Thursday, November 18, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The battle between Hanuman and Meghanatha


Chapter - 43– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The battle between Hanuman and Meghanatha


The demons armed with various weapons like daggers, spears, swords, bows, and arrows, etc. fought against the Vanaras and bears fiercely, the Vanaras got alarmed watching the might of the demons, Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Uma, whatever may come, at the end the virtuous will win.” The Vanaras darted to different directions seeking the help of Angadha, Hanuman, Nala, Neela, Dhvidha, while Vayuputhra with his army of Vanaras positioned on the western gate of the fortress where Meghanatha and his army of Demons were settled, understood his army of Vanaras needs his support at the moment of crisis. The gate did not give way to the Vanaras, Hanuman faced a huge obstacle before him, he grew extremely infuriated, gave out a loud roar, sprang on the fortress of Lanka, plucked a rock, and rushed to Meghanatha. He captured the chariot and the charioteer, crushed the chariot under his feet, pulled out Meghanatha, and gave a hard thump on his chest. Suddenly another charioteer appeared before Hanuman and carried Meghanatha who was brutally wounded on his chariot and drove to the palace.

Bahu Ayudha  Dhara Subhata Sab Birahi Pachari Pachari | Byakula Kiye Bhalu Kapi Parigha  Thrisolanhi Mari ||

 Bhaya Athura Kapi Bhagana Lage | Jadhdhyapi Uma  Jeethihahi Aage || Koau Kaha Kaha Angadha Hanumantha | Kaha Nala Neela Dubhidha Balavantha || Nija Dhala Bikala Suna Hanumana | Pacchima Dhwara Raha Balavana || Meghanadha Thaha Karayi Larayi | Toot Na Dhwara Parama Kadinayi || Pavanathanaya Man Bha Athi Krodha | Garjjau Prabala Kala Sama Jodha || Koodhi Lanka Gad Oopar Aava | Gahi Giri Meghanadha Kahu Dhava || Bhanjeau Ratha Sarathi Nipatha | Thahi Hridhaya Mahu Maresi Latha || Dhoosare Sootha Bikala Thehi Jana | Syandhana Ghali Thuratha Griha Aana ||

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana orders his men to meet their death on the battlefield


Chapter - 42– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana orders his men to meet their death on the battlefield


The mighty Vanaras and bears, plucked huge rocks and attacked the fortress, they darted through the crowd of enemies, get them caught on their legs, and thrashed them on the ground, some of them engaged in dual fights, some of the elderly Vanaras sprang into the fort of Lanka and caused chaos singing in praise of Rama, in this way, they have invaded the entire palace of Ravana and did all the monkey tricks. They sprang from one fortress to another, seized the demons on their legs, and jumped down on the ground from huge heights caused the demons to death, the grace of Rama multiplied the strength of the Vanaras, eventually, the army of demons was reduced in size. The Vanaras took a giant leap on the fortress and singing in praise of Lord of Raghu’s, brutally attacked the warriors of demons that resembled dark clouds that appeared before them. The people of Lanka, women, elderly, men, and children wept bitterly, poured out harsh words on Ravana for putting their lives in danger and being selfish. Ravana understood his men were brutally killed by the Vanaras and bears, could not control his rage “Oh! Warriors, if anyone flee from the battlefield would get caught and beheaded with my powerful sword, all your lives you have been taking pleasure in the luxuries of the palace, therefore you are ordained to fight for my protection.” The warriors of demons felt humiliated, distressed at the command of their King, returned to the battlefield in extreme fury, they were extremely dejected and mortified, made their way to the battlefield with a firm mind to meet their death while fighting for their lives, not in the hands of Ravana.


Dhari koodhara Khanda Prachanda Markata Bhalu Gad Par Darahi | Jjapatahi Charana Gahi Pataki Mahi  BhajiChalatha Bahuri Pacharahi || Athi Tharala Tharuna Prathapa Tharapahi Thamaki Gada Chadi Chadi Gaye | Kapi Bhalu Chadi Mandhiranha Jaha Thaha Rama Jasu Gavath Bhaye ||

Yeku Yeku Nisichara Gahi Puni Kapi Chale Parayi | Oopar Apu Hed Bhat Girahi Dharani Par Aayi ||

Ramaprathapa Prabala Kapijootha | Mardhahi Nisichar Subhat Barootha || Chade Dhurga Puni Jaha Thaha Banar | Jaya Raghubeera Prathapa Dhivakara || Chale Nisachara Nikara Parayi | Prabala Pavana Jimi Ghana Samudhayi || Hahakar Bhayau Pura Bhari | R0vahi Balaka Athura Nari || Sab Mili Dhehi Ravanahi Gari | Raja Karatha Yehi Mrithyu Hakari || Nija Dhala Bichala Suni Thehi  Kana | Pheri Subhata Lankesa Risana || Jo Rana Bimukha Suna Mei Kana | So Mei Hathab Karala Kripana || Sarbasu Khayi Bhoga Kari Nana | Samarabhoomi Bhaye Ballaba Prana || Ugra Bachana Suni Sakala Derane | Chale Krodha Kari subhata Lajane || Sanmukha Marana Beera Kei Sobha | Thab Thinha Thaja Prana Kara Lobha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The description of the battle between the Vanaras and demons


Chapter - 41– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The description of the battle between the Vanaras and demons


The dreadful demons armed with various weapons like bows, arrows, spears, daggers, maces, etc. rushed to the battlefield resembled the dark clouds on the top of Mount Sumeru. The deafening noises of the drums and the rattling sounds of weapons reverberated all over Lanka, the cowards besieged with the fear and anxiousness, while the fearless demons were advanced to the battleground, they have seen multitudes of Vanaras and bears of mountain-sized, darting from various directions, plucking huge trees and peaks hurling on them, that created space to infiltrate the army of demons, they were crushing teeth and banging fists, thus both the armies of Vanaras and demons were thrashing each other cheering the name of Rama and Ravana respectively. The huge battle between Rama and Ravana has begun, the demons heaved mountains on the Vanaras were caught on the hand and hurled back.


Nanayudha Sara Chapadhara Jathudhana Balabeera | Kota Kagooranhi Chadi Gaye Koti Koti Ranadheera ||

Kota Kagooranhi Sohahi Kaise | Meru Ke  Sringini Janu G
hana Baise || Bajahi Dola Nisana Juaau | Suni Dhuni Hoyi Bhatanhi Mana Chau || Bajahi Bheri Naphiri Apara | Suni Kadhara Ura Jahi Dharara || Dhekhinhi Jayi Kapinhi Ke Tatta | Athi Bisala Thanu Bhalu Subhatta || Dhavahi Ganahi Na Avaghat Ghata | Parbatha Phori Karahi Gahi Bata || Katakatahi Kotinha Bhata Garjahi | Dhasana Auta Katahi Athi Tharjahi || Utha Ravana Itha Rama Dhohayi | Jayathi Jayathi Jaya Pari Larayi || Nisichara Sikhara Samooha Dahavahi | Koodhi Dharahi Kapi Pheri Chalavahi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Ravana orders the demons to devour the Vanara and bears entered the city of Lanka


Chapter - 40– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Ravana orders the demons to devour the Vanara and bears entered the city of Lanka


The huge army of Vanaras and bears cheered in great enthusiasm “Hail Lord Sri Ramachandra! Hail younger brother of the Lord, Lakshman! Hail Kapeesa Sugreevah !” they have produced a deafening roar that engulfed the city of Lanka. The arrogant Lankapathi Ravana smiled cynically and ordered his men “Oh! Demons, look at the ill fate of Vanaras and bears, they have arrived in the city in large numbers, many of our demons are hungry, today they might achieve sumptuous meat in their homes.” Ravana laughed out haughtily “Oh! Mighty demons, drive yourself to all directions, don’t leave a single Vanara and bear on your sight, devour them all.” Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Devi Uma, Ravana was completely plagued with his might, like the bats hang down upside down the trees, thinking that the trees will protect them if the sky falls on them.” Soon the several thousands of demons got prepared with vicious weapons like spears, swords, axes, fireballs, clubs, daggers, and mass of rock in their hands proceeded to meet the army of Lord Sri Ramachandra, alas! they were moving to the mouth of miserable death without their knowledge, like the carnivores’ swoop down on the mass of precious gems mistaking them as a sumptuous meal, eventually, get hurt themselves.


Jayathi Rama Jaya Lacchimana Jaya Kapeesa  Sugreeva | Garjahi Sindhanadh Kapi Bhalu Mahabala Seeva ||

Lanka Bhayau KOlahala Bhari | Suna Dhasanana Athi Ahamkari || Dhekhahu Banarah Kei Didayi | Bihasi Nisachara Sena Bolayi || Aaye Keesa Kala Ke  Prere | Cchudhavanth Sab Nisichara Mere || Asa Kahi Attahasa Sad Keenha | Griha Baite Aahara Bidhi Dheenha || Subhata Sakala Charihu Dhisi Jahu | Dhari Dhari Bhalu Keesa Sab Khahu || Uma Ravanahi Asa Abhimana | Jimi Tittima Khaga Sutha Uthana || Chale Nisachara Aayasu Magi | GahiKara Bindipala Bara Sagi || Thomara Mudhgara Parasu Prachanda | Soola Kripana Parigha Girikhanda || Jimi Arunopala Nikara Nihari |Dhavahi Sad Khaga Mamsa Aahari || Choch Bhanga Dhukha Thinhahi Na Soojja | Thimi Dhaye Manujadha Aboojja ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The arrival of mighty Vanaras and bears in the city of Lanka


Chapter - 39– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The arrival of mighty Vanaras and bears in the city of Lanka


Angadha speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Kosaladheesa, the ten-headed demon Ravana has lost his piety and has been drenched in ignorance, that is why he has grown afar from your lotus feet, which resulted in falling under the clutches of death. The aforesaid four virtues of the King 1) Sama 2) Dhana 3) Dhanda and 4) Bedha abandoned him, these four virtues represent the four pieces of his crown that have already taken shelter at your lotus feet.” Rama smiled at the ingenious response of Angadha, further he described the fortress of Lanka, the army of Ravana, etc. Rama summoned his counselors after obtaining clear-cut information about the Kingdom of Lanka, and instructed them “Oh! Dear comrades, Lanka has four massive gates, think over how can we invade them.” Soon, the chief of Vanara Sugrivah, elderly Jambavan, and Vibhishana the younger brother of Ravana meditated upon Lord Sri Ramachandra and came out with a brilliant plan, they mutually discussed and came into conclusion to divide the huge army of Vanaras and bears into four sections led by strong warriors. Further, they have called upon the leaders and discussed their plan in detail, and finally conceived a clear-cut idea of who should lead the army, how to attack the opponent, etc. everyone bowed before the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra. The mighty Vanaras and bears holding mountain-sized rocks and peaks proceeded to Lanka, cheering in great enthusiasm “Hail Lord Seethapathi! Hail Lord of Raghu! Hail Lord of Kosala!” these Vanaras and bears produced deafening roar that kindled fear among the people of Lanka. Although the Vanaras and bears have thoroughly known the fortress of Lanka is impenetrable, they have moved at the will and might of Lord Sri Ramachandra, soon the four huge gates of the fortress were encompassed by the mighty Vanaras, and bear-like the clouds disperse all over the sky, they have produced deafening sound of kettle drums revealing their arrival in the city.

Dharmaheena Prabhupadha Bimukha Kala Bibasa Dhasaseesa | Thehi Parihari Guna Aaye Sunahu Kosaladheesa || Parama Chathuratha Shravana Suni Bihase Ramu Udhara | Samachara Puni Sab Kahe Gada Ke  Balikumara ||

Ripu Ke  Samachara Jab Paye | Rama Sachiva Sab Nikata Bolaye || Lanka Banke Chari Dhuara | Kehi Bidhi Lagia Karahu Bichara || Thab Kapeesa Ricchesa Bibheeshana | Sumiri Hridhaya Dhinakarakula Bhooshana || Kari Bichari Thinha Manthra Dhridava | Chari Ani Kapi Kataku Banava || Jathajoga Senapathi Keenhe | Joothapa Sakala Boli Thab Leenhe || Prabhu Prathapa Kahi Sab Samujjaye | Suni Kapi Sidhanadha Kari Dhaye || Harashitha Ramacharana Sira Navahi | Gahi Giri Sikhara Beera Sab Ghavahi || Garjahi Tharjahi Bhalu Kapeesa | Jaya Raghubeera Kosaladheesa || Janatha Parama Dhurga Athi Lanka | Prabhu Prathapa Kapi Chale Asamka || Ghatatopa Kari Chahu Dhisi Gheri | Mukhahi Nisana  Bajavahi Bheri ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The conversation between Rama and Angadha – The four virtues of Statesmanship 1) Sama 2)Dhama 3)Dhanda and 4)Bedha


Chapter - 38– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The conversation between Rama and Angadha – The four virtues of Statesmanship 1) Sama 2)Dhama 3)Dhanda and 4)Bedha


Devi Mandodhari speaks “Oh! Prabho, your two sons Akshakumara and Prahastha were got killed by the mighty Vanaras. Your capital Lanka has burnt down into ashes, kindly learn from your mistakes, leave your animosity against the merciful Lord Sri Ramachandra, and worship him so that you can achieve eternal fame and glory.” Thus, Devi Mandodhari continued to advise her beloved Lord Ravana till the daybreak, at the early hours of dawn Ravana haughtily rushed to the assembly, forgot all his fears and anxiousness, occupied his majestic throne. Rama called out for Angadha who appeared before Lord and reverentially prostrated before him, was asked to take a seat closer to the Lord. Rama spoke with a smile “Oh! Son of Vali, Oh! Dear child, I wanted to know the truth, is that Ravana is the chief of the demon race? Is he possessed incomparable might which was highly speaking all over the world? Oh! Son, it is strange to note that how did you manage to toss the crown of Ravana?” Angadha spoke fervently “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sarvajja, Oh! Pranathasukhakari, I have learned from you that the four virtues of statesmanship are 1) Sama/reconciliation, 2) Dhama/restrain 3) Dhanda/punishment 4) Bhedha/divide are the essential qualities of a King. The Veda eulogizes them as the four pedestals of the statesmanship, it came into my mind before this incident took place in the assembly of Ravana.”


Dhuyi Sutha Mare Dhaheau Pura Ajahu Poora Piya Dhehu | Kripasindhu Raghunatha Bhaji Natha Bimala Jasu Lehu ||

Nari Bachana Suni Bisikha Samana | Sabha Gayau Udi Hoth Bihana || Bait Jayi Sindhasana Phooli | Athi Abhimana Thrasa Sab Bhooli || Iha  Rama Angadhahi Bolava | Aayi Charana Pankaja Siru Nava || Athi Aadhar Sameepa Baitari | Bole Bihasi Kripala Kharari || Balithanaya Kauthuka Athi Mohi | Thatha Sathya Kahu Poochahu Thohi || Ravanu Jathudhana Kula Teeka | Bhujabala Athula Jasu Jaga Leeka || Thasu Mukuta Thumha Chari Chalaye | Kahahu Thatha Kavani Bidhi Paye || Sunu Sarbagya Pranatha Sukhakari | Mukuta  Na Hohi Bhoopa Gunachari || Sama Dhana Aru Dhanda Bibhedha | Nripa Ura Basahi Natha Kaha Bedha || Neethi Dharma Ke Charana Suhaye | Asa Jiya Jani Natha Pahi Aaye ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – The death does not punish the Jeeva with the vicious weapons, it steals intellect, wisdom, virtues, strength, and the reasoning ability of the Jeeva


Chapter - 37– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – The death does not punish the Jeeva with the vicious weapons, it steals intellect, wisdom, virtues, strength, and the reasoning ability of the Jeeva


Devi Mandodhari spoke “Oh! My beloved Lord, kindly understand the might of Lord Sri Ramachandra who is the Lord of the Universe, he killed Viradha, Kabandha, Khara, and Dhushana, and took the life of Vali with the shot of a single arrow. Oh! Prabho, he is the most compassionate Lord who has sent the powerful emissaries to protect you from grief and troubles. You have been humiliated and crushed your pride in the grand assembly by his emissaries like the lion attacks the herd of elephants. He is the Lord of the solar race, who constructed a mighty bridge across the vast ocean as a mere sport, he encamped with several Vanaras and bears as his armies on Mount Suvela. Oh! Prabho, he has formidable warriors like Angadha, and Hanuman, who is unconquerable on the battlefields, still you believe him as a mortal, kindly leave your pride and arrogance. Oh! Prabho, you have turned hostile to Lord of Raghu, like death has taken over you, the light of wisdom has disappeared from your mind. Oh! Prabho, death does not punish the Jeeva with vicious weapons, it steals intellect, wisdom, virtues, strength, and reasoning ability and it punishes only the Jeeva who has fallen as the victim of illusion/attachment to worldly matters and bondage.”


Badhi Biradha Khara Dhooshanahi Leela Hathyo Kabandha | Bali Yek Sar Maryo Thehi Janahu Dhasakandha ||

Jehi Jalanatha Badhayau Hela | Uthare Prabhu Dhala Sahitha Subela || Karuneeka Dhinakara Kula Kethu | Dhootha Padayau Thava Hitha Hethu || Sabha Majj Jehi Thava Bala Matha | Kari Barootha Mahu Mrigapathi Jatha || Angadha Hanumantha Anuchara  Jake | Rana Bakure Beera Athi Banke || Thehi Kaha Piya Puni Puni Nara Kahahu | Mudha Mana Mamatha  Madha Badhahu|| Ahaha Kantha Kritha Rama Birodha | Kala Bibasa Mana Upaja Na Bodha || Kala Dhanda Gahi Kahu Na Mara | Harayi Dharma Bala Budhdhi Bichara || Nikata Kala Jehi Aavath Sayi | Thehi Bhrama Hoyi Thumaharahi Nayi ||