Friday, November 26, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana hurries to the battlefield followed by the large army of demons


Chapter - 78– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana hurries to the battlefield followed by the large army of demons


Dhashanan pacified the women who were lamenting over the death of Indhrajeeth, “Always remember the truth that the Prakrithi/all the material matters are perishable.” He taught the people about the absolute truth, the destructible nature of material matters, although he was sinful, and engaged in immoral deeds. There are a few who follow what they preach, some take great pleasure in preaching wisdom and rarely make an effort to follow them. The next morning all the Vanaras and bears took their seats on the four gates of the palace, Dhashanan summoned his army chief and ordered “I have decided to teach my enemies with the might of my arms, hence if anyone scared to enter the battlefield can retire right now, I will take care of their lives, they have to face dire consequences of it.  I wholly depend on the might of my arms, I have brought hostility towards Rama, and I will give a befitting reply to the enemies who invaded us.” Ravana wielded in weapons, mounted on the grand chariot, and rushed to the battlefield. The war field echoed with the clattering sounds of weapons, there were several demons that accompanied by Ravana, they have experienced various bad omens on their way, Ravana rushed forth like a storm, did not pay attention to the visible signs of death, he was proud of the might of his arms.


Thab Dhasakanda Bibidhi Bidhi Samujjayi Sab Nari | Nasvararoopa Jagatha Sab Dhekhahu Hridhaya Bichari ||

Thinhahi Gyana Upadhesa Ravana| Aapuna Mandha Katha Subha Pavana || Para Upadesa Kusala Bahuthere | Je Accharahi The Nara Na Ghanere || Nisa  Sirani Bhayau Bhinusara | Lage Bhalu Kapi Charihu Dhwara || Subhata Bolayi Dhasanana Bola | Rana Sanmukha Ja Kara Mana Dola|| So Abahi Baru Jau Parayi | Sanjuga Bimukha Bhaya Na Bhalayi|| Nijabhuja Bala Mei Batharu Badava | Dhehau Utharu Jo Ripu Chadi Aava || Asa Kahi Marutha Bega Ratha Saja | Baje  Sakala Jujjau Baja || Chale Beera Sab Athulitha Bali | Janu Kajjala Kai Aandhi Chali || Asaguna Amitha Hohi Thehi Kala | Ganayi Na Bhuja  Balagarba Bisala ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The death of Meghanatha brought extreme grief to Ravana and Devi Mandodhari


Chapter - 77– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The death of Meghanatha brought extreme grief  to Ravana and Devi Mandodhari


Meghanatha while leaving the mortal coil uttered “Where is Ramanuja, Lakshman? Where is Rama?”, Angadha and Hanuman exclaimed, “Your mother is fortunate to have you as her son, at last, you have pronounced the sacred name of Lord Rama while leaving the mortal coil.” Hanuman carried the lifeless body of Meghanatha and deposited it at the entrance of the Palace of Ravana. The deities and celestials rejoiced over the death of the demon Indhrajeeth, showered flowers, sung in praise of Rama, Lord of Raghu, and the sounds of divine instruments reverberated all over the sky, the deities and Siddhas cheered in extreme joy “Hail Lord Anantha! Hail Ramanuja! Hail Lord of Raghu! Hail the supporter of Universe!” Thus, the celestials eulogized the glory of Lakshman, it was the hours of dusk Lakshman returned to the camp of Rama. Dhashanan lost consciousness after witnessing the lifeless body of Indhrajeeth, could not control the grief of death, Devi Mandodhari wept bitterly beating her chest in utter pain, the people of Lanka doomed to gloominess, and everyone cursed the pride and arrogance of Ravana.


Ramanuja Kaha Ramu Kaha Asa Kahi Cchadesi Prana | Dhanya Dhanya Thava Janani Kaha Angadha Hanumana ||

Binu Prayasa Hanumana Udayo | Lanka Dhwara Rakhi Puni Aayo || Thasu Marana Suni Sura  Gandharba | Chadi Bimana Aaye Nabha Sarba || Barashi Sumana Dhudhunbi Bajavahi | Sree Raghunatha Bimala Jasu Gavahi || Jaya Anantha Jaya  Jagadhadhara | Thumha Prabhu Sab Dhevanhi Nisthara || Asthuthi Kari Sura Sidhdha Sidhaye | Lacchimana Kripasindhu Pahi Aaye || Sutha Badha Suna Dhasanana Jabahi | Moorucchitha Bhayau Pareau Mahi Thabahi || Mandhodhari Rudhana Kara Bhari | Ura Thadana Bahu Bhanthi Pukari || Nagara Loga Sab Byakula Socha | Sakala Kahahi Dhasakandhara Pocha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The mighty Meghanatha was killed on the battlefield by Lakshman


Chapter - 76– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The mighty Meghanatha was killed on the battlefield by Lakshman


Lakshman who is none 0ther than Adhishesha prostrated at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, and proceeded to the battlefield followed by the mighty Vanaras Angadha, Hanuman, Nala, Neela, Mayandha, etc. Lakshman along with his army of Vanaras arrived at the place where Meghanatha was performing fire sacrifice, found the pool of blood and buffalos close to the sacrificial fire, soon the Vanaras scattered all the sacrificial ingredients, creating a mess all over the place, but Meghanath seated firm without moving an inch, Vanaras played all the tricks on him was made an effort to scatter away was failed, they kicked him hardly, punched him, pulled his hair, finally Meghanatha rushed to get his trident and chased out all the Vanaras from the cave, all those Vanaras took shelter at feet of Lakshman.  Meghanatha approached Lakshman with a loud roar, infuriated by the obstacles caused in the fire sacrifice, Hanuman hurried to Meghanatha was hit by his powerful trident on the chest. Meghanatha hurled the trident on Lakshman was broken into two with the might of his arrow, meanwhile, Angadha and Hanuman attacked Meghanatha but the demon stood gigantically even more powerful, finally, the Vanaras and bears realized that it’s not easy to conquer Meghanatha, so they returned to Lakshman. Soon Meghanatha hurried to Lakshman with a boisterous shriek, resembled death, Lakshman showered arrows resembled thunderbolt on Meghanatha, was avoided tactfully with his illusionary powers, he assumed various forms on the battlefield, the Vanaras got confused and realized that the enemy cannot be conquered easily. Lakshman hovered over Meghanath in extreme rage, thought already been given several opportunities to save Meghanatha from death, contemplating upon Lord Rama, Lakshman shot an arrow on his chest, that pierced the heart of Meghanatha, soon he has withdrawn all those illusionary powers at the moment of death.

Raghupathi Charana Nayi Siru Chaleau Thurantha Anantha | Angadha Neela Mayandha Nala sanga Subhata Hanumantha ||

Jayi Kapinha So Dhekha Baisa | Aahuthi Dhetha Rudhira Aru  Bhaisa || Keenha Kapinha Sab Jagya Bidhamsa | Jab Na  Udayi Thab Karahi Prasamsa || Thadhapi Na Udayi Dhareanhi Kacha Jayi | Lathanhi Hathi Hathi Chale Parayi || Lai Thrisoola  Dhava kapi Bhage | Aaye Jaha Ramanuja Aage || Aava Parama Krodhakara Mara | Garja Ghora Rava Barahi Bara || Kopi Maruthasutha Angadha  Dhaye | Hathi Thrisoola Ura Dharani Giraye || Prabhu Kaha Cchadesi Soola Prachanda | Sara Hathi Kritha Anantha Juga Khanda || Udi Bahori Maruthi Jubaraja | Hathahi Kopi Thehi Dhau Na Baja || Phire Beera Ripu Marayi Na Mara | Thab Dhava Kari Ghora Chikara || Aavath Dhekhi Krudhdha Janu Kala | Lacchimana Cchade Bisikha Karala || Dhekhesi Aavath Pabi Sama Bana | Thuratha Bhayau Khala Anthardhana || Bibidha Besha Dhari Karayi Larayi | Kabahuka Pragata Kabahu Dhuri Jayi || Dhekhi Ajaya Ripu Darpe Keesa | Paramakrudhdha Thab Bhayau Aheesa || Lacchimana Mana Asa Manthra Dhridava | Yehi Papihi Mei Bahuth Khelava || Sumiri Kosaladheesa  Prathapa | Sara Sandhana Keenha Kari  Dhapa || Cchada Bana Majj Ura Laga | Marathi  Bar Kapatu Sab Thyaga ||

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Lakshman proceeds to battle against Meghanatha


Chapter - 75– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Lakshman proceeds to battle against Meghanatha


King of birds Garuda hurried to the battlefield and ate up the serpents created by illusionary powers of Meghanatha, all the Vanaras and bears got rid of the Nagapasha and fear, rejoiced at heart, once again they have picked up huge rocks and trees on their hands and hurried to demons who were utterly confused taken a seat on the wall of the fortress. When Meganatha regained consciousness, saw him before his father Ravana, was completely ashamed of his fate. Meghanatha did not wait for long, hurried to the mountain cave to perform a sacrifice that could keep him invisible on the battlefield.  Vibheeshana came to know about the scheme of Indhrajeeth, hurried to Lord Rama, and expressed his concern “Oh! Prabho, you have incomparable and glories, the wicked Meghanatha who is the master of illusionary powers performing a fire sacrifice, if he has completed the sacrifice, it would be difficult to get him killed on the battlefield. Therefore, kindly do something to stop him from the performance of sacrifice.” Lord of Raghu expressed his gratitude to Vibheeshana and summoned Angadha and the mighty Vanaras, and spoke to Lakshman “Oh! Brother, you may proceed to the battlefield with the mighty Vanaras, Angadha, Sughrivah, and Vibheeshana, you should not allow Meghanatha to complete the fire sacrifice, Oh! Brother, it is your responsibility to kill Meghanatha on the battlefield. I can’t bear to watch the deities in distress any longer, Jambavan, Sugrivah and Vibheeshana will be following you with their army of Vanaras and bears.” Lakshman who is enthusiastic, staunch in battle, wielded on bow and arrow, contemplated the glories of Lord Sri Ramachandra, and spoke words that resembled the deafening thunder “Oh! Lord of Raghu, If I did not accomplish my task, kill Meghanatha on the battlefield, I will be no longer addressed as the servant of Lord Sri Ramachandra. I promise on Lord Sri Ramachandra, I will kill Meghanatha even if he was protected by hundreds of Lords Shambhu.”


Khagapathi Sab Dhari Khaye Maya Naga Barootha | Maya Bigatha Bhaye Sab Harashe Banara Jootha || Gahi Giri Padhapa Upala Nakha Dhaye Keesa Risayi | Chale Thameechara Bikalathara Gada Para Chade Parayi ||

Meghanadha Kai Moorcha Jagi | Pithahi Biloki Laj Athi Lagi || Thuratha Gayau Giribara Kandhara | Karau Ajaya Makha Asamana Dhara || Iha Bibeeshana Manthra Bichara | Sunahu Natha Bala Athula Udhara || Meghanadha Makha Karayi Apavana | Khala Mayavi Dheva Sathavana || Jau Prabhu Sidhdha Hoyi So Payihi | Natha Begi Puni Jeethi Na Jayihi || Suni Raghupathi Athisaya Sukha Mana | Bole Angadhadhi Kapi Nana || Lacchimana Sanga Jahu Sab Bhayi | Karahu Bidhamsa  Jagya Kara Jayi || Thumha Lacchimana Marehu Rana Auhi | Dhekhi Sabaya Sura Dhukha Athi Mohi || Marehu Thahi Balabudhdhi Upayi | Jehi Cchijai Nisichara Sunu Bayi || Jamavantha Sugreevah Bibheeshana | Sena Sametha Rahehu Theeniau Jana || Jab Raghubeera Dheenhi Anusasana | Kati Nishanga Kasi Saji Sarasana || Prabhu Prathapa Ura Dhari Ranadheera | Bole Ghana Iva Gira Gambheera || Jau Thehi Aaju Badhe Binu Aavau | Thau Raghupathi Sevaka Na  Kahavau || Jau Sath Sankara Karahi Sahayi | Thadhapi Hathau Raghubeera Dhohayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama was tied up by the Nagapasha/snarl of the serpent by Indhrajeeth


Chapter - 74– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama was tied up by the Nagapasha/snarl of the serpent by Indhrajeeth


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Bhavani, Oh! Girija, do you think the snarl of the serpent could tie up the supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra who is all-pervasive Bhramam, free from afflictions and bondage, whose very name is capable to cut off the snarl of worldly bondages of the Jeeva? Oh! Bhavani, the supreme Bhramam personified as the son of Kosala is beyond description or comparison, he is beyond mind and perceptions, whoever realizes the knowledge of Self/Jeevathma is Paramathma, grow dispassionate and worship Lord Sri Ramachandra, get relieved from all the misconceptions. Meghanatha with his illusionary powers hurled the host of Vanaras into utter confusion and began to pour abuses on the enemies. The elderly Jambavan spoke “Oh! Wicked, stop for a while.” Meghanatha was infuriated and shrieked at Jambavan “Oh! Fool, vile creature, I have spared you thinking of your age, yet you have the boldness to challenge me?” Meghanatha hurled his powerful trident on Jambavan who caught the trident in his hand and hurled it back on Meghanatha which hit his chest and fell down with a large thud. Jambavan seized Meghanatha on his leg and swirled around, and thrashed on the ground. Meghanatha who has achieved the boon from Lord Bhrama kept him alive, Jambavan caught on his leg and tossed him to the palace of Lanka. Maharishi Narada informed Garuda about the snarl of Nagapasha that tied Rama on the battlefield, immediately Garuda rushed to the battlefield and released Rama from the Nagapasha.

Girija Jasu Nama  Japi Muni Katahi Bhava Pasa | So Ki Bandh Thara Avayi Byapaka Biswa Nivasa ||

Charitha Rama Ke Saguna Bhavani | Tharki Na Jahi Budhdhibala Bani || Asa Bichari Je  Thagya Biragi | Ramahi Bhajahi Tharka Sab Thyagi || Byakula Kataku Keenha Dhananadha | Puni Bha Pragata Kahayi Dhurbadha || Jamavanth Kaha Khala Rahu Dada | Suni Kari Thahi Krodha Athi Bada || Booda Jani Sada Cchadeau  Thohi | Lagesi Adhama Pacharai Mohi || Asa Kahi Tharala Thrisoola  Chalayo | Jambavanth  Kara Gahi Soyi Dhayo || Marisi Meghanadha Kai Chathi | Para Bhoomi Ghurmitha Suraghathi || Puni Risana Gahi Charana Phirayo | Mahi Pacchari Nijabala Dhekharayo || Bara Prasadha So Marayi Na Mara | Thab Gahi Padha Lanka Para Dara || Iha Dhevarishi Garuda Padayo | Rama Sameepa Sapadhi So Aayo ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The vicious battle between Lord Rama and Indhrajeeth


Chapter - 73– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The vicious battle between Lord Rama and Indhrajeeth


Meghanatha mounted on a magnificent chariot, wielded in various weapons, arrived on the battlefield, gave out a loud roar and deafening laugh revealing his presence, which struck terror among the Vanaras and bears. Meghanatha hurled several vicious weapons which were difficult to name against the Vanaras and bears, and the entire battlefield crammed with the powerful arrows from his bow, resembled the heavy rain cloud in the month of Bhadrapada, the battlefield reverberated with the shrieks and cries of ‘seize him! Kill him!’, but no one knew what was happening amidst the darkness, the Vanaras hurled huge mountains and rocks on the battleground and flew on the air. In the meantime, Meghanatha used his illusionary powers and packed the valleys, mountains, and pathways crammed with the arrows. The Vanaras were confused without the knowledge of where to run, the multitudes of arrows on the pathways resembled a prison, the mighty Vanaras, Angadha, Hanuman, Nala, and Neela startled at the sight of the pathways. Indhrajeeth showered arrows on Lakshman, Sugrivah, and Vibheeshana that pierced their bodies, then he confronted Lord of Raghu, the arrows released by Indrajeeth were turned into serpents and attacked Rama. The Supreme Lord who is absolute Bhramam, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, free from impurities, impenetrable, unconquerable, was besieged with the Nagapasha. The Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra performed a role of an ordinary human, in order to reveal the glory of Asthrashathra, the Lord allowed himself to be bound by the Nagapasha/snare of serpents, the deities were startled watching the Almighty Lord Sri Ramachandra’s amiability.

Meghanatha Mayamaya Ratha Chadi Gayau Akasa | Garjau Attahasa Kari Bhayi Kapi Katakahi Thrasa ||

Saththi Soola Tharavari Kripana | Asthra Sasthra Kulasayudha Nana || Darayi Parasu Parigha Pashana | Lageau Brishti Karai Bahu Bana || Dhasa Dhisi Rahe Bana Nabha Cchayi| Manahu Magha Megha Jjari Layi || Dharu Dharu Bharu Sunia Dhuni Kana | Jo Marayi Thehi Koau Na Jana || Gahi Giri Tharu Akasa Kapi Dhavahi | Dhekhahi Thehi Na Dhukhitha Phiri Aavahi || Avaghata Ghata Bat Giri Kandhara | Mayabala Keenhesi Sara Panjjara || Jahi Kaha Byakula Bhaye Bandhara | Surapathi Bandhi Pare Janu Mandhara || Maruthasutha Angadha Nalaneela | Keenhesi Bikala Sakala Balaseesa || Puni Lacchimana Sugreevah Bhibheeshana | Saranhi Mari  Keenhesi Jarjjara Thana || Puni Raghupathi Sai Joojjai Laga | Sara Cchadayi Hoyi Lagahi Naga || Byala Pasa Basa Bhaye Kharari | Swabasa Anantha Yek Abikari || Nata Iva  Kapata Charitha Kara Nana | Sadha Swathanthra Yek Bhagavana || Ranasobha Lagi Prabhuhi Badhayo | Nagapasa Dhevanha Bhaya Payo ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana lamenting over the death of Kumbhakarnna


Chapter - 72– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana lamenting over the death of Kumbhakarnna


The Lord of Raghu, the King of Kosala who has matchless valor, shone brilliantly amidst the Vanars, bears, and demons on the battlefield, his beautiful face was covered in dust and perspiration, his lotus-like eyes reddened in anger, his body covered in the speck of blood, and the hands occupied on the powerful bow and arrows, the marvelous sight of the Lord Sri Ramachandra was beyond description even for the Lord Adhishesha who has thousands of tongues, then how can a Jeeva, Tulsidas could describe them?


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Bhavani, the wicked demon Kumbhakarnna who is the mass of sins and impurities, achieved liberation at the hands of Lord Sri Ramachandra, Oh! Girija, how unfortunate are the Jeeva who are not engaged in the worship of Lord Rama?” Thus, a long day of a vicious battle between the two equally competent warriors of demons and Vanars ended at the hours of dusk, all those mighty warriors of demons were besieged with exhaustion and weariness. The Vanaras and bears achieved enthusiasm and great energy at the compassionate grace of Lord Sri Ramachandra resembled the hay added to the fire. The number of warriors of demons decreased day by day, like the pieties and noble deeds of a person get decreased by self-praising them. Dashanan grieved on the battlefield holding the bodiless head of Kumbhakarnna, the women bet their chest and wept bitterly, thus they have offered tribute to the mighty warrior of a demon who has achieved liberation in the hands of compassionate Lord. Meghanatha, the elder son of Ravana arrived on the spot and consoled his father in many ways, described various legends to uplift his spirits, and spoke “Oh! Dear father, you will see my valor on the battlefield tomorrow, I need not pretend to be unconquerable, I have never got an opportunity to exhibit my might, I shall prove my might and the chariot that I have achieved from my beloved deity.” Thus, Meghanatha continued to alleviate the grief of his father until daybreak, as soon as the sun dawned, the four gates of the Palace of Ravana were occupied by mighty Vanaras and bears in huge number. The Vanaras and bears resembled terrible as death, while the mighty demons stood exceedingly staunch on the battlefield. Sage Kakabhusundi speaks “Oh! Garuda, the battle between the army of Rama, and the Ravana was beyond description.”


Sangrama Bhoomi Biraja Raghupathi Athulabala Kosala Dhani | Shramabindhu Mukha Rajeevalochana Aruna Than Sonitha Kani || Bhuja Jugala Pheratha Sara  Sarasana Bhalu Kapi Chahu Dhisi Bane | Kaha Dasa Tulasi Kahi Na Saka Cchabi Sesha Jehi Aanana Ghane ||


Nisichara Adhama Malakara Thahi Dheenha Nijadhama | Girija The Nara Mandhamathi Je Na  Bhajahi Sreerama ||

Dhin Ke Antha Phiri Dhau Ani | Samara Bhayi Subhatanha Shrama Dhani || Ramakripa Kapi Dhala BalaBada | Jimi Thrina Payi Laga Athi Dada || Cchijahi Nisichara Dhinu Aru Rathi | Nija Mukha Kahe sukritha Jehi Bhanthi || Bahu Bilapa Dhasakandhara Karayi | Bandhu Seesa  Puni Puni Ura Dharayi || Rovahi Nari Hridhaya Hathi Pani | Thasu Theja Bala Bipula Bakhani || Meghanadha Thehi Avasara Aayau | Kahi Bahu Katha Pitha Samujjayau ||Dhekheahu Kali Mori  Manusayi | Abahi Bahuth Ka  Karau Badayi || Ishtadheva  sai Balaratha Payau| So Bala Thatha Na  Thohi Dhekhayau || Yehi Bidhi Jalpatha Bhayau Bihana | Chahu Dhuara Lage Kapi Nana || Itha Kapi Bhalu Kala Sama Beera | Utha Rajanichara Athi Ranadheera || Larahi Subhata  Nija Nija Jaya Hethu | Barani Na Jayi Samara Khagakethu ||