi Mile Bhagavana | Uma  Marama Yaha  Kahu Na  Jana || Yehi Bidhi Sabahi Sukhi Kari Rama | Aage Chale Seelaguna  Dhama || Kausalyadhi Mathu Sab Dhayi | Nirakhi Baccha Janu Dhenu Lavayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Rama’s meeting with the Preceptors Sage Vashishta and Vamadeva


Chapter - 5– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Rama’s meeting with the Preceptors Sage Vashishta and Vamadeva


The compassionate Lord Sri Ramachandra witnessed the crowd of people of Ayodhya anxiously waiting to have a glimpse of Rama, soon the Lord ordered the Pushpakavimana to land closer to the Avadhapuri, after getting down from the Pushpakavimana, Lord ordered “Now you may return to Lord Kubera.” Thus the Pushpakavimana took leave with a mixed feeling of joy and grief.


Baratha who was thin to skeleton due to constant austerities, and vow, and the people who were accompanied by him were also emaciated in the grief of separation from Lord Rama, proceed to greet Rama, as soon as Rama witnessed the preceptors Vashishta and Vamadeva, he dropped the bow and arrow on the ground, and holding the hand of his younger brother Lakshman, hurried to the preceptors, and prostrated before them, he clasped the feet of preceptors, his bodily hairs stood upright in thrill. Sage Vashishta lifted Rama and Lakshman from the ground, and embraced them affectionately, and enquired the welfare of all. Rama spoke “Oh! Prabho, it was your grace that ensured the welfare and safety of us.” Lord of Raghu who is the essence of righteousness bowed head before all the Bhramins, at that very moment Bharatha rushed to Lord Rama and fell at the lotus feet of the Lord Sri Ramachandra which is worshiped by deities, Lord Bhrama, Lord Shambhu, and illustrious Sages and Rishis, he clasped the feet of the Lord and shed tears of joy, finally, Rama lifted Bharatha from the ground and embraced him tightly, both the brothers shed tears and remained in the embrace for a while overcome, with a mixed feeling.


Avatha Dhekhi Loga  Sab Kripasindhu Bhagavana | Nagara Nikata Prabhu Prereau Uthareau Bhoomi Bimana || Uthari Kaheau Prabhu Pushpakahi Thuma Kubera  Pahi Jahu | Preritha Rama Chaleau  So Harashu Birahu Athi Thahu ||


Aye Bharatha Sanga Sab Loga | Krisa Thana Sreeraghubeera Biyoga || Bamadeva Basishta Muninayaka | Dhekhe Prabhu Mahi Dhari  Dhanu Sayaka || Dhayi Dhare Guru Charana Saroruha | Anuja Sahitha Athi Pulaka Thanoruha || Bheti Kusala Boojji Muniraya | Hamare  Kusala  Thumharahi Dhaya || Sakala Dhvijanha Mili Nayau Matha | Dharma Dhurandhara Raghukulanatha || Gahe Bharatha Puni Prabhu Padha Pankaja | Namatha  Jinhahi Sura Muni Sanakara Aja || Pare Bhoomi Nahi Udatha  Udaye | Bara Kari  Kripasindhu Ura Laye || Syamala Gatha  Roma  Bhaye Dade | Nava Rajeeva  Nayana Jala Bade ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Rama describes the splendor of Avadhapuri and the sacred river Sarayu


Chapter - 4– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Rama describes the splendor of Avadhapuri and the sacred river Sarayu


Bharatha and his younger brother Shathrughna, along with preceptors, Sage Vashishta, and Vamadeva, illustrious Bhramins, followed by kinsmen, joyfully set forth to receive the compassionate Lord Sri Ramachandra, Devi Sita, Lakshman, and the host of Vanaras Sugreevah, Vibeeshana, and the mighty Hanuman, Angadha, Nala, Neela, Jambavanth and the Vanaras and bears. The people of Avadhapuri settled on the terrace of their homes to get a glimpse of the Lord. The women and men dressed in marvelous attires beautifully sang to welcome their beloved Lord. The city of Ayodhya is engulfed in delight like the full moon brings a thrill to the ocean waves. The entire city reverberated with the sounds of music and the people were delightfully moving around like the ocean waves.

Rama who is the delight of the distressed soul, sun to the clan of Raghu’s of the solar race, showed the beautiful city of Lanka to the Vanaras and bears, he introduced the splendor of the city to Sugrivah “Oh! Friends, Sugrivah, Angadha, Hanuman, Nala, Neela, Jambavan, Vibheeshana, this is one of the sacred lands on the Earth, although the scriptures and Veda highly praise the abode of Vaikuntha, I have always considered the Avadhapuri as one of my favorites, only a few souls know the truth of it. This is my birthplace, and the sacred river Sarayu flows north of the glorious Avadhapuri. Whoever takes a dip on the sacred Sarayu would attain my abode easily without much Tapasya, and vows, after leaving their mortal coil. The people of Avadhapuri are dear to my heart, whoever leaves mortal coil on this land would attain my abode their life after death.”


Harashitha Guru Parijana Anuja  Bhoosura  Brindha Sametha | Chale Bharatha Manaprema Athi Sanmukh Kripaniketha || Bahuthaka Chadi Atarinha Nirakhahi Gagana Bimana | Dhekhi Madhura Sura Harashitha Karahi Sumangala Gana || Raka Sasi Raghupathi Pura Sindhu Dhekhi Harashan | Badyo Kolahala Karatha Janu Nari Tharanga Samana ||

Iha Bhanukula  Kamala Dhikara | Kapinha Dhekhavath Nagara Manohara || Sunu Kapeesa  Angadha Lankesa | Pavana Puri Ruchira Yaha Desa || Jadhdhyapi Sab Baikunda Bakhana | Bedha Purana Bidhitha Jagujana || Avadhapuri Sama Priya  Nahi Soau| Yaha Prasanga  Janayi Koau Koau || Janmabhoomi Mama Puri Suhavani | Uththara Dhisi Baha Saraju Pavani || Ja Majjana The  Binahi Prayasa | Mama Sameepa Nara Pavahi Basa || Athi Priya Mohi Iha Ke Basi | Mama Dhama Puri Sukharasi || Harashe Sab Kapi Suni Prabhu Bani | Dhanya Avadha Jo Rama Bakhani ||

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Hanuman returns to Rama and describes his conversation with Bharatha


Chapter - 3– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda –Hanuman returns to Rama and describes his conversation with  Bharatha

Bharatha repeatedly asked with tears “Does Lord of Raghu remembers me as his servant?” Hanuman overjoyed watching the modesty of Bharatha, fell at his feet and replied “Oh! Prabho, how can he forget you? He is the Lord of animate and inanimate things in the Universe, holiest among the sacred, he is the treasure house of virtues, and kind to his devotees. Oh! Prabho, you are dear as life to Rama, Oh! Brother, I promise upon Rama that you are his Prana.” Bharatha could not control his joy, he repeatedly embraces Hanuman. Shortly, Hanuman bade farewell to Bharatha, and returned to Rama, and described all the conversations that taken place with Bharatha who is impatiently waiting for the arrival of the Lord. Rama along with Devi Sita, Lakshman, and the host of Vanaras and bears, delightfully mounted on the Pushpakavimana and proceeded the journey to Ayodhya.


Bharatha joyfully returned to Ayodhya and informed the excellent news of the successful return of Rama to Sage Vashishta and Vamadeva, soon the palace and entire city came to know about the arrival of Lord Rama. The mothers started moving all over the palace in great enthusiasm, Bharatha shared the welfare of Lord Sri Ramachandra, Devi Sita, and Lakshman with them. The people of Ayodhya, elderly men, children, women, and men were danced in joy. The women singing melodious songs, walked with the gait of an elephant, holding the golden trays full of auspicious ingredients such as Gorochana, fruits, flowers, curds, Durvagrass, yellow rice, Tulsi, Sandalwood paste, vermilion, turmeric, etc. in large quantities, and marched towards the palace to welcome the divine couple. All the houses were filled with joy and laughter, once again the city of Ayodhya was decorated marvelously resembled the storehouse of beauty, for welcoming the beloved Lord Sri Ramachandra and his consort Goddess Janaki, the city filled with the cool and fragrant breeze, and the river Sarayu splendidly flown with the crystal-clear water.



Nija Das Jyo Raghubhamsabhooshana  Kabahu Mama Sumiran Kariyo | Suni Baratha Bachana Bineetha Athi  Kapi Pulaki Thana Charananhi Paryo || Raghubeera Nija Mukha  Jasu Gunagana Kahatha Aga Jaga Natha Jo | Kahe Na Hoyi Bineetha  Parama PUneetha  Sadhguna  Sindhu So ||

 Rama Pranapriya Natha Thumha  Sathya Bachana  Mama Thatha | Puni Puni Milatha  Bharatha Suni Harasha Na  Hridhaya Samatha || Bharatha Charana Siru Nayi  Thuritha Gayau Kapi Rama Pahi | Kahi Kusala SabJayi  Harashi Chaleau Prabhu Jan Chadi ||


Harashi Bharatha  Kosalapura Aye | Samachara Sab Gurahi Sunaye || Puni Mandhira  Maha Bath Janayi | Aavatha Nagara Kusala Raghurayi|| Sunatha  Sakala Janani Udi Dhaye | Kahi Prabhu Kusala Bharatha Samujjayi || Samachara Purabasinha Paye | Nara Aru  Nari Harashi Sab Dhaye || Dhadhi Dhurba Rochana Phala Phoola | Nava Tulasi Dhala Mangala Moola || Bhari Bhari Hema  Thara Bhamini | Gavatha Chali Sindhuragamini || Je Jaisehi Thaisehi Udi Dhavahi | Bala Bridhdha Kaha Sanga Na  Lavahi || Yek Yekanha Kaha Boojjahi Bhayi | Thumha Dhekhe Dhayala Raghurayi || Avadhapuri Prabhu Aavatha Jani | Bhayi Sakala Sobha  Kai Khani || Bahayi Suhavana Thribidha Sameera | Bhayi Saraju Athi Nirmala Neera ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – Hanuman meets Bharatha in Nandigram


Chapter - 2– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – Hanuman meets Bharatha in Nandigram


Bharatha was wrapped up in various thoughts and was grieving over the separation from Rama, suddenly there appeared Hauman disguised as a Bhramin, like a person sinking in the ocean got the bark of the tree to hold. Hanuman saw the emaciated body of Bharatha due to constant vows, and austerities, seated on the Kushagrass, attired in saffron roble, matted hair locks, chanting Ramanama relentlessly and tears overflowing down the cheeks. Hanuman could not control his tears, watching the pure love and devotion of Bharatha, he too transported to a state of ecstasy. He was highly pleased with the devotion of Bharatha, and spoke affectionately “Oh! Prabho, at whose separation you were grieving day and night, and whose virtues and valor are singing in praise, and who is beloved of deities and Mahatmas, is returning successfully after the completion of the term of exile. Lord Rama has conquered his enemies on the battlefield, and returning safely with his beloved consort Devi Sita, and younger brother Lakshman.” The moment Bharatha heard the nectar-like voice of the Vatu, he forgot all his grief like the thirsty person found the reservoir of nectar. Bharatha rose abruptly and spoke in various emotions “Oh! My dear Friend, who are you? Where did you come from? You have brought an excellent piece of information.” Lord Hanuman spoke “Oh! Prabho, Karunanidhi, I am Hanuman, the son of Lord of Vayu, I am a Vanara, a sincere servant of Lord Rama who is the protector of distressed Jeeva.” Bharatha rushed to Hanuman and embraced him, both of them shed tears of joy, remain in the embrace of each other with various emotions. Bharatha spoke affectionately “Oh! Vayuputhra, all my grief has disappeared at the mere sight of you, I have felt the touch of Rama in your embrace.” Bharatha repeatedly enquired about the welfare and health of Lord Rama and all. Bharatha continued “Oh! Brother, what shall I give you in return? You have brought the most auspicious news, and there is nothing propitious than this information, hence I shall remain indebted to you. Oh! Vayuputhra, kindly narrate the life of Rama in the woods.” Hanuman prostrated at the lotus feet of Bharatha and began to explain all those meritorious deeds of Rama. Bharatha enquired hesitantly “Oh! Brother, does my gracious brother Rama remember me as one of his sincere servants while living in the woods?”.

Rama Biraha Sagar Maha Bharatha Magana Man Hotha | Bipraroopa Dhari Pavana Sutha Ayi Gayau Janu Potha || Baite Dhekhi Kusasana Jata Mukuta  Krisa  Gaatha | Rama Rama RAghupathi Japatha Sravatha Nayana Jalajatha ||

Dhekhatha Hanumana Athi Harasheau | Pulaka Gatha Lochana Jala Barasheau || Mana Maha Bahutha Bhanthi Sukhamani | Boleau Shravana  Sudha  Sama Bani|| Jasu Biraha Sochahu Dhinarathi | Ratahu Nirathara Gunagana Pathi || Raghukula Thilaka Sujana Sukhadhatha | Aayau Kusala Devamuni Thratha || Ripu Rana Jeethi Sujasa Sura Gavatha | Seetha Sahitha Anuja  Prabhu Aavath || Sunatha Bachana Bisare Sab Dhukha | Thrishavanth Jimi Payi Piyoosha || KO Thumha Thatha Kaha The Aaye | Mohi Parama Priya Bachana Sunaye || Marutha Sutha Mei Kapi Hanumana | Namu Mora Sunu Kripanidhana || Dheenabandhu Raghupathi Kara Kinkara | Sunatha Bharatha Bheteau Udi Sadhar || Milatha Prema Nahi Hridhaya Samatha | Nayana Sravatha Jala Pulakitha Gatha || Kapi Thava Dharasa Sakala Dhukha Beethe | Mile Aaju Mohi Rama Pireethe || Bar Bar Boojji Kusalatha | Tho Kahu Dheau Kaha  Sunu Bhratha || Yehi Sandhesa Sarisa Jaga  Mahi | Kari  Bichara Dhekheau Kacchu Nahi || Nahina Thatha Urina Mei Thohi | Ab Prabhu Charitha Sunavahu Mohi || Thab Hanumantha Nayi Padha Matha | Kahe Sakala Raghuapthi Gunagatha || Kahu Kapi Kabahu Kripala Gosayi | Sumirahi Mohi Dasa Ki Nayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Uththara Kanda – The initial Prayers – Bharatha impatiently waiting for the return of Rama, absorbed in various thoughts


Chapter - 1– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara Kanda – The initial Prayers – Bharatha impatiently waiting for the return of Rama, absorbed in various thoughts


I shall contemplate upon supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra, along with Devi Sita, Lakshman, and the host of Vanaras and bears mounted on the magnificent Pushpakavimanam. I shall repeatedly prostrate before Lord Sri Ramachandra who has the dark cloud complexion that resembles the greenish dark color on the neck of a peacock, whose chest bears the footprints of Sage Brighu, he is worshiped by deities, he has great effulgence, attired in majestic yellow silk garment, beautiful eyes resemble blue lotus flower petals, he is benevolent, wielded in bow and arrow.


I shall contemplate upon the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, whose feet are charming and delicate, worshiped by Lord Bhrama, Lord Shambhu, and deities, its caressed by the lotus hands of Goddess Janaki, and sought after by the bee-like the mind of Mahatmas and noble souls.


 I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Shankara who has the marvelous appearance and has the luster of flowers of Kundha, and the moon. He is the Lord of Goddess Ambika, and he is kind and compassionate, fulfills all the desires of his worshiper, he has beautiful eyes that have the resemblance of lotus flower, he is unblemished, and liberates the souls from repeated births.


It was the day before the completion of the term of the exile of Rama, the people of Ayodhya emaciated with the constant vows and austerities undertaken for the welfare of Rama, Lakshman, and Devi Sita, and grief of separation from their beloved Lord, they anxiously waited for the return of their beloved Lord, and absorbed in various thoughts. At that very moment, they have experienced several auspicious omens, it elevated their enthusiasm, soon the city of Ayodhya was engulfed in brightness and joy. The arrival of Lord Sri Ramachandra along with Devi Sita and Lakshman was declared in the city, all three mothers rejoiced at heart.  Bharatha’s right eye and arm quivered as a mark of auspicious omen, he felt immensely happy, soon he became thoughtful.


Bharatha who was solemnly waiting for the completion of the term of the exile of Rama absorbed in various thoughts, “Why Lord Rama did not come? Has he forgotten me already, knowing that I was the reason behind the troubles mounted in his life? Lakshman is fortunate to be with Rama all these years, he had intense devotion at the feet of the Lord, hence he had the opportunity to serve the Lord and Devi Sita relentlessly. Lord Sri Ramachandra must have known that I am not devoted to him like Lakshman does, that’s why he has refused to take me to the woods. I have committed unpardonable mistakes, those are not to be overlooked in several Yugas, but the most compassionate Lord Rama is forgiving and kind-hearted, he never notices the faults of his devotees, he always counts the good deeds of them. I am certain that Lord Sri Ramachandra will meet me very soon, there are several auspicious omens are visible before my eyes. If I outlive the completion of the term of the exile of Rama, I would be the most despicable in the whole world.”


Keki Kandabhaleenam  Suravara Vilasadhvipra Padhabjachinham | Shobhadyam Peethavasthram Sarasijanayanam Sarvadha Suprasannam | Panau Narachachapam Kapinikarayutham Bandhuna Sevyamanam  Naumeedyam Janakeesham Raghuvaramanisham Pushpakaroodaramam ||

Kosalendhrapadhakacchamajjulai Komalavajamahesha Vandhithau | Janaki Karasaroja Lalithau Chinthakasya Manabhringasanginau ||

Kundha Indhudhara Gaurasundharam Ambikapathim Abheeshta Sidhdhidham | Karunika Kalakanjjalochanam  Naumi Shankaramanangamochanam ||

Raha  Yek Dhin Avadhi Kara Athi Aaratha Pura Loga | Jaha Thaha Sochahi Nari Nara  Krisa  Thana Rama Biyoga || Saguna Hohi Sundhara  Sakala Manaprasanna Sab Kera | Prabhu  Aagavana Janava  Janu Nagara Ramya Chahau Phera || Kausalyadhi Mathu Sab Mana Anandha Asa Hoyi | Aayau Prabhu Sri Anuja Jutha Kahana Chahatha Ab Koyi || Bharatha Nayana Bhuja Dhacchina Pharakatha Barahi Bar | Jani Saguna  Mana Harasha  Athi Lage Karana Vichara ||

Raheau Yek Dhin  Avadhi Aadhara | Samujjatha Manadhukha Bhayau Apara || Karana Kavana Natha Nahi Aayau | Jani Kutila Kidhau Mohi  Bisarayau || Ahaha Dhanya Lachimana Badabhagi | Rama Padhabindhu Anuragi || Kapati Kutila Mohi Prabhu Cheenha | Thathe Natha Sanga Nahi Leenha || Jau Karani Samujjai Prabu Mori | Nahi  Nisthara  Kalapa Satha  Kori || Jana Avaguna Prabhu Mana Na Kau | Dheenbandhu Athi Mridhula Subhau || More Jiya  Bharosa Dhrida Soyi | Milihi Rama Saguna Subha Hoyi || Beethe Avadhi Rahahi Jau Prana| Adhama Kavana Jaga Mohi Samana ||