Chapter - 7– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Uththara
Kanda – Rama, Lakshman, and Devi Vaidhehi meets all three mothers
The three mothers, Devi Kausalya, Devi
Sumithra and Devi Kaikeyi hurried to their children like the mother cow return
home after a long hour of grazing on the woods in the daylight, and rush back
to its calf with the udder full of milk dripping on the ground. The compassionate
Lord Sri Ramachandra met all the mothers and spoke to them in a pleasant tone,
that removed the grief of separation from their beloved sons, soon the entire
faces lit up with joy, and the atmosphere filled with smiling faces.
Devi Sumithra embraced Lakshman, remembered
his love and devotion at the feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, and Devi Kaikeyi
felt embarrassed while in the embrace of Rama. Lakshman embraced all the
mothers and received their blessings, he met Devi Kaikeyi again and again even
though his bitterness towards her did not disappear.
Devi Vaidhehi greeted all the mothers with
due respect and love, she prostrated before them, was transported to a state of
bliss. All the mothers enquired about the welfare of Devi Sita and blessed her “May
you live long and blissful married life!’ The crowd gazed at the charming
appearance of Lord of Raghu, their eyes filled with the tears of love, they
received the Lord with the golden tray full of auspicious ingredients and
earthen lamp, waving before him to remove the evil eyes on him. Everyone stood
gazing at the beauty of Lord Sri Ramachandra who is the symbol of virtue and
valor with utmost love and devotion, Devi Kausalya could not take away her eyes
from the charming appearance of Rama and absorbed in various thoughts “ The demons
must have dreadful and arrogant, my sons are too delicate and tender, how did
he kill the King of Lanka of extraordinary might?”
Janu Dhenu Balaka Baccha Thaji Griha Charana
Bana Parabasa Gayi | Dhina Antha Pura
Rukha Sravatha Thana Humkara Kari Dhavatha
Bhayi || Athiprema Prabhu Sab Mathu Bheti Bachana Mridhu Bahubidhi Kahe
| Gayi Bishama Bipathi Biyoga Bhava
Thinha Harasha Sukha Aganitha Lahe ||
Bheteau Thanaya Sumithra
Ramacharana Rathi Jani | Ramahi
Milatha Kaikeyi Hridhaya Bahuth Sakuchani || Lacchimana Sab Mathanha Mili Harashe Aasisha Payi | Kaikeyi Kaha PUni Puni
Mile Mana Kara Cchobhu Na Jayi ||
Sasunha Sabani Mili Baidhehi | Charananhi
Lagi Harashu Athi Thehi || Dhehi Aseesa
Booji Kusalatha | Hoyi Achala Thumhara
Ahivatha || Sab Raghupathi Mukhakamala Bilokahi | Mangala Jani
Nayanajala Rokahi || Kanaka Thara
Aarathi Utharahi | Bara Bara Prabhu Gatha Niharahi || Nana Bhanthi Nicchavari Karahi |
Paramanandha Harasha Ura Bharahi ||
Kausalya Puni PUni Raghubeerahi |
Chithavathi Kripasindhu Ranadheerahi || Hridhaya Bicharathi Barahi Bara |
Kavana Bhanthi Lankapathi Mara || Athi Sukumara
Jugala Mere Bare | Nisichara Subhata
Mahabala Bhare ||