Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The conversation between Devi Sita and Trijata

Chapter - 99– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The conversation between Devi Sita and Trijata


That very night Thrijata met Devi  Vaidhehi and informed all that was happening on the battlefield, Devi Sita felt alarmed listening to the might Ravana, and the news of Rama’s arrows sieved off the heads and arms of Ravana several times,  but the demon stood unconquerable on the battlefield, Sita’s mind filled with extreme anxiousness, she spoke in utter dismay “Oh! Mother, what is that going to happen? How could these demons get eliminated from the Universe? The several powerful arrows of Rama sieved off his heads and arms, unfortunately, they were growing relentlessly, was that because of the ill-fate of mine or the destiny, which brought me in the grief of separation from the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari. The bad luck brought the illusionary golden deer before me, and it forced me to speak harsh words to Lakshman, all those visuals are piercing my heart again and again and multiplies the grief of separation from Lord Raghu who keeps me alive in these terrible situations, and he only can put an end to the wretched demon Ravana.” Devi Janaki lamented over her bad luck and contemplated upon Lord Raghu, who is kind and compassionate to his devotees. Trijata spoke “Oh! Rajakumari, princess of Vidheha, the end result will be, the enemy of deities will die, definitely, if an arrow struck on the chest of Ravana he would die, but Lord Raghu is careful, because Ravana keeps you in his heart, so the Lord Raghu does not want to hurt you, that’s the reason he is not piercing the heart of Ravana with his powerful arrows.”

Ura Latha Ghatha Prachanda Lagatha Bikala  Ratha The Mahi Para | Gahi Bhalu Bisahu Kara Manahu Kamalanhi Base Nisi Madhukara || Mooruchitha Biloki Bahori  Padha Hathi Bhalupathi Parbhu Pahi Gayo | Nisi Jani Syandhana Ghali Thehi Thab Suth Jathanu Karatha Bhayo ||

 Moorucha  Bigatha Bhalu Kapi Sab Aye Prabhu Pas | Nisichara Sakala Ravanahi Gheri Rahe Athi Thrasa ||

Thehi Nisi Seetha Pahi Jayi | Thrijata Kahi Sab Katha Sunayi || Sira bhuja Badi Sunatha Ripu Keri | Seetha Ura Bhayi Thrasa Ghaneri || Mukha Maleena Upaji Man Chintha | Thrijata San Boli Thab Seetha || Hoyihi Kaha Kahasi  Kin Matha | Kehi Bidhi Marihi Biswa  Dhukhadhatha || Raghupathi Sara Sira Katehu Na Marayi | Bidhi Bipareetha Charitha Sab Karayi || Mora Abhagya Jiavath Auhi | Jehi Hau Haripadha Kamala Bichohi || Jehi Kritha Kapata Kanakamriga Joota |Ajahu Sau Deva Mohi Para Roota || Jehi Bidhi Mohi Dukha Dhussaha Sahaye | Lacchiman Kahu Katu Bachana Kahaye || Raghupathi Biraha Sabisha Sara Bari | Thaki Thaki Mar Bar Bahu  Mari || Yesehu Dhukha Jo Rakh Mama Prana | Soyi Bidhi Thahi Jiava Na  Aana || Bahu Bidhi Kara Bilapa Janaki | Kari Kari  Surathi Kripanidhana Ki || Kaha Thrijata Sunu Rajakumari | Ura Sara Lagatha Marayi Surari || Prabhu Thathe Ura  Ithayi Na Thehi | Yehi Ke Hridhaya Basathi Baidhehi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The battle between Ravana and Vanaras


Chapter - 98– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The battle between Ravana and Vanaras


Angadha seized on the leg of Ravana who sprang on the air, and thrashed him on the ground and gave him a hard kick on his chest, and immediately joined with Lord Raghu. Ravana raised on his feet, and produced a loud shriek, he stretched the bows on the ten hands and showered arrows on Vanaras and bears who cried out for help, watching his own might Ravana rejoiced at heart. Lord Raghu shot arrows that severed Ravana’s heads and arms, alas! it started to grow in no time, like the sins committed on the sacred lands multiplied in no time. The bears and Varans grew furious watching the growth of heads and arms of Ravana, they darted towards him in a rage, Dhvidha, Angadha, Hanuman, Nala, Neela, Sugrivah, plucked huge trees and hurled on Ravana was caught on hand and hurled back on the Vanaras. Some of the Vanars tore off his limbs, and others kicked him hard and darted away, Nala and Neela took seats on his ten heads and punctured with their sharp nails. The blood was oozing out of Ravana’s ten heads, he stretched his hand to get hold of the Vanaras, but they tactfully moved from one hand to another, like the honey bees swarm over the lotus flowers. Finally, Ravana got hold of Nala and Neela and began to thrash them on the ground was slipped out tactfully, twisted his arms, and ran away. Ravana wielded in ten bows, shot several arrows on the Vanaras, that wounded them brutally, he rejoiced at heart watching the approach of night. Jambavan noticed the Vanaras getting exhausted, soon rushed to the battlefield with several mighty bears holding trees and rocks, and hurled on Ravana, it annoyed Ravana who seized the giant bears on their leg and thrashed them on the ground. Jambavan could not control his rage watching his fellow warriors in trouble, he pounced upon Ravana and gave him a hard punch on his chest.

Gahi Bhumi Paryo  Lath Maryo Balisutha Prabhu Pahi Gayo | Sambari Udi Dhasakanda Ghora Kadora Rava Garjjatha Bhayo  || Kari Dhapa Chapa Chadayi Dasa Sandhani Sara Bahu  Barshayi | Kiye Sakala Bata Ghayal Bayakula  Dhekhi Nijabala Harshayi ||

Thab Raghupathi Ravana Ke Seesa Bhuja  Sara Chapa | Kate Bahutha Bade Puni Jimi Theeratha Kara  Papa ||

 Sira Bhuja Badi  Dhekhi Ripu Keri | Balu Kapinha  Risa Bhayi Ghaneri || Bharatha Na Mooda  Katehu Bhuja Seesa | Dhaye Kopi Balu Bhata Keesa || Balithanaya Maruthi  Nala Neela | Banararaj Dhubidha Balaseela ||    Bitapa Maheedhara  Karahi PRahara | Soyi Giri Tharu Gahi Kapinha So Mara || Yek Nakhaniha Ripu Bapusha Bidhari | Bhagi Chalahi Yek Lathanha Mari|| Thab Nala Neela  Siranhi Chadi  Gayau || Nakhanhi Leelar Bidharath Bhayau || Rudhira Dhekhi Bishadha Uri  Bari | Thinhahi Dharana Kahu Bhuja Pasari || Gahe Na Jahi Karaniha  Par Phirahi | Janu Juga Madhupa  Kamalabana Charahi ||  Kopi Koodhi Dhau  Dharesi Bahori  Mahi PatakathaBhaje Bhuja Marori || Puni Sakopa Dhasa Dhanu Kara Leenhe | Saranhi Mari Ghayal Kapi Keenhe || Hanumadhadhi Moorachitha Kari Bandhar | Payi Pradosha  Harasha Dasakandhara || Mooruchith Dhekhi   Sakala Kapi Beera | Jamabanth Dhayau Ranadheera || Sanga Bhalu Bhoodhara Tharu Dhari | Marana Lage pachari Pachari || Bhayau Krudhdha Ravana Balavana | Gahi Padha Mahi Patakayi  Bhata Nana || Dhekhi Bhalupathi Nijadhala Dhatha | Kopi Majja Ura Maresi Latha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama obliterates the illusive Ravanas on the battlefield


Chapter - 97– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama obliterates the illusive Ravanas on the battlefield


Lord Braham and Lord Shambhu who knows the might of Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra, stood firm, while Rama was performing various amusements on the battlefield, they stood smiling watching the vicious battle between Rama and Ravana, rest of the deities took shelter in the caves. The mighty Vanaras Angadha, Hanuman, Nala, and Neela, and the bears fought fearlessly on the battlefield against the demons created with the illusionary powers of Ravana, while the others cried for help “Oh! Kripasagara kindly protect us!”. The Lord of Kosala watched the malicious battle with the Vanaras and demons of illusive Ravana, smiled and stretched his bow Sharnga and shot an arrow that obliterated the host of illusive Ravana from the battlefield, like the sun remove the darkness, thus Prabhu Sri Ramachandra removed the illusive Ravanas, the deities rejoiced and showered flowers on Rama. The compassionate Lord raised his hands to the Vanaras and bears and brought back them in order, soon they darted to the battlefield with great enthusiasm. Ravana saw the deities singing in praise of Rama, he thought “Oh! Fools, do not misjudge my might, you have been my prey for long.” Ravana sprang into the air with great might, the deities began to flee to different directions with pitiful cries, soon Angadha flew to air and seized Ravana on his leg and thrashed him on the ground.

Jana Prathapa The Rahe Nirbhaya Kapinha Ripu Mane Phure | Chale Bichali Markata                       Bhalu Sakala Kripala Pahi Bhayathure ||Hanumantha Angadha Neela  Nala Athibala Laratha Rana Bankure | Mardhahi Dhasanana Koti Kotinha Kapata Bhu Bhata Ankure ||

 Sura Banra Dhekhe  Bikala  Hasyo Kosaladheesa | Saji Saranga Yek Sara Hathe Sakala Dhasaseesa ||

 Prabhu Cchana Mahu Maya Sab Kati | Jimi Rabi Uya Jahi Thama Phati || Ravanu Yeku Dhekhi Sura Harashe | Phire Sumana Bahu Prabhu Par Barshe || Bhuja Udayi Raghupathi Kapi Phere | Phire Yek  Yekanha Thab Dere || Prabhu Balu Payi  Kapi Dhaye | Tharala Thamaki Sanjuga Mahi Aye || Asthuthi Karath Devathanhi Dhekhe | Bhayau Yek Mei Inha  Ke Lekhe || Sadahu Sadha Thumha Mora Marayala | Asa Kahi Kopi Gagana Par Gayal || Hahakar Karatha Sura Bhage | Khalahu Jahu  Kaha More Aage || Dhekhi Bikala Sura Angadha Dhayo | Koodhi Charana Gahi Bhumi Girayo ||

Monday, November 29, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana utilizing illusionary powers on the battlefield


Chapter - 96– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana utilizing illusionary powers on the battlefield


Hanuman invoked Lord of Raghu and struck Ravana, immediately both of them fell on the ground with a loud noise, they began to fight each other in extreme fury. The deities cheered “Victory! Victory! Victory!” and the mighty warriors of Vanaras and bears rushed to the battlefield, and collectively fought against Ravana was crushed under his limbs. The Lord of Raghu followed by multitudes of Vanaras and bears rushed to the field, soon Ravana adopted illusionary powers, he disappeared from the battlefield and re-entered on the field accompanied by a multitude of Ravanas, and the huge army of Vanaras and bears fled in different directions seeing several Ravana all over the field, they cried out “Oh! Raghuveera! Oh, Lakshman! kindly protect us” The several Ravanas created with the illusionary powers of the demon started producing deafening voices, the deities were alarmed “We have lost against the demon Ravana, a single demon put the whole Universe into terror, he has assumed several forms, let us take shelter in the caves.” Thus, all the deities hid inside the caves except Lord Bhrama, Lord Shambhu who knows the amusement of Lord Sri Ramachandra stood firm witnessing the battle between Rama and Ravana.


Sambari Raghubeera Dhari Pachari Kapi Ravanu Hanyo | Mahi Paratha Puni Udi Laratha Devanha Jugala Kahu  Jaya Jaya Bhanyo || Hanumantha Sankata Dhekhi Markata Balu Krodhathura Chale | Rana Math Ravana Sakala Subhata Prachanda Bujabale Dalamale ||HaH H

Thab Raghubeera Pachare Dhaye Keesa Prachanda | Kapibala Prabala Dhekhi Thehi  Keenha PRagata Pashanda ||

 Antharadhana Bhayau Cchana Yeka | Puni PRagate  Khalroopa Aneka || Raghupathi Kataka Bhalu Kapi Jethe | Jaha Thaha PRagata Dhasanan Thethe || Dhekhe Kapinha Amitha Dhasaseesa | Jaha Thaha Bhaje Balu Aru Keesa || Bhage Banara Dharahi Na Dheera | Thrahi Thrahi Lachimana Raghubeera || Dhaha Dhisi Dhavahi Kotinha Ravana |  Garjjahi Ghora   Kadora Bhayavana || Dare Sakala Sura  Chale Parayi | Jaya Kai Asa  Thajahu Ab Bhayi || Sab Sura Jithe Yek Dhasakandhara | Ab Bahu Bhaye Thakahu Giri Kandhara || Rahe Biranchi Sambhu Muni Gyani | Jinha Jinha Prabhu Mahima Kacchu Jani ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The fight between Hanuman and Ravana


Chapter - 95– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The fight between Hanuman and Ravana


Vibheeshana hit the spear on the chest of Ravana, and it caused him to fall on the ground with a large thud, and blood gushed out from the ten mouths. Soon, he regained the balance and darted to Vibheeshana in extreme fury, the two mighty warriors wrestled for a while, crushing each others in extreme rage. Vibheeshana who has achieved the grace of Rama pushed Ravana into extreme anxiousness, Lord Shambhu speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, Vibheeshana who is the younger brother to Ravana had never the courage to look at the face of Ravana, crumpled his elder brother with immense might at the grace of Lord Sri Ramachandra, resembled death to Ravana.” Hanuman realized Vibheeshana getting exhausted, soon rushed to the spot with a huge rock and crumpled the horses, and chariots of Ravana and gave a hard kick on his chest. Ravana lost his balance, experienced a terrible quake, in the meantime Vibheeshana retired to Lord Sri Ramachandra. Ravana turned against Hanuman who began to fly in the air, he caught on the tail of Hanuman and the Vayuputhra flew high in the air with Ravana on his tail, further he tightened the grip of Ravana with the force of his tail, soon a fierce fight broke out between the two, resembled the two mountains fighting each other in fury. Hanuman realized that the might of Ravana is unbeatable, soon he invoked his beloved Lord Sri Ramachandra.


Ura Majja Gadha Prahara Ghora Kadora Lagatha Mahi Paryo | Dhasa Badhana Sonitha Sravatha PUni Sambhari Dhayo Risa Maryo || Dhau Bhire Athibala Mallajudhdha Yeku Yekahi Hanai | Raghubeera Bala Dharpitha Bibeeshanu Dhali Nahi Tha Kahu  Ganai ||

Uma Bibeeshanu Ravanahi Sanmukha Chithava Ki Kau | So Ab Bhiratha  Kala Jyo Raghubeera Prabhau ||

Dhekha Shramitha Bibeeshanu Bhari | Dhayau Hanumana Giridhari || Ratha Thuranga Sarathi Nipatha | Hridhaya Majja Thehi Maresi Latha || Dada Raha Athi Kampitha Gatha | Gayau Bibeeshanu Jaha Janathratha || PUni Ravana Kapi Hatheau Pachari | Chaleau Gagana Kapi Poocha Pasari || Gahisi Poocha Kapi Sahitha Udana | Puni Phiri Bhireau Prabala Hanumana || Laratha Akasa Jugala sama Jodha | Yekahi Yeku Hanatha Kari Krodha || Sohahi Nabha Cchala Bala Bahu Karahi | Kajjala Giri Sumeru Janu Larahi || Budhibala Nisichara Parayi Na  Paryo | Thab Marutha Sutha Prabhu Sambharyo ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Vibheeshana’s fight against Ravana


Chapter - 94– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Vibheeshana’s fight against Ravana


While the Vanaras and bears watching the severed heads of Ravana were flying on the air shrieking “Where is Rama?” the Jewel of Raghu’s clan shot several arrows on the severed heads, the Kalikas, female attendants of Devi Durga holding skulls on their hands, bathed on the pool of blood, and proceed to the battlefield, like the pious take dip in holy water and proceed to worship the Banyan tree. The ten-headed demon hurled a powerful spear aiming on the chest of Vibheeshana, as the spear was approaching Vibheeshana like Lord of death, the compassionate Lord thought, “I have promised to protect the Jeeva who have taken shelter in me. I can’t leave Vibheeshana to die.” Soon the Lord pushed Vibheeshana behind him, the spear struck hard on Rama and lost his consciousness for a while, although it was a part of the amusement, the deities were alarmed at this sight.  Vibheeshana saw the compassionate Lord was severely injured with the spear, he took the spear and rushed to Ravana, and shrieked at him contemptuously “Oh! Fool, you pathetic creature, you have earned hostility against the deities, Nagas, humans, and sages, you have pleased Lord Shambhu and achieved several boons in return, you have offered your heads on the fire sacrifice and received immense boons that made you stay long, now your death is impending, are you seeking happiness after keeping hostility towards Lord Sri Ramachandra?” saying so Vibheeshan hit the spear on the chest of Ravana.


Kaha Ramu Kahi Sira Nikara Dhaye Dhekhi Markata Bhaji Chale | Sandhani Dhanu Raghubamsamani Hasi Sarniha Sira  Bedhe Bhale || Sira Malika Kara Kalika Gahi Brindha Brindhahi Bahu Mili | Kari RudhiraSari Majjanu Manahu Sangrama Bata Poojana Chali ||

Puni Dasakanda Krudhda Hoyi Cchadi Saththi Prachanda | Chali Bibeeshana Sanmukha Manahu Kala Kara Dhanda ||

 Avatha Dhekhi Saththi Athi Ghora | Pranatharathi Bhanjjana Pana Mora || Thuratha Bibheeshana Pacche Mela | Sanmukha Rama Saheau Soyi Sela || Lagi Saththi Mooruccha Kacchu Bhayi | Prabhu Kritha Khela Suranha Bikalayi || Dhekhi Bibheeshana Prabhu Shrama Payo | Gahi Kara Gadha Krudhdha Hoyi Dhayo || Re Kubhagya Sada Mandha Kubudhdhe | Thai Sura Nara Muni Naga Birudhdhe || Sadhara Siva Kahu Seesa Chadaye | Yek Yek Ke Kotinha Paye || Thehi Karana Khala Ab  Lagi  Bacchyo | Ab Thava Kalu Seesa Para Nachyo ||Rama Bimukha Sada Chahasi Sampadha| Asa Kahi Hanesi Majja Ura Gadha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama severed the heads of haughty demon Ravana


Chapter - 93– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama severed the heads of haughty demon Ravana


The heads and arms crammed on the atmosphere resembled several Rahu and Kethus, rushing through the air, blood oozing out of it, the terrible arrows of Rama shot the heads but it continued to pop on the air. The arrows released from the shaft of Lord Raghu resembled the sunrays on Rahu. The heads and arms severed from the body of Ravana with the powerful arrows of Rama regained the normal state in no time, resembled the desire of humans and interest in sensual pleasure and material well-being. Dhashanan perceived several heads and arms on the air, became haughty, and believed that he can’t meet his death on the battlefield. The ignorant demon rushed to Rama with the bows on each pair of hands and aimed at the chariot of Lord of Raghu that was disappeared from the site for more than half an hour, like the sun covered in mist. The deities raised fearful cries, Lord Rama stretched his bow in extreme fury, shot arrows on ten heads of Ravana, and it severed from the neck and flew in eight directions, the Vanaras were horror-struck, watching the severed heads of Ravana shrieked “Victory! Victory! Victory! Where is Lakshman? Sugrivah, Lord of Kapeeshwara,? Where is Lord of Raghu, King of Kosala?”


Janu Rahu Kethu Aneka Nabha Patha Sravatha Sonitha Dhavahi | Raghubeera Theera Prachanda Lagahi Bhoomi Giran  Na  Pavahi || Yek Yek Sara Sira Nikara Cchedhe Nabha Udatha Imi Sohahi | Janu Kopi Dhinakar Kara Nikara Jaha Thaha Bindhuthudha Pohahi ||

Jimi Jimi Prabhu Hara Thasu Sira Thimi Thimi Hohi Apara | Sevath Bishaya Bibardha Jimi Nitha Nitha Noothana  Mara ||

Dhasamukha Dhekhi Siranha Kai Badi | Bisara Marana Bhayi Risa Gadi || Garjau Mooda Maha Abhimani | Dhayau Dhasahu Sarasana Thani || Samarabhoomi Dhasakandhara Kopyo | Barashi Bana Raghupathi Ratha Thopyo || Dhanda Yek Ratha Dhekhi Na  Pareau | Janu Nihara Mahu Dhinakara Dhureau || Hahakara Suranha Jab Keenha | Thab Prabhu Kopi Karmuka Leenha || Sara Nivari Ripu Ke  Sira Kate | The Dhisi Bidhisi Gagana Mahi Pate || Kate Sira Nabha Marga Dhavahi | Jaya Jaya Dhuni Kari Baya Upajavahi || Kaha Lacchimana Sugreevah Kapeesa | Kaha Raghubeera Kosaladheesa ||