Saturday, December 4, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Lord Indra eulogizes the glories of Rama


Chapter - 113– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Lord Indra eulogizes the glories of Rama


Lord Indhra felt immensely relieved watching Lord Sri Ramachandra, Lakshman, and Devi Janaki safe and sound, he eulogizes the glories of Rama -

“Victory to Lord Rama who is the personification of beauty, the dispeller of grief and sufferings of the Jeeva who have taken shelter at his lotus feet. He is the mighty Lord who is wielded on bow and arrow. Victory to Kharari/the slayer of demon Khara, and the demon Dhushana, the destroyer of wicked demons on the earth. Oh! Prabho, you have killed the mighty demon Ravana and ensured welfare and peace on the Earth. You are the reliever of the burden of the Earth, you are propitious to the deities and noble souls, Oh! Prabho, the ten-headed demon grown too arrogant and ignorant, defeated the deities and Gandharvas, he constantly troubled the Rishis, Sages, humans and Nagas and birds alike, he took immense pleasure in torturing the Jeevas, committed various sins, and finally, he has reaped the fruit of his wicked deeds. Oh! Prabho, you have beautiful eyes that resemble the lotus flower petals, you are humble and kind to your worshiper, Oh! Prabho, I was proud and arrogant before, as soon as I have taken shelter at your lotus feet, all my ignorance has disappeared. Oh! Prabho, the Bhramavadhin contemplate upon the Nirgunaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam which was eulogized by the Vedas, I have been fascinated by the marvelous form of that supreme Bhramam personified as the son of King of Kosala. Oh! Prabho, consider me as your sincere servant and reside in my heart along with Devi Vaidhehi and Lakshman, and bless me with the perpetual devotion at your lotus feet.”

Anuja Janaki  Sahitha Prabhu  Kusala Kosaladheesa | Sobha Dhekhi Harashi Man Asthuthi Kara Sura Esa ||

 Jaya Rama  Sobha Dhama | Dhayaka Pranatha  Bishrama || Dhritha  Throna  Bara Sara Chapa | Bhujadhanda  Prabala Prathapa || Jaya Dhooshanari Kharari | Mardhana Nisachara  Dhari || Yaha Dhrishta  Mareau Natha | Bhaye Deva  Sakala  Sanatha || Jaya Harana  Dharani Bhara | Mahima Udhara  Aapara || Jaya  Ravanari  Kripala | Kiye Jathudhana  Bihala || Lankesa Athi  Bala Garba| Kiye  Basya Sura  Gandharba|| Muni Sidhdha  Nara Khaga  Naga | Hadi Pantha  Sab Ke  Laga || Paradhroha  Ratha Athi Dhushta | Payo So Phalu Papishta || Ab Sunahu Dheenadhayala | Rajeevana Nayana  Bisala || Mohi Raha  Athi Abhimana | Nahi Koau Mohi Samana || Ab Dhekhi Prabhu Padhakanjja | Gatha Mana  Pradha Dhukha PUnjja || Koau Bhrama  Nirguna Dhyava | Abyaktha  Jehi Shruthi Gava || Mohi  Bhava Kosala  Bhoopa | Sreerama  Saguna  Saroopa || Baidhehi Anuja Sametha | Mama Hridhaya  Karahu Niketha || Mohi Janiye  Nija Dasa  | Dhe  Bhakthi Ramanivasa ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – King Dhasharatha arrives to meet Rama and shed tears beholding his beauty


Chapter - 112– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – King Dhasharatha arrives to meet Rama and shed tears beholding his beauty


The four-faced Lord Bhrama overcame with various emotions, looked at the marvelous appearance Lord Sri Ramachandra who is an ocean of beauty, was transported to a state of ecstasy. At that very moment, the Lord of Kosala King Dhasharatha appeared in a celestial form, and shed tears of joy beholding the beauty of Lord Rama, immediately the two brothers reverentially prostrated before their father, and received his blessings and spoke “Oh! Dear father, it was your religious merits, I have conquered the enemies, the mighty demon King on the battlefield.” King Dhasharatha shed tears listening to the humility of his son, transported to a state of bliss, Lord Rama realized that his father bore the same affection towards him even after leaving his mortal coil, so Lord of Raghu imparted the greatest of wisdom to alleviate his grief of separation. Lord Mahadeva spoke “Oh! Devi Uma, King Dhasharatha always considered the supreme Bhramam as his son, and has not practiced the devotion on that Bhramam, instead dearly loved Rama as his son, hence he did not attain salvation.” Whoever worships the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra would attain persistent devotion/Ananyabhakthi, which would provide liberation from repeated births, and the sufferings and agonies of worldly existence as well.  The Supreme Lord Rama repeatedly prostrated before his father King Dhasharatha, eventually, his father bade farewell and returned to heaven.

Binaya keenhi Chathuranana  Prema Pulaka  Athi Gatha | Sobhasindhu Bilokatha  Lochana  Nahi  Aghatha ||

Thehi Avasara  Dhasaratha Thaha Aye | Thanaya Biloki N ayana Jala Cchaye || Anuja Sahitha Prabhu Bandhana  keenha| Aasirbadha  Pitha Thab Dheenha || Thatha Sakala Thava Punya  Prabhau | Jeethyo Ajaya  Nisachara  Rau || Suni Sutha  Bachana Preethi Athi Badi | Nayana Salila  Romavali  Dadi || Raghupathi Prathamaprema  Anumana | Chithayi Pithahi Dheenheau Drida Gyana || Thathe Uma  Moccha Nahi Payo | Dhashartha Bhedha Bhagathi Mana Layo || Sagunopasaka  Moccha Na  Lehi | Theenha Kahau Rama Bhagathi  Nija Dhehi || Bar Bar  Kari Prabhuhi Pranama | Dhasharatha Harashi Gaye  Suradhama ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Lord Bhrama eulogizing the splendor of Lord Sri Ramachandra along with Devi Sita


Chapter - 111– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Lord Bhrama eulogizing the splendor of Lord Sri Ramachandra along with Devi Sita


The deities and Rishis stood with folded hands before Lord Sri Ramachandra, and praised his glories, at that moment, Lord Bhrama who was overcome with various emotions, started eulogizing Lord Rama:

“ Victory to Rama who is the abode of bliss, Oh! Hare, Oh! Raghunayaka, you are the protector of Jeeva, Oh! Rama who is wielded in powerful bow and arrow, you are the powerful lion that tore apart the herds of untamed elephants like mundane existence, you are the ocean of virtues, Oh! Natha, Oh! Vibho, you excel the beauty of several Kamadeva, you are incomparable, your glories are constantly sung in praise by the Rishis, Sages, deities, etc. Oh! Prabho, you are the purifier of the souls, your endless glories sanctify the souls, your wrath seized the dreadful demon Ravana, like the king of bird’s eagle get hold of the serpent on its legs. Oh! Sukhadhayaka, you are the dispeller of grief and agonies of worldly existence, you are the wisdom personified, you are free from passion, impurities of the mind. Oh! Lord of Raghu, your descendants were most promising of untold virtues, Oh! Prabho, you have reduced the burden of Mother Earth, you are Aja/have no birth or death, you are omnipresent, Oneness-in-all, you have neither beginning nor end, Oh! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, I shall prostrate before you, Oh! Merciful Lord/Karunakara, Raghukulayaka, Oh! Kharari, you are the slayer of wicked demons on the Earth, you have crowned Vibheeshana as the King of Lanka, who sought shelter at your lotus feet, you are the storehouse wisdom and virtues, you are all-pervasive Bhramam, free from Maya, Oh! Mayapathi, I shall worship you, the might of your arm is incomparable, you are too kind and compassionate to the distressed Jeeva, you are the beauty personified, Oh! Prabho, I shall worship you along with Jagathjanni Jadamba Paramba Bhagavathi Devi Sita. Oh! Prabho, you are beyond Prakrithi, you are the cause and effect, you are the destroyer of the impurities of the mind of your worshiper. Oh! Prabho, you have marvelous appearance, wielded in bow and arrow, resembles freshly bloomed blue lotus flower, you have beautiful eyes resembles red lotus flower petals, Oh! Prabho, you are the ocean of bliss, you are the subduer of arrogance and ignorance, you are Lakshmipathi, you are beyond perception of mind, intellect, and words. Oh! Prabho, you have innumerable incarnations, but you have never attached to any of it, the Vedas highly eulogizes your glories, you are the brightness in the sun, and coolness in the moon, you are inseparable from the Prakrithi. These Vanaras and bears are fortunate to be with you, Oh! Hari, we forgot to worship you and lost the fortune to be with you. Oh! Prabho, kindly shower your compassionate grace on us, kindly remove the sufferings and grief from us, that deluded us and forced to commit various sins, kindly shower your grace on us, so that we grow beyond dualities from mistaking the worldly matters, and material things are permanent and joyful. Oh! Prabho, you are the destroyer of wicked, you are the precious jewel of the Raghu clan, your lotus feet are worshiped by Lord Shambhu and Bhavani, Oh! Raghunayaka, kindly blesses us with the perpetual devotion/Ananya Bhakti at your lotus feet which is the source of immense bliss.”

Kari Binathi Sura Sidhdha Sab  Rahe Jaha Thaha Kara Jori | Athi  Saprema  Than Pulaki Bidhi ASthuthi Karatha Bahori ||

Jaya Rama Sadha  Sukhadhama  Hare | Raghunayaka  Sayaka Chapa Dhare  || Bhava Bharana Dharan Simha Prabho | Gunasagara  Nagara Natha Bibo || Than Kama Aneka  Anoopa Cchabi | Guna  Gavatha Sidhdha  Muneedhra Kabi|| Jasu Pavana  Ravana Naga  Maha | Khaganatha  Jaya Kari  Kopa  Gaha || Janaranjjana  Bhanjjana Soka  Bhayam | Gathakrodha  Sadha Prabhu Bodhamayam || Avathara Udhara  Apara  Gunam | Mahi Bhara  Bibanjjana  Gyanadhanam || Aja  Byapaka  Yekam Anadhi  Sadha | Karunakara Rama  Namami Mudha || Raghubamsa  Bibhooshana  Dhooshana Ha | Kritha Bhoopa  Bibheeshana  Dheena Raha || Gunagyana  Nidhana  Amana  Ajam | Nitha Rama  Namami  Bimbhu Birajam || Bhujadhanda Pranchanda Prathapa Balam| Khala Brindham Nikandha  Maha Kusalam || Binu Karana  Dheenadhayala Hitham | Cchabi Dhama Namami Rama  Sahitham || Bhava Tharana  Karana Kaja  Param | Mana Sambhava  Dharuna  Dhoshaharam || Sara Chapa Manohara  Throna Dharam | Jalajaruna  Lochana  Bhoobaram || Sukha Mandhira Sundhara Sreeramanam  | Madha Mara  Mudha  Mamatha Samanam || Anavadhya  Akhanda  Na Gochara  Go | Sab Roopa  Sadha Sab  Hoyi Na  Go || Ithi Bedha  Bandhathi Na  Dhanthakatha | Rabi Aathapa Bhinna abinna  Jatha || Krithakrithya  Bibho Sab  Banara Ye | Nirankhathi Thavanana Sadhara  Ye || Dhiga Jeevana Deva  Sareera Hare | Thava Bhakthi Bina Bhava  Bhooli Pare || Ab Dheenadhayala Dhaya  Kariye | Dhukha So Sukha Mani Sukhi Chariye || Khala  Khandana Mandana   Ramya Cchama | Padhapankaja Sevitha Sambhu Uma || Nripa Nayaka  Dhe  Baradhanamidham | Charanambuja  Prema Sadha  Subhadham ||

Friday, December 3, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The mirror image of Devi Sita disappeared in the fire, and the real Devi Sita emerged out of it – The deities eulogizing the splendor of Rama


Chapter - 110– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The mirror image of Devi Sita disappeared in the fire, and the real Devi Sita emerged out of it– The deities eulogizing the splendor of Rama


Devi Maithili fixed her thoughts upon the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra and entered into the huge sacrificial fire, that has provided the coolness of sandalwood paste to her, the people assembled were exclaimed in delight “Glory to Lord of Kosala, whose lotus feet are worshiped by Lord Shambhu with great fervor.” The shadow of Devi Sita who was lodged in the Ashokavatika was burned in the fire, and the real image of Devi Sita was emerged out of the fire, but none was understood the real truth behind it, even the deities and Siddhas stood gazing at the fire. The fire consumed the shadow image of Devi Sita, and brought the real image of Devi Sita which was eulogized by Vedas, presented to Lord Rama as if Devi Indira who was emerged out the milky ocean while churning the ocean for the nectar of immortality was presented to Lord Vishnu. Devi Sita who has exquisite beauty, and great effulgence, shone right next to Lord Sri Ramachandra who has the complexion of freshly formed dark clouds that resembled the pair of fresh blue lotus and bud of golden lily.


The deities showered flowers on the divine pair, the sounds of divine instruments reverberated on the sky, the Kinnaras and celestial Apsaras sang and danced beautifully, and everyone seated on the beautiful celestial vehicle returned to their respective abode. The beauty of Devi Janaki and the union of the two was beyond description, the Vanaras and bears exclaimed in extreme joy “Victory to Lord Seethapathi Sri Ramachandra ! Victory to Lord Rama who is the ocean of bliss!”. Mathali, the charioteer of Lord Indhra bowed before Lord Sri Ramachandra and returned to heaven, the deities who are known for self-centeredness arrived in huge numbers and praised the Lord abundantly like the Bhramavadhins, “Oh! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, you are the companion of distressed souls, Oh! Lord of Raghu, you are kind and compassionate, you have protected us from the dreadful demons who took a toll on our lives on earth, committed various sins, finally met their miserable death. Oh! Prabho, you are indestructible Purusha, changeless, sinless, free from afflictions, you are impartial, you are unfailing, most promising to the Jeeva who have taken shelter in you. Oh! Prabho, you are an ocean of mercy, you have assumed the form of a giant fish, tortoise, wild boar, half lion and man, Vamana/dwarf, Parashurama/son of Jamadhagni, Sri Rama/son of Lord of Kosala, Balarama/son of Vasudeva and Rohini, Srikrishna/son of Devaki and Vasudeva. Oh! Prabho, you have incarnated several times and protected the Earth and its living and non-living things, and reinstated the glory of Earth. You have protected the deities whenever the troubles mounted on them. The dreadful demons, famous for their wickedness, drenched in material and sensual pleasures, finally achieved the commendable status, freed from worldly existence. Oh! Prabho, we deities are famous for self-centeredness, we have been worshiped for our welfare, Oh! Prabho, we have taken shelter at your lotus feet, kindly liberate us.”

Sreekhanda   Sama Pavaka  Prabesa  Kiyo  Sumiri Prabhu Maithili | Jaya Kosalesa  Mahesa  Bandhitha  Charana Rathi Athi  Nirmali || Prathibimba  Aru Laukika  Kalanka  Prachanda Pavaka Mahu Jare | Prabhu Charitha  Kahu Na  Lakhe Nabha  Sura Sidhdha  Muni Dhekhahi Khare || Dhariroopa  Pavaka Pani Gahi Sri Sathya Shruthi Jaga Bidhitha  Jo | Jimi  Ccheerasagara Indhira  Ramahi Samarpi Aani So || So Rama  Bama Bibhaga  Rajathi Ruchira  Athi Sobha  Bhali | Nava  Neela Neeraja  Nikata Manahu Kanaka Pankajja  Ki Kali ||

Barashi Sumana  Harashi Sura  Bajahi Gagana  Nisana | Gavahi Kinnara  Surabandhu Nachahi Chadi  Bimana || Janakasutha  Sametha Prabhu Sobha Amitha  Apara | Dhekhi Balu Kapi  Harashe Jaya Raghuapathi Sukhasara ||

Thab Raghupathi Anusasana Payi | Mathali Chaleau Charana  Siru Nayi || Aye Deva  Sadha  Swarathi | Bachana  Kahahi Janu Paramarathi || Dheenabandhu Dhayala Raghuraya | Deva Keenhi Dhevanha Para Dhaya || Biswa Dhroha  Ratha  Yaha Khala  Kami | Nija Agha Gayau Kumaragami || Thumha Samaroopa  Bhrama Abinasi | Sadha  Yekarasa  Sahaja Udhasi || Akala Aguna  Aja Anagha  Anamaya | Ajitha  Amoghasththi Karunamaya || Meena Kamada  Sukara Narahari | Bamana  Parasurama  Bapu Dhari || Jab Jab Natha  Suranha  Dhukhu Payo | Nana Thanu Dhari  Thumahyi  Nasayo || Yaha Khala  Malina Sadha  Suradhrohi| Kama Lobha Madha  Ratha Athi Kohi || Adhama  Siromani Thavapadha  Pava | Yaha Hamare Man Bismaya  Aava || Hama Devatha  Parama Adhikari | Swaratha  Ratha Prabhu Bhagathi Bisari || Bhava  Prabaha  Santhatha Hama Pare | Ab Prabhu Pahi Sarana  Anusare ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Devi Sita entering into the sacrificial fire constructed by Lakshman


Chapter - 109– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Devi Sita entering into the sacrificial fire constructed by Lakshman


The shadow image of Devi Sita who was followed by the demons had to face harsh words, it brought gloominess among the demons, Devi Sita who is chaste, and devoted to Lord Sri Ramachandra by word, mind, and deed spoke “Oh! Lakshman, you are going to perform the fire sacrifice, quickly arrange for the sacrificial fire.” Lakshman became inconsolable, full of anguish, and pain of separation from the mother, tears overflowing down the cheeks, bowed head before Devi Sita, stood in dilemma without the courage to speak against Lord Rama. Lakshman perceived the stern look on the face of Rama, went to collect the ingredients for the fire sacrifice, and brought plenty of woods. Devi Janaki after watching the blazing fire did not get anxious at all, she offered salutation to the fire and moved forward, and uttered “If I was chaste, and devoted to my beloved Lord Sri Ramachandra of the illustrious clan of Raghu by thought, words, and deeds, may the sacrificial fire famous for burning things into ashes, provide the coolness of sandalwood paste to me.”


Thehi Karna Karunanidhi  Kahi Kacchuka  Dhurbadha | Sunatha Jathudhani Sab Lagi  Kari  Bishadha ||


 Prabhu Ke Bachana  Seesa Dhari Seetha | Boli Mana Krama  Bachana  Puneetha || Lachimana Hohu Dharama Ke Negi | Pavaka Pragata  Karahu Thumha Begi || Suni Lacchimana  Seetha Kai  Bani | Biraha Bibeka Dharama Neethi Sani || Lochana Sajala Jori Kara Dhoau | Prabhu San Kacchu Kahi Sakatha Na Auau || Dhekhi Rama  Rukha Lacchimana  Dhaye | Pavaka  Pragati Kad Bahu Laye || Pavaka Prabala  Dhekhi  Baidhehi | Hridhaya Harasha  Nahi Bhaya  Kacchu Thehi || Jau Man Bacha Krama  Mama Ura  Mahi | Thaji Raghubeera Ana Gathi Nahi || Thau  Krishanu Saba Kai Gathi Jana | Mo Kahau Hoau Srikhantha Samana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Devi Janaki gets highly pleased with the propitious news; further Devi Janaki was brought before Rama with due honor


Chapter - 108– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Devi Janaki gets highly pleased with the propitious news further Devi Janaki was brought before Rama with due respect


Devi Janaki was overjoyed at the end results of the vicious battle between Rama and Ravana, a sudden rush of thrill ran through her limbs, with her eyes full of tears Devi Sita prayed to Lord Rama “Oh! Lord, Oh! Prabho, what can I offer you in return for providing me the most propitious news? There is nothing equivalent to the happiness you have brought to the world.” Hanuman spoke passionately “Oh! Mother, there is nothing promising for the entire Universe and the animate and inanimate things, that Rama and his younger brother is safe after the vicious battle with the enemies.” Devi Janaki blessed Vayuputhra “Oh! Hanuman, May all the commendable virtues abide your heart! May the Lord of Kosala and Anantha/Lakshman shower an abundance of grace on you!” Oh! My dear Son, make an arrangement for me to perceive that marvelous appearance of Lord Sri Ramachandra.” Hanuman returned to Rama and informed him about the welfare of Devi Janaki. Lord Raghu called for Angadha and Vibheeshana and ordered them to accompany Hanuman to Ashokavatika and bring Devi Sita with all respects.


Vibheeshana, along with Hanuman and Angadha, arrived on the Ashokavatika where Devi Janaki was lodged, she was surrounded by a number of demons and female demons prepared to serve Jagathjanani Jagadamba Bhagavathi. Vibheeshana ordered them to accompany Devi Sita for a ritual wash, and Devi Janaki was adorned in magnificent ornaments all over the body, by the time a stunning palanquin was brought for Devi Janaki. Devi Vaidhehi took a sat on the marvelous palanquin, contemplating upon Lord Sri Ramachandra, her beloved Lord. The palanquin of Devi Sita was guarded by several men attired in marvelous clothes, and they wonderfully marched to the Lord with intense delight. The Vanaras and bears rushed to have a glimpse of the Mother of the Universe were dispersed by the guards, watching this the Lord of Raghu advised “ Oh! Vibheeshna, bring Devi Sita on foot. So that the Vanara and bears could achieve the grace of Jagadamba Jagathjanani, Paramba, Bhagavathi Devi Sita. Let them achieve the grace of their mother.” The bears and Vanaras rejoiced profusely, soon Lord Rama brought back Devi Sita who was already taken shelter in the fire, the deities showered flowers on her, thus Sri Ramachandra brought back the real image of Devi Sita into light, and reinstated the shadow image in the fire.

Athi Harasha Man  Than Pulaka  Lochana  Sajala Kaha Puni Puni Rama | Ka Dheau Thohi  Thrailoka  Mahu Kapi  Kimapi Nahi Bani Sama ||

 Sunu Mathu  Mei Payo Akhila Jaga  Raju Aaju Na Samsayam | Rana Jeethi Ripudhala Bandhu Jutha  Pasyami Ramam Anamayam ||

 Sunu Sutha  Sadhguna  Skala Thava Hridhaya  Basahu Hanumantha | Sanukoola  Kosalapathi Rahahu Sametha Anantha ||

Ab Soyi  Jathana Karahu Thumha Thatha | Dhekhau Nayana Syama  Mridhu Gatha || Thab Hanumana  Rama Pahi Jayi | Janakasutha  Kai Kusala  Sunayi || Suni Sandhesu Bhanukula Bhooshana | Boli LIye Jubaraja  Bibeeshana || Maruthasutha Ke Sanga  Sidhavahu | Sadhara Janakasuthahi Lai Aavahu || Thurathahi Sakala Gaye Jaha Seetha | Sevahi Sab Nisichari Bineetha || Begi  Bibeeshana  Thinhahi Sikhayo | Thinha Bahu Bidhi Majjana Karavayo || Bahu Prakara Bhooshana Pahiraye | Sibika  Ruchira  Saji Puni Lyaye || Tha Par  Harashi Chadi Baidhehi | Sumiri Rama Sukhadhama Sanehi || Bethapani Racchaka  Chahu Pasa | Chale Sakala Mana Parama Hulasa || Dhekhana Bhalu Keesa Sab Aaye | Racchaka  Kopi  Nivarana Dhaye || Kaha Raghubeera  Kaha  Mama Manahu | Seethahi Sakha Payadhe Aanahu || Dhekhahu Kapi Janani Ki Nayi | Bihasi Kaha Raghunatha  Gosayi || Suni Prabhu Bachana Bhalu Kapi Harashe | Nabha The  Suranaha Sumana Bahu Barashe || Seetha Prathama  Anala  Mahu Rakhi | Pragata Keenhi Chaha Anthara  Sakhi ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Hanuman meets Devi Sita in Ashoka Vatika and conveyed the message of Rama


Chapter - 107– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Hanuman meets Devi Sita in Ashoka Vatika and conveyed the message of Rama


Lord Sri Ramachandra spoke nectar-like words addressing the Vanaras and bears and cheered them “It was your might that overturned the haughty demon and his enemies and installed Vibheeshana as the King of Lanka, your glories shall remain endless in all three spheres. Whoever sings in praise of you along with my legend would easily cross the unfathomable ocean like sufferings and grief of worldly existence, eventually, get rid of repeated births as well.” The Vanaras were grown fond of listening to the nectar-like words of Lord Sri Ramachandra, never get satiated, they repeatedly bow their head before the Lord and prostrated before him.


Prabhu Sri Ramachandra called Hanuman and instructed “Oh! Vayuputhra, go to Lanka, and inform Devi Janaki about all that happened for her welfare.” Hanuman darted to the city of Lanka, the demon and female demons heard the news of the mighty Vanara returned to Lanka, were crowded to meet him. The people of Lanka offered great hospitality to the Vanara and led him to the Ashokavatika where Devi Janaki was settled. Hanuman offered obeisance from a fair distance to Devi Janaki who immediately recognized it is none other than the messenger of Rama. Devi Sita spoke affectionately “Oh! Dear son, how is Lord of Raghu and his younger brother? How is the host of Vanaras?” Hanuman spoke fervently “Oh! Mother, all is well with the grace of Lord of Kosala. The ten-headed demon was killed on the battlefield, and Vibheeshana was crowned as the King of Lanka.” Devi Janaki was extremely delighted listening to the auspicious news from Hanuman.


Kiye Sukhi Kahi Bani  Sudha Sama Bala Thumhare  Ripu Hayo | Payo Bibeeshana  Raja Thihu Pura Jasu Thumharo Nitha  Nayo || Mohi Sahitha  Subha Keerathi Thumhari  Paramapreethi Jo  Gayihai | Samsara  Sindhu  Apara Para  Prayasa  Binu Nara  Payihai ||

 Prabhu Ke Bachana  Shravana Suni Nahi  Adhahi Kapi PUnjja | Bar Bar Sir  Navahi Gahahi Sakala PadhaKanjja ||

Puni Prabhu Boli Liyau Hanumana | Lanka  Jahu Kaheau Bhagavana || Samachara  Janakihi Sunavahu | Thasu Kusala  Lai Thumha Chali Aavahu || Thab Hanumantha Nagara Mahu Aaye | Suni Nisachara Nisichari Dhaye || Bahu Prakara  Thinha Pooja  Keenhi | Janakasutha  Dhekhayi Puni Dheenhi || Dhoorihi The Pranama Kapi Keenha | Raghupathi Dhootha  Janaki Chinha || Kahahu Thatha Prabhu Kripaniketha | Kusala Anuja  Kapisena  Sametha|| Sab Bidhi Kusala Kosaladheesa | Mathu Samra  Jithyo Dhasaseesa || Abichala Raju Bibeeshana  Payo | Suni Kapi  Bachana Harasha  Ura Cchayo ||